Bush has heart surgery, libs tweet get well messages

Why does anyone in their right mind care about the health of POS like George Bush? This is not a partisan question.

Um, probably because he is a human being. I felt the same way when Ted Kennedy died. I don't wish Ill on any human being especially not over stupid politics.


This is a left-exclusive sort of behavior?

I've seen mountains of nasty things said about the entire Obama family by folks on the right. Apparently even the kids are fair game in some circles.

And to be honest, I can understand why a lot of folks are pretty upset with W. Bush. The man played a major role in perpetuating a 3 trillion dollar war that killed 6k+ Americans over a false pretense - right?

He's also responsible for many of the Orwellian laws that have turned America into one of the most spied on nations on the planet, all while tearing the Constitution to shreds. Obama picked up right where he left off...

Not a fan of either dudes..


One big difference in your comparison is that Bush is undergoing a heart procedure that could be serious. IMHO that means chill on the trash talking.

But, I agree with you that this behavior is not exclusive to liberals. I'm glad to see that there are liberals (RW and Bodecea) to name two who seem to understand that.

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I've been weatherboarded
It's refreshing
Pussy terrorists

I had Chinese torture on and off again during my childhood, does that count?

Was it one of those Chinese finger torture things, where once you put your fingers inside they wouldn't come out?? I hated those things!!!!!

No. Lol
It's where someone pins you down and either taps on your chest or acts like they are going to spit on you, then evidently spits on you.

But Chinese handcuff are not cool.
Why does anyone in their right mind care about the health of POS like George Bush? This is not a partisan question.

I don't care one way or the other NOW but, just like Ronnie Ray-Gun, he was a cancer on our country.

He belongs in jail.

Holy shit alert!^^. I just agreed with her. Ronnie Ray-Gun was not exactly without his faux pas either.

Shit, now I'm really in for it. I just criticized Reagan!
Oh that EVUL George W. Bush. First he sends funding to Africa to combat AIDS...and then he goes to Africa and helps renovate a cancer screening center for women.

Bush Helps Renovate Health Center on Africa Trip | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

When will his Diabolical Plots Cease?

That's the best thing you can post regarding Bush..him helping out some people in Africa?

What about the thousands of US citizens dead after being sent to Iraq over a false pretense?


Who has Obama helped? It hasn't been the American people, but he's done much for his Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorists.

As for the war....ask you leaders that voted FOR the war, and for years before said Saddam needed to be taken care of. Saddam was not complying with the inspectors. This had nothing to do with 9/11...it's a completely different issue. Just happened to come up about the same time. Do you know how many people signed up with the military when this happened? My son was one. He's now in Special Forces...going to Afghanistan in October. These soldiers are VOLUNTARY. And many wish Bush was still in office. I'm not comfortable at all with my son going over there with Obama in charge........neither is he.

This is a left-exclusive sort of behavior?

I've seen mountains of nasty things said about the entire Obama family by folks on the right. Apparently even the kids are fair game in some circles.

And to be honest, I can understand why a lot of folks are pretty upset with W. Bush. The man played a major role in perpetuating a 3 trillion dollar war that killed 6k+ Americans over a false pretense - right?

He's also responsible for many of the Orwellian laws that have turned America into one of the most spied on nations on the planet, all while tearing the Constitution to shreds. Obama picked up right where he left off...

Not a fan of either dudes..


One big difference in your comparison is that Bush is undergoing a heart procedure that could be serious. IMHO that means chill on the trash talking.

But, I agree with you that this behavior is not exclusive to liberals. I'm glad to see that there are liberals (RW and Bodecea) to name two who seem to understand that.


I've never understood that whole "don't speak ill of the dead" or be nice because he's sick.

Bush was among our absolute worst presidents. Being ill or dead does not change that.

Keep in mind too that the tax payers are paying for the procedure he had done. That's in spite of the fact that the damn pubs have blown off more than $50 MILLION on their phony votes against the law that will make it possible for all Americans to get life saving procedures like the one we just paid for our war criminal ex-prez to get.

Do any of you nutter rw's really believe that the shrub would vote for YOU to be eligible for that coverage?

If you do, my bet is you're wrong. I have no doubt Bush would vote against it. And, I'd bet he'd be telling the same lies the GObP has been piling on since they voted in favor of ObamaCare.
Oh that EVUL George W. Bush. First he sends funding to Africa to combat AIDS...and then he goes to Africa and helps renovate a cancer screening center for women.

Bush Helps Renovate Health Center on Africa Trip | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

When will his Diabolical Plots Cease?

That's the best thing you can post regarding Bush..him helping out some people in Africa?

What about the thousands of US citizens dead after being sent to Iraq over a false pretense?


Who has Obama helped? It hasn't been the American people, but he's done much for his Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorists. BULLSHIT. How is it possible for you idiots to say these things? Bush didn't kill any terrorists. He didn't have the time because he was always on vacation clearing brush. Bush STATED he didn't care about bin Laden. It has been Obama who has killed hundreds of al Qaeda and you can't lie your way out of that FACT. In fact, I know you have been among those asshole rw's here who sided with the terrorists against our president because he used drones.

