Bush: I voted for Hillary

A whole year of nothing and his party controls the government. That is an epic failure. Cute how you applaud failure though. Explains how the same repub turds keep getting elected.

What part of its not even been a year flew over your head? He was sworn into office in Jan, its only Nov 5th.

Yes november and all he has done is tweet and golf. Has any president ever done so little while his party controlled congress?

Riiiiight, you should consider changing your screen name :cuckoo:

I see you ignored the question. You voted for him so he could get lots of golf in I assume? Cause you sure don't care about his campaign promises. I guess controlling congress isn't enough for such a weak leader to get anything done?

Your trolling does not interest me, go do whatever it is you do when nobody will talk to you. :eusa_hand:

Keep cheerleading for the golfer in chief. It is very funny.
Of course, actually running against GHWB, and Orange Julius makes one a traitor.........
The Bushes voted for Hillary because they are two sides of the same Republocrat coin and Donald Trump made Jeb look like the weak spoiled Daddy's boy he is.
Most Americans voted against Liar in Chief 'Rump.
I suspect most of us knew. But does anyone still believe these people are not traitors?

"George Bush Sr has revealed in a new book that he voted for Hillary Clinton instead of "blowhard" Donald Trump in last year's US election.

Yes, you read that correctly.

And that's not all — George W Bush didn't vote for Mr Trump either."

George Bush Sr says he voted for Clinton over 'blowhard' Trump

So what?

Here's the real problem, a lot of republicans KNEW Trump was going to be exactly the fucking disaster he is, but said nothing during the campaign.

Some Republicans KNEW Trump was going to be exactly the disaster he is, but voted for him anyway.

And some of you know he's a fucking disaster now, but you keep supporting him because you don't want to admit you made a mistake.

Classic projection. I bet you voted for Hillary despite knowing what a disaster she was.

Trump's been a pleasure.

How is Hillary a disaster? She had an excellent record as SOS and a 68% approval rating when she left office. It’s only when she announced her intention to run for President that her approval rating dropped overnight.

Facts not the usual Republican lies and rumours. And don’t even try to go with Benghazi or the emails because Republican investigations of both yielded nothing.
Is this more of that ass-backward logic that we see so often from the Left?
Here's what we have on Donny T's watch.

You mean he's coasting on momentum that Obama left him? That's really not saying much, buddy.

And American unity is not up. More than half the country hates the guy. Rightfully so.

Remember, it's only been nine months...it will take some time to undue years of corruption.

Right. Hey, so why are TRUMP'S cronies the ones being indicted right now?
What disaster.....Isis is getting crushed instead of being armed

Great. So now the Iranians run the region. Why is this a good thing?

.economy is picking up...

Actually, it's slowing down. Job growth and stock increases are not as robust as they were in 2016. Only a matter of time before we get a correction.
Obama relentlessly attacked Bush for 8 years and then Bush kisses his butt in public.
The Bushs hate Trump because he defeated Jeb.
Jeb might as well have been a Democrat anyway.

It does not matter if the GOP candidate is a Dim in sheep's clothing like "W" was. After all, he spent money like a drunk sailor, ignored illegal immigration, started wars abroad, and passed one of the largest entitlements in US history with the Drugs for Seniors program. "W" was a full fledged Dim. So why did the left go after him so hard? It was because everyone has a devil and a savior, and for Dims the GOP candidate is their devil and vice versa. People need a devil, and if you don't give them one they will either lose interest or create one.
What disaster.....Isis is getting crushed instead of being armed

Great. So now the Iranians run the region. Why is this a good thing?

.economy is picking up...

Actually, it's slowing down. Job growth and stock increases are not as robust as they were in 2016. Only a matter of time before we get a correction.
...so we shouldnt have detroyed isis???? Get your wants in order eh......as for the economy...try some honesty eh
...so we shouldnt have detroyed isis???? Get your wants in order eh......

I have my want in order fine. We don't get involved over there. We don't send troops over there. We don't give money to the Fucking Zionists and piss off the entire region. We don't arm one side in a conflict and then act all fucking surprised when they turn on us. If they want to murder the shit out of each other over how many Imam's can dance on the head of a pin, it's totally not our problem.

But since the Oil Companies and Jews run our foreign policy, that won't happen. We'll keep sticking our dicks in a hornets nest and complain about getting stung.

