Bush: 'I'm worried that I will be the last Republican president'

I respectfully disagree. The Republican Party was full of racists long before Bush.

If I had to single out one republican for the sorry ass shape the party is in today .. it would be Richard Nixon .. who made the party a home for the racists who destroyed it.
With all due respect, your theory does not hold water.

If it did (hold water) there would never have been any Reagan presidency if it was all Nixon's fault.

You may not like Nixon and neither do I, but Nixon had little or nothing to do with race relations in America.

If anything Nixon by scaling down the Viet Nam War saved a myriad of Negros from cannon fodder over there.

Thus unintentionally Nixon is an unwitting friend of Negroes.

The man whom you have most to blame for GOP racism in America is LBJ.

When LBJ turned the Democrat Party into his own personal vehicle for civil rights reform he chased all the prominent southerners out of it and into the GOP. The GOP has been racist ever since, and therefore the GOP has not given a rats azz about Negroes ever since.

While the Negro issue is merely a footnote in contemporary American political history, it is a very significant and useful minority available to the Democrats now. As are the Jews. As are the Gays/and/Lesbos. As are American Muslims. Sorry if that sounds harsh.

Right at this moment the females are the most powerful component of the American Body Politic. This also includes Negro females in the case of Hillary because she and Billy Boy and of course Obama himself have always supported the rights and needs of Negroes. And the GOP cannot compete with that.
Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts"

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."
You are sort of changing the subject Tex.

It's the same subject, if you can't figure it out just :anj_stfu:...

Hillary stuck with Billy Boy when she needed to in order to raise Chelsea.

Great example, falls in line with another one of her character flaws, habitual lying...

Then once the family inhabited The White House she enjoyed living there.

The tendency of too many Democrats is to live off the tax payer, she does try to lead by example...

By then she did not care who was boinking Billy Boy as long as it was not she herself.

Another great example of real leadership or as the Liberal Left is so familiar with, no accountability...

She earned the rest herself.

Most respectable people call it stealing, but in the Liberal Left World it's called earning it, LOL :gives:

Now go back to your ranch and back to boinking cows like you usually do, and leave Hillary the fokk alone dill-weed.

Sold the ranch, kept the minerals and live handsomely off the royalties... :dance: :dance: :dance:
Trump beat out 16 contenders.

Hillary had a tough time with a really old guy from where?

And yet she's cruising into the White House.

Only the dumbest souls want her in the WH...

You're confusing those people with the Republican primary voters who chose the only candidate who would lose to her.

No confusion, she is a pariah, scum sucking leach...

Then again I am not surprised you would defend her...

I'm not voting for her. I'm pointing out the reckless stupidity of the Republican voter base to nominate the only candidate of 16 who couldn't stomp her ass in a landslide in November.

Well good, I thought you slipped, I can't stomach her...

He's not much better, but he is definitely better than Hitlery...
I saw somewhere and I can't remember ...but someone said.
The next Republican President hasn't been born yet.....

I also remember someone screaming about infrastructure...Infrastructure... and Hater Pub Dupe or something...
Cleveland (CNN)Former President George W. Bush fretted to a group of former aides and advisers in April that he was worried he could be the "last Republican president."

The 43rd president's remark, at a gathering in Dallas of his administration's staffers, reflected a dim view of the party's prospects at a time when the primary contest was realistically down to Donald Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

"I'm worried that I will be the last Republican president," Bush told a clutch of former aides and advisers.

The comment was reported by Politico. Bush's office declined to comment to CNN.

Bush -- as well as his father, former President George H.W. Bush, and his brother, 2016 presidential candidate Jeb Bush -- are skipping this year's Republican National Convention in Cleveland. So are the party's last two presidential nominees, 2012's Mitt Romney and 2008's Arizona Sen. John McCain.

Bob Dole, the 1996 GOP nominee and the only living Republican presidential choice who is attending the convention, has criticized Republicans who are skipping it.
George W. Bush: 'I'm worried that I will be the last Republican president' - CNNPolitics.com

... and planet Earth throws a party. :0)
Better he had worried more about that when he was the 43rd president...and aggressively slaughtered all the Iraqis...
Bush -- as well as his father, former President George H.W. Bush, and his brother, 2016 presidential candidate Jeb Bush -- are skipping this year's Republican National Convention in Cleveland. So are the party's last two presidential nominees, 2012's Mitt Romney and 2008's Arizona Sen. John McCain.

Who could blame them.
Another moron on the Right who doesn't know shit about America.

Go suck the last ounce of sweat off Obama's balls, asswipe. Your days are numbered. Foodstamp suspension in 3.......2......

:lol::lol::lol: You're not paying attention you nasty whore.

It's the Republican Party that is diminished and fading away . and not only will Trump get his ass stomped in the general, but he'll also pull down republicans across the country .. which of course is EXACTLY the outcome that Trump the democrat has planned all along. :0) Bye-bye asswipe.
That grinning idiot was not a republican. Have to go back to Eisenhower for the last republican president.

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