Bust Up the US No Go Zones

Here are some suggestions for what could be done with the former Muslim buildings and land in the no go zone enclaves. The enclaves would be destroyed, of course, but there's no need to destroy perfectly good buildings.

Would the Muslims be given any compensation for the buildings we would seize? And of course, would there be any semblance of due process? I mean, prohibitions against laws that impede the free exercise of religion are clearly out, as you're demanding we wipe our asses with the 1st amendment. But surely the 5th is still around?

Or will you purge more of the constitution in your attempt to save the constitution?

The Constitution? You want to bring up the Constitution? Tell me which of these Muslims who didn't perjure themselves when they took the oath to uphold the Constitution of the US. One must take that oath to become naturalized as a citizen of USA. Charge them with perjury and plotting to overthrow our Constitution and deport them.

These people are using our own laws against us. No go zones are not part of America. They must go.
Stabbing in the back when you thought I was gone. You just failed the integrity test. Computer's OK here now.

Says the guy that made up a bullshit computer problem as an excuse to avoid why he couldn't back up his bullshit conspiracy theory. Unless of course you can show us the 'YEARS of DOCUMENTED reports of the US govt (DOJ & DHS)' that say that Dearborn Michigan is a Muslim 'no-go' zone?

No? Gee, I wonder what you excuse will be this time.

I do have another forum to attend to though, so I will be gone for a while. And a few Islamapologists pretending that there aren't no go zones is really too ridiculous to take very seriously anyway,

So your claims are so true....that you don't actually need any evidence to prove them?

Holy shit, dude. You're raising self delusion to an art form.

So I don't see any offer from you to take my Islamization Quiz. Chicken ? :biggrin:

Is this going to involve that poor, hapless idiot Steve Emerson....you know, the one who was so utterly ignorant and uselessly clueless that he actually had to apologize for the mindless drivel about 'muslim no go zones' he offered.

You know Steve, right? He's your primary source on 'Muslim No go zones'.

Oh, and you never did answer my questions: So if 'their ludicrous ideology shouldn't be allowed in America at all', what would you suggest we do with the millions upon millions of Muslims?

And would your solution involve camps, by any chance?

Why avoid the questions? Chicken?
1. You're the chicken. You won't take the Islamization Quiz to find out how ignorant you are.

Ignorant, huh? Who between us said that "YEARS of DOCUMENTED reports of the US govt (DOJ & DHS)' that say that Dearborn Michigan is a Muslim 'no-go' zone".....but then couldn't sow us a single 'documented report from the US government saying as much?

I'll give you a hint: that wouldn't be me.

But you expect me to accept you as a source on 'Islamization'? You already epicly failed the crediblity test. As you couldn't back your own bullshit.

2. All the info you need is in my links and their links.

Then it will be remarkably easy for you to find the "YEARS of DOCUMENTED reports of the US govt (DOJ & DHS)' that say that Dearborn Michigan is a Muslim 'no-go' zone".

Unless you have no idea what your 'links' say, because you have no idea what's on those pages. Then we'll get more excuses for why you can't possibly back up your bullshit.

I mean, for crying out loud you didn't know that Steve Emerson had utterly humiliated himself on national television regarding Muslim 'no go zones' until I told you. And yet in your ignorance, you still expect me to accept you as having the slightest clue what you're talking about?

You've failed the credibility test twice now. Once on Dearborn. Once on Emerson. Either show us the years of documented reports of the US government on Dearborn Michigan.....

.....or admit you made that shit up.

You just pretend they'r enot there, and pretend that I am holding something back. This is absurd. Everyone knows about the no go zones, unless you're a liberal who only gets told liberal-approved info. You don't know how much you don't know. Just take the Islamization Quiz. That will clear it all up. Chicken ?

Laughing.....all you have to do is show me the reports from the US government you claim to be citing saying that Dearborn Michigan is a Muslim no-go zone...and you win. But you can't. All you can do is tell me about them. As long as I don't ask to actually see them. As long as I don't ask you to back any of it up.

Show me.

And you're still running from my cartoon simple questions. So if 'their ludicrous ideology shouldn't be allowed in America at all', what would you suggest we do with the millions upon millions of Muslims?

And would your solution involve camps, by any chance?

You keep running. