Bush has heart surgery, libs tweet get well messages

Torture for one. He even admitted it. Lucky you that obama didn't sic his attorney general on bush.

He's admitted to committing a crime? LINK!!

Mucho evidence of him admitting to waterboarding , here's one. You're probably behind
times though, seeing how you think texas is a republic.

Pres. Bush admits to war crimes? | National Catholic Reporter

My son's had to be waterboarded before because of his job in the military.....he's fine.
More pleasantries from the brain dead rust belt.

How many people died in their bullshit wars? How many dollars did the taxpayer get saddled with during the S and L bailout? Who was indicted in that scandal and settled out of court? Who was that guy that helped finance uncle Adolph? Who was that guy who robbed Geronimo's grave and took his skull back to his pathetic little club at Yale? Who said ""If the people knew what we had done they'd chase us down in the streets and lynch us."? What was the name of the man who he and his entire family were shot dead after writing a less than compassionate book about the that vile family?

Typical liberal. Makes claims that he can't back up.

When I want to speak to you, I'll tug on your mullet redneck.

It's an open forum, ya dumbass liberal!!
The bigger questions is the number of crimes he and his family have perpetrated over the years for big business and the military industrial complex but if you want to rally around dog shit then that is your choice.

Where's the evidence of these alleged crimes?

Oh that's right, you don't have any!!

Typical liberal!!

Torture for one. He even admitted it. Lucky you that obama didn't sic his attorney general on bush.

Can you back that up with facts?
He's admitted to committing a crime? LINK!!

Mucho evidence of him admitting to waterboarding , here's one. You're probably behind
times though, seeing how you think texas is a republic.

Pres. Bush admits to war crimes? | National Catholic Reporter

My son's had to be waterboarded before because of his job in the military.....he's fine.
The difference is the knowledge that they will not allow his life to be in danger.

When you know that they will not allow you to be injured, it's no longer torture.
Teas was once a Republic. You deny that fact?

You guys still haven't seceded? Get crackin'!

Without Texas the rest of the country would certainly fail. You should be glad we're sticking around.

Completely predictable.

These are the same butthurt lolberal hypocrites who would keel over with heart attacks of their own if a conservative ever suggested that some liberal icon with a health crisis "should" die. But most conservative don't think like that.

Heck, I even wished Teddy a speedy recovery, although I believe he was a lowlife man-slaughtering cock sucker. I took SOME joy in the demise of Osama bin Laden. So that means that the loberal vermin who are wishing death on W actually see him as being AS bad as the late terrorist leader. :cuckoo:

Lolberalism is a fucking mental defect.

This is a left-exclusive sort of behavior?

I've seen mountains of nasty things said about the entire Obama family by folks on the right. Apparently even the kids are fair game in some circles.

And to be honest, I can understand why a lot of folks are pretty upset with W. Bush. The man played a major role in perpetuating a 3 trillion dollar war that killed 6k+ Americans over a false pretense - right?

He's also responsible for many of the Orwellian laws that have turned America into one of the most spied on nations on the planet, all while tearing the Constitution to shreds. Obama picked up right where he left off...

Not a fan of either dudes..

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