Bush Was Wrong In 2007. 2012 Troop Pullout Won't Mean Aq Takes Over Iraq.

Protecting American personnel stationed at US Embassies and Consulates and attacking terrorist who have publicly vowed to attack and Kill America and Americans.
Protecting American personnel stationed at US Embassies and Consulates and attacking terrorist who have publicly vowed to attack and Kill America and Americans.

What do the air strikes in Iraq and Syria have to do with protecting US Embassies and Consulates?

Perhaps you missed the news about ISIS on a rampage overrunning Iraqi city after Iraqi city and on the march to overtake Baghdad and Erbil where we have an Embassy and Consulate. It was going on just before strikes were made in Iraqi that halted them and gave Kurd and Iraqi forces time to organize and renew their defenses.

I sure did miss that news. Do you have a link to the news story?


That was on 17 June and the only action taken was to send in additional troops to protect the Embassy. If the air strikes were meant to protect the Embassy, why did they wait two months to do them. I read the first strikes were used to protect a large dam in Iraq.
Like I said this morning Obabble was the weak dick on our end of the sofa...no way to get around that, Foo.

Bush was weak in 2007 when Maliki set up the need for a SOFA after 2008. Did you know that Maliki forced the need for a SOFA at the end of 2008 when Bush was in office? Why did Bush allow Maliki to push him around like that? Why was Bush so weak in the first place? Why did Bush allow the Iraqis tell him where US troops could go and where they couldn't go in Iraq in 2009?

Bush was weak because all of the limp dick Democrats that voted to invade Iraq were undermining him every chance they got. Bush didn't allow the Iraqi's to tell him anything in 2009. Obama was President and he said this after he prematurely pulled all of the troops out of Iraq:

“It’s harder to end a war than begin one,” Obama said at Fort Bragg. “Indeed, everything that American troops have done in Iraq--all the fighting and all the dying, the bleeding and the building, and the training and the partnering--all of it has led to this moment of success. Now, Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. We’re building a new partnership between our nations. And we are ending a war not with a final battle, but with a final march toward home. This is an extraordinary achievement, nearly nine years in the making.”

As I recall plenty of Republican were calling for a Change of Plans from President Bushes "Stay the Course" strategy.

Of course it was the Iraqis who went to the UNSC and requested that it not renew the yearly resolution approving of the US occupation of Iraq in 2007. The last one was set to expire at the end of 2008. So in fact it was the SC that told Bush to get a SOFA with Iraq by the end of 2008, or get out. Furthermore there are plenty of examples of President Obama saying that a residual force in Iraq was needed and the held negotiation through 2011 to accomplish that.

He sent Biden to Iraq to negotiate and he failed. The Pentagon asked for a force of 24,000 and Obama ended up wanting 3,000.
yada yada yada, that BS is over, turn the page.

Saudi and UAE jets bombed ISIS oil refineries yesterday shutting off the $ 3 million a day income ISIS makes selling outlaw oil. Our jets flew wing.

That's news.
Like I said this morning Obabble was the weak dick on our end of the sofa...no way to get around that, Foo.

Bush was weak in 2007 when Maliki set up the need for a SOFA after 2008. Did you know that Maliki forced the need for a SOFA at the end of 2008 when Bush was in office? Why did Bush allow Maliki to push him around like that? Why was Bush so weak in the first place? Why did Bush allow the Iraqis tell him where US troops could go and where they couldn't go in Iraq in 2009?

Bush was weak because all of the limp dick Democrats that voted to invade Iraq were undermining him every chance they got. Bush didn't allow the Iraqi's to tell him anything in 2009. Obama was President and he said this after he prematurely pulled all of the troops out of Iraq:

“It’s harder to end a war than begin one,” Obama said at Fort Bragg. “Indeed, everything that American troops have done in Iraq--all the fighting and all the dying, the bleeding and the building, and the training and the partnering--all of it has led to this moment of success. Now, Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. We’re building a new partnership between our nations. And we are ending a war not with a final battle, but with a final march toward home. This is an extraordinary achievement, nearly nine years in the making.”

As I recall plenty of Republican were calling for a Change of Plans from President Bushes "Stay the Course" strategy.

Of course it was the Iraqis who went to the UNSC and requested that it not renew the yearly resolution approving of the US occupation of Iraq in 2007. The last one was set to expire at the end of 2008. So in fact it was the SC that told Bush to get a SOFA with Iraq by the end of 2008, or get out. Furthermore there are plenty of examples of President Obama saying that a residual force in Iraq was needed and the held negotiation through 2011 to accomplish that.

He sent Biden to Iraq to negotiate and he failed. The Pentagon asked for a force of 24,000 and Obama ended up wanting 3,000.

In the end they failed for the same reason Bush failed. The Iraqis couldn't muster up enough support in their Parliament to satisfy our demand/need for immunity for our troops.
He sent Biden to Iraq to negotiate and he failed. The Pentagon asked for a force of 24,000 and Obama ended up wanting 3,000.

It was never the Pentagon's call. Bush is the one that let it be Iraq's call. If you want to find failure it lies with Bush in 2007 for not stopping Maliki from writing the letter to the UN demanding the MNF leave Iraq on Iraq's terms.
He sent Biden to Iraq to negotiate and he failed. The Pentagon asked for a force of 24,000 and Obama ended up wanting 3,000.

It was never the Pentagon's call. Bush is the one that let it be Iraq's call. If you want to find failure it lies with Bush in 2007 for not stopping Maliki from writing the letter to the UN demanding the MNF leave Iraq on Iraq's terms.

