Business responds to $15 minimum wage demands

Back in 1976 minimum wage was $2.10 an hour. A burger, fry and small drink cost a total of 95 cents. When minimum wage got up to $10 an hour that same meal was over $3.00. Why is it that when wages go up, inflation starts to follow?

A loaf of bread 10 cents in 1976, today it is $1.05
16 ounce bottle of soda, 10 cents, today a 12 ounce can $1.25
A trans am Firebird, $6,000, today if they made them $50,000.

Pay a person what they are worth, and soon, those people would be TRYING to improve their working conditions(Free agency). Those that rely on the government to take care of them(raising minimum wages) will never get better, but stay stupid and vote for the very people that keep them stupid. Democrats...

They will never paid more than what an employer can get away with paying them, period. You just have some ideological rubbish to peddle, and it doesn't reflect reality; you're delusional. And what's more, businesses never pass on cost savings if they don't have to, never have never will. Your little homilies and fantasies are cute, though.
You are just a bitter old welfare queen. Don't get tax breaks because you don't work. You hate anyone who isn't on welfare because they use their God given talents to succeed in life, while you sit and stew while sucking someone's else's seed like Chris Mathew on Obama's dick. Stay a victim of liberalism, is suits you well.

Pipe down, faggot. You just out yourselves when you fall back on your own personal activities. Stick to posting at Free Republic with the other cry babies living off govt. bailouts; you don't know enough to be happy posting here. you don't know shit about how business operates or its historical trends.
Bwaaaaaahhhhaaaaaaaaa....After 5 1/2 years working as a contractor in Saudi Arabia, I can live off my investments alone.. Just too fucking funny...:laughing0301:

Yes, I thought you were probably some govt. subbed parasite; they're usually the ones who babble such nonsense. I've also noticed how they're usually the ones who stampede over women, children, and the handicapped to get to the front of the line for bennies and freebies when they go broke.
they're usually the ones who stampede over women, children, and the handicapped to get to the front of the line for bennies and freebies when they go broke.
Speaking from experience?
A decent real hamburger was around 35 cents and minimum wage at $1.60 an hour when I was in high school. they're $3.50 and up for a crappy fast food burger now, with minimum wage at $7.50. Wages are obviously not the major cause of increases. I'm still waiting for some of these tards to show me where the wholesale prices of meats fell when Saint Ronald of Reagan backed the meat packers in the Midwest's strikes and allowed them to import busloads of Mexicans to scab for less than half the hourly wages and bust the unions at those plants. Prices climbed pretty steeply, and kept climbing. I guess it was just magic, that's all, cuz business people always lower prices every time their costs go down, right?
They will never paid more than what an employer can get away with paying them, period. You just have some ideological rubbish to peddle, and it doesn't reflect reality; you're delusional. And what's more, businesses never pass on cost savings if they don't have to, never have never will. Your little homilies and fantasies are cute, though.
You are just a bitter old welfare queen. Don't get tax breaks because you don't work. You hate anyone who isn't on welfare because they use their God given talents to succeed in life, while you sit and stew while sucking someone's else's seed like Chris Mathew on Obama's dick. Stay a victim of liberalism, is suits you well.

Pipe down, faggot. You just out yourselves when you fall back on your own personal activities. Stick to posting at Free Republic with the other cry babies living off govt. bailouts; you don't know enough to be happy posting here. you don't know shit about how business operates or its historical trends.
Bwaaaaaahhhhaaaaaaaaa....After 5 1/2 years working as a contractor in Saudi Arabia, I can live off my investments alone.. Just too fucking funny...:laughing0301:

Yes, I thought you were probably some govt. subbed parasite; they're usually the ones who babble such nonsense. I've also noticed how they're usually the ones who stampede over women, children, and the handicapped to get to the front of the line for bennies and freebies when they go broke.
they're usually the ones who stampede over women, children, and the handicapped to get to the front of the line for bennies and freebies when they go broke.
Speaking from experience?

