Bush has heart surgery, libs tweet get well messages

Oh that EVUL George W. Bush. First he sends funding to Africa to combat AIDS...and then he goes to Africa and helps renovate a cancer screening center for women.

Bush Helps Renovate Health Center on Africa Trip | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

When will his Diabolical Plots Cease?

That's the best thing you can post regarding Bush..him helping out some people in Africa?

What about the thousands of US citizens dead after being sent to Iraq over a false pretense?


How about criticizing his policies in another thread? It's quite tacky to attack someone who is ill. Decent people would just wish him a speedy recovery.

That would be fine if this was a get well thread, but instead of doing that, the OP went another route.
Oh that EVUL George W. Bush. First he sends funding to Africa to combat AIDS...and then he goes to Africa and helps renovate a cancer screening center for women.

Bush Helps Renovate Health Center on Africa Trip | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

When will his Diabolical Plots Cease?

That's the best thing you can post regarding Bush..him helping out some people in Africa?

What about the thousands of US citizens dead after being sent to Iraq over a false pretense?


Your claim and reality do not converge. I think you meant "false premise" by the way. Like your own petty little pointless. A false "pretense" is a double negation. It would mean, roughly, "the honest reason." Freud laughs at you.

ALL wars result in deaths. ALL wars are thus tragic.

No President has ever relished sending our troops off to fight since nobody wants anybody on their own side killed.

That doesn't mean it was either avoidable or seen as being avoidable.

It MIGHT even have been predicated on a mistaken set of beliefs or assumptions. But that's quite different than the insidious and baseless crap YOU suggest.





That's the best thing you can post regarding Bush..him helping out some people in Africa?

What about the thousands of US citizens dead after being sent to Iraq over a false pretense?


How about criticizing his policies in another thread? It's quite tacky to attack someone who is ill. Decent people would just wish him a speedy recovery.

That would be fine if this was a get well thread, but instead of doing that, the OP went another route.

Yes...so it's turned into another excuse for Haters to have a Hatefest.
How about criticizing his policies in another thread? It's quite tacky to attack someone who is ill. Decent people would just wish him a speedy recovery.

That would be fine if this was a get well thread, but instead of doing that, the OP went another route.

Yes...so it's turned into another excuse for Haters to have a Hatefest.

Pretty much.
That's why one shouldn't stoop to their enemies level. He should have posted a get well thread and be done with it.
And if any liberal said rude comments about him having surgery then they have to live with being a dbag.
Oh that EVUL George W. Bush. First he sends funding to Africa to combat AIDS...and then he goes to Africa and helps renovate a cancer screening center for women.

Bush Helps Renovate Health Center on Africa Trip | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

When will his Diabolical Plots Cease?

That's the best thing you can post regarding Bush..him helping out some people in Africa?

What about the thousands of US citizens dead after being sent to Iraq over a false pretense?


How about criticizing his policies in another thread? It's quite tacky to attack someone who is ill. Decent people would just wish him a speedy recovery.

I didn't attack him. However, what if his death might mean the world might be a better place (ie less wars, less authoritarian laws, etc)?

Extreme example (not comparing the two directly), but was it ok for the world to celebrate the death of Osama Bin Laden? Or Hitler?

Bush, I believe, played a big part in making the Iraqi war happen - under a false pretense - that resulted in the deaths of HUNDREDS of thousands of individuals.

Not going to "hope" he dies, but I'm not going to pretend he is a great person.

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Oh that EVUL George W. Bush. First he sends funding to Africa to combat AIDS...and then he goes to Africa and helps renovate a cancer screening center for women.

Bush Helps Renovate Health Center on Africa Trip | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

When will his Diabolical Plots Cease?

That's the best thing you can post regarding Bush..him helping out some people in Africa?

What about the thousands of US citizens dead after being sent to Iraq over a false pretense?


Your claim and reality do not converge. I think you meant "false premise" by the way. Like your own petty little pointless. A false "pretense" is a double negation. It would mean, roughly, "the honest reason." Freud laughs at you.

ALL wars result in deaths. ALL wars are thus tragic.

No President has ever relished sending our troops off to fight since nobody wants anybody on their own side killed.

That doesn't mean it was either avoidable or seen as being avoidable.

It MIGHT even have been predicated on a mistaken set of beliefs or assumptions. But that's quite different than the insidious and baseless crap YOU suggest.






"False premise" - yes. On phone, typing quickly. Anyways, my apologies Mr.

War is big business, and I do believe there are forces who would sacrifice lives to make sure revenue streams continue to flow. I do believe those forces nudged Bush into entering into a war.

All wars are tragic - yes - however wars fought simply to keep a military industrial complex up running vs a more noble cause (like stopping Hitler) are much more tragic because they didn't need to occur.

Unlike WWII, We didn't need to send military forces to Iraq; the country had zero involvement in 9/11, and posed no immediate and imminent threat to the US.

Bush led us astray, and I'm calling him out.

He was a bad President.

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That's the best thing you can post regarding Bush..him helping out some people in Africa?

What about the thousands of US citizens dead after being sent to Iraq over a false pretense?


Your claim and reality do not converge. I think you meant "false premise" by the way. Like your own petty little pointless. A false "pretense" is a double negation. It would mean, roughly, "the honest reason." Freud laughs at you.

ALL wars result in deaths. ALL wars are thus tragic.

No President has ever relished sending our troops off to fight since nobody wants anybody on their own side killed.

That doesn't mean it was either avoidable or seen as being avoidable.

It MIGHT even have been predicated on a mistaken set of beliefs or assumptions. But that's quite different than the insidious and baseless crap YOU suggest.






"False premise" - yes. On phone, typing quickly. Anyways, my apologies Mr.

War is big business, and I do believe there are forces who would sacrifice lives to make sure revenue streams continue to flow. I do believe those forces nudged Bush into entering into a war.

All wars are tragic - yes - however wars fought simply to keep a military industrial complex up running vs a more noble cause (like stopping Hitler) are much more tragic because they didn't need to occur.

Unlike WWII, We didn't need to send military forces to Iraq; the country had zero involvement in 9/11, and posed no immediate and imminent threat to the US.

Bush led us astray, and I'm calling him out.

He was a bad President.

bad? No. Horrible is more like it. To this day some still say the iraq war was a great idea ...still..... How many people died for this crap. For what? So Halliburton could get rich? It did...so congrats bush?
Typical liberal. Makes claims that he can't back up.

When I want to speak to you, I'll tug on your mullet redneck.

It's an open forum, ya dumbass liberal!!

Let's step back a few paces here Texas, and try not to Jingle and Jangle your spurs too much.

I simply asked why does anyone care about a POS like Bush? You countered with predictable name calling. You would think I was taking a piss on the Virgin Mary herself. What does my disdain for proven scumbags have to do with my political orientation? I'd wager that I'm more conservative than you are , but you reply with boorish, inept responses that weren't even targeted toward you.

But if it makes you feel better please feel free to saddle up and ride over yonder to his Crawford ranch and give old George a big ole sloppy Texas kiss, and a get well card.
Simple question...what did Iraq have to do with 9-11?

I don't have a clue. Tell us.

Absolutely nothing...but you all fell for wmd's. Fuck bush.....speaking as a vet who.was in during that crap and thinking about all that died for nothing but money.

Warrior thinks Iraq attacked the US.

He also thinks real vets are all gay.

Thank you for your service, Zona.

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