Bush Wins Long-Sought Goal of U.S. Access for Aging Mexican Trucks

Uh Repubs have never turned on their candidate, ever. Only Demos have done that. Reference the 80, 84 and 88 elections, Demos left their candidates with their cocks hanging out.

The never fucking happen statement is backed by history, we are not fractionalized like the Demos, the party of the underachievers.
Any non-combatant/civilian killed within the parameters of war declared or undeclared is simple murder, SE. I was taught that in Basic Training and I still believe it. We never heard about collateral killings back then.

I still believe in military objectivity. I don't believe in destruction regardless of potential subjectives. With the pin-point weaponry and extensive training available today, there is no excuse for unnecessary civilian suffering. We're Americans, not Barbarians. Does this clear anything up for you, SE?

Originally posted by JIHADTHIS
Thank you.

It will take a lot more then some Mexican trucks to make me change my avatar though:D

Funny avatar.:D
I also like the mini-me Bush/Cheney avatar I saw someone has...
Originally posted by OCA
Uh Repubs have never turned on their candidate, ever. Only Demos have done that. Reference the 80, 84 and 88 elections, Demos left their candidates with their cocks hanging out.

The never fucking happen statement is backed by history, we are not fractionalized like the Demos, the party of the underachievers.

No Republican has ever voted Democratic.:rolleyes: Good one, Ocra.

And, of course, leave it to you to be on the lookout for "cocks hanging out."
Quit that, Flasher, you done made me piss my pants!!!!!!!!! But I guess Ocra doesn't see the humor or understand the reference. GOOD ONE!!!!!!!!!!

Originally posted by nycflasher
No Republican has ever voted Democratic.:rolleyes: Good one, Ocra.

And, of course, leave it to you to be on the lookout for "cocks hanging out."

I guess, but its my bad for not remembering, that you are too stupid to know what I was talking about. No Republicans have ever left their candidate in droves and helped a Demo get elected, ever. Demos have a habit of doing that: reference the elections of 80, 84 and 88. Irrefuteable.

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