Please send me a link to the letter you saw. It seems to me that Maliki cooperated with Bush and extended the mandate, but did exactly the opposite with Obama/Biden.

December 19, 2007

On Tuesday, the Bush administration and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki pushed a resolution through the U.N. Security Council extending the mandate that provides legal cover for foreign troops to operate in Iraq for another year.

Earlier in the week, a group representing a majority of lawmakers in Iraq's parliament - a group made up of Sunni, Shiite and secular leaders - sent a letter to the Security Council, a rough translation of which reads: "We reject in the strongest possible terms the unconditional renewal of the mandate and ask for clear mechanisms to obligate all foreign troops to completely withdrawal from Iraq according to an announced timetable."

We don't know if it was even read by members of the Security Council, but we do know that it, like previous communications from the Iraqi legislature, was completely ignored.
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Obamashitforbrains was potus in '09, idiot.

Yes I said Bush left his Iraq mess behind. Bush left the big mess for Obama and all of us on January 20 2009. Of course Obama became president in 2009. You can't read.

I already posted this once, but Obama disagrees with you.

“It’s harder to end a war than begin one,” Obama said at Fort Bragg. “Indeed, everything that American troops have done in Iraq--all the fighting and all the dying, the bleeding and the building, and the training and the partnering--all of it has led to this moment of success. Now, Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. We’re building a new partnership between our nations. And we are ending a war not with a final battle, but with a final march toward home. This is an extraordinary achievement, nearly nine years in the making.”
It was the deadliest country before Bush ever took office. .

There were no mass deaths or genocide in Iraq from about the mid-nineties to the point that Bush decided to kick inspectors out and start a war by bombing and invading Iraq. In fact the first three months of 2003 were the most peaceful ever with the presence of 200 UN Inspectors doing the work of disarming Iraq peacefully. Nobody was killing anybody in Iraq when Bush decided to end that 'peace' and start a war that ended up getting 4584 US soldiers killed and ten times that seriously wounded. And Bush took office in 2000. Provide some stats that shows that Iraq was deadlier that year than 2009... or every year from 2003 to the present. You can't. You a fact-less.

Bush wasn't wrong, he predicted the foolishness the incoming administration would undertake.

Know he didn't. Here's what Bush said:

President Bush warned that if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, it would be dangerous for Iraq, the region and the United States; it would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda.

We all know that Obama pulled troops out of Iraq no faster than Bush's own timeline for withdrawal.

We all know that Iraq is not even close to "surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda".

So can you explain in common language just how exactly Bush was correct to make that prediction way back in 2007?

Tell that to the Kurds!
Stupid fuck cum-guzzling sack of shit.....AQI is ISIL/ISIS.

They broke off from AQ because of differences of opinion over methods and power with AQ leadership hiding in Pakistan. AQSL believes ISIS/ISIL turns off moderate muslims from supporting their jihad because of their brutality.

There is no case that al Qaeda or any offshoot terrorist organization will take
over Iraq. So Bush had it wrong when he warned a premature US troop pullout would mean an Iraqi surrender to al Qaeda.

Bush is still a fool. Iraq will not be surrendering to al Qaeda.

Far from it, heard this from a Kurd:

"But we have got a constitution. If we would be committed to the constitution - the way to democracy and the way to keep Iraq united is to have regions."

SIEGEL: You told me in July it wasn't just about individuals. You didn't see the mentality, the ideology, the culture of democracy in Baghdad. Do you see any more of that in Baghdad today?

HUSSEIN: No, it doesn't exist. But we have got a constitution. If we would be committed to the constitution - the way to democracy and the way to keep Iraq united is to have regions. And that means federal structure. So that means the Sunni can have their own region, the Shia their own region and Kurdistan also as a region. And Baghdad can be the capital of all.

. SIEGEL: Will the Peshmerga fight too if they have U.S. air support?


SIEGEL: Will they fight to liberate Mosul?

HUSSEIN: We are ready to fight terrorists everywhere because those, if they will stay in Mosul, they will stay a threat for us and a threat for the rest of the world. Because then they can reorganize themselves again and attack us again. But also it will be threat for the neighboring countries.

Both excerpts from here:

Kurds U.S. Fight Against ISIS Requires Ground Forces NPR

Fuad Hussein is the chief of staff to the President of the Kurdish Regional Government.

And the French have engaged the enemy in Iraq:

French fighter jets strike Islamic State supply depot in northeastern Iraq - The Washington Post

And Egypt is all in for killing the IS M'Fers.

Egyptian Pres. El-Sissi Ready to Support Fight Against ISIS

By Associated Press Last Updated: September 20, 2014 4:30 pm

Egyptian Pres. El-Sissi Ready to Support Fight Against ISIS - The Epoch Times

So where is Cameron?
President Bush warned that if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, it would be dangerous for Iraq, the region and the United States; it would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda.

Not one person out there will argue or try to make the case that Iraq has or will surrender its future to al Qaeda or any offshoots from al Qaeda. But many agreed that Bush was right in 2007. How could Bush be right if what he predicted is not going to happen?
President Bush warned that if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, it would be dangerous for Iraq, the region and the United States; it would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda.

Not one person out there will argue or try to make the case that Iraq has or will surrender its future to al Qaeda or any offshoots from al Qaeda. But many agreed that Bush was right in 2007. How could Bush be right if what he predicted is not going to happen?

This is what Bush said in 2007

Bush declared: “I know some in Washington would like us to start leaving Iraq now. To begin withdrawing before our commanders tell us we’re ready would be dangerous for Iraq, for the region and for the United States. It would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al-Qaeda. It would mean that we’d be risking mass killings on a horrific scale. It would mean we’d allow the terrorists to establish a safe haven in Iraq to replace the one they lost in Afghanistan. It would mean we’d be increasing the probability that American troops would have to return at some later date to confront an enemy that is even more dangerous.”

