Bush justice is a national disgrace

There we were having a good chat about the Branch Davidian bizo and then this. If you want to discuss the theatrics of democracy then fine, open another thread, I'd be happy to join in. I always loved that filibustering scene with James Stewart in "Mr Smith Goes To Washington". We can spin it off into "The Greatest Films of Frank Capra" if you like, I still love watching "It's A Wonderful Life" with the delicious Donna Reed. But Beuller, Great American Cinema 101 is just down the hall.

But I'm sure you'll find someone quite willing to discuss Clinton's penis on the way there.

Is it my fault the Dems are tanking in the polls here? They have accomplished nothing and are going over the deep end

The liberal media is trying to provide cover (I posted one example) and it is getting worse for the,

If Bill would shut up and fo away maybe we would not have to talk about him. Why libs think he such a great man I will never know. He destroyed the Dem party and some are to damn blind to see it
Is it my fault the Dems are tanking in the polls here? They have accomplished nothing and are going over the deep end

The liberal media is trying to provide cover (I posted one example) and it is getting worse for the,

If Bill would shut up and fo away maybe we would not have to talk about him. Why libs think he such a great man I will never know. He destroyed the Dem party and some are to damn blind to see it

I forgot to mention "Citizen Kane", truly a brilliant, brilliant film. You only have to say "Rosebud moment" and you know who's seen the film. Just superb. And to think Orson Welles was only about 26 or 27 when he made it. Amazing.
I forgot to mention "Citizen Kane", truly a brilliant, brilliant film. You only have to say "Rosebud moment" and you know who's seen the film. Just superb. And to think Orson Welles was only about 26 or 27 when he made it. Amazing.


I rest my case. When a lib can't find a counter argument........
:badgrin: There you go that's something you don't experience too often - a feeling of intellectual superiority. I'm in a generous mood - be my guest :badgrin:

Libs have this trait that they really are intellectual superior when they are nothing more then hot air escaping from a human body

Arrogance is what makes a liberal a liberal
Libs have this trait that they really are intellectual superior when they are nothing more then hot air escaping from a human body

Arrogance is what makes a liberal a liberal

RSR if you knew me you'd equate me with the left, yes, but "intellectual", I don't think so. And no, not arrogant either, seriously. I'm taking the piss out of all the righties on here who take themselves too damn seriously, to the point of engaging in quite personal debates with people with other points of view. Not nice, having the piss taken out of you, is it? The continual mockery of other points of view by what I call you righties is going to provoke a response - as Newton discovered.

As for "hot air escaping from a human body" - you mean farts? I heard a great term for that the other day - "air biscuit" :badgrin:

Bugger I just rememberd my signature line - can we say it's irony? :D

Nothing personal mate, but my tether got reached :D
Who brought Clinton into it? Not me. I just want to keep on track, it's you righties who can't get over Clinton's. Jeez I could be discussing NFL and one of you would bring Clinton into it. Can you people follow a line of thought and argument or is it always going to get back to Clinton?

ABSOLUTE HOGWASH. Bush is President, Clinton was President, One of the two was so corrupt the 8 years he was in office was one continous scandal after another, the other has had no scandal at all. One was impeached for LYING , the other is accused with no evidence, no proof and no substance of anything and everything, including but not limited to , arrangeing the 9/11 attack, being smart enough to steal the election in 2000, 2002 and 2004 but to stupid to do it in 2006. And on and on.

They both are related subjects, as you know full well. But do keep trying to pretend they are not.
You blokes have to see someone about this Clinton obsession. It's seriously unhealthy. It's bordering on obsession. Clinton, Clinton, Clinton...he really got to you lot didn't he?

Now let me reiterate. I don't give a toss about the Clintons. I am still waiting for evidence about claims about the raid on the Branch Davidian cult.

As opposed to you "Blokes" obsession with Bush. The one needing a shrink is the ones that, with no evidence, no facts and no crime, want to claim Bush beat their dog and any thing worse then that up to and including murdering 3000 people on 9/11.

And why should we link yu to anything, when your just going to say " ohh, THAT. well that doesn't apply because..." You have a computer, you have internet access, you seem to know how to google, use that thing between your ears and check for your self "mate". Or is that to much work for you?
ABSOLUTE HOGWASH. Bush is President, Clinton was President, One of the two was so corrupt the 8 years he was in office was one continous scandal after another, the other has had no scandal at all. One was impeached for LYING , the other is accused with no evidence, no proof and no substance of anything and everything, including but not limited to , arrangeing the 9/11 attack, being smart enough to steal the election in 2000, 2002 and 2004 but to stupid to do it in 2006. And on and on.

