Bush II Suppressed the 09/11 Report in order to blame Saddam


Bush II wasn't going to penalize his bosom buddies

Bush deliberately fostered the impression that Saddam was behind 9/11 without saying it directly.

Uh no he didnt....not a single person I know own thought that was because of 911......Bush even said it wasnt...

What 911 did....was make us look at Sadam and notice he never compiled with un resolutions. So then he made home an ultimatium....Sadam bluffed and lost...we did think he had wmds and didn't want a nut with those weapons....

So to recap
Remove Sadam
Remove wmds
Bring democracy
and kill any terrorists if any....which there were some...but not many
Bush deliberately fostered the impression that Saddam was behind 9/11 without saying it directly.

Uh no he didnt....not a single person I know own thought that was because of 911......Bush even said it wasnt...

You don't know a single person, eh? I'm sure a lot of people deny it NOW. But they sure as shit were bleeving it back then.

Christian Science Monitor, March 2003:

In his prime-time press conference last week, which focused almost solely on Iraq, President Bush mentioned Sept. 11 eight times. He referred to Saddam Hussein many more times than that, often in the same breath with Sept. 11.

Bush never pinned blame for the attacks directly on the Iraqi president. Still, the overall effect was to reinforce an impression that persists among much of the American public: that the Iraqi dictator did play a direct role in the attacks. A New York Times/CBS poll this week shows that 45 percent of Americans believe Mr. Hussein was "personally involved" in Sept. 11, about the same figure as a month ago.
Bush never blamed Saddam. Democrats made it up have been making it up ever since.
"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security." -- Hillary Clinton, October 10, 2002

Yeah, Democrats made up shock and awe and in fact Saddam is still in Iraq today stupid democrats and their lies!:mad:

Feel free to post where BUSH ever, even once, blamed 9/11 on Saddam?

You can't - it is a lie the left and moron conspiracy hacks float that has no basis in fact.
CNN.com - Transcript of Bush news conference on Iraq - Mar. 6, 2003

Bush said:

Saddam Hussein has a long history of reckless aggression and terrible crimes. He possess weapons of terror. He provides funding and training and safe haven to terrorists, terrorists who would willing use weapons of mass destruction against America and other peace-loving countries.

Saddam Hussein and his weapons are a direct threat to this country, to our people and to all free people.

If the world fails to confront the threat posed by the Iraqi regime, refusing to use force even as a last resort, free nations would assume the unacceptable risks.

The attacks of September the 11th, 2001, show what the enemies of America did with four airplanes. We will not wait to see what terrorists or terrorist states could do with weapons of mass destruction.

You can plainly see Bush attempting linkage between Hussein and 9/11.

on the heels of 911, 43 mentions mushroom cloud and its game over ... fear breaks out, RW's shit their drawers, and the country is guzzling piss out of the politcal trough... polticians who wanted to keep their job voted yes to an invasion .. to this day bullshit carries more weight than the truth.
CNN.com - Transcript of Bush news conference on Iraq - Mar. 6, 2003

Bush said:

Saddam Hussein has a long history of reckless aggression and terrible crimes. He possess weapons of terror. He provides funding and training and safe haven to terrorists, terrorists who would willing use weapons of mass destruction against America and other peace-loving countries.

Saddam Hussein and his weapons are a direct threat to this country, to our people and to all free people.

If the world fails to confront the threat posed by the Iraqi regime, refusing to use force even as a last resort, free nations would assume the unacceptable risks.

The attacks of September the 11th, 2001, show what the enemies of America did with four airplanes. We will not wait to see what terrorists or terrorist states could do with weapons of mass destruction.

You can plainly see Bush attempting linkage between Hussein and 9/11.
"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security." -- Hillary Clinton, October 10, 2002
on the heels of 911, 43 mentions mushroom cloud and its game over ... fear breaks out, RW's shit their drawers, and the country is guzzling piss out of the politcal trough... polticians who wanted to keep their job voted yes to an invasion .. to this day bullshit carries more weight than the truth.
"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security." -- Hillary Clinton, October 10, 2002
Those of us who were adults and on the internet back then well remember the pseudo-cons buying into the bleef that Saddam funded the 9/11 terrorists. Bush's rhetoric was carefully crafted to give that impression without directly saying it, as I illustrated above.

The strategery was very effective, as I also illustrated. Half of all Americans bleeved there was a link between Hussein and 9/11.

And just like always, the goldfish of today completely deny this happened.

Those of us who were adults and on the internet back then well remember the pseudo-cons buying into the bleef that Saddam funded the 9/11 terrorists. Bush's rhetoric was carefully crafted to give that impression without directly saying it, as I illustrated above.

The strategery was very effective, as I also illustrated. Half of all Americans bleeved there was a link between Hussein and 9/11.

And just like always, the goldfish of today completely deny this happened.
Your lack of links validates your speaking out of your ass again.
CNN.com - Transcript of Bush news conference on Iraq - Mar. 6, 2003

Bush said:

Saddam Hussein has a long history of reckless aggression and terrible crimes. He possess weapons of terror. He provides funding and training and safe haven to terrorists, terrorists who would willing use weapons of mass destruction against America and other peace-loving countries.

Saddam Hussein and his weapons are a direct threat to this country, to our people and to all free people.

If the world fails to confront the threat posed by the Iraqi regime, refusing to use force even as a last resort, free nations would assume the unacceptable risks.