Did Obama or did he not withdraw before our commanders were really ready? I say yes and can prove it.
Is Iraq the region and the United States in more danger today than when Bush left office? Again, I say yes and can prove it.
They sure as hell surrendered to the new al Queda, better known as ISIS when they were attacked.
There are reports and even videos of numerous mass killings as well as horrific beheadings.
ISIS has a safe haven in Syria and Iraq until and unless they are defeated in another war.
It has been clearly stated by the Obama Administration that ISIS is even more dangerous than al Queda and our Air Force and Naval Aviators have returned to resume bombing Iraq.

You are right that what Bush predicted is not going to happen because most of what he predicted has already happened.
Obama and Biden went around in 2010-11 bragging about "their success in Iraq" and that they were able to get all US troops out of Iraq to fulfill Obama's campaign promises to his kook followers despite warnings from the CIA and DoD.

Now we are back in Iraq and also in Syria because Obama is a dumbfuck that tried to play General with his community organizer experience.
Do you consider General Ray Odierno to be one of those commanders?

"The Iraqis wanted to be in charge; they wanted the responsibilities; and they have demonstrated that they are capable," General Odierno - CNN, September 30, 2009

September 25, 2014 at 06:50 PM 9861942
Did Obama or did he not withdraw before our commanders were really ready? I say yes and can prove it. .

Can you prove that our commanders had a plan or some means available to themselves as well as Obama that would overcome Iraqi objections to keeping as many US troops in Iraq that our commanders wanted? If you cannot prove that, you cannot prove anything. Or you could prove that Iraq had no objection to what our commanders wanted.
September 25, 2014 at 06:50 PM 9861942
Is Iraq the region and the United States in more danger today than when Bush left office? Again, I say yes and can prove it.

You have quoted Bush from July 2007. Nice trick to shift the comparison to January 2009. I don't buy you contention that Iraq is in more danger today than they were in July 2007.

Here are that stats on civilian deaths for 2007.

Another 22,586–24,159 civilian deaths have been recorded in 2007 through Iraq Body Count’s extensive monitoring of media and official reports. These figures, though undoubtedly incomplete, are the most comprehensive and well-established currently available, and show beyond any doubt that civil security in Iraq remains in a parlous state. Figures for the most recent months indicate that violence in Iraq has returned to the monthly levels IBC was recording in 2005, a year which was itself (until 2006) the worst since the invasion. 1

I don't get you people. Iraq is not more deadly today for Americans than it was in 2007 when Bush supposedly made his great prediction. Here is a list of America's and other' finest who were killed in Bush's war during July 2007 . How many Americans have died in the conflict the past couple months.

