Bush is a goner

All I know is that the truth will out. Bush will win the debates. Bush represents the values of the average American. The Dems are being shown as a bunch of nutjobs. Kerry is a slimeball. We are at war. The undecideds and casual Democrats will make the right choice when they face the ballot box.

I smell landslide.

The only thing that will suck is all of the liberals screaming about how the election was stolen.

Sit back, relax, and witness the end of the Democrat party as we know it.

Next time, try coming up with some new ideas that actually work.
popefumanchu said:
All I know is that the truth will out. Bush will win the debates. Bush represents the values of the average American. The Dems are being shown as a bunch of nutjobs. Kerry is a slimeball. We are at war. The undecideds and casual Democrats will make the right choice when they face the ballot box.

I smell landslide.

The only thing that will suck is all of the liberals screaming about how the election was stolen.

Sit back, relax, and witness the end of the Democrat party as we know it.

Next time, try coming up with some new ideas that actually work.

Right on, my chinese pontiff! The democrats are going insane on primetime television. Where's my popcorn?
Kathianne said:
And he is off topic, how? I'm looking for bold letters in your name, I'm missing something?

Uhh... well there is the topic that I posted on, and then there is the topic that he was talking about. They were not the same. I would have thought as moderator you would understand what off topic means.
popefumanchu said:
All I know is that the truth will out. Bush will win the debates. Bush represents the values of the average American. The Dems are being shown as a bunch of nutjobs. Kerry is a slimeball. We are at war. The undecideds and casual Democrats will make the right choice when they face the ballot box.

I smell landslide.

The only thing that will suck is all of the liberals screaming about how the election was stolen.

Sit back, relax, and witness the end of the Democrat party as we know it.

Next time, try coming up with some new ideas that actually work.

You think it will be a landslide and that liberals will think it was stolen? That does not make sense.
tpahl said:
You think it will be a landslide and that liberals will think it was stolen? That does not make sense.

makes sense to me. Liberals are nuts. Im willing to bet they will say its stolen after this landslide.
tpahl said:
You think it will be a landslide and that liberals will think it was stolen? That does not make sense.

I think the liberals have themselves worked up into such a rabid state that if Bush won 80 - 20 in the popular and electoral vote they would go absolutely nuts.
Read some of the DU posts or listen to Al Franken & Randi Rhodes for a few hours and you'll see how off the charts they really are with their lunacy.
Avatar4321 said:
makes sense to me. Liberals are nuts. Im willing to bet they will say its stolen after this landslide.

Liberals are not as nuts as you make them out to be.
tpahl said:
Which post?

I think the liberals have themselves worked up into such a rabid state that if Bush won 80 - 20 in the popular and electoral vote they would go absolutely nuts.
Read some of the DU posts or listen to Al Franken & Randi Rhodes for a few hours and you'll see how off the charts they really are with their lunacy.
I think the liberals have themselves worked up into such a rabid state that if Bush won 80 - 20 in the popular and electoral vote they would go absolutely nuts.
Read some of the DU posts or listen to Al Franken & Randi Rhodes for a few hours and you'll see how off the charts they really are with their lunacy.

Here's a sampling of the panic and far out loony tunes thinking at DU

How can you believe them, when there is so much anecdotal, but nevertheless very hard circumstantial evidence of all kinds that the country's on fire for a Kerry/Edwards victory (including, I might add, former life-long Republicans, serving military personnel, you name it).

The neocons will be relying on the gullibility of people such as yourself, to have any chance of getting away with vote-rigging and intimidation.


142. Exactly -Voters want a change and Kerry is it!

People are getting darn sick of refighting the Nam war. They are NOT blaming Kerry for the refight. My God, he was 23 years old.

Bush was a drunk until he was 40 and has accomplished little except trying to turn our country into a third world country.

Get off of your pity trip and work against the election of Bush.


144. Yeah, I'm scared too
Bush and his supporters are terrible human beings. They will do anything to win. Sometimes that can be very helpful. I am just really scared that the swift boat lies have worked. My Democratic-leaning friend believes some of them. My heart is breaking right now.

But I am not going to give up. I will keep working to get Kerry elected. I support him completely and I want him to be the next president. Four more years of Bush* is unacceptable. So hopefully we can turn this around and get Kerry back on top.

I hope the GOP convention doesn't go too well, but it will likely get him a bounce. And the biased, conservative news media will actually acknowledge that bounce, unlike Kerry's.


These people are sane?
tpahl said:
Liberals are not as nuts as you make them out to be.

They are talking about assasinating the President. They are talking about impreaching a Republican President through a Republican Congress for no other reason but then they have an irrational hatred for them. They think that if people disagree with them they are afraid of them. We have people on this board that confirm this. Bully has said he is going to rebel if President Bush is reelected. These people's irrational hatred makes them nuts. It comes from the fact that they are losing power and cant handle it. They are scared. And its when people are scared that they are the most dangerous because they arent acting rationally.

Look around the signs are there.
tpahl said:
Liberals are not as nuts as you make them out to be.

Regular old, run of the mill liberals, probably not. A little twisted, but maybe not nuts. It's the far left wing, wake up every day looking for something to bitch about, conspiracy behind every tree liberals that are nuts. They are the ones that think President Bush not only knew the 9/11 attacks were coming, but that he was invloved in the planning of them. That's essentially accusing the President of mass murder.
Jimmyeatworld said:
Regular old, run of the mill liberals, probably not. A little twisted, but maybe not nuts. It's the far left wing, wake up every day looking for something to bitch about, conspiracy behind every tree liberals that are nuts. They are the ones that think President Bush not only knew the 9/11 attacks were coming, but that he was invloved in the planning of them. That's essentially accusing the President of mass murder.

Well, if -=d=-'s cats breath wasn't so friggin bad then I wouldn't have anything to bitch about. :fu2: the little fuck probably has it in for me, thats it, he hates me. He wants to kill me. Its a kitty conspiracy and he's working it through my own cats. They need me to disappear because I know that Bush planned 9/11 with Osama. :terror: :tinfoil: :cuckoo: :tinfoil: :fifty:
DKSuddeth said:
Well, if -=d=-'s cats breath wasn't so friggin bad then I wouldn't have anything to bitch about. :fu2: the little fuck probably has it in for me, thats it, he hates me. He wants to kill me. Its a kitty conspiracy and he's working it through my own cats. They need me to disappear because I know that Bush planned 9/11 with Osama. :terror: :tinfoil: :cuckoo: :tinfoil: :fifty:
:laugh: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
DKSuddeth said:
Well, if -=d=-'s cats breath wasn't so friggin bad then I wouldn't have anything to bitch about. :fu2: the little fuck probably has it in for me, thats it, he hates me. He wants to kill me. Its a kitty conspiracy and he's working it through my own cats. They need me to disappear because I know that Bush planned 9/11 with Osama. :terror: :tinfoil: :cuckoo: :tinfoil: :fifty:

I think =d=-'s cat killed Kennedy. A fourth shot coming from the grassy litter box.
tpahl said:
It is a conservative that is more concerned with a hawkish foriegn policy than limited government. They may or may not espouse a liberal domestic policy.

The definition of neocon I posted was straight out of the dictionary. So I was right. YOU and your *neo*liberal pundit are both using the term improperly.

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