Bush Was Wrong In 2007. 2012 Troop Pullout Won't Mean Aq Takes Over Iraq.

Are you serious? I know pot is legal now but put down your pipe ans step out of your grandmas' basement. There is actual air at sea level.

Do you have a full transcript from which all those excerpts came from?
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You won nothing. Iraq was the deadliest country on earth in 2009 when Bush left his Maliki mess behind.
You do mean when Obama left the mess prematurely don't you? Bush wasn't President in 2009.

Obama stayed the course of the scheduled withdrawl of US troops per the agreement signed by GWB. Obama didn't pull the troops prematurely, he did it right on schedule.
But keep on rewriting history and making shit up.
Iraq War ends on Bush’s schedule, not Obama’s
Iraq War ends on Bush s schedule not Obama s RedState

And at the time the same Obama haters who now attack Obama for supposedly leaving too soon were insisting that Obama get no credit for ending the war in Iraq,

precisely because it was on Bush's schedule in accordance with Bush's agreement.

It was on Bush's schedule, and I insist that Obama gets no credit for ending the war in Iraq. See, we can agree on something!

We will also agree that Obama couldn't be bothered to insist on a SOFA to leave a small force of Special Ops troops in-country as highly recommended by Bush and the Pentagon.

Then again, maybe not.
I think he was duped about WMD, but other than that, he deposed a dictator and punished him for his crimes against humanity.

Bush was duped about WMD by whom?

And no war of aggression, such an outright foreign invasion of a sovereign nation can be justified on a basis of punishing even a ruthless ruler for past crimes against humanity. Military action such as Bush launched in 2003 would have to be related to an intervention that would presume to be actually saving more lives than military action would itself cause.

No one was being harmed by the Baathist regime in 2002 and 2003 when Bush began the US war of aggression against Iraq in March 2003 over the issue of WMD being hidden by the regime from the inspectors that were there.

There was no genocide in Iraq or potential for it that could even remotely justify or explain the pathetic argument you are making for a president that you believe was apparently duped into thinking he had a national security threat and there was no other choice but to bomb, invade and kill people with the awesome power of the US military to resolve that non-confirmed threat.

That is a very weak argument saying a US president could be duped so easily - and by whom I really want you to tell us the rest of your story.

Its a doozy so far.

Would you like a list of Democrat Senators that were 'duped' and voted to invade Iraq based on the available intelligence and the UN Resolution that found Saddam Hussein in material breach of the 1991 cease fire?

Didn't think so.
So, if Obama had started this war, would you be chanting this same mantra?

Of course but I see no reason to speculate - Obama would not be starting what he famously referred to as a dumb war. He said he does not believe in starting dumb wars such that Iraq was and turned out to be.

What do you call the present war in Iraq and Syria that Obama started?
You won nothing. Iraq was the deadliest country on earth in 2009 when Bush left his Maliki mess behind.
You do mean when Obama left the mess prematurely don't you? Bush wasn't President in 2009.

Obama stayed the course of the scheduled withdrawl of US troops per the agreement signed by GWB. Obama didn't pull the troops prematurely, he did it right on schedule.
But keep on rewriting history and making shit up.
Iraq War ends on Bush’s schedule, not Obama’s
Iraq War ends on Bush s schedule not Obama s RedState

Laughable Obama worshiping BS. Obama stated in 2007 that we should pull our troops out of Iraq "immediately". The stupid clown cut and run first chance he got and now we have this mess and a bunch of liberal kook-aid drinkers running around trying to tell us its not Obama's fault.
So, if Obama had started this war, would you be chanting this same mantra?

Of course but I see no reason to speculate - Obama would not be starting what he famously referred to as a dumb war. He said he does not believe in starting dumb wars such that Iraq was and turned out to be.

What do you call the present war in Iraq and Syria that Obama started?
Protecting American personnel stationed at US Embassies and Consulates and attacking terrorist who have publicly vowed to attack and Kill America and Americans.
So all that time that the liberals were constantly pointing out that Obama was so damn wonderful because he ended the war in Iraq they were talking out of their collective asses.

In *Politico's Propaganda YouTube Obama is addressing an American audience. He is telling them that he has ended the US involvement in the war in Iraq. Which was and still is true.

What you are taking out of that context is your implication that Obama meant that the war and fighting in Iraq was over and ended by him. That is a bogus lie. It was obvious that the war between Shiites and Sunnis was not over when Obama spoke, so its absurd to suggest that Obama meant such a thing.