7-31-2007 UK Edwards, Steve Corporal 35 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Basra Basra (Al Mudhara district) British Army England Sutton Coldfield Badger Squadron, 2nd Royal Tank Regiment Not reported yet
7-31-2007 US Marshall, Bradley W. Sergeant 37 Hostile - hostile fire - indirect fire Baghdad Tunis U.S. Army Arkansas Little Rock 2nd BN, 377th Parachute Field Artillery Reg, 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division Fort Richardson, AK
7-31-2007 US Reyes, Daniel F. Specialist 24 Hostile - hostile fire - indirect fire Baghdad Tunis U.S. Army California San Diego 2nd BB, 377th Parachute Field Artillery Reg, 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division Fort Richardson, AK
7-31-2007 US Maddies, Stephen R. Sergeant 41 Hostile - hostile fire - small arms fire Baghdad Baghdad U.S. Army National Guard Tennessee Elizabethton 473rd Counter Rocket, Artillery and Mortar Platoon, Tennessee Army National Guard Columbia, TN
7-31-2007 US Gonzalez, Zachariah J. Specialist 23 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Baghdad U.S. Army Indiana Not reported yet 2nd BN, 3rd Infantry Reg, 3rd Brigade, (Stryker Brigade Combat Team) 2nd Infantry Division Fort Lewis, WA
7-31-2007 US Heinlein Jr., Charles T. Private 1st Class 23 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Baghdad U.S. Army Michigan Hemlock 2nd BN, 3rd Infantry Reg, 3rd Brigade, (Stryker Brigade Combat Team) 2nd Infantry Division Fort Lewis, WA
7-31-2007 US Jairala, Alfred H. Private 1st Class 29 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Baghdad U.S. Army Florida Hialeah 2nd BN, 3rd Infantry Reg, 3rd Brigade, (Stryker Brigade Combat Team) 2nd Infantry Division Fort Lewis, WA
7-30-2007 US Kessler, Jason M. Corporal 29 Hostile - hostile fire - RPG attack NA Northern Iraq U.S. Army Washington Mount Vernon C Company, 2nd BN, 75th Ranger Regiment Fort Lewis, WA
7-30-2007 US Stokes, Sean A. Corporal 24 Hostile - hostile fire Anbar Al Taqaddum U.S. Marine California Auburn 3rd BN, 1st Marine Reg, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force Camp Pendleton, CA
7-29-2007 US Suliveras, Wilberto Staff Sergeant 38 Hostile - hostile fire - small arms fire Baghdad Taji U.S. Army Puerto Rico Humacao 2nd BN, 8th Cavalry Reg, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Fort Hood, TX
7-29-2007 US Grater, Cody C. Private 1st Class 20 Hostile - hostile fire - direct fire Baghdad Baghdad (eastern part) U.S. Army Florida Spring Hill Brigade Support BN, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Fort Bragg, NC
7-26-2007 US Baloga, Michael A. Private 21 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Diyala Muqdadiyah U.S. Army Washington Everett 6th Squadron, 9th Cavalry Reg, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Fort Hood, TX
7-26-2007 US Howdeshell, William R. Sergeant 37 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Anbar Saqlawiyah U.S. Army Virginia Norfolk 5th Squadron, 7th Cavalry Reg, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Fort Stewart, GA
7-26-2007 US Bilbrey Jr., Charles E. Specialist 21 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Anbar Saqlawiyah U.S. Army New York Owego 5th Squadron, 7th Cavalry Reg, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Fort Stewart, GA
7-26-2007 US Rodriguez Jr., Jaime Specialist 19 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Anbar Saqlawiyah U.S. Army California Oxnard 5th Squadron, 7th Cavalry Reg, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Fort Stewart, GA
7-25-2007 US Leckel, Daniel A. Specialist 19 Hostile - hostile fire - small arms fire Baghdad Baghdad (southern part) U.S. Army Oregon Medford 1st BN, 28th Infantry Reg, 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division Fort Riley, KS
7-24-2007 US Florexil, Camy Specialist 20 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Baghdad U.S. Army Pennsylvania Philadelphia 1st BN, 28th Infantry Reg, 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division Fort Riley, KS
7-24-2007 US Mattero, Joshua P. Staff Sergeant 29 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Diyala Ba'qubah U.S. Army California San Diego 749th Ordnance Company, 63rd Explosive Ordnance Battalion Andrews AFB, MD
7-24-2007 US Noble, Daniel S. Hospitalman 21 Hostile - hostile fire Diyala Rushidiyah U.S. Navy California Whittier 1st Marine Division, Fleet Marine Force Pacific Camp Pendleton, CA
7-24-2007 US Lynch, Robert A. Lance Corporal 20 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Anbar Rushidiyah U.S. Marine Kentucky Louisville 1st BN 12th Marine Reg, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force Okinawa, Japan
7-24-2007 US McRae, James H. Corporal 22 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Anbar Rushidiyah U.S. Marine Texas Springtown 3rd Maintenance BN, Combat Logistics Reg 35, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, III Marine Expeditionary Force Okinawa, Japan
7-24-2007 US Zindars, Matthew R. Corporal 21 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Anbar Rushidiyah U.S. Marine Wisconsin Watertown 2nd BN, 11th Marine Reg, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force Camp Pendleton, CA
7-24-2007 US Finch, Courtney D. Sergeant 27 Non-hostile Ninawa Qayyarah U.S. Army Kansas Leavenworth 714th Maintenance Company, Kansas Army National Guard Topeka, KS
7-22-2007 US Twitty, Bobby L. Lance Corporal 20 Non-hostile - vehicle accident Anbar Ramadi U.S. Marine Texas Bedias Combat Logistics BN 6, Combat Logistics Reg 2, 2nd Marine Logistics Group, Camp Lejeune, NC
7-22-2007 US Adams, Shawn G. Sergeant 21 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Owaset U.S. Army California Dixon 3rd BN, 509th Parachute Infantry Reg, 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division Fort Richardson, AK
7-21-2007 UK Flowers, Timothy Darren Lance Corporal 25 Hostile - hostile fire - mortar attack Basra Basra British Army Northern Ireland Londonderry Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Not reported yet
7-21-2007 US Scherer, Christopher G. Corporal 21 Hostile - hostile fire Anbar Al Taqaddum U.S. Marine New York East Northport 1st Combat Engineer BN, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force Camp Pendleton, CA
7-21-2007 US Schmuecker, Jacob S. Sergeant 27 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Baghdad (Died in Balad) U.S. Army National Guard Nebraska Atkinson 755th Recon/Decon Company, Nebraska Army National Guard O'Neill, NE
7-20-2007 US Butler, Rhett A. Corporal 22 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Diyala Khan Bani Saad U.S. Army Texas Fort Worth 2nd Squadron, 1st Cavalry Reg, 4th Brigade, (Stryker Brigade Combat Team) 2nd Infantry Division Fort Lewis, WA
