Bush's Lies Caused The Iraq War

Sorry, but he took responsibility and went before the entire country in November 2004 to either be sent packing or given another four years based on his actions in the previous four. Americans voted for George Bush by the first majority scene in a President election in the popular vote at that time since 1988.

In 2004 the myths about finding the supposedly hidden WMD in Iraq were still hanging on with a lot of fooled people. And still fools many to this day.

You still ignoring the line of trucks carrying cargo from Iraq to Syria. What do you think was in those trucks.

They drafted one on March 7, 2003 that would have left Saddam Hussein in power if the inspections were completed by March 17, 2003 or authorize military action if that could not be done. They could not get the votes to pass it so they attacked Iraq without UN authorization on their own.

Did Bush and Blair place US and UK forces at the disposal of the UNSC's 'Military Staff Committee' for strategic coordination of those forces to invade Iraq in March 2003?
Sorry, but he took responsibility and went before the entire country in November 2004 to either be sent packing or given another four years based on his actions in the previous four. Americans voted for George Bush by the first majority scene in a President election in the popular vote at that time since 1988.

In 2004 the myths about finding the supposedly hidden WMD in Iraq were still hanging on with a lot of fooled people. And still fools many to this day.

You still ignoring the line of trucks carrying cargo from Iraq to Syria. What do you think was in those trucks.

Gold, art, valuables his wives and other members of his family and cash. Saddam had lots of truck loads of all of those things. How do you think he got that stuff out of the country?
Here Rabbi is a perfect example of how deep the ignorance goes on GW Bush, Iraq, WMD and the Bush/Cheney/Republican attitude toward the UN and their absolute lack of respect for international law, as well as lack of respect for human life and property when the UN was defiled and the decision was made to bomb and assault the people of Iraq in March 2003:

We ddint harbor bin Laden and we didn't violate the UN sanctions, both causes of their respective wars.

I thought we didn't give a fuck about the UN? You can't want to be out of the UN and then use the enforcement of UN sanctions as a reason to go to war.

Who is "we"? The Bush Administration gave a fuck about the U.N. They spent untold hours trying to convince those feckless weasels to go enforce their own sanctions. But they had their heads ALL THE WAY UP Saddam's ass in the oil for food scandal.

In a better world we'd send those useless commie assholes packing and turn Turtle Bay into condos and use the money for something worthwhile. Like a new aircraft carrier. But in the meantime engagement with the U.N is official policy.
I realize that's probably confusing to you.

It is relevant because the ignorance displayed here carries over in all today's troubles in the Muslim world when this same high level of ignorance marches in in protest of a US President that does foreign and national security while respecting human life and abiding by international law and norms
Here Rabbi is a perfect example of how deep the ignorance goes on GW Bush, Iraq, WMD and the Bush/Cheney/Republican attitude toward the UN and their absolute lack of respect for international law, as well as lack of respect for human life and property when the UN was defiled and the decision was made to bomb and assault the people of Iraq in March 2003

Right, StillobsessedwithW, then when Obama did the same things he got a Nobel Peace Prize. The international left is just fucked up....
Here Rabbi is a perfect example of how deep the ignorance goes on GW Bush, Iraq, WMD and the Bush/Cheney/Republican attitude toward the UN and their absolute lack of respect for international law, as well as lack of respect for human life and property when the UN was defiled and the decision was made to bomb and assault the people of Iraq in March 2003

Right, StillobsessedwithW, then when Obama did the same things he got a Nobel Peace Prize. The international left is just fucked up....

Obama has never ever told UN inspectors to leave a country of 25 million of Muslim religion because he suspected the President of that country of hiding lethal wespons from the inspectors. What planet do you live on?
Here Rabbi is a perfect example of how deep the ignorance goes on GW Bush, Iraq, WMD and the Bush/Cheney/Republican attitude toward the UN and their absolute lack of respect for international law, as well as lack of respect for human life and property when the UN was defiled and the decision was made to bomb and assault the people of Iraq in March 2003

Right, StillobsessedwithW, then when Obama did the same things he got a Nobel Peace Prize. The international left is just fucked up....

Obama has never ever told UN inspectors to leave a country of 25 million of Muslim religion because he suspected the President of that country of hiding lethal wespons from the inspectors. What planet do you live on?

