Bush: 'I'm worried that I will be the last Republican president'

He could be right. Trump isn't really a republican. He is really more of an unusual brand of a progressive like Sanders just with his own brand of how the world should be. He reminds me a lot of Hitler .If you swap Jews with Muslims and Latinos the similarities are very interesting. You have to remember that a hell of a lot of people liked Hitler very much in the beginning. 90% of his followers were regular Germans. It's easy to say that Hitler was a monster after the fact. Many good Germans didn't think he was a bad man at all.

He could be right. Trump isn't really a republican. He is really more of an unusual brand of a progressive like Sanders just with his own brand of how the world should be. He reminds me a lot of Hitler .If you swap Jews with Muslims and Latinos the similarities are very interesting. You have to remember that a hell of a lot of people liked Hitler very much in the beginning. 90% of his followers were regular Germans. It's easy to say that Hitler was a monster after the fact. Many good Germans didn't think he was a bad man at all.
Cleveland (CNN)Former President George W. Bush fretted to a group of former aides and advisers in April that he was worried he could be the "last Republican president."

The 43rd president's remark, at a gathering in Dallas of his administration's staffers, reflected a dim view of the party's prospects at a time when the primary contest was realistically down to Donald Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

"I'm worried that I will be the last Republican president," Bush told a clutch of former aides and advisers.

The comment was reported by Politico. Bush's office declined to comment to CNN.

Bush -- as well as his father, former President George H.W. Bush, and his brother, 2016 presidential candidate Jeb Bush -- are skipping this year's Republican National Convention in Cleveland. So are the party's last two presidential nominees, 2012's Mitt Romney and 2008's Arizona Sen. John McCain.

Bob Dole, the 1996 GOP nominee and the only living Republican presidential choice who is attending the convention, has criticized Republicans who are skipping it.
George W. Bush: 'I'm worried that I will be the last Republican president' - CNNPolitics.com

... and planet Earth throws a party. :0)
I've been saying it for a year

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

You should know that I've been using that outside of this forum. :0(

In light of the revelation of plagiarism by Mrs. Drumpf . I feel compelled to come clean.

I feel better now :0)

Thank you brother.
It's more than just the idiots they select to run

The electoral votes no longer align for Republicans. Bush barely made 270 and everything lined up for him

Changing demographics with Hispanics, minorities and women will ensure Republicans don't see the White House for a generation
Most Hispanics, minorities and women are rejecting your democrat plantation....

Stop doing drugs.
I'm not a liberal....
View attachment 82192 indeed...

He could be right. Trump isn't really a republican. He is really more of an unusual brand of a progressive like Sanders just with his own brand of how the world should be. He reminds me a lot of Hitler .If you swap Jews with Muslims and Latinos the similarities are very interesting. You have to remember that a hell of a lot of people liked Hitler very much in the beginning. 90% of his followers were regular Germans. It's easy to say that Hitler was a monster after the fact. Many good Germans didn't think he was a bad man at all.

I believe Trump is more likely to insist we all salute him than Hillary. She could be even more dangerous but Donald likes/needs a tremendous amount of adulation.
View attachment 82192 indeed...

He could be right. Trump isn't really a republican. He is really more of an unusual brand of a progressive like Sanders just with his own brand of how the world should be. He reminds me a lot of Hitler .If you swap Jews with Muslims and Latinos the similarities are very interesting. You have to remember that a hell of a lot of people liked Hitler very much in the beginning. 90% of his followers were regular Germans. It's easy to say that Hitler was a monster after the fact. Many good Germans didn't think he was a bad man at all.

I believe Trump is more likely to insist we all salute him than Hillary. She could be even more dangerous but Donald likes/needs a tremendous amount of adulation.
Hitlery will want you to click your jackboots for her.....
View attachment 82192 indeed...

He could be right. Trump isn't really a republican. He is really more of an unusual brand of a progressive like Sanders just with his own brand of how the world should be. He reminds me a lot of Hitler .If you swap Jews with Muslims and Latinos the similarities are very interesting. You have to remember that a hell of a lot of people liked Hitler very much in the beginning. 90% of his followers were regular Germans. It's easy to say that Hitler was a monster after the fact. Many good Germans didn't think he was a bad man at all.

