Bush2 May Find it Funny But the Iraq War is no Joke.

Bush couldn't have invaded without all that bipartisan liberal support.
This is why Hillary should have voted no. Obama was smart enough to vote no and that is why he was the nominee not Hillary and that's why he is a 2 termer baby!

Bush lied to all of us.

Him and Tony Blair lied to the rest of the world. Have the courage to admit it. The rest of the world knows it. The people of England know it. The American Corporate Media has been sheltering you. You think it's only in Russia they hide the truth from their citizens because we don't want history to write that a president lied us into a war for profit. Haloburton was Chaney's company. They made billions. Back when billions was a lot of money too. And Bush was an oil man. Nothing suspect there.
you don’t recall the 90s? he’s continued defiance of UN resolutions? He’s attempted assassination of one of our presidents?
And Jr was going to get him back for trying to kill daddy. Yes, we know this was one of Bush's personal reasons for doing what he did.

You do know PNAC a right wing think tank group planned out the invasion of Iraq before they stole the 2000 election?

Who was the mastermind to the cluster fuck that was the Iraq war?


Of the twenty-five people who signed PNAC's founding statement of principles, ten went on to serve in the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush, including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz.

Observers such as Irwin Stelzer and David Grondin have suggested that the PNAC played a key role in shaping the foreign policy of the Bush Administration, particularly in building support for the Iraq War.
you don’t recall the 90s? he’s continued defiance of UN resolutions? He’s attempted assassination of one of our presidents?
Lots of BS. Iraq was crippled by two decades of war and sanctions.
Lots of BS. Iraq was crippled by two decades of war and sanctions.
Iraq cost us $2 trillion dollars. Republicans say they'd pay $2 trillion to rid the world of Kim Jong Un. So I'm sure they'd have no problem giving the North Korean people two decades of war and death because Republicans are cheap. They must really want him taken out if they're willing to spend that kind of scratch. Ask them if they'd give poor American people two trillion dollars, not a chance. But spend it on getting rid of little Kim, no problem.

And I'm sure the survivors in 30 years will say they're glad Little Kim is gone.



Republicans will tell us that Trump lifted his hand just as the guy tried to shake it and rubbed his hair. LOL
Lots of BS. Iraq was crippled by two decades of war and sanctions.
Here's another thing struth needs to consider. Remember Trump bombed an Iranian General at an airport? What if Trump wins in 2024 and the Iranians decide he must go? It won't take 2 decades and a war to take out a sitting president. Or Afganistan. Or some South American leader. Any leader of any nation that decides Trump has to go.

It wasn't our call to get rid of Saddam. And it's not Putin's right to invade Ukraine for whatever bullshit reasons they're giving. But what can we say? In the 2000s we gave bullshit reasons and invaded Iraq. We lied. Is that not patriotic to say?

Iraq cost us $2 trillion dollars. Republicans say they'd pay $2 trillion to rid the world of Kim Jong Un. So I'm sure they'd have no problem giving the North Korean people two decades of war and death because Republicans are cheap. They must really want him taken out if they're willing to spend that kind of scratch. Ask them if they'd give poor American people two trillion dollars, not a chance. But spend it on getting rid of little Kim, no problem.

And I'm sure the survivors in 30 years will say they're glad Little Kim is gone.

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Republicans will tell us that Trump lifted his hand just as the guy tried to shake it and rubbed his hair. LOL
Saddam Hussein was not a threat.
All those soldiers who died and were maimed for nothing. We didn’t get any cheaper gas or even a free fucking flying carpet.🤦‍♂️

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