Yes, I've seen a lot of your types over the decades. The bailouts after 2008 are your best years ever. You're all pretty oblivious to why you're even alive even today.
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Walmart Launches Small Army Of Autonomous Scanning Robots
Well Libs, business will always outsmart politicians, the government policy makers and you freeloaders who want $$$ for doing nothing.
MILPITAS (KPIX 5) – Artificial intelligence will soon be put to work at Walmart stores around the country. And it could be a game-changer for retail.

The company is launching a small army of autonomous scanning robots.

The robots are 6 feet tall, equipped with an array of lights, cameras, and radar sensors.

It then goes up and down each aisle on its own, at 2 to 3 mph, scanning the shelves for empty spots, and also checking the price tags.

Because the robot uses LIDAR and other video cameras, what the robot actually sees is very similar to what a self-driving car sees.
you're either worth the money you are paid or you are not.

ain't much middle ground in that. if not, something else will be found for long term savings.


What are the costs of 70% unemployment rates? How does cash circulate without payrolls and wages and keep the system moving and growing? Customers are necessary, and disposable incomes.
Walmart Launches Small Army Of Autonomous Scanning Robots
Well Libs, business will always outsmart politicians, the government policy makers and you freeloaders who want $$$ for doing nothing.
MILPITAS (KPIX 5) – Artificial intelligence will soon be put to work at Walmart stores around the country. And it could be a game-changer for retail.

The company is launching a small army of autonomous scanning robots.

The robots are 6 feet tall, equipped with an array of lights, cameras, and radar sensors.

It then goes up and down each aisle on its own, at 2 to 3 mph, scanning the shelves for empty spots, and also checking the price tags.

Because the robot uses LIDAR and other video cameras, what the robot actually sees is very similar to what a self-driving car sees.
you're either worth the money you are paid or you are not.

ain't much middle ground in that. if not, something else will be found for long term savings.


What are the costs of 70% unemployment rates? How does cash circulate without payrolls and wages and keep the system moving and growing? Customers are necessary, and disposable incomes.
dunno. what is the cost of letting people with no ambition in life get more than a paramedic for asking if you want fries with that?
Gee that explains why China's actual, as opposed to the UN/WTO rules, Labor force fraction is imploding. One child policy with a very few exceptions and mandatory retirement at 55 for women and 60 for men. China is well on its way to another of their warring states periods because the bureaucracy knows better.
Walmart Launches Small Army Of Autonomous Scanning Robots
Well Libs, business will always outsmart politicians, the government policy makers and you freeloaders who want $$$ for doing nothing.
MILPITAS (KPIX 5) – Artificial intelligence will soon be put to work at Walmart stores around the country. And it could be a game-changer for retail.

The company is launching a small army of autonomous scanning robots.

The robots are 6 feet tall, equipped with an array of lights, cameras, and radar sensors.

It then goes up and down each aisle on its own, at 2 to 3 mph, scanning the shelves for empty spots, and also checking the price tags.

Because the robot uses LIDAR and other video cameras, what the robot actually sees is very similar to what a self-driving car sees.
you're either worth the money you are paid or you are not.

ain't much middle ground in that. if not, something else will be found for long term savings.


What are the costs of 70% unemployment rates? How does cash circulate without payrolls and wages and keep the system moving and growing? Customers are necessary, and disposable incomes.
dunno. what is the cost of letting people with no ambition in life get more than a paramedic for asking if you want fries with that?
People simply spend more when they have more; that creates demand.
Walmart Launches Small Army Of Autonomous Scanning Robots
Well Libs, business will always outsmart politicians, the government policy makers and you freeloaders who want $$$ for doing nothing.
MILPITAS (KPIX 5) – Artificial intelligence will soon be put to work at Walmart stores around the country. And it could be a game-changer for retail.

The company is launching a small army of autonomous scanning robots.

The robots are 6 feet tall, equipped with an array of lights, cameras, and radar sensors.

