Businesses throughout the country are supporting Harris.

I would't say it's easy, not in Harris and Xiden's America.

We have plenty of mom and pop places still open, and we have three walmarts in my town.

The issue is for those that want to start up, not the ones that already existed.
It's still competitive capitalism. Strong start ups will always succeed. The wayside is full of the weak ones.
You do know, we LOVE when you are forced to spin something, ANYTHING, because everything else that is important, points to YOU getting hosed!

I know, and you know, (and if you do NOT know, you should walk away from this board in absolute shame) if the election was held today, your girl Kamala would be destroyed WORSE than the HILDABEAST!

Spin, spin, and spin more. If things do not change, you are extinct for 4 to 8 years.
The rant of a true Trump cult member.
MAGA does not want to just win, they want to destroy those who do not vote for their mesiah.
In MAGA world, if you vote for a woman, you are not a real man.
In MAGA world, the truth is defined as a spin or an outright lie. They cannot handle the truth.
The rant of a true Trump cult member.
MAGA does not want to just win, they want to destroy those who do not vote for their mesiah.
In MAGA world, if you vote for a woman, you are not a real man.
In MAGA world, the truth is defined as a spin or an outright lie. They cannot handle the truth.
Voting for a commonsense woman is different than progressive socialist woman. You progs are the true haters.
It's still competitive capitalism. Strong start ups will always succeed. The wayside is full of the weak ones.
That’s capitalism…but in harris and xiden’s america they are partnering with big corps to make it too expensive for start ups

It’s demafascit
That’s capitalism…but in harris and xiden’s america they are partnering with big corps to make it too expensive for start ups

It’s demafascit
No such thing. You can still produce a widget that will have the world beating a path to your door.
The rant of a true Trump cult member.
MAGA does not want to just win, they want to destroy those who do not vote for their mesiah.
In MAGA world, if you vote for a woman, you are not a real man.
In MAGA world, the truth is defined as a spin or an outright lie. They cannot handle the truth.

In LEFTIST UTOPIA, nobody can define a candidate by their policy views. In this FAR LEFTIST LAND, candidates are defined by their gender, by their sexual orientation, or by the color of their skin.

This is the ONLY way LEFTISTS can win; not by debating the positions, but rather debating how wonderful the person is, if they fit into their mold..........conversely, how awful they are, when they aren't of the CORRECT PERSUASION.

If ALL Americans took the stance that the Left wants to put forth..........and when I say all, I mean minority candidate would ever win again!

Just look at their IDIOTIC position, lol------------> If you vote against Kamala, you are either a RACIST or anti woman.

On the other hand..........if you are BLACK and vote for Trump, you are an UNCLE TOM, brainwashed, stupid, an a**kiss, etc.

Once you realize that their arguments are as phony as the day is long, you just LAUGH as they flail away because they know they are LOSING. (and yes, IM2whoareyou) I am speaking about YOU and your incompetent ilk-)

All you CONSERVATIVES need know, as on the day BEFORE the debate, her majesty Kamala is losing BIGGLY! If Trump even holds serve tomorrow, the party is over for the Left.............and their eyes are going 100% down ballot, where they aren't doing so hot either.

And just think----------->to make them SHUT UP and GO AWAY, all you have to do is go vote. The day after the election, and for the next 2 years following, you can crow-) Up to you! I know they are in a terrible position. THEY know they are in a terrible position. Now, are you going to BURY their SOCIALIST rearends, or let them off the hook?!?!?! Heck, even the INDEPENDENTS want to throw them under the bus. So the only way they survive this, is if you fall asleep at the wheel!
Voting for a commonsense woman is different than progressive socialist woman. You progs are the true haters.
How do you explain so many Republicans endorsing Harris with even more voting for her.
They did not join the Democrat party. They do not agree with many of Harris's proposed programs.
But they realize that Trump is not fit to serve. Trump is a bigger danger to our democracy than if Harris's programs are approved.

You fake conservates. fake Republicans are an embarrassment to people serious about politics.

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