Obama finished W's strategy and timeline, but when W did it it was bad, when Obama did it then it was OK. Gotcha, StillobsessedwithW.
Sorry, but he took responsibility and went before the entire country in November 2004 to either be sent packing or given another four years based on his actions in the previous four. Americans voted for George Bush by the first majority scene in a President election in the popular vote at that time since 1988.

In 2004 the myths about finding the supposedly hidden WMD in Iraq were still hanging on with a lot of fooled people. And still fools many to this day.

You still ignoring the line of trucks carrying cargo from Iraq to Syria. What do you think was in those trucks.

Good Lord, is NotFooled still panhandling his idiot theories.....

We spent an entire thread setting him straight. Wait, two threads that I know of....
Here Rabbi is a perfect example of how deep the ignorance goes on GW Bush, Iraq, WMD and the Bush/Cheney/Republican attitude toward the UN and their absolute lack of respect for international law, as well as lack of respect for human life and property when the UN was defiled and the decision was made to bomb and assault the people of Iraq in March 2003

Right, StillobsessedwithW, then when Obama did the same things he got a Nobel Peace Prize. The international left is just fucked up....

Obama has never ever told UN inspectors to leave a country of 25 million of Muslim religion because he suspected the President of that country of hiding lethal wespons from the inspectors. What planet do you live on?

Obama finished W's strategy and timeline, but when W did it it was bad, when Obama did it then it was OK. Gotcha, StillobsessedwithW.

LMAO, I gotta use that name! StillobsessedwithW. Excellent.
Obama finished W's strategy and timeline, but when W did it it was bad, when Obama did it then it was OK. Gotcha, StillobsessedwithW.

No. When Bush signed the agreement in 2008 to withdraw US troops from cities in Iraq by June 2009 and all troops gone by 2012 by a date certain Bush did good. Obama did good to stick to that timeline for withdrawal.

It was the starting the whole war in the first place where Bush's badness comes in.

Bush did real good to topple the Taliban in 2002. That is still good. Where Bush did bad in Afghanistan was when he weakened the mission there in order to 'dumbly' invade Iraq as Obama said in advance of that dumb invasion of Iraq.
Sorry, but he took responsibility and went before the entire country in November 2004 to either be sent packing or given another four years based on his actions in the previous four. Americans voted for George Bush by the first majority scene in a President election in the popular vote at that time since 1988.

In 2004 the myths about finding the supposedly hidden WMD in Iraq were still hanging on with a lot of fooled people. And still fools many to this day.

You still ignoring the line of trucks carrying cargo from Iraq to Syria. What do you think was in those trucks.

Slyhunter, here's the thread where we TROUNCED StillObsessedwithW:

Iraq told us to LEAVE "their" country - PERIOD! | Page 17 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

He went down in flames.....

They drafted one on March 7, 2003 that would have left Saddam Hussein in power if the inspections were completed by March 17, 2003 or authorize military action if that could not be done. They could not get the votes to pass it so they attacked Iraq without UN authorization on their own.

Did Bush and Blair place US and UK forces at the disposal of the UNSC's 'Military Staff Committee' for strategic coordination of those forces to invade Iraq in March 2003?

You are one of the biggest idiots on this entire Board. A third grader could understand these things better than you. Even the most black and white thinking criminals know how to read between the lines in legal documents.
As long as the Bush team ignores that myth I will too. So should you if you care about being credible on this topic.

Obama finished W's strategy and timeline, but when W did it it was bad, when Obama did it then it was OK. Gotcha, StillobsessedwithW.

LMAO, I gotta use that name! StillobsessedwithW. Excellent.

Kaz is as uninformed about Iraq as you are. You have no points or arguments to make I see. No valid facts to submit about anything.
A bit late to rehash this; destroying ISIS is a relevant matter however. One can argue the US created the conditions that allowed them to recruit; also useless now; the US must cooridinate their removal. Only the US has the ability. The Air Force and the Kurds have been remarkable, still this evil must be obliterated.
President Bush could not have gone to war without the support of Congress and the Senate and you bloody well know it.

President Bush could not have gone to war without the support of Congress and the Senate and you bloody well know it.

It was "mission accomplished" for the major combat mission. Phase II was nation building. And that phase is still not over.

