Bush Says Trump Damages the Republican Brand. LOL


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
You hear the latest, from Jeb Bush ? He's complaining that Donald Trump is damaging the Republican brand ? LOL. Uh, Jeb. Hello there. EARTH TO JEB: YOU damage the Republican brand. You're an immigrationist. You're an illegal alien, ass-kisser RINO. You're the one willing to allow all the harms of immigration to fall on the American people, so your "act of love" of amnesty can flood the country with more crime, more overcrowding, and less jobs for Americans.

Quite the contrary, Donald Trump is less concerned with the Mexicans et al who disrespect our laws and break them, to get what they want, at the expense of the American people. He's concerned with the American people, and the harm being done to America, the people, the resources, the economy, etc.

And this is reflected in the polls where Trump's numbers have gone up, and Bush's have tumbled down. There may be a few reasons for that. All the money Bush is raising, and the comittments he will have, to all the people who are legally bribing him to do their bidding is one thing. Trump has no contributors, and doesn't need them, and is sold out to no one. But the biggest reason, most likely is the stark difference between these 2 guys on immigration. Trump is speaking out for Americans and especially American workers. Bush is doing the opposite. The American people have gone through many years of neglect by American presidents on this issue. The overall feeling now is > No mas.
"RINO". Another idiot who thinks politicians are there to score points for political parties rather than to work for the people.

I wonder if these snake Politicians from both parties has a "brand" burned on their asses? they do on their forked tongues. go away Bush, go away Clinton. you aren't ENTITLED
Bush is hired by a lot of big money backers and he speaks for them. No more Bushes.
Bush can go to hell.
Which one? All of them? Surely you want Jeb to go to heaven. After all he is married to a Mexican who probably thinks her pseudo-"whiteness" is acceptable to the neo-Confederates. Don't you feel the same way?
You hear the latest, from Jeb Bush ? He's complaining that Donald Trump is damaging the Republican brand ? LOL. Uh, Jeb. Hello there. EARTH TO JEB: YOU damage the Republican brand. You're an immigrationist. You're an illegal alien, ass-kisser RINO. You're the one willing to allow all the harms of immigration to fall on the American people, so your "act of love" of amnesty can flood the country with more crime, more overcrowding, and less jobs for Americans.

Quite the contrary, Donald Trump is less concerned with the Mexicans et al who disrespect our laws and break them, to get what they want, at the expense of the American people. He's concerned with the American people, and the harm being done to America, the people, the resources, the economy, etc.

And this is reflected in the polls where Trump's numbers have gone up, and Bush's have tumbled down. There may be a few reasons for that. All the money Bush is raising, and the comittments he will have, to all the people who are legally bribing him to do their bidding is one thing. Trump has no contributors, and doesn't need them, and is sold out to no one. But the biggest reason, most likely is the stark difference between these 2 guys on immigration. Trump is speaking out for Americans and especially American workers. Bush is doing the opposite. The American people have gone through many years of neglect by American presidents on this issue. The overall feeling now is > No mas.
For all the whining and complaints democrats make about some NON issues and many far to many Republicans are missing it as well. People are sick and tired of the POLITICAL MACHINE no matter the brand name.

This is why Hillary is going to get hosed and Bush to some extent as well. And they BOTH have it coming as well as BOTH parties. Trump has put BOTH parties on notice that party logo's mean NOTHING and that is why he's pulling ahead.

Now the reason why Hillary will get hosed worse is simple. She is running the exactly WRONG style of political program. That rope the press off aloof stuff is ALL wrong when the person who is rising FASTER is beating you by being informal and off the cuff.

It's not so much what people see in Trump causing his rise it's what they DON'T see. NO political machine NO political buy the "brand" bullshit. I think one other factor is and will play hugely. The off brand "Bernie Sanders" the "Hudson" of politics. People are TIRED of what the "Big Two" have been putting out and just may choose a Hudson instead.

One more factor, the Obozo factor. This country is FAR more split then ever before. As a general rule 30% of the people vote democrat EVERY time and 30% vote Republican EVERY time with the 40 in the middle being fought for.

But there is NO middle this time. If it comes down to Trump VS Sanders and I think it COULD. It may well be the most important vote in the history of the nation.
Bush is hired by a lot of big money backers and he speaks for them. No more Bushes.

bush is "backed" To which Bush do you refer? Jeb? how do you know his backers ------did you meet them in the playboy mansion?
One more factor, the Obozo factor. This country is FAR more split then ever before. As a general rule 30% of the people vote democrat EVERY time and 30% vote Republican EVERY time with the 40 in the middle being fought for.

So that middle 40% is neither liberal OR conservative, RIGHT? That is why you GOP liars attempt to shame those in that bracket by decrying any thoughts they have that might be "liberal."

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