The attacks of September the 11th, 2001, show what the enemies of America did with four airplanes. We will not wait to see what terrorists or terrorist states could do with weapons of mass destruction.

You can plainly see Bush attempting linkage between Hussein and 9/11.

Uh no, there is nothing there other than your usual partisan bullshit.

Saddam had the Achille Lauro terrorist under his protection, so Bush was telling the truth (unlike you) about this, He funded Hamas to murder Jews in Israel,

Look, you're a desperate democrat watching your hopes for Hillary crumble; I get it. But your lies are old, tired, and refuted.
Those of us who were adults and on the internet back then well remember the pseudo-cons buying into the bleef that Saddam funded the 9/11 terrorists. Bush's rhetoric was carefully crafted to give that impression without directly saying it, as I illustrated above.

The strategery was very effective, as I also illustrated. Half of all Americans bleeved there was a link between Hussein and 9/11.

And just like always, the goldfish of today completely deny this happened.


You were a partisan hack attacking Republicans then, as you are a hack now,. That you've been telling the same stale lie for a decade doesn't make it any less a lie.

Frogs flick flies out of the air with their tongue - you lie - it's just your nature as a democrat.
CNN.com - Transcript of Bush news conference on Iraq - Mar. 6, 2003

Bush said:

Saddam Hussein has a long history of reckless aggression and terrible crimes. He possess weapons of terror. He provides funding and training and safe haven to terrorists, terrorists who would willing use weapons of mass destruction against America and other peace-loving countries.

Saddam Hussein and his weapons are a direct threat to this country, to our people and to all free people.

If the world fails to confront the threat posed by the Iraqi regime, refusing to use force even as a last resort, free nations would assume the unacceptable risks.

The attacks of September the 11th, 2001, show what the enemies of America did with four airplanes. We will not wait to see what terrorists or terrorist states could do with weapons of mass destruction.

You can plainly see Bush attempting linkage between Hussein and 9/11.

Uh no, there is nothing there other than your usual partisan bullshit.

Saddam had the Achille Lauro terrorist under his protection, so Bush was telling the truth (unlike you) about this, He funded Hamas to murder Jews in Israel,

Look, you're a desperate democrat watching your hopes for Hillary crumble; I get it. But your lies are old, tired, and refuted.
Saddam had the Achille Lauro terrorist under his protection, He funded Hamas to murder Jews in Israel,

Now we are getting at the truth of why we attacked Iraq. :clap:
Saddam had the Achille Lauro terrorist under his protection, He funded Hamas to murder Jews in Israel,

Now we are getting at the truth of why we attacked Iraq. :clap:

We attacked Iraq because Saddam attempted to assassinate a sitting US President.

Yeah, Democrats made up shock and awe and in fact Saddam is still in Iraq today stupid democrats and their lies!:mad:

Feel free to post where BUSH ever, even once, blamed 9/11 on Saddam?

You can't - it is a lie the left and moron conspiracy hacks float that has no basis in fact.

Pretend this means something else. I'd love to see your spin cycle.

CNN.com - Transcript of Bush news conference on Iraq - Mar. 6, 2003

Bush said:

Saddam Hussein has a long history of reckless aggression and terrible crimes. He possess weapons of terror. He provides funding and training and safe haven to terrorists, terrorists who would willing use weapons of mass destruction against America and other peace-loving countries.

Saddam Hussein and his weapons are a direct threat to this country, to our people and to all free people.

If the world fails to confront the threat posed by the Iraqi regime, refusing to use force even as a last resort, free nations would assume the unacceptable risks.

The attacks of September the 11th, 2001, show what the enemies of America did with four airplanes. We will not wait to see what terrorists or terrorist states could do with weapons of mass destruction.

You can plainly see Bush attempting linkage between Hussein and 9/11.

If they never linked Saddam with 9/11 it's just like G5000 said you agree with Michael Moore who said the same thing and we bombed them for no reason....

As a response to 9/11.

I love to see this reversal!! Liberals were right again!

Yeah, Democrats made up shock and awe and in fact Saddam is still in Iraq today stupid democrats and their lies!:mad:

Feel free to post where BUSH ever, even once, blamed 9/11 on Saddam?

You can't - it is a lie the left and moron conspiracy hacks float that has no basis in fact.

Pretend this means something else. I'd love to see your spin cycle.

CNN.com - Transcript of Bush news conference on Iraq - Mar. 6, 2003

Bush said:

Saddam Hussein has a long history of reckless aggression and terrible crimes. He possess weapons of terror. He provides funding and training and safe haven to terrorists, terrorists who would willing use weapons of mass destruction against America and other peace-loving countries.

Saddam Hussein and his weapons are a direct threat to this country, to our people and to all free people.

If the world fails to confront the threat posed by the Iraqi regime, refusing to use force even as a last resort, free nations would assume the unacceptable risks.

The attacks of September the 11th, 2001, show what the enemies of America did with four airplanes. We will not wait to see what terrorists or terrorist states could do with weapons of mass destruction.

You can plainly see Bush attempting linkage between Hussein and 9/11.

If they never linked Saddam with 9/11 it's just like G5000 said you agree with Michael Moore who said the same thing and we bombed them for no reason....

As a response to 9/11.

I love to see this reversal!! Liberals were right again!

So you and G-Tard are deliberately lying, but since it's against Republicans we should discard the truth in favor of your lies?

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