Oh and by the way I've been researching KNB's declassified documents. President Clinton did sign The Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 which laid out a specific blueprint for Iraq's regime change before/during/after Saddam.

Interesting reading.

The US left troops in Japan and Germany after WWII to help restore order and we still have military installations in those countries. We kept troops in Korea after that war and they are still there. Perhaps Obama should have got a status of forces agreement from the President of Iraq to leave a contingent of troops in Iraq to assist in restoring order.

According to the UN and all western intelligence agencies, it was unknown if there were any WMD's left in Iraq because Saddam was in 'material breach' of previous UN resolutions requiring disarmament. Since a lot of his WMD's had been removed, he was given one last chance to agree to unfettered UN inspections and he refused.

It is called UN Resolution 1441.

1. Decides that Iraq has been and remains in material breach of its
under relevant resolutions, including resolution 687 (1991), in particular
through Iraq’s failure to cooperate with United Nations inspectors and the IAEA,
and to complete the actions required under paragraphs 8 to 13 of resolution 687


The UN does not have an Army and does not have the authority to order a military invasion of any country.

Why do you keep arguing against the UN findings from their inspectors?

This is what started the Iraq invasion.

This totally misses the point that the goal was to PREVENT Saddam from ever having any WMD capability again! It would have been stupid to wait to launch an invasion until Saddam had re-acquired his prior WMD capacity. That was why there was a decade of attempts at sanctions, the weapons embargo and the bombing of Iraq every year from 1991 through 2003. Given that the sanctions and weapons embargo regimes were falling apart, it was only a matter of time before Saddam would have rebuilt his prior capabilities. It was important to act early, before SADDAM had rebuilt any of his prior capabilities in the WMD field. To wait until such capabilities developed would have resulted in far heavier casualties for both military forces and civilians in the region.

Removing Saddam was a necessity and the fact that US troops did not have to face the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction in their invasion to remove Saddam from power is something that should be celebrated!

I am waiting for the LIE that Bush told. Bush merely repeated what prominent Democrats had said based on the intelligence from the US and other countries intelligence agencies.

I am not interested in the rewriting of history based on contingency planning that is always done by those in power.

I still haven't seen the LIE you say Bush told. I will defend Bush's decision to invade Iraq, since he got the votes in Congress and UN Resolution 1441 to back him up. You defend Saddam Hussein. I will repeat as many times as it takes to get you to understand that all Bush did was repeat the information he got from the CIA, his advisers and leading Democrats and Republicans in the Congress. If they were all wrong, they need to share the blame.

I will defend Bush's decision to invade Iraq, since he got the votes in Congress and UN Resolution 1441 to back him up. You defend Saddam Hussein.

I might add, the POS we got now sure did a good job of cleaning up after Bush, huh! All he had to do was negotiate a status of forces agreement to leave some US support in country and he couldn't handle it.

I am an American Veteran, are you?

Several of you on this thread have shown you absolute adoration of everything Saddam Hussein and your hatred of George W Bush. I am an American and a veteran and did not approve of many of the decisions made by Bush during his 8 years. I did approve of the invasion of Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein from power since nothing else was going to accomplish that goal set by Clinton in 1998.

Bush lied on March 17, 2003 when he addressed the nation saying that he had intelligence that left no doubt that Saddam's regime was concealing the most lethal weapons ever devised from the UN Resolution 1441 inspectors at that time. None of those you mentioned above told that lie. It is solely Bush's lie at that pivotal moment in time.

Saddam kept allowing inspectors back in then sabotaging their ability to do their job by refusing them access to various locations. In other words Saddam was the one doing the lying when he claimed to be letting them in when he actually wasn't.

Saddam refused to give the inspectors full access to the sites where WMD was suspected of being. And at night we could see a line of trucks leading from those sites to the Syrian border.

Good Lord, is NotFooled still panhandling his idiot theories.....

We spent an entire thread setting him straight. Wait, two threads that I know of....

No one has set me straight and specifically you who went on that 'placeholder' binge with regard to the Bush SOFA that set the deadline for all US troops to get out of Iraq.
President Bush could not have gone to war without the support of Congress and the Senate and you bloody well know it.

President Bush could not have gone to war without the support of Congress and the Senate and you bloody well know it.

It was "mission accomplished" for the major combat mission. Phase II was nation building. And that phase is still not over.

