Bush has heart surgery, libs tweet get well messages

That's the best thing you can post regarding Bush..him helping out some people in Africa?

What about the thousands of US citizens dead after being sent to Iraq over a false pretense?


Who has Obama helped? It hasn't been the American people, but he's done much for his Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorists. BULLSHIT. How is it possible for you idiots to say these things? Bush didn't kill any terrorists. He didn't have the time because he was always on vacation clearing brush. Bush STATED he didn't care about bin Laden. It has been Obama who has killed hundreds of al Qaeda and you can't lie your way out of that FACT. In fact, I know you have been among those asshole rw's here who sided with the terrorists against our president because he used drones.

As for the war....ask you leaders that voted FOR the war, and for years before said Saddam needed to be taken care of. Saddam was not complying with the inspectors. This had nothing to do with 9/11...it's a completely different issue. Just happened to come up about the same time. Do you know how many people signed up with the military when this happened? My son was one. He's now in Special Forces...going to Afghanistan in October. These soldiers are VOLUNTARY. And many wish Bush was still in office. I'm not comfortable at all with my son going over there with Obama in charge........neither is he.

MORE bull shit.

Your son has a much better chance of getting out of that hell hole alive with Obama in office than with Rootin-Tootin-Ca-Boy George wanting more wars and more profiteering for his dick of a veep.

Hate Obama if you want but can the lies and accept the FACT that it was bush who started these wars and its President Obama who is ending them.


Which wars did Bush start without Congressional approval. You mean, he rolled into Iraq like Hitler rolled into Poland? And you say wars - with an S.
Which wars are you referring to that he started, like Hitler did, rolling into Poland.
Who has Obama helped? It hasn't been the American people, but he's done much for his Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorists. BULLSHIT. How is it possible for you idiots to say these things? Bush didn't kill any terrorists. He didn't have the time because he was always on vacation clearing brush. Bush STATED he didn't care about bin Laden. It has been Obama who has killed hundreds of al Qaeda and you can't lie your way out of that FACT. In fact, I know you have been among those asshole rw's here who sided with the terrorists against our president because he used drones.

As for the war....ask you leaders that voted FOR the war, and for years before said Saddam needed to be taken care of. Saddam was not complying with the inspectors. This had nothing to do with 9/11...it's a completely different issue. Just happened to come up about the same time. Do you know how many people signed up with the military when this happened? My son was one. He's now in Special Forces...going to Afghanistan in October. These soldiers are VOLUNTARY. And many wish Bush was still in office. I'm not comfortable at all with my son going over there with Obama in charge........neither is he.

MORE bull shit.

Your son has a much better chance of getting out of that hell hole alive with Obama in office than with Rootin-Tootin-Ca-Boy George wanting more wars and more profiteering for his dick of a veep.

Hate Obama if you want but can the lies and accept the FACT that it was bush who started these wars and its President Obama who is ending them.


Which wars did Bush start without Congressional approval. You mean, he rolled into Iraq like Hitler rolled into Poland? And you say wars - with an S.
Which wars are you referring to that he started, like Hitler did, rolling into Poland.

Obviously, Iraq is the fault of many men and women, including the Dems who voted "yes".

However (refresh my memory), who was the Commandeer in Chief again? Who was the leader of the US Military at the time?

Who - at the end of the day - was at the very top of the military command chain when the orders were given to invade Bagdad and begin one of the most unnecessary (and costly) wars in United States history?

Who - at the end of the day - was at the very top of the military command chain when the orders were given to invade Bagdad and begin one of the most unnecessary (and costly) wars in United States history?


Who was the Commander In Chief when Bengazi was overthrown and Americans were killed?
Who was Commander In Chief today when Americans were killed in a down helicopter in Yemin?
Call the golf course and find out.

I can do this all day, dipshit.
Who - at the end of the day - was at the very top of the military command chain when the orders were given to invade Bagdad and begin one of the most unnecessary (and costly) wars in United States history?


Who was the Commander In Chief when Bengazi was overthrown and Americans were killed?
Who was Commander In Chief today when Americans were killed in a down helicopter in Yemin?
Call the golf course and find out.

I can do this all day, dipshit.

My friend (who has much to learn) the only President I dislike more than Bush happens to be Barack Obama (who was Commander in Chief at the time of all or those events).


I can do this all day too you moron. I very rarely call a fellow poster that but you sir do a great job at fitting the description.

Who - at the end of the day - was at the very top of the military command chain when the orders were given to invade Bagdad and begin one of the most unnecessary (and costly) wars in United States history?


Who was the Commander In Chief when Bengazi was overthrown and Americans were killed?
Who was Commander In Chief today when Americans were killed in a down helicopter in Yemin?
Call the golf course and find out.

I can do this all day, dipshit.

My friend (who has much to learn) the only President I dislike more than Bush happens to be Barack Obama (who was Commander in Chief at the time of all or those events).


I can do this all day too you moron. I very rarely call a fellow poster that but you sir do a great job at fitting the description.


Go to bed nutsack.
Who was the Commander In Chief when Bengazi was overthrown and Americans were killed?
Who was Commander In Chief today when Americans were killed in a down helicopter in Yemin?
Call the golf course and find out.

I can do this all day, dipshit.

My friend (who has much to learn) the only President I dislike more than Bush happens to be Barack Obama (who was Commander in Chief at the time of all or those events).