It then goes up and down each aisle on its own, at 2 to 3 mph, scanning the shelves for empty spots, and also checking the price tags.

Because the robot uses LIDAR and other video cameras, what the robot actually sees is very similar to what a self-driving car sees.
you're either worth the money you are paid or you are not.

ain't much middle ground in that. if not, something else will be found for long term savings.


What are the costs of 70% unemployment rates? How does cash circulate without payrolls and wages and keep the system moving and growing? Customers are necessary, and disposable incomes.
dunno. what is the cost of letting people with no ambition in life get more than a paramedic for asking if you want fries with that?
People simply spend more when they have more; that creates demand.
/----/ I don't spend more just because I have more. I'm careful with my money.
Walmart Launches Small Army Of Autonomous Scanning Robots
Well Libs, business will always outsmart politicians, the government policy makers and you freeloaders who want $$$ for doing nothing.
MILPITAS (KPIX 5) – Artificial intelligence will soon be put to work at Walmart stores around the country. And it could be a game-changer for retail.

The company is launching a small army of autonomous scanning robots.

The robots are 6 feet tall, equipped with an array of lights, cameras, and radar sensors.

It then goes up and down each aisle on its own, at 2 to 3 mph, scanning the shelves for empty spots, and also checking the price tags.

Because the robot uses LIDAR and other video cameras, what the robot actually sees is very similar to what a self-driving car sees.
you're either worth the money you are paid or you are not.

ain't much middle ground in that. if not, something else will be found for long term savings.

Walmart Launches Small Army Of Autonomous Scanning Robots
Well Libs, business will always outsmart politicians, the government policy makers and you freeloaders who want $$$ for doing nothing.
MILPITAS (KPIX 5) – Artificial intelligence will soon be put to work at Walmart stores around the country. And it could be a game-changer for retail.

The company is launching a small army of autonomous scanning robots.

The robots are 6 feet tall, equipped with an array of lights, cameras, and radar sensors.

It then goes up and down each aisle on its own, at 2 to 3 mph, scanning the shelves for empty spots, and also checking the price tags.

Because the robot uses LIDAR and other video cameras, what the robot actually sees is very similar to what a self-driving car sees.
you're either worth the money you are paid or you are not.

ain't much middle ground in that. if not, something else will be found for long term savings.


What are the costs of 70% unemployment rates? How does cash circulate without payrolls and wages and keep the system moving and growing? Customers are necessary, and disposable incomes.
/----/ Fortunately we won't have 70% UE rates as long as Obozo and Hildabeast stay out of the White House.
Walmart Launches Small Army Of Autonomous Scanning Robots
Well Libs, business will always outsmart politicians, the government policy makers and you freeloaders who want $$$ for doing nothing.
MILPITAS (KPIX 5) – Artificial intelligence will soon be put to work at Walmart stores around the country. And it could be a game-changer for retail.

The company is launching a small army of autonomous scanning robots.

The robots are 6 feet tall, equipped with an array of lights, cameras, and radar sensors.

It then goes up and down each aisle on its own, at 2 to 3 mph, scanning the shelves for empty spots, and also checking the price tags.

Because the robot uses LIDAR and other video cameras, what the robot actually sees is very similar to what a self-driving car sees.
you're either worth the money you are paid or you are not.

ain't much middle ground in that. if not, something else will be found for long term savings.


What are the costs of 70% unemployment rates? How does cash circulate without payrolls and wages and keep the system moving and growing? Customers are necessary, and disposable incomes.
dunno. what is the cost of letting people with no ambition in life get more than a paramedic for asking if you want fries with that?
People simply spend more when they have more; that creates demand.
/----/ I don't spend more just because I have more. I'm careful with my money.
we are referring to the quintile that includes, the minimum wage.
Walmart Launches Small Army Of Autonomous Scanning Robots
Well Libs, business will always outsmart politicians, the government policy makers and you freeloaders who want $$$ for doing nothing.
MILPITAS (KPIX 5) – Artificial intelligence will soon be put to work at Walmart stores around the country. And it could be a game-changer for retail.