.as for the economy...try some honesty eh

You first.

you can't name one policy that the Orange Shitgibbon has invoked that has prolonged the Recovery that began back in 2009. Because he hasn't invoked any. 9 months in, and no signifigant legislation has passed.

But it's only a matter of time before wehave a correction, because there's always a correction.
I suspect most of us knew. But does anyone still believe these people are not traitors?

"George Bush Sr has revealed in a new book that he voted for Hillary Clinton instead of "blowhard" Donald Trump in last year's US election.

Yes, you read that correctly.

And that's not all — George W Bush didn't vote for Mr Trump either."

George Bush Sr says he voted for Clinton over 'blowhard' Trump
Not surprising, they are both part of the establishment, especially George senior.

Who? You are as bad as the OP. There is no "George Bush senior".
The Establishment members stick together. I guess Bush would rather have a liar who endangered national security and who directly contributed to the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi--he'd prefer that option to Trump.

As opposed to a liar who cheats small businessmen and cons working class people and launders money for Russian criminals.

As for Benghazi, 7 Republican Investigations day otherwise.

That's what happens when you delete 30,000 emails.
Gee, color me shocked. Establishment Republicans are cut from the same cloth as establishment Democrats. Anybody that thinks there are any real differences between the two is delusional.

Actually, very hard to argue with this. But Trump is just a horrible choice to up end the apple cart!

He seems to be doing just fine!
I suspect most of us knew. But does anyone still believe these people are not traitors?

"George Bush Sr has revealed in a new book that he voted for Hillary Clinton instead of "blowhard" Donald Trump in last year's US election.

Yes, you read that correctly.

And that's not all — George W Bush didn't vote for Mr Trump either."

George Bush Sr says he voted for Clinton over 'blowhard' Trump

So what?

Here's the real problem, a lot of republicans KNEW Trump was going to be exactly the fucking disaster he is, but said nothing during the campaign.

Some Republicans KNEW Trump was going to be exactly the disaster he is, but voted for him anyway.

And some of you know he's a fucking disaster now, but you keep supporting him because you don't want to admit you made a mistake.

Classic projection. I bet you voted for Hillary despite knowing what a disaster she was.

Trump's been a pleasure.

How is Hillary a disaster? She had an excellent record as SOS and a 68% approval rating when she left office. It’s only when she announced her intention to run for President that her approval rating dropped overnight.

Facts not the usual Republican lies and rumours. And don’t even try to go with Benghazi or the emails because Republican investigations of both yielded nothing.

Excellent record? What have you been smoking?

I had just as many accomplishments as Secretary of State as she did and I never even served!
Gee, color me shocked. Establishment Republicans are cut from the same cloth as establishment Democrats. Anybody that thinks there are any real differences between the two is delusional.

Actually, very hard to argue with this. But Trump is just a horrible choice to up end the apple cart!

He seems to be doing just fine!

Ya not so much, his golf game may be improving but he has managed to do nothing real as president.
Would hope every one voted for the person who they thought would do the best job. even if it was a write in.
Gee, color me shocked. Establishment Republicans are cut from the same cloth as establishment Democrats. Anybody that thinks there are any real differences between the two is delusional.

Actually, very hard to argue with this. But Trump is just a horrible choice to up end the apple cart!

He seems to be doing just fine!

Ya not so much, his golf game may be improving but he has managed to do nothing real as president.

He pisses libs off with every Tweet. That works for me!

I must have missed which liberal now sits on the Supreme Court.

I must have missed the massive increase in illegals coming across the border.

I must have missed that massive spike in unemployment.

I must have missed the record losses in the stock market.

I guess there a lot of things I must have missed. Oh, wait! None of that happened!
Gee, color me shocked. Establishment Republicans are cut from the same cloth as establishment Democrats. Anybody that thinks there are any real differences between the two is delusional.

Actually, very hard to argue with this. But Trump is just a horrible choice to up end the apple cart!

He seems to be doing just fine!

Ya not so much, his golf game may be improving but he has managed to do nothing real as president.

He pisses libs off with every Tweet. That works for me!

I must have missed which liberal now sits on the Supreme Court.

I must have missed the massive increase in illegals coming across the border.

I must have missed that massive spike in unemployment.

I must have missed the record losses in the stock market.

I guess there a lot of things I must have missed. Oh, wait! None of that happened!

You have missed that he has done nothing but golf and cry bbbbbbut Hillary

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