7-19-2007 UK Caulwell, Matthew Senior Aircraftsman 22 Hostile - hostile fire - mortar attack Basra Basra British Royal Air Force England Birmingham 1 Squadron RAF Regiment Not reported yet
7-19-2007 UK Dunsmore, Christopher Senior Aircraftsman 29 Hostile - hostile fire - mortar attack Basra Basra British Royal Air Force England Leicester 504 Squadron Royal Auxiliary Air Force Not reported yet
7-19-2007 UK McFerran, Peter Senior Aircraftsman 24 Hostile - hostile fire - mortar attack Basra Basra British Royal Air Force Wales Connahs Quay 1 Squadron RAF Regiment Not reported yet
7-19-2007 US Craig, Brandon M. Corporal 25 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Karbala Husayniyah U.S. Army Maryland Earleville Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 4th Brigade, (Stryker Brigade Combat Team) 2nd Infantry Division Fort Lewis, WA
7-19-2007 US Coffelt, Ronald L. Sergeant 36 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Baghdad (eastern part) U.S. Army California Fair Oaks 503rd Military Police Battalion, 16th Military Police Brigade (Airborne), XVIII Airborne Corps Fort Bragg, NC
7-18-2007 US Gutierrez-Rosales, Luis E. Sergeant 1st Class 38 Hostile - hostile fire - IED, small arms fire Baghdad Adhamiyah U.S. Army California Bakersfield 1st BN, 26th Infantry, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division Schweinfurt, Germany
7-18-2007 US Gilmore III, Richard Specialist 22 Hostile - hostile fire - IED, small arms fire Baghdad Adhamiyah U.S. Army Alabama Jasper 1st BN, 26th Infantry, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division Schweinfurt, Germany
7-18-2007 US Gomez, Daniel E. Specialist 21 Hostile - hostile fire - IED, small arms fire Baghdad Adhamiyah U.S. Army Georgia Warner Robbins 1st BN, 26th Infantry, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division Schweinfurt, Germany
7-18-2007 US Clouser, Zachary Specialist 19 Hostile - hostile fire - IED, small arms fire Baghdad Adhamiyah U.S. Army Pennsylvania Dover 1st BN, 26th Infantry, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division Schweinfurt, Germany
7-17-2007 POL Posadzy, Jaroslaw Major 39 Non-hostile - illness Qadisiyah Diwaniyah Polish Army Not reported yet Not reported yet 25th AirCavalry Brigade - garrison Not reported yet
7-17-2007 US Harrelson, James J. Private 1st Class 19 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Baghdad U.S. Army Alabama Dadeville 2nd BN, 16th Infantry Reg, 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry D Fort Riley, KS
7-17-2007 US Chaney, Jeffrey L. Petty Officer 1st Class 35 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Salah ad Din Samarra U.S. Navy Nebraska Omaha Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit Eleven Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, W
7-17-2007 US Wade, Patrick L. Chief Petty Officer 38 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Salah ad Din Samarra U.S. Navy Florida Key West Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit Eleven Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, W
7-17-2007 US Barnes, Nathan S. Sergeant 23 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Baghdad (Rushdi Mullah) U.S. Army Utah American Fork 4th BN, 31st Infantry Reg, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division Fort Drum, NY
7-17-2007 US Joshua Jr., Ron J. Private 1st Class 19 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Baghdad (western part) U.S. Army Texas Austin 401st Military Police Company, 92nd Military Police BN, 89th Military Police Brigade Fort Hood, TX
7-17-2007 US Bobb, Brandon K. Private 1st Class 20 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Baghdad (western part) U.S. Army Florida Orlando 401st Military Police Company, 92nd Military Police BN, 89th Military Police Brigade Fort Hood, TX
7-16-2007 US Starkovich, Shawn V. Lance Corporal 20 Non-hostile Anbar Habbaniyah U.S. Marine Washington Arlington 3rd BN, 1st Marine Reg, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force Camp Pendleton, CA
7-15-2007 US Varga, Robert D. Specialist 24 Non-hostile Baghdad Baghdad U.S. Army Missouri Monroe City 984th Military Police Company, 759th Military Police Battalion Fort Carson, CO
7-15-2007 US Holke, Eric M. Specialist 31 Non-hostile Dhi Qar Tallil U.S. Army National Guard California Crestline 1st BN, 160th Infantry, California Army National Guard Fullerton, CA
7-15-2007 US Bartlett Jr., Benjamin B. Private 1st Class 25 Hostile - hostile fire - RPG attack Ninawa Mosul U.S. Army Georgia Manchester 2nd BN, 7th Cavalry Reg, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Fort Bliss, TX
7-14-2007 US Massey, John R. Sergeant 29 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Baghdad (near) (died in Balad) U.S. Army National Guard Arkansas Judsonia C Battery, 142nd Fires Brigade Ozark, AK
7-14-2007 US Kube, Christopher D. Private 1st Class 18 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Baghdad U.S. Army Michigan Sterling Heights 2nd BN, 17th Field Artillery Reg, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Fort Carson, CO
7-14-2007 US Greka, Allen A. Sergeant 29 Hostile - hostile fire - land mine Baghdad Jisr Diyala U.S. Army Michigan Alpena 3d BN, 1st Cavalry Reg, 3d Brigade Combat Team, 3d Infantry Division Fort Benning, GA
7-11-2007 US Johnson, Courtney T. Sergeant 26 Hostile - hostile fire Baghdad Besmaya U.S. Army North Carolina Garner 3rd Brigade Special Troops BN, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Fort Benning, GA
7-11-2007 US McKinney, Jeffrey R. 1st Sergeant 40 Non-hostile - suicide - gunshot wound Baghdad Adhamiyah U.S. Army Texas Garland 1st BN, 26th Infantry Reg, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division Schweinfurt, Germany
7-10-2007 US Ortiz, Maria I. Captain 40 Hostile - hostile fire - mortar attack Baghdad Baghdad (Green Zone) U.S. Army Puerto Rico Bayamon Kirk U.S. Army Health Clinic Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
7-08-2007 UK Read, Christopher Corporal 22 Hostile - hostile fire - small arms fire Basra Basra British Army England Poole in Dorset 158 Provost Company, 3rd Regiment Royal Military Police Not reported yet
7-08-2007 US Dore, Jason E. Private 1st Class 25 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Baghdad (west of) U.S. Army Maine Moscow 2nd BN, 5th Cavalry Reg, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Fort Hood, TX
7-07-2007 UK Francis, Ryan Lance Corporal 23 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Basra Basra (Al Mudhara district) British Army Wales Llanelli 2nd Battalion The Royal Welsh Not reported yet
7-07-2007 US DeLoach, Jerry L. Sergeant 45 Non-hostile - injury NA Fort Knox, KY U.S. Army Georgia Jackson Warrior Transition Unit Fort Knox, KY