I believe Trump is more likely to insist we all salute him than Hillary. She could be even more dangerous but Donald likes/needs a tremendous amount of adulation.
Hitlery will want you to click your jackboots for her.....

I "click" my heals for no man or woman. I am not some stupid cowardly Jew that will go happily into a cattle car.
View attachment 82192 indeed...

He could be right. Trump isn't really a republican. He is really more of an unusual brand of a progressive like Sanders just with his own brand of how the world should be. He reminds me a lot of Hitler .If you swap Jews with Muslims and Latinos the similarities are very interesting. You have to remember that a hell of a lot of people liked Hitler very much in the beginning. 90% of his followers were regular Germans. It's easy to say that Hitler was a monster after the fact. Many good Germans didn't think he was a bad man at all.

I believe Trump is more likely to insist we all salute him than Hillary. She could be even more dangerous but Donald likes/needs a tremendous amount of adulation.
Hitlery will want you to click your jackboots for her.....

I "click" my heals for no man or woman. I am not some stupid cowardly Jew that will go happily into a cattle car.
Damn that click was loud....your hitlery is impressed.....
Bush: I am worried that I will be the last President who really really loved my hot and sexy gyne patients
Cleveland (CNN)Former President George W. Bush fretted to a group of former aides and advisers in April that he was worried he could be the "last Republican president."

The 43rd president's remark, at a gathering in Dallas of his administration's staffers, reflected a dim view of the party's prospects at a time when the primary contest was realistically down to Donald Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

"I'm worried that I will be the last Republican president," Bush told a clutch of former aides and advisers.

The comment was reported by Politico. Bush's office declined to comment to CNN.

Bush -- as well as his father, former President George H.W. Bush, and his brother, 2016 presidential candidate Jeb Bush -- are skipping this year's Republican National Convention in Cleveland. So are the party's last two presidential nominees, 2012's Mitt Romney and 2008's Arizona Sen. John McCain.

Bob Dole, the 1996 GOP nominee and the only living Republican presidential choice who is attending the convention, has criticized Republicans who are skipping it.
George W. Bush: 'I'm worried that I will be the last Republican president' - CNNPolitics.com

... and planet Earth throws a party. :0)

Since the Reich wing of the party has taken over, Bush may have a good point.

It looks like Republicans are headed back into the 40's & 50's where Democrats own everything. Republicans will be voting for blue dog Democrats--and the Republican party itself will dwindle down to a super minority party, that is inclusive only of angry, ignorant, racist white voters.



The republicans should have listened to their constituents. After all the Constitution makes it very clear that it's the voice of the people that's in charge of their respective government, the establishment doesn't assert their authority over the people. If the Republicans don't like their party's presidential nominee, they should have voted. Obviously we have a lot of angry republicans that either had chosen to stay home, or are simply upset their preferred choice didn't make it. The primary election from among the states is over, the republican votes HAVE selected their nominee. Whether the party has learned to listen to those votes and begin to accept the will of the people we will soon see.
Oh, bull shit. The founders and leaders in the new state governments were scared shitless of the people. The voice of the people was window dressing. They excluded most people from voting, blacks, women, non-property owners, those under 21, and often those that were not church members of the predominate church in the community. They wouldn't even allow the people a direct vote for their president.

The primaries of both parties today are rigged. The Democrats have their super delegates to guarantee control of the party by the elite. Republicans accomplish the same thing by allowing each state party to write distinct delegate allocation rules plus an intricate and complex set of convention rules.
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View attachment 82192 indeed...

He could be right. Trump isn't really a republican. He is really more of an unusual brand of a progressive like Sanders just with his own brand of how the world should be. He reminds me a lot of Hitler .If you swap Jews with Muslims and Latinos the similarities are very interesting. You have to remember that a hell of a lot of people liked Hitler very much in the beginning. 90% of his followers were regular Germans. It's easy to say that Hitler was a monster after the fact. Many good Germans didn't think he was a bad man at all.

I believe Trump is more likely to insist we all salute him than Hillary. She could be even more dangerous but Donald likes/needs a tremendous amount of adulation.
Hitlery will want you to click your jackboots for her.....

I "click" my heals for no man or woman. I am not some stupid cowardly Jew that will go happily into a cattle car.
Damn that click was loud....your hitlery is impressed.....

I wouldn't do that old hag with YOUR dick!

