Bush's Republicans prepare for their 'dirty war' on Kerry

TheOne said:
Why not talk about the good things you have done and what your plans are going forward. I have yet to even hear what Bush's plans for a second term are because he wasted all his money slamming Kerry and getting no traction.

Fair question. The answer is that it won't matter to libs. The hate Bush crowd doesn't give a hoot in hell what positive things GW has done.

Besides, you can't run a one-sided "good guy" campaign when the opposition makes a career out of lies and distortions.

GW needs to run on his record, true enough. He also needs to run on Kerry's record. I know you hard core libs think that is dirty politics, but hey - it's kerry's record.
Merlin1047 said:
GW needs to run on his record, true enough. He also needs to run on Kerry's record. I know you hard core libs think that is dirty politics, but hey - it's kerry's record.

To elaborate on this, the President needs to point out John Kerry's record in contrast to his. Which is exactly what he is doing. John Kerry's record is raising taxes, he has already promised to raise taxes by repealing the Bush tax cuts. Bush is campaigning to make them permanent. that is a contrast not a negative campaign.

A negative campaign is: "Bush is a liar" "Bush is stupid" "Bush is hitler" Those have nothing to do with the issues unlike contrasting. I mean you guys cant even find some sort of evidence to back up those attacks which is really sad. i mean atleast we could back up calling John Kerry a traitor if we felt like doing that.

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