Iraq was the most violent place on the planet in terms of civil strife in 2009. But American troops were no longer involved in the combat and their continuation of the Sunni/Shia war. OIF is what ended. The war to find WMD came to an end with nothing to show for it.
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So all that time that the liberals were constantly pointing out that Obama was so damn wonderful because he ended the war in Iraq they were talking out of their collective asses.

In Politico's Propaganda YouTube Obama is addressing an American audience. He is telling them that he has ended the US involvement in the war in Iraq. Which was and still is true.

What you are taking out if that context is your implication that Obama meant that the war and fighting in Iraq was over and ended by him. That is a bogus lie. It was obvious that the war between Shiites and Sunnis was not over when Obama spoke, so its absurd to suggest that Obama meant such a thing.

Iraq was the most violent place on the planet in terms of civil strife in 2009. But American troops were no longer there involved in the combat. That war is what ended. The war to find WMD came to an end with nothing to show for it.

Obama disagrees with you. This is what he said in 2009.

“It’s harder to end a war than begin one,” Obama said at Fort Bragg. “Indeed, everything that American troops have done in Iraq--all the fighting and all the dying, the bleeding and the building, and the training and the partnering--all of it has led to this moment of success. Now, Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. We’re building a new partnership between our nations. And we are ending a war not with a final battle, but with a final march toward home. This is an extraordinary achievement, nearly nine years in the making.”
What price will be paid for you to be able to say bush was wrong? We have to fight another war to win back what we won in 2008...and your warped mind says that's a good Deal? You have fallen off the cliff Foo.

Which is why American soldiers were being shot at right up to the very day Obama pulled them out to safety.

Oh these delusional right wingernuts. They firmly believe that if they say something untrue enough times then it magically becomes true.
So, if Obama had started this war, would you be chanting this same mantra?

Of course but I see no reason to speculate - Obama would not be starting what he famously referred to as a dumb war. He said he does not believe in starting dumb wars such that Iraq was and turned out to be.

What do you call the present war in Iraq and Syria that Obama started?
Protecting American personnel stationed at US Embassies and Consulates and attacking terrorist who have publicly vowed to attack and Kill America and Americans.
So, if Obama had started this war, would you be chanting this same mantra?

Of course but I see no reason to speculate - Obama would not be starting what he famously referred to as a dumb war. He said he does not believe in starting dumb wars such that Iraq was and turned out to be.

What do you call the present war in Iraq and Syria that Obama started?
Protecting American personnel stationed at US Embassies and Consulates and attacking terrorist who have publicly vowed to attack and Kill America and Americans.

What do the air strikes in Iraq and Syria have to do with protecting US Embassies and Consulates?

"Barack Obama has ordered 350 more troops into Iraq, hours after the US government had to determine if the Islamic State (Isis) had killed a second American journalist in two weeks.

The new deployment was intended not for “a combat role”, the White House press secretary Josh Earnest said in a statement, but to augment security at the Baghdad embassy and associated “support facilities”. The State Department had requested the troop increase, and Pentagon officials had reportedly been studying it in late August.

Intentionally or not, Obama has effectively responded to Isis by signaling an intensification of the latest US war in Iraq. Obama has now launched 124 airstrikes against Isis since 8 August, while swearing not to introduce “combat boots on the ground”.

The new deployment brings US troops protecting the Baghdad embassy alone up to 820, the Pentagon said – a number that apparently does not include hundreds of special operations “advisers” bolstering the Iraqi military in Baghdad and Kurdish Peshmerga militia in Irbil. Should Isis attempt to attack the embassy, those troops would likely perform combat functions.
I am sure Rdean has seen the clips of OBABBLE channeling everything W was saying back at the start of the war on terror...particularly his address to The UN. Anyone denying that reality has their head up and locked.
So, if Obama had started this war, would you be chanting this same mantra?

Of course but I see no reason to speculate - Obama would not be starting what he famously referred to as a dumb war. He said he does not believe in starting dumb wars such that Iraq was and turned out to be.

What do you call the present war in Iraq and Syria that Obama started?
Protecting American personnel stationed at US Embassies and Consulates and attacking terrorist who have publicly vowed to attack and Kill America and Americans.
So, if Obama had started this war, would you be chanting this same mantra?

Of course but I see no reason to speculate - Obama would not be starting what he famously referred to as a dumb war. He said he does not believe in starting dumb wars such that Iraq was and turned out to be.

What do you call the present war in Iraq and Syria that Obama started?
Protecting American personnel stationed at US Embassies and Consulates and attacking terrorist who have publicly vowed to attack and Kill America and Americans.