7-07-2007 US Causor Jr., Roberto J. Specialist 21 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Salah ad Din Samarra U.S. Army California San Jose 2nd BN, 505th Parachute Infantry Reg, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Fort Bragg, NC
7-06-2007 UK Vakabua, Edward Rifleman 23 Non-hostile - manslaughter Basra Basra (Basra Palace) British Army Fiji Suva (Nailuva Road) 7 Platoon, B Company, 4th Battalion The Rifles Bulford, Wiltshire
7-06-2007 US Lockey, Jon M. Colonel 44 Non-hostile Baghdad Baghdad U.S. Army Virginia Fredericksburg Headquarters, Department of the Army Washington, D.C.
7-06-2007 US Lewis, Jason Dale Petty Officer 1st Class 30 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Baghdad (vicinity of) U.S. Navy Connecticut Brookfield East Coast-based SEAL team Not reported yet
7-06-2007 US McRill, Robert Richard Petty Officer 1st Class 42 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Baghdad (vicinity of) U.S. Navy Florida Lake Placid East Coast-based SEAL team Not reported yet
7-06-2007 US Daugherty, Steven Phillip Petty Officer 1st Class 28 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Baghdad (vicinity of) U.S. Navy California Barstow East Coast-based SEAL team Not reported yet
7-06-2007 US Wilson, Le Ron A. Private 1st Class 18 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Babil Baghdad (South of) U.S. Army New York Queens 26th Brigade Support BN, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division Fort Stewart, GA
7-06-2007 US Lamie, Gene L. Sergeant 25 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Babil Baghdad (South of) U.S. Army Georgia Homerville 3rd BN, 7th Cavalry Reg, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Fort Stewart, GA
7-06-2007 US Salazar Jr., Bruce C. Private 1st Class 24 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Baghdad (eastern part) U.S. Army California Tracy 1st Battalion, 30th Infantry Reg, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Fort Stewart, GA
7-06-2007 US Wiens, Kory D. Corporal 20 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Baghdad (eastern part) U.S. Army Oregon Independence 94th Mine Dog Detachment, 5th Engineer BN, 1st Engineer Brigade Fort Leonard Wood, MO
7-06-2007 US Lill, Eric A. Sergeant 28 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Rustamiyah U.S. Army Illinois Chicago 2nd BN, 17th Field Artillery Reg, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Fort Carson, CO
7-05-2007 US Stacey, Jeremy L. Specialist 23 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Baghdad (western part) U.S. Army Arkansas Bismarck 2nd BN, 12th Cavalry Reg, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Fort Bliss, TX
7-05-2007 US Allbaugh, Jeremy D. Corporal 21 Hostile - hostile fire Anbar Al Qaim U.S. Marine Oklahoma Luther 1st BN, 4th Marine Reg, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force Camp Pendleton, CA
7-05-2007 US Stacy, Steven A. Lance Corporal 23 Hostile - hostile fire Anbar Al Taqaddum U.S. Marine Oregon Coos Bay 3rd BN, 1st Marine Reg, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force Camp Pendleton, CA
7-05-2007 US Ahearn, James M. Major 43 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Baghdad (southern part) U.S. Army California Concord 96th Civil Affairs Battalion, 95th Civil Affairs Brigade Fort Bragg, NC
7-05-2007 US Kline, Keith A. Sergeant 24 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Baghdad Baghdad (southern part) U.S. Army Ohio Oak Harbor 96th Civil Affairs Battalion, 95th Civil Affairs Brigade Fort Bragg, NC
7-05-2007 US Vinnedge, Anthony M.K. Specialist 24 Non-hostile Baghdad Radwaniyah Palace Complex U.S. Army National Guard Ohio Okeana Troop C, 2nd Squadron, 107th Armor Cavalry Regiment Greenville, OH
7-05-2007 US Ring, Michelle R. Specialist 24 Hostile - hostile fire - mortar attack Baghdad Baghdad (western part) U.S. Army Tennessee Martin 92d Military Police Battalion Fort Bening, GA
7-04-2007 US Engstrom, Andrew T. Private 1st Class 22 Non-hostile Baghdad Taji U.S. Army Texas Slaton 1st BN, 82nd Field Artillery Reg, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Fort Hood, TX
7-04-2007 US Oswell, Scott A.M. Chief Warrant Officer 33 Non-hostile - helicopter crash Ninawa Mosul U.S. Army Washington Not reported yet 4th Squadron, 6th U.S. Air Cavalry Fort Lewis, WA
7-04-2007 US Davis, Steven A. Private 1st Class 23 Hostile - hostile fire - grenade Baghdad Baghdad (southern part) U.S. Army Virginia Woodbridge 2nd BN 12th Infantry Reg, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Fort Carson, CO
7-02-2007 US Apineru, Faoa L. Staff Sergeant 31 Hostile - hostile fire Anbar Al Anbar Province U.S. Marine Reserve California Yorba Linda Headquarters Company, 23rd Marines, 4th Marine Division Not reported yet
7-02-2007 US Rutherford, Christopher N. 1st Lieutenant 25 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Anbar Al Asad U.S. Army Ohio Newport Forward Support Group, 19th Engineer Battalion Fort Knox, KY
7-01-2007 US Tinnel, Jeremy L. Lance Corporal 20 Non-hostile - accident Anbar Albu Hyatt - Euphrates River U.S. Marine Virginia Mechanicsville 1st BN, 2nd Marine Reg, II Marine Expeditionary Force Camp Lejeune, NC
7-01-2007 US Chambers, William C. Lance Corporal 20 Non-hostile - drowning Anbar Albu Hyatt - Euphrates River U.S. Marine Georgia Ringgold 1st BN, 2nd Marine Reg, II Marine Expeditionary Force Camp Lejeune, NC
7-01-2007 US Schill, Juan M. Garcia Lance Corporal 20 Hostile - hostile fire - small arms fire Anbar Ta'meem U.S. Marine Oregon Grants Pass 2nd Battalion, 7th Marine Reg, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force Not reported yet
7-01-2007 US Ruoff Jr., Michael L. Staff Sergeant 31 Hostile - hostile fire - small arms fire Anbar Ta'meem U.S. Army California Yosemite 1st BN, 77th Armor Reg, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division Schweinfurt, Germany
7-01-2007 US Buchan, Raymond R. Sergeant 1st Class 33 Hostile - hostile fire - small arms fire Anbar Ta'meem U.S. Army Pennsylvania Johnston 1st BN, 18th Infantry Reg, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division Schweinfurt, Germany
7-01-2007 US Garcia, Victor A. Specialist 22 Hostile - hostile fire - small arms fire Baghdad Baghdad (southern part) U.S. Army California Rialto 1st BN, 38th Infantry Reg, 4th Brigade, (Stryker Brigade Combat Team) 2nd Infantry Division Fort Lewis, WA
7-01-2007 US Rossi, Jonathan M. Private 1st Class 20 Hostile - hostile fire - IED, small arms fire Baghdad Baghdad (western part) U.S. Army Florida Safety Harbor 2nd BN, 12th Cavalry Reg, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Fort Bliss, TX

