Bush lawyers (including Yoo) are more or less "cleared."

It is so. They were actively involved in the commission of a war crime. That makes them war criminals.

No. They were idealogues and weren't acting as lawyers should. But they weren't war criminals. And suggesting they were diminishes any point you would otherwise have made.

So no.... it isn't so.

They should have let everyone at Nuremberg go free then, since they weren't actively engaging in the act, only issuing the orders.

so the lawyers issued the orders to torture? is that what you're saying? or are you just playing the Hitler card because Jillian backed you into a corner?

And you're a punk and a coward. Bet if we met 1x1 you'd piss your pants. I suspect you've got some experience doing that too.

You are a loser, a pussy and a coward in all languages, asslicker.

Go fuck a rat, you cockgobbler.

If we met, you'd be pissing blood, you puss.

So really, just go fuck off.


",,,fuck a rat, you cockgobbler" Now that's funny; your way with words is so bush like - my guess is I reminded you of the times you got chased home from school and shit your pants on the way. Sad times, I'm suppose.

I'm suppose? You are suppose stupidly, as is your way.

Listen up ya flaming pussy: I'll meet you on the playground at recess near the monkey-bars.

What a dork you turned out to be.

And waterboarding was NOT defined as torture dumb ass. In fact we do it to our own troops in training exercises.
yeah...because they pretended it wasn't torture...not because it isn't.

if i call my rabbit a duck, he still isn't a duck.

And if you call waterboarding "torture" -- when it doesn't meet the actual meaningful definition of "torture" -- then it still isn't "torture" just because you call it torture.

See how that works, darlin'?
This should warm the heart of a statist like you...your beloved government has the authority to commit genocide.

If only you had a heart...

Another in your endless, stupid, pointless lies.

I wonder if you could ever make an argument without reliance on lies? It appears unlikely.

First of all, as you already know, I am not a Statist. I stand opposed to Statists and Statism. This is why I oppose the bullshit you spew. Indeed, the truth is that YOU are the Statist. Yep. Tis true. Too bad you don't seem to understand the meaning of the term or how it applies to you. You appear not to even grasp the import of your own miserably ignorant political philosophy.

Secondly, that part of the Yoo memo, as paraphrased in the quote I offered in the OP, is the very thing I contested in the OP. there may be a kernel of truth to it despite the fact that it is repugnant, but I disputed it before and I dispute it now.

Thirdly, you remain pointless.

If you only had a brain. And integrity. You could use a hefty dose of that, too.

You 'stand opposed to Statists and Statism.' You just always revel in empowering the state. ESPECIALLY when human beings are tortured, arrested, incarcerated or DIE at the HANDS of the state.

I enjoy your responses when I point out your blind but always blatant statism. The truth makes you squirm, and your replies reveal it... * * * *

You are a joke. You are a liberal. But I repeat myself.

Being the liberal you are, you place WAY too much stock in the power of government (even the alleged "duty" of government) to provide all manner of things FOR the individual. This is part of what makes YOU the Statist.

Your false claim about me should not go unanswered. But you aren't really worth much time or effort. Liars like you never are. So, I will be brief.

I absolutely support the notion that our government should have the power to accomplish the tasks we assign to it. It is beyond silly (which explains why unthinking knee-jerk liberal twerps such as you adhere to such thinking) to espouse the belief that we create a government to do certain things, but that we denied it the power to do them.

My view does not make me a Statist.

You are merely revealing (yet more fully) the profound depths of your abysmal ignorance.

As for your always baseless self-congratulation, you need to appreciate that nothing you have ever said has ever made anybody squirm. You are, after all, just a joke. :lol:
Right-wing, rightist, defined:
A general descriptive term for any of several otherwise rather different, conservative, reactionary or fascist political ideologies, the common denominator of which is their qualified or enthusiastic support for the main features of the current social and economic order, accepting all (or nearly all) of its inequalities of wealth, status and privilege (or even in some cases support for a return to an earlier, even more inegalitarian and hierarchical political-economic order). Right wing ideologies tend to emphasize the values of order, patriotism, social cohesion, and a personal sense of duty that makes the individual citizen who “knows his place” responsive to discipline from his political and social superiors. In America, the term has a somewhat more derogatory flavor than in Europe.
Left-wing fly catcher defined-- graphically:


Of course, it's difficult to say if Fly Catcher SHOULD be more insulted by the comparison to the pile of shit on the left image or the pile of shit on the right image. Tough call.

Some say that it's the pile of shit which should feel insulted by being compared to the likes of Al Franken and the likes of Fly Catcher
Left-wing fly catcher defined-- graphically:


Of course, it's difficult to say if Fly Catcher SHOULD be more insulted by the comparison to the pile of shit on the left image or the pile of shit on the right image. Tough call.

Some say that it's the pile of shit which should feel insulted by being compared to the likes of Al Franken and the likes of Fly Catcher

What a clever 'retort' - smart, urbane, spot on ...not. Rather CrusaderFrankish though, a nearly perfect idiotgram.
Left-wing fly catcher defined-- graphically:


Of course, it's difficult to say if Fly Catcher SHOULD be more insulted by the comparison to the pile of shit on the left image or the pile of shit on the right image. Tough call.

Some say that it's the pile of shit which should feel insulted by being compared to the likes of Al Franken and the likes of Fly Catcher

What a clever 'retort' - smart, urbane, spot on ...not. Rather CrusaderFrankish though, a nearly perfect idiotgram.

Hm. No. Not quite perfect, ya idiot.

I keep looking at that disturbing set of images from various different angles. There's something just not quite right about it.

Ah. I see now. It's entirely too flattering when it attempts to capture the essence of you, Fly Catcher.
Left-wing fly catcher defined-- graphically:


Of course, it's difficult to say if Fly Catcher SHOULD be more insulted by the comparison to the pile of shit on the left image or the pile of shit on the right image. Tough call.

Some say that it's the pile of shit which should feel insulted by being compared to the likes of Al Franken and the likes of Fly Catcher

What a clever 'retort' - smart, urbane, spot on ...not. Rather CrusaderFrankish though, a nearly perfect idiotgram.

Hm. No. Not quite perfect, ya idiot.

I keep looking at that disturbing set of images from various different angles. There's something just not quite right about it.

Ah. I see now. It's entirely too flattering when it attempts to capture the essence of you, Fly Catcher.

"Nearly perfect" is equivalent to "Not quite perfect"; even an arrogant jerk would agree. As for your assessment, your propensity to attack others from the safety of your keyboard is well known, hence my assessment of you as a punk and a coward is spot on.
What a clever 'retort' - smart, urbane, spot on ...not. Rather CrusaderFrankish though, a nearly perfect idiotgram.

Hm. No. Not quite perfect, ya idiot.

I keep looking at that disturbing set of images from various different angles. There's something just not quite right about it.

Ah. I see now. It's entirely too flattering when it attempts to capture the essence of you, Fly Catcher.

"Nearly perfect" is equivalent to "Not quite perfect"; even an arrogant jerk would agree. As for your assessment, your propensity to attack others from the safety of your keyboard is well known, hence my assessment of you as a punk and a coward is spot on.

Ah, Fly Catcher, the manly man keyboard warrior, agrees with itself that it is a really tough hombre!

Bwahahahahahahaha! :lol::lol:

Of course, your agreement with yourself notwithstanding, the truth is that you are actually just a pile-o-shit pussy. That's the way you came in and its the way you will go out.


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