What do the air strikes in Iraq and Syria have to do with protecting US Embassies and Consulates?

Perhaps you missed the news about ISIS on a rampage overrunning Iraqi city after Iraqi city and on the march to overtake Baghdad and Erbil where we have an Embassy and Consulate. It was going on just before strikes were made in Iraqi that halted them and gave Kurd and Iraqi forces time to organize and renew their defenses.
So, if Obama had started this war, would you be chanting this same mantra?

Of course but I see no reason to speculate - Obama would not be starting what he famously referred to as a dumb war. He said he does not believe in starting dumb wars such that Iraq was and turned out to be.

What do you call the present war in Iraq and Syria that Obama started?
Protecting American personnel stationed at US Embassies and Consulates and attacking terrorist who have publicly vowed to attack and Kill America and Americans.
So, if Obama had started this war, would you be chanting this same mantra?

Of course but I see no reason to speculate - Obama would not be starting what he famously referred to as a dumb war. He said he does not believe in starting dumb wars such that Iraq was and turned out to be.

What do you call the present war in Iraq and Syria that Obama started?
Protecting American personnel stationed at US Embassies and Consulates and attacking terrorist who have publicly vowed to attack and Kill America and Americans.

What do the air strikes in Iraq and Syria have to do with protecting US Embassies and Consulates?

"Barack Obama has ordered 350 more troops into Iraq, hours after the US government had to determine if the Islamic State (Isis) had killed a second American journalist in two weeks.

The new deployment was intended not for “a combat role”, the White House press secretary Josh Earnest said in a statement, but to augment security at the Baghdad embassy and associated “support facilities”. The State Department had requested the troop increase, and Pentagon officials had reportedly been studying it in late August.

Intentionally or not, Obama has effectively responded to Isis by signaling an intensification of the latest US war in Iraq. Obama has now launched 124 airstrikes against Isis since 8 August, while swearing not to introduce “combat boots on the ground”.

The new deployment brings US troops protecting the Baghdad embassy alone up to 820, the Pentagon said – a number that apparently does not include hundreds of special operations “advisers” bolstering the Iraqi military in Baghdad and Kurdish Peshmerga militia in Irbil. Should Isis attempt to attack the embassy, those troops would likely perform combat functions.

Traditionally, an embassy is considered part of the country that owns that embassy.

You know that, right?

Republicans don't want American embassies protected so they can scream Benghazi when they get attacked.
So, if Obama had started this war, would you be chanting this same mantra?

Of course but I see no reason to speculate - Obama would not be starting what he famously referred to as a dumb war. He said he does not believe in starting dumb wars such that Iraq was and turned out to be.

What do you call the present war in Iraq and Syria that Obama started?
Protecting American personnel stationed at US Embassies and Consulates and attacking terrorist who have publicly vowed to attack and Kill America and Americans.
So, if Obama had started this war, would you be chanting this same mantra?

Of course but I see no reason to speculate - Obama would not be starting what he famously referred to as a dumb war. He said he does not believe in starting dumb wars such that Iraq was and turned out to be.

What do you call the present war in Iraq and Syria that Obama started?
Protecting American personnel stationed at US Embassies and Consulates and attacking terrorist who have publicly vowed to attack and Kill America and Americans.

What do the air strikes in Iraq and Syria have to do with protecting US Embassies and Consulates?

Perhaps you missed the news about ISIS on a rampage overrunning Iraqi city after Iraqi city and on the march to overtake Baghdad and Erbil where we have an Embassy and Consulate. It was going on just before strikes were made in Iraqi that halted them and gave Kurd and Iraqi forces time to organize and renew their defenses.

I sure did miss that news. Do you have a link to the news story?
9836059 Of course but I see no reason to speculate - Obama would not be starting what he famously referred to as a dumb war. He said he does not believe in starting dumb wars such that Iraq was and turned out to be.

What do you call the present war in Iraq and Syria that Obama started?
Protecting American personnel stationed at US Embassies and Consulates and attacking terrorist who have publicly vowed to attack and Kill America and Americans.
9836059 Of course but I see no reason to speculate - Obama would not be starting what he famously referred to as a dumb war. He said he does not believe in starting dumb wars such that Iraq was and turned out to be.

What do you call the present war in Iraq and Syria that Obama started?
Protecting American personnel stationed at US Embassies and Consulates and attacking terrorist who have publicly vowed to attack and Kill America and Americans.