iCasualties OIF Iraq Fatalities Details
Please send me a link to the letter you saw. It seems to me that Maliki cooperated with Bush and extended the mandate, but did exactly the opposite with Obama/Biden.

Here you go:



Recognizing the request from Iraq, the Security Council today decided to extend the mandate of the multinational force in that country -- “for the last time”, according to its Permanent Representative -- until 31 December 2008.

Acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, the Council unanimously adopted resolution 1790 (2007), deciding further that the mandate would be reviewed at the request of the Government of Iraq or no later than 15 June 2008. The mandate would be terminated earlier if the Iraqi Government requested the Council to do so.


the need to extend, one last time, the mandate of the

Letter dated 7 December 2007 from the Prime Minister of Iraq addressed to the President of the Security Council

[Original: Arabic and English]

Iraq has now finished building its constitutional and legal institutions. It now has a permanent constitution, which was voted on by the Iraqi people, and a parliament, which represents the various components of Iraqi society. Iraq also has a Government of national unity that includes all political factions. Today, despite the efforts of terrorists and hostile forces to prevent us from developing our young and vital democracy, we are determined to build a democratic, federal and unified Iraq.

The Government of Iraq continues to act expeditiously to guarantee the security of Iraqi citizens and the stability of the country. It is continuing to act expeditiously to promote national reconciliation in order to ensure broad political participation by all national forces, to protect human rights and strengthen the rule of law, to achieve economic growth and to provide its citizens with basic services.

Achieving security and stability in the country is a matter of the utmost priority for the Iraqi Government. That is why it has devoted special attention to the task of building and strengthening the capacities of the Iraqi Army and the internal security forces, given that those are the two institutions that can guarantee security, maintain order and confront terrorist and other outlaw groups. Our national forces have successfully taken over the security functions of the multinational force in Iraq (MNF-I) in eight governorates. It is our intention that our national forces will continue to take over those security functions until all 18 governorates are under the full security control of our troops in 2008. Our ground force command has assumed control of all the divisions of the Iraqi Army. The effective coordination between the command and MNF-I has had a positive effect on the security situation.

The Government of Iraq stresses that MNF-I, working alongside our national forces, has made an important and significant contribution to efforts to establish security and the rule of law. The Government of Iraq requests that the Security Council should consider extending the mandate of MNF-I in light of Iraq’s achievements over the past few years, namely, the strengthened capacity of its Army and security forces and its significant successes in the security, political and economic spheres. A review of the role and authority of MNF-I will thus be required in order to strike a balance between, on the one hand, the need to extend, one last time, the mandate of the force and, on the other hand, progress made by Iraq in the area of security. In this regard, it is important for Iraq to be treated as an independent and fully sovereign State and, in seeking the aforementioned balance, the following objectives should be highlighted:

1. The Government of Iraq requests the extension of the mandate of MNF-I in accordance with Security Council resolutions 1546 (2004), 1637 (2005) and 1723 (2006) and the letters annexed thereto for a period of 12 months beginning on 31 December 2007, provided that the extension is subject to a commitment by the Security Council to end the mandate at an earlier date if the Government of Iraq so requests and that the mandate is subject to periodic review before June 2008;

2. The functions of recruiting, training, arming and equipping the Iraqi Army and Iraq’s security forces are the responsibility of the Government of Iraq;

3. The Government of Iraq will assume responsibility for command and control of all Iraqi forces, and MNF-I, in coordination with the Government of Iraq, will provide support and backing to those forces;

4. The Government of Iraq will be responsible for arrest, detention and imprisonment tasks. When those tasks are carried out by MNF-I, there will be maximum levels of coordination, cooperation and understanding with the Government of Iraq;

5. The Government of Iraq considers this to be its final request to the Security Council for the extension of the mandate of MNF-I and expects, in future, that the Security Council will be able to deal with the situation in Iraq without the need for action under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations;

6. The Government of Iraq requests that the resolution to be adopted by the Security Council should reaffirm respect for the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Iraq and also reaffirm the commitment of Member States to the principle of non-intervention in its internal affairs.

The Government of Iraq wishes to inform the Security Council that it has signed a declaration of principles with the United States of America with a view to establishing a long-term cooperative and friendly relationship.