The company is launching a small army of autonomous scanning robots.

The robots are 6 feet tall, equipped with an array of lights, cameras, and radar sensors.

It then goes up and down each aisle on its own, at 2 to 3 mph, scanning the shelves for empty spots, and also checking the price tags.

Because the robot uses LIDAR and other video cameras, what the robot actually sees is very similar to what a self-driving car sees.

Trump supporters want to force manufacturers back to the US. That is no different than the $15 hour crowd.
Economics is not a real science. You don't seem to know this basic fact. Try using it with patent law protections and oligarchies, and see what happens to all those nice graphs and formulas, and the fact that there are very few competitors in any business these days, especially so for commodities and raw materials.

I'd probably say the same thing if I knew nothing about economics like yourself.
Economics is not a real science. You don't seem to know this basic fact. Try using it with patent law protections and oligarchies, and see what happens to all those nice graphs and formulas, and the fact that there are very few competitors in any business these days, especially so for commodities and raw materials.

I'd probably say the same thing if I knew nothing about economics like yourself.

Well economics has no unified general theory: labor, trade, demographics, behavioral, Government et al cannot be worked up into a general theory because it costs too much to get the data needed and massaged. Even 99.9% certainty on the 200+ inputs for a bare bones GDP like India uses means a huge margin of error. Compared to global warming, macro-evolution and other hard "sciences" economics looks like number theory but that ain't that high a bar.
Last edited:
Walmart Launches Small Army Of Autonomous Scanning Robots
Well Libs, business will always outsmart politicians, the government policy makers and you freeloaders who want $$$ for doing nothing.
MILPITAS (KPIX 5) – Artificial intelligence will soon be put to work at Walmart stores around the country. And it could be a game-changer for retail.

The company is launching a small army of autonomous scanning robots.

The robots are 6 feet tall, equipped with an array of lights, cameras, and radar sensors.

It then goes up and down each aisle on its own, at 2 to 3 mph, scanning the shelves for empty spots, and also checking the price tags.

Because the robot uses LIDAR and other video cameras, what the robot actually sees is very similar to what a self-driving car sees.
you're either worth the money you are paid or you are not.

ain't much middle ground in that. if not, something else will be found for long term savings.


What are the costs of 70% unemployment rates? How does cash circulate without payrolls and wages and keep the system moving and growing? Customers are necessary, and disposable incomes.
dunno. what is the cost of letting people with no ambition in life get more than a paramedic for asking if you want fries with that?

Yes, I know right wingers can never answer real questions, they have to impose silly definitions and fantasy anecdotes and pretend they're responses. So, you and the 10 or so 'productive' people out of the U.S. population, according to the legends in your own minds, will carry the economy into the future. Sure, sure you will. And, you will shit gold turds, and cure cancer, too. lol
Economics is not a real science. You don't seem to know this basic fact. Try using it with patent law protections and oligarchies, and see what happens to all those nice graphs and formulas, and the fact that there are very few competitors in any business these days, especially so for commodities and raw materials.

I'd probably say the same thing if I knew nothing about economics like yourself.

Well economics has no unified general theory: labor, trade, demographics, behavioral, Government et al cannot be worked up into a general theory because it costs too much to get the data needed and massaged. Even 99.9% certainty on the 200+ inputs for a bare bones GDP like India uses means a huge margin of error. Compared to global warming, macro-evolution and other hard "sciences" economics looks like number theory but that ain't that high a bar.

not to mention the majority of the premises are fictional and made up, and all of the math, with some exceptions in the econometrics sub-fields of historical study, is just variables one makes up their numbers for. It's the only 'scientific' field where two Nobel Prize winners with diametrically opposed theories won the Prize in the same year.
Walmart Launches Small Army Of Autonomous Scanning Robots
Well Libs, business will always outsmart politicians, the government policy makers and you freeloaders who want $$$ for doing nothing.
MILPITAS (KPIX 5) – Artificial intelligence will soon be put to work at Walmart stores around the country. And it could be a game-changer for retail.