Oh and by the way I've been researching KNB's declassified documents. President Clinton did sign The Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 which laid out a specific blueprint for Iraq's regime change before/during/after Saddam.

Interesting reading.

The US left troops in Japan and Germany after WWII to help restore order and we still have military installations in those countries. We kept troops in Korea after that war and they are still there. Perhaps Obama should have got a status of forces agreement from the President of Iraq to leave a contingent of troops in Iraq to assist in restoring order.

According to the UN and all western intelligence agencies, it was unknown if there were any WMD's left in Iraq because Saddam was in 'material breach' of previous UN resolutions requiring disarmament. Since a lot of his WMD's had been removed, he was given one last chance to agree to unfettered UN inspections and he refused.

It is called UN Resolution 1441.

1. Decides that Iraq has been and remains in material breach of its
under relevant resolutions, including resolution 687 (1991), in particular
through Iraq’s failure to cooperate with United Nations inspectors and the IAEA,
and to complete the actions required under paragraphs 8 to 13 of resolution 687


The UN does not have an Army and does not have the authority to order a military invasion of any country.

Why do you keep arguing against the UN findings from their inspectors?

This is what started the Iraq invasion.

This totally misses the point that the goal was to PREVENT Saddam from ever having any WMD capability again! It would have been stupid to wait to launch an invasion until Saddam had re-acquired his prior WMD capacity. That was why there was a decade of attempts at sanctions, the weapons embargo and the bombing of Iraq every year from 1991 through 2003. Given that the sanctions and weapons embargo regimes were falling apart, it was only a matter of time before Saddam would have rebuilt his prior capabilities. It was important to act early, before SADDAM had rebuilt any of his prior capabilities in the WMD field. To wait until such capabilities developed would have resulted in far heavier casualties for both military forces and civilians in the region.

Removing Saddam was a necessity and the fact that US troops did not have to face the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction in their invasion to remove Saddam from power is something that should be celebrated!

I am waiting for the LIE that Bush told. Bush merely repeated what prominent Democrats had said based on the intelligence from the US and other countries intelligence agencies.

I am not interested in the rewriting of history based on contingency planning that is always done by those in power.

I still haven't seen the LIE you say Bush told. I will defend Bush's decision to invade Iraq, since he got the votes in Congress and UN Resolution 1441 to back him up. You defend Saddam Hussein. I will repeat as many times as it takes to get you to understand that all Bush did was repeat the information he got from the CIA, his advisers and leading Democrats and Republicans in the Congress. If they were all wrong, they need to share the blame.

I will defend Bush's decision to invade Iraq, since he got the votes in Congress and UN Resolution 1441 to back him up. You defend Saddam Hussein.

I might add, the POS we got now sure did a good job of cleaning up after Bush, huh! All he had to do was negotiate a status of forces agreement to leave some US support in country and he couldn't handle it.

I am an American Veteran, are you?

Several of you on this thread have shown you absolute adoration of everything Saddam Hussein and your hatred of George W Bush. I am an American and a veteran and did not approve of many of the decisions made by Bush during his 8 years. I did approve of the invasion of Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein from power since nothing else was going to accomplish that goal set by Clinton in 1998.

Bush lied on March 17, 2003 when he addressed the nation saying that he had intelligence that left no doubt that Saddam's regime was concealing the most lethal weapons ever devised from the UN Resolution 1441 inspectors at that time. None of those you mentioned above told that lie. It is solely Bush's lie at that pivotal moment in time.

Saddam kept allowing inspectors back in then sabotaging their ability to do their job by refusing them access to various locations. In other words Saddam was the one doing the lying when he claimed to be letting them in when he actually wasn't.

Saddam refused to give the inspectors full access to the sites where WMD was suspected of being. And at night we could see a line of trucks leading from those sites to the Syrian border.

Good Lord, is NotFooled still panhandling his idiot theories.....

We spent an entire thread setting him straight. Wait, two threads that I know of....

No one has set me straight and specifically you who went on that 'placeholder' binge with regard to the Bush SOFA that set the deadline for all US troops to get out of Iraq.

Some remember the "Mission Accomplished" campaign commercial, not the deaths. Bush said he didn't think about bin Laden AT ALL a few months later; he got the war he WANTED. Of course he signed the SOFA, do you think he bothered READING it?

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