I can do this all day too you moron. I very rarely call a fellow poster that but you sir do a great job at fitting the description.


Go to bed nutsack.

I would but it just aint my bedtime yet.

Nice comeback, by the way ;)

Have a good evening, pal.

Oh that EVUL George W. Bush. First he sends funding to Africa to combat AIDS...and then he goes to Africa and helps renovate a cancer screening center for women.

Bush Helps Renovate Health Center on Africa Trip | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

When will his Diabolical Plots Cease?

That's the best thing you can post regarding Bush..him helping out some people in Africa?

What about the thousands of US citizens dead after being sent to Iraq over a false pretense?


Who has Obama helped? It hasn't been the American people, but he's done much for his Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorists.

As for the war....ask you leaders that voted FOR the war...

based on info provided by people like Doug Feith. Ever take your partisan blinders off long enough to read about him? :eusa_whistle: :doubt: The Bu$h II admin changed their reasons for going into Iraq 4+ times and nobody bought it so they went in anyway. :rolleyes:
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Who - at the end of the day - was at the very top of the military command chain when the orders were given to invade Bagdad and begin one of the most unnecessary (and costly) wars in United States history?


Who was the Commander In Chief when Bengazi was overthrown and Americans were killed?
Who was Commander In Chief today when Americans were killed in a down helicopter in Yemin?
Call the golf course and find out.

I can do this all day, dipshit.

Who was CinC when OBL was taken down. :D

This is fun. :clap:
You're damn right, Dick Cheney's heart's a political football. We ought to rip it out and kick it around and stuff it back in him.

And we have this from a big Lib Ed Schultz.... a real class act.
Who - at the end of the day - was at the very top of the military command chain when the orders were given to invade Bagdad and begin one of the most unnecessary (and costly) wars in United States history?


Who was the Commander In Chief when Bengazi was overthrown and Americans were killed?
Who was Commander In Chief today when Americans were killed in a down helicopter in Yemin?
Call the golf course and find out.

I can do this all day, dipshit.

Who was CinC when OBL was taken down. :D

This is fun. :clap:

JEEZ, ZonaBodey, even your imbecile hero, Jimmah Cartah, might have had the balls to authorize THAT strike.

The SEALS get the credit.

Obummer gets (and deserve), at most, a grudging nod of approval for not fucking blowing the call.

And that should be his epigraph:

"Obama. Remember that one time he DIDN'T totally fuck up?"
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Click this link: Andrew Breitbart Unleashes A Torrent Of Invective Against Sen. Ted Kennedy's Legacy On Twitter | ThinkProgress

Scroll to the end of the article.

It says Update: Megan Carpentier has rounded up other conservative Twitter attacks on Kennedy.

Unfortunately, the page has been moved or purged.

I could look and find more tweets. Wingnuts are a mean bunch. But you'll just find something to criticize about those, so I won't waste my time.

I've proven my point.

Click this link: Andrew Breitbart Unleashes A Torrent Of Invective Against Sen. Ted Kennedy's Legacy On Twitter | ThinkProgress

Scroll to the end of the article.

It says Update: Megan Carpentier has rounded up other conservative Twitter attacks on Kennedy.

Unfortunately, the page has been moved or purged.

I could look and find more tweets. Wingnuts are a mean bunch. But you'll just find something to criticize about those, so I won't waste my time.

I've proven my point.

No. You have no point. You remain pointless.

You lolberals are mean-spirited dishonest pussies.

That much IS clear.

Why does anyone in their right mind care about the health of POS like George Bush? This is not a partisan question.

What did the man ever do to you?

The bigger questions is the number of crimes he and his family have perpetrated over the years for big business and the military industrial complex but if you want to rally around dog shit then that is your choice.

Isn't that what makes an American Hero these days?
I wish the man well...

The procedure is quite routine now but there is always a danger. Getting it done should help him feel alot better

It was a surprise--as I believe G.W. was considered the healthiest of the bunch. A runner--now mountain biker who really stayed in shape. It just goes to show that things can happen--and what would be interesting is how they found this--what symptoms was he having--"if any" or was it just an exam that picked it up?

At any rate I wish him a speedy recovery.
All from ONE person. I suppose he represent everyone on the right. Oh and he's now dead.

Click this link: Andrew Breitbart Unleashes A Torrent Of Invective Against Sen. Ted Kennedy's Legacy On Twitter | ThinkProgress

Scroll to the end of the article.

It says Update: Megan Carpentier has rounded up other conservative Twitter attacks on Kennedy.

Unfortunately, the page has been moved or purged.

I could look and find more tweets. Wingnuts are a mean bunch. But you'll just find something to criticize about those, so I won't waste my time.

I've proven my point.

No. You have no point. You remain pointless.

You lolberals are mean-spirited dishonest pussies.

That much IS clear.


Your a real care bear yourself sweet cheeks.
I wish the man well...

The procedure is quite routine now but there is always a danger. Getting it done should help him feel alot better

It was a surprise--as I believe G.W. was considered the healthiest of the bunch. A runner--now mountain biker who really stayed in shape. It just goes to show that things can happen--and what would be interesting is how they found this--what symptoms was he having--"if any" or was it just an exam that picked it up?

At any rate I wish him a speedy recovery.

It would be interesting to know his cholesterol numbers.
Both Bush's were great comedians, why I never laughed so hard at a politician until their eras.

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