What do the air strikes in Iraq and Syria have to do with protecting US Embassies and Consulates?

Perhaps you missed the news about ISIS on a rampage overrunning Iraqi city after Iraqi city and on the march to overtake Baghdad and Erbil where we have an Embassy and Consulate. It was going on just before strikes were made in Iraqi that halted them and gave Kurd and Iraqi forces time to organize and renew their defenses.

I sure did miss that news. Do you have a link to the news story?

The reason that matters is because the enemy assesses that before they assess anything else. If the leader doesn't have resolve, the rest doesn't matter.

Would you say that al Qaeda was an enemy with a serious intent to harm Americans in January 2000?


The idea for the 911 attacks came from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who first presented it to Osama bin Laden in 1996.At that time, bin Laden and al-Qaeda were in a period of transition, having just relocated back to Afghanistan fromSudan.The1998 African Embassy bombingsand bin Laden's 1998 fatwā marked a turning point, as bin Laden became intent on attacking the United States.

In late 1998 or early 1999, bin Laden gave approval for Mohammed to go forward with organizing the plot. A series of meetings occurred in early 1999, involving Mohammed, bin Laden, and his deputy Mohammed Atef. Atef provided operational support for the plot, including target selections and helping arrange travel for the hijackers.

In late 1999, a group of men from Hamburg, Germany, arrived in Afghanistan, including Mohamed Atta,Marwan al-Shehhi,Ziad Jarrah, and Ramzi bin al-Shibh.Bin Laden selected these men because they were educated, could speak English, and had experience living in the West.New recruits were routinely screened for special skills and al-Qaeda leaders consequently discovered that Hani Hanjour already had a commercial pilot's license.
Oh look, StillObsessedWithBush is still selling that worthless story about the SOFA. NotFooled, you really need to stop lying for Obama. He's in a death spiral and you can't help him no matter how many lies you tell.
Like I said this morning Obabble was the weak dick on our end of the sofa...no way to get around that, Foo.

Bush was weak in 2007 when Maliki set up the need for a SOFA after 2008. Did you know that Maliki forced the need for a SOFA at the end of 2008 when Bush was in office? Why did Bush allow Maliki to push him around like that? Why was Bush so weak in the first place? Why did Bush allow the Iraqis tell him where US troops could go and where they couldn't go in Iraq in 2009?

Bush was weak because all of the limp dick Democrats that voted to invade Iraq were undermining him every chance they got. Bush didn't allow the Iraqi's to tell him anything in 2009. Obama was President and he said this after he prematurely pulled all of the troops out of Iraq:

“It’s harder to end a war than begin one,” Obama said at Fort Bragg. “Indeed, everything that American troops have done in Iraq--all the fighting and all the dying, the bleeding and the building, and the training and the partnering--all of it has led to this moment of success. Now, Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. We’re building a new partnership between our nations. And we are ending a war not with a final battle, but with a final march toward home. This is an extraordinary achievement, nearly nine years in the making.”

As I recall plenty of Republican were calling for a Change of Plans from President Bushes "Stay the Course" strategy.

Of course it was the Iraqis who went to the UNSC and requested that it not renew the yearly resolution approving of the US occupation of Iraq in 2007. The last one was set to expire at the end of 2008. So in fact it was the SC that told Bush to get a SOFA with Iraq by the end of 2008, or get out. Furthermore there are plenty of examples of President Obama saying that a residual force in Iraq was needed and the held negotiation through 2011 to accomplish that.
What do you call the present war in Iraq and Syria that Obama started?
Protecting American personnel stationed at US Embassies and Consulates and attacking terrorist who have publicly vowed to attack and Kill America and Americans.
What do you call the present war in Iraq and Syria that Obama started?
Protecting American personnel stationed at US Embassies and Consulates and attacking terrorist who have publicly vowed to attack and Kill America and Americans.

What do the air strikes in Iraq and Syria have to do with protecting US Embassies and Consulates?

Perhaps you missed the news about ISIS on a rampage overrunning Iraqi city after Iraqi city and on the march to overtake Baghdad and Erbil where we have an Embassy and Consulate. It was going on just before strikes were made in Iraqi that halted them and gave Kurd and Iraqi forces time to organize and renew their defenses.

I sure did miss that news. Do you have a link to the news story?


That was on 17 June and the only action taken was to send in additional troops to protect the Embassy. If the air strikes were meant to protect the Embassy, why did they wait two months to do them. I read the first strikes were used to protect a large dam in Iraq.

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