Businesses throughout the country are supporting Harris.

You know why? Because Harris et al want to put small businesses out of business, leaving only big business, which means the biggest companies all get bigger with small business out of the way. Most all democrat's policies hurt small business and the more small businesses which go under help big businesses increase market share. The little guys get in the way of big business. Funny how it is democratic policies which made Amazon richer, Big Pharma richer, and Elon Musk richer.
I am a small business owner as are many of my friends. The majority support Harris.

Do you own a business? If not do not speak for small business owners.
I am a small business owner as are many of my friends. The majority support Harris.

Do you own a business? If not do not speak for small business owners.
I’m a small business owner as our a majority of my friends and they absolutely want harris to move back to Cali

Not only are they horrified by her record, of open borders and record inflation, they are scared of her new policies such as taxing unrealized gains
Harris polcies make it impossible for start ups to compete against the big established businesses
You do not understand the business climate of the USA.
Two factors hurt start up businesses
1, they cannot manufacture product as efficiently and cheaply as large manufacturers. They use the global market to source procucts so they can be competitive
2. Small businesses have a difficult entry into the market because of domination by large corporations. Ecommerce has broken that barrier allowing small businesses access to a large market they could not before

Increasing taxes on the largest corporations will help small business.

The bigger problem for small business to survivie goes beyond any President. The US consumer demands a quality and price the small business cannot compete with. If YOU and other consumers support small business they survive.
You do not understand the business climate of the USA.
Two factors hurt start up businesses
1, they cannot manufacture product as efficiently and cheaply as large manufacturers. They use the global market to source procucts so they can be competitive
2. Small businesses have a difficult entry into the market because of domination by large corporations. Ecommerce has broken that barrier allowing small businesses access to a large market they could not before

Increasing taxes on the largest corporations will help small business.

The bigger problem for small business to survivie goes beyond any President. The US consumer demands a quality and price the small business cannot compete with. If YOU and other consumers support small business they survive.
Yes yes I do, harris and the dem policies make it massively expensive to start a business

That’s why the wal Marts and Amazon’s love harris and the demafascit

You're either stupid or a horrible lying troll.

Which is it?
With isolationism, you eliminate the competition of the world, you are eliminating the majority of the current competition.
If you were a conservative, you don't want to block competition. You don't get it because you are not a conservative.

I don't believe in unregulated competetion. I believe in regulations both domestically and inernationally but that is not a conservative value.

Educate yourself
So much for the GOP being the party of huge multi-national corporate interests, and the Democrat Party being the ones for the regular guy.

It has nothing to do with any of that. It has to do with the fact that Trump crashed the economy last time, and his economic proposal will raise taxes on the little guy and crash the economy again.

Mass deportations will lead to a drop in GDP, and inflation on steriods. Trump's economic plans are ridiculous and disastrous.
It has nothing to do with any of that. It has to do with the fact that Trump crashed the economy last time, and his economic proposal will raise taxes on the little guy and crash the economy again.

Mass deportations will lead to a drop in GDP, and inflation on steriods. Trump's economic plans are ridiculous and disastrous.
It has everything to do with it, especially given the supplied roster of "businesses" who are supporting the Kumdumpster.
I call bullshit. You don't have the brains to run a business. Your economic ignorance is appalling.
I am a small business owner as are many of my friends. The majority support Harris.

Do you own a business? If not do not speak for small business owners.
Funny many of the business owners I know are supporting Trump, not sure why businesses would support either both will put pressure on small businesses.
Businesses throughout the country are supporting Harris.
People who have never owned a business in their life think Trump is a gret business person.
Business people know what kind of business person he is. Trump is a business person with the same characteristics he has a human; immoral and unethical

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You do know, we LOVE when you are forced to spin something, ANYTHING, because everything else that is important, points to YOU getting hosed!

I know, and you know, (and if you do NOT know, you should walk away from this board in absolute shame) if the election was held today, your girl Kamala would be destroyed WORSE than the HILDABEAST!

Spin, spin, and spin more. If things do not change, you are extinct for 4 to 8 years.
I’m curious…in that Twilight Zone you purple hairs have concocted do you really believe San Francisco, Los Angeles, Stockton, Albuquerque, Chicago, Baltimore, St Louis, NYC, Indianapolis, Minneapolis, New Orleans and ANY other lib shithole is something REAL America should aspire to become?
You named half the country. Where is real america located? Rhode Island?
Harris polcies make it impossible for start ups to compete against the big established businesses
They can't anyway. When Walmart moves in, Mom and Pop retire. Start ups are impossible against what we have now in every conglomerate. I think I'll start a cellphone company. Easy market to crack.
They can't anyway. When Walmart moves in, Mom and Pop retire. Start ups are impossible against what we have now in every conglomerate. I think I'll start a cellphone company. Easy market to crack.
I would't say it's easy, not in Harris and Xiden's America.

We have plenty of mom and pop places still open, and we have three walmarts in my town.

The issue is for those that want to start up, not the ones that already existed.

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