They both are related subjects, as you know full well. But do keep trying to pretend they are not.

Scandal? And what the heck do you call Iraq? I'm not that enamoured of Clinton, he was - like any politician - weaselly, but for crying out loud he never brought your nation to the distressed state it's in now. I'm not into the conspiracy theories either, there's enough obvious evidence of the dangerous incompetence and venality of the Bush administration for me to bother with getting a tinfoil hat.
As opposed to you "Blokes" obsession with Bush. The one needing a shrink is the ones that, with no evidence, no facts and no crime, want to claim Bush beat their dog and any thing worse then that up to and including murdering 3000 people on 9/11.

And why should we link yu to anything, when your just going to say " ohh, THAT. well that doesn't apply because..." You have a computer, you have internet access, you seem to know how to google, use that thing between your ears and check for your self "mate". Or is that to much work for you?

If Bush beat my dog I'd know about it. But he's a dog owner so I'm sure he wouldn't. Barney looks in pretty good nick to me. As I said before you're bugning the 9/11 conspiracy theory on me is bullshit because I have never said it was valid.

So now, if you've finished with your little hissy fit of pique, let's stay on topic eh "buddy"? :rofl:
Bush ripped a fart this morning without Congressional approval. Well, okay, fine, they granted him "special powers" in the event of "a burrito of mass destruction" but he had Chicken Tikka Masala for dinner last night, not Mexican food. Clearly he has no respect for checks and balances. Impeach! National disgrace! Someone call Jon Conyers' office!
Bush ripped a fart this morning without Congressional approval. Well, okay, fine, they granted him "special powers" in the event of "a burrito of mass destruction" but he had Chicken Tikka Masala for dinner last night, not Mexican food. Clearly he has no respect for checks and balances. Impeach! National disgrace! Someone call Jon Conyers' office!

I got sunburnt today, I should be like the Liberal's here and say it is President Bush's fault.
I got sunburnt today, I should be like the Liberal's here and say it is President Bush's fault.

That added a lot. You might take this as a reminder to why so many wanted to chase you off another board.

Add something or say nothing.
That added a lot. You might take this as a reminder to why so many wanted to chase you off another board.

Add something or say nothing.

The one thing about me is I don't care what anyone think's, especially on a message board of people I will never meet.
The one thing about me is I don't care what anyone think's, especially on a message board of people I will never meet.

and another reason that you may not have been given a position of responsibility for a party. You don't seem to understand listening to constructive criticism. This is coming from someone that turned down those same opportunities, national and state. I am trying to help you, not slam you. Do you understand the difference?
and another reason that you may not have been given a position of responsibility for a party. You don't seem to understand listening to constructive criticism. This is coming from someone that turned down those same opportunities, national and state. I am trying to help you, not slam you. Do you understand the difference?

Do you have a personal grudge here? His post is no more egregious then some of the leftbots and their continous whine about Bush. Take Diuretic for example, his entire posts in this threat amount to admitting he doesn't know, nor care what happened somewhere BUT we are all liars because we told him about it. he further claims that comparing Bush to Clinton is somehow inappropriate. usual dodge by the left when faced with facts and problems.
Do you have a personal grudge here? His post is no more egregious then some of the leftbots and their continous whine about Bush. Take Diuretic for example, his entire posts in this threat amount to admitting he doesn't know, nor care what happened somewhere BUT we are all liars because we told him about it. he further claims that comparing Bush to Clinton is somehow inappropriate. usual dodge by the left when faced with facts and problems.

No. He knows what I'm addressing.
Do you have a personal grudge here? His post is no more egregious then some of the leftbots and their continous whine about Bush. Take Diuretic for example, his entire posts in this threat amount to admitting he doesn't know, nor care what happened somewhere BUT we are all liars because we told him about it. he further claims that comparing Bush to Clinton is somehow inappropriate. usual dodge by the left when faced with facts and problems.

Honestly I think there is.
And I would have a grudge why? When have I been anything but supportive of your aspirations? Actually, I'm very close to neg repping for that response. But I'll wait.

For about two week's you've been anything but supportive.

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