The company is launching a small army of autonomous scanning robots.

The robots are 6 feet tall, equipped with an array of lights, cameras, and radar sensors.

It then goes up and down each aisle on its own, at 2 to 3 mph, scanning the shelves for empty spots, and also checking the price tags.

Because the robot uses LIDAR and other video cameras, what the robot actually sees is very similar to what a self-driving car sees.

Trump supporters want to force manufacturers back to the US. That is no different than the $15 hour crowd.

That's the smart thing to do, which is why he's doing it. Of course the establishment loves the Red Chinese, and think they're corporations' new BFF's, never mind the wars and slaughter they're going to indulge in the second there is nobody to restrain them. All of the Party cadre leaders still worship Mao as a god, after all, and cheap, military controlled labor is what big business loves, not any different than slave owners or Commies at the end of the day. It's where both left wingers and right wingers agree and what they work for.
Walmart Launches Small Army Of Autonomous Scanning Robots
Well Libs, business will always outsmart politicians, the government policy makers and you freeloaders who want $$$ for doing nothing.
MILPITAS (KPIX 5) – Artificial intelligence will soon be put to work at Walmart stores around the country. And it could be a game-changer for retail.

The company is launching a small army of autonomous scanning robots.

The robots are 6 feet tall, equipped with an array of lights, cameras, and radar sensors.

It then goes up and down each aisle on its own, at 2 to 3 mph, scanning the shelves for empty spots, and also checking the price tags.

Because the robot uses LIDAR and other video cameras, what the robot actually sees is very similar to what a self-driving car sees.
you're either worth the money you are paid or you are not.

ain't much middle ground in that. if not, something else will be found for long term savings.


What are the costs of 70% unemployment rates? How does cash circulate without payrolls and wages and keep the system moving and growing? Customers are necessary, and disposable incomes.
/----/ Fortunately we won't have 70% UE rates as long as Obozo and Hildabeast stay out of the White House.

Actually we will; they're no different than the rest of the establishment, they were all also on the Goldman payroll and on the 'globalists' Red China bandwagon. Of course, I guess sine the govt. makes up its own unemployment numbers, there is no reason you can't make your own as well.
Gee that explains why China's actual, as opposed to the UN/WTO rules, Labor force fraction is imploding. One child policy with a very few exceptions and mandatory retirement at 55 for women and 60 for men. China is well on its way to another of their warring states periods because the bureaucracy knows better.

They have a population in the billions. they aren't all the same age; they have labor surpluses well into the next century, so don't worry about their plight. They can't employ or feed what they have now and for the next 80 years.
Economics is not a real science. You don't seem to know this basic fact. Try using it with patent law protections and oligarchies, and see what happens to all those nice graphs and formulas, and the fact that there are very few competitors in any business these days, especially so for commodities and raw materials.

I'd probably say the same thing if I knew nothing about economics like yourself.

Well economics has no unified general theory: labor, trade, demographics, behavioral, Government et al cannot be worked up into a general theory because it costs too much to get the data needed and massaged. Even 99.9% certainty on the 200+ inputs for a bare bones GDP like India uses means a huge margin of error. Compared to global warming, macro-evolution and other hard "sciences" economics looks like number theory but that ain't that high a bar.

That misses the point.

Simply because econometrics is unable to estimate human behavior with the precision of physics does not invalidate our general understanding of economics. It's like saying we should ignore everything in the social sciences, or the hard sciences for that matter, if it can't be measured exactly.

Pitardo's comment about economics being invalid because it doesn't deal with monopolies and oligopolies is not only irrelevant to the cost dynamics of capital/labor substitution, which is the topic of the OP, it is factually wrong.

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