The Government of Iraq reaffirms the importance of the work of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1518 (2003) in order to restore the Iraqi funds and assets deposited outside Iraq by the previous regime. The Government of Iraq urges the members of the Security Council to support the Committee’s ongoing work in accordance with paragraph 19 of resolution 1483 (2003) concerning the identification of individuals and entities referred to in paragraph 23 of that resolution, including the updating of the list of individuals and entities identified by the Committee established pursuant to paragraph 6 of resolution 661 (1990). The Government of Iraq looks forward to the Committee’s report to the Security Council on its activities.

The Government of Iraq recognizes the importance of the provisions of paragraph 22 of resolution 1483 (2003) in ensuring that Iraq’s natural resources, the proceeds from sales thereof and other funds deposited in the Development Fund for Iraq are used for reconstruction activities and other efforts to benefit the people of Iraq. Iraq therefore requests that, taking account of the exception provided for in paragraph 27 of resolution 1546 (2004), the Security Council should continue to apply the provisions of paragraph 22 of resolution 1483 (2003) until 31 December 2008, including in respect of the funds, financial assets and economic resources described in paragraph 23 of resolution 1483 (2003).

The Government of Iraq is of the opinion that the provisions of Security Council resolution 1546 (2004) on the deposit of proceeds into the Development Fund for Iraq will help to ensure that proceeds from Iraq’s natural resources are used to serve the interests of the Iraqi people. The role played by the International Advisory and Monitoring Board serves the same purpose. The Government of Iraq understands that the Development Fund for Iraq plays an important role in helping Iraq to convince donors and creditors that it is managing its resources and debts in a responsible way in the interests of the Iraqi people. It should be pointed out that Iraq is striving to form a new partnership with the international community in order to build a dynamic network designed to transform its economy and integrate it with other world economies through the International Compact with Iraq. We are therefore requesting that the mandate of the Development Fund for Iraq and the International Advisory and Monitoring Board be extended for a further 12 months. We are also requesting that the mandate should be reviewed, based on the request of the Iraqi Government, before 15 June 2008.

The Government of Iraq is asking the Security Council to review its resolutions relating to the deposit of 5 per cent of Iraq’s proceeds from oil into the Compensation Fund established in accordance with Security Council resolution 687 (1991) and subsequent relevant resolutions, with a view to reducing that percentage as much as possible, since the deposit of such a high percentage creates a financial burden for Iraq at a time when it is in dire need of those funds to rebuild its infrastructure, which was destroyed during the wars waged by the previous regime. Furthermore, the increase in the price of oil means that the real amount represented by that 5 per cent is at least five times greater than it was.

The people of Iraq are determined to establish a stable and peaceful democracy. They are determined to develop a dynamic economy built on solid foundations and a creative vision. The people of Iraq need the support of the international community to make that vision a reality.

It is our understanding that the Security Council intends to include this letter as an annex to the resolution concerning Iraq that is currently being drafted. In the meantime, I should be grateful if you would have this letter circulated to the members of the esteemed Security Council as soon as possible.

(Signed) Nuri Kamel al-Maliki
Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq
Stupid fuck cum-guzzling sack of shit.....AQI is ISIL/ISIS.

They broke off from AQ because of differences of opinion over methods and power with AQ leadership hiding in Pakistan. AQSL believes ISIS/ISIL turns off moderate muslims from supporting their jihad because of their brutality.

There is no case that al Qaeda or any offshoot terrorist organization will take
over Iraq. So Bush had it wrong when he warned a premature US troop pullout would mean an Iraqi surrender to al Qaeda.

Bush is still a fool. Iraq will not be surrendering to al Qaeda.

Far from it, heard this from a Kurd:

"But we have got a constitution. If we would be committed to the constitution - the way to democracy and the way to keep Iraq united is to have regions."

SIEGEL: You told me in July it wasn't just about individuals. You didn't see the mentality, the ideology, the culture of democracy in Baghdad. Do you see any more of that in Baghdad today?

HUSSEIN: No, it doesn't exist. But we have got a constitution. If we would be committed to the constitution - the way to democracy and the way to keep Iraq united is to have regions. And that means federal structure. So that means the Sunni can have their own region, the Shia their own region and Kurdistan also as a region. And Baghdad can be the capital of all.

. SIEGEL: Will the Peshmerga fight too if they have U.S. air support?


SIEGEL: Will they fight to liberate Mosul?

HUSSEIN: We are ready to fight terrorists everywhere because those, if they will stay in Mosul, they will stay a threat for us and a threat for the rest of the world. Because then they can reorganize themselves again and attack us again. But also it will be threat for the neighboring countries.

Both excerpts from here:

Kurds U.S. Fight Against ISIS Requires Ground Forces NPR

Fuad Hussein is the chief of staff to the President of the Kurdish Regional Government.

And the French have engaged the enemy in Iraq:

French fighter jets strike Islamic State supply depot in northeastern Iraq - The Washington Post

And Egypt is all in for killing the IS M'Fers.

Egyptian Pres. El-Sissi Ready to Support Fight Against ISIS

By Associated Press Last Updated: September 20, 2014 4:30 pm

Egyptian Pres. El-Sissi Ready to Support Fight Against ISIS - The Epoch Times

So where is Cameron?

Learn how to read and comprehend it and then get back to me. I wrote that ISIS was an offshoot of AQ. Iraq has not surrendered to either one of those now separate terrorist organizations. That was the point. Iraq has not surrendered to AQ or ISIS or any terrorist organization so Bush was not correct way back in 2007.

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