Maybe if Donald was such a good deal maker he would have offered Hillary the VP spot with a guarantee of a say in decisions. That would have eliminated the election all together. He makes up with all the people he has insulted. It's amazing how they all come back groveling to him.

I believe Trump is more likely to insist we all salute him than Hillary. She could be even more dangerous but Donald likes/needs a tremendous amount of adulation.
Hitlery will want you to click your jackboots for her.....

I "click" my heals for no man or woman. I am not some stupid cowardly Jew that will go happily into a cattle car.
Damn that click was loud....your hitlery is impressed.....

I wouldn't do that old hag with YOUR dick!

Maybe if Donald was such a good deal maker he would have offered Hillary the VP spot with a guarantee of a say in decisions. That would have eliminated the election all together. He makes up with all the people he has insulted. It's amazing how they all come back groveling to him.
Who did he insult?

We are not interested in your hitlery, nor your GOP, nor your liberal friends.....
Trump beat out 16 contenders.

Hillary had a tough time with a really old guy from where?

trump beat out 16 contenders because he was a reality TV star, faux news played its games with the debates and he spoke to the heart of rightwingnut bigotry..... not to mention the constant free publicity.
I don't recall his TV experience xoming into play. All the others were much more experienced in politics and running for office. Can you elaborate?
Cleveland (CNN)Former President George W. Bush fretted to a group of former aides and advisers in April that he was worried he could be the "last Republican president."

The 43rd president's remark, at a gathering in Dallas of his administration's staffers, reflected a dim view of the party's prospects at a time when the primary contest was realistically down to Donald Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

"I'm worried that I will be the last Republican president," Bush told a clutch of former aides and advisers.

The comment was reported by Politico. Bush's office declined to comment to CNN.

Bush -- as well as his father, former President George H.W. Bush, and his brother, 2016 presidential candidate Jeb Bush -- are skipping this year's Republican National Convention in Cleveland. So are the party's last two presidential nominees, 2012's Mitt Romney and 2008's Arizona Sen. John McCain.

Bob Dole, the 1996 GOP nominee and the only living Republican presidential choice who is attending the convention, has criticized Republicans who are skipping it.
George W. Bush: 'I'm worried that I will be the last Republican president' - CNNPolitics.com

... and planet Earth throws a party. :0)
Bush is the single biggest reason the conservative and Republican brands are in tatters. Bush is the single biggest reason the impostor Trump was able to take the nomination.

He's a fucking retard asshole who fucked up in every way possible.

And by the way: Bush skipped the 2012 convention, too.

No actually it's the republicans in congress who usually caved in to spend on any program Obama wanted that caused this. If it was President Bush the liberals would be correct in saying the republicans aren't capable of a comeback, and the democrats wouldn't have lost both the house and senate.
Republicans didn't cave

They got into a power struggle with President Obama and lost

That's what happens when you overplay a weak hand
The Democrats run their most vulnerable possible candidate and the GOP counters with this.

Holy crap. Talk about a self-inflicted wound.

Kasich/Rubio would have put the GOP back in the White House, but they weren't pure enough for talk radio.

He could be right. Trump isn't really a republican. He is really more of an unusual brand of a progressive like Sanders just with his own brand of how the world should be. He reminds me a lot of Hitler .If you swap Jews with Muslims and Latinos the similarities are very interesting. You have to remember that a hell of a lot of people liked Hitler very much in the beginning. 90% of his followers were regular Germans. It's easy to say that Hitler was a monster after the fact. Many good Germans didn't think he was a bad man at all.
Trump will split the Republican Party to the point they can't recover. Trump losing the Hispanic vote will cost Arizona and eventually Texas making it impossible to reach 270
The Democrats run their most vulnerable possible candidate and the GOP counters with this.

Holy crap. Talk about a self-inflicted wound.

Kasich/Rubio would have put the GOP back in the White House, but they weren't pure enough for talk radio.

You don't understand what is going on, nor what happened....best you just stay on the bench and watch.....
The Democrats run their most vulnerable possible candidate and the GOP counters with this.

Holy crap. Talk about a self-inflicted wound.

Kasich/Rubio would have put the GOP back in the White House, but they weren't pure enough for talk radio.

You don't understand what is going on, nor what happened....best you just stay on the bench and watch.....
Where am I wrong?

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