As for the war....ask you leaders that voted FOR the war, and for years before said Saddam needed to be taken care of. Saddam was not complying with the inspectors. This had nothing to do with 9/11...it's a completely different issue. Just happened to come up about the same time. Do you know how many people signed up with the military when this happened? My son was one. He's now in Special Forces...going to Afghanistan in October. These soldiers are VOLUNTARY. And many wish Bush was still in office. I'm not comfortable at all with my son going over there with Obama in charge........neither is he.

MORE bull shit.

Your son has a much better chance of getting out of that hell hole alive with Obama in office than with Rootin-Tootin-Ca-Boy George wanting more wars and more profiteering for his dick of a veep.

Hate Obama if you want but can the lies and accept the FACT that it was bush who started these wars and its President Obama who is ending them.

Oh that EVUL George W. Bush. First he sends funding to Africa to combat AIDS...and then he goes to Africa and helps renovate a cancer screening center for women.

Bush Helps Renovate Health Center on Africa Trip | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

When will his Diabolical Plots Cease?

That's the best thing you can post regarding Bush..him helping out some people in Africa?

What about the thousands of US citizens dead after being sent to Iraq over a false pretense?


Who has Obama helped? It hasn't been the American people, but he's done much for his Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorists.

As for the war....ask you leaders that voted FOR the war, and for years before said Saddam needed to be taken care of. Saddam was not complying with the inspectors. This had nothing to do with 9/11...it's a completely different issue. Just happened to come up about the same time. Do you know how many people signed up with the military when this happened? My son was one. He's now in Special Forces...going to Afghanistan in October. These soldiers are VOLUNTARY. And many wish Bush was still in office. I'm not comfortable at all with my son going over there with Obama in charge........neither is he.

Obama? How is he related to a conversation about Bush?

But.... if you want to know my view on that guy, I'd say he's just as bad.

This is a left-exclusive sort of behavior?

I've seen mountains of nasty things said about the entire Obama family by folks on the right. Apparently even the kids are fair game in some circles.

And to be honest, I can understand why a lot of folks are pretty upset with W. Bush. The man played a major role in perpetuating a 3 trillion dollar war that killed 6k+ Americans over a false pretense - right?

He's also responsible for many of the Orwellian laws that have turned America into one of the most spied on nations on the planet, all while tearing the Constitution to shreds. Obama picked up right where he left off...

Not a fan of either dudes..


One big difference in your comparison is that Bush is undergoing a heart procedure that could be serious. IMHO that means chill on the trash talking.

But, I agree with you that this behavior is not exclusive to liberals. I'm glad to see that there are liberals (RW and Bodecea) to name two who seem to understand that.


I've never understood that whole "don't speak ill of the dead" or be nice because he's sick.

Bush was among our absolute worst presidents. Being ill or dead does not change that.

Keep in mind too that the tax payers are paying for the procedure he had done. That's in spite of the fact that the damn pubs have blown off more than $50 MILLION on their phony votes against the law that will make it possible for all Americans to get life saving procedures like the one we just paid for our war criminal ex-prez to get.

Do any of you nutter rw's really believe that the shrub would vote for YOU to be eligible for that coverage?

If you do, my bet is you're wrong. I have no doubt Bush would vote against it. And, I'd bet he'd be telling the same lies the GObP has been piling on since they voted in favor of ObamaCare.

Sorry, you're the only nutter in this conversation.

I would agree Bush was among the worst of our Presidents, if not THE worst, but then there are times when one can be a prick and there are times when one should grow up and keep his mouth shut. Someday maybe you will figure that out.

This is a left-exclusive sort of behavior?

I've seen mountains of nasty things said about the entire Obama family by folks on the right. Apparently even the kids are fair game in some circles.

And to be honest, I can understand why a lot of folks are pretty upset with W. Bush. The man played a major role in perpetuating a 3 trillion dollar war that killed 6k+ Americans over a false pretense - right?

He's also responsible for many of the Orwellian laws that have turned America into one of the most spied on nations on the planet, all while tearing the Constitution to shreds. Obama picked up right where he left off...

Not a fan of either dudes..


One big difference in your comparison is that Bush is undergoing a heart procedure that could be serious. IMHO that means chill on the trash talking.

But, I agree with you that this behavior is not exclusive to liberals. I'm glad to see that there are liberals (RW and Bodecea) to name two who seem to understand that.


I've never understood that whole "don't speak ill of the dead" or be nice because he's sick.

Bush was among our absolute worst presidents. Being ill or dead does not change that.

Keep in mind too that the tax payers are paying for the procedure he had done. That's in spite of the fact that the damn pubs have blown off more than $50 MILLION on their phony votes against the law that will make it possible for all Americans to get life saving procedures like the one we just paid for our war criminal ex-prez to get.

Do any of you nutter rw's really believe that the shrub would vote for YOU to be eligible for that coverage?

If you do, my bet is you're wrong. I have no doubt Bush would vote against it. And, I'd bet he'd be telling the same lies the GObP has been piling on since they voted in favor of ObamaCare.


Teddy, what do ya think they'll say about us, well Porky it depends
who saying, a normal person or a low-life...
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There will always be crappy people out there who say these kinds of things.

Unfortunately, this is not news. We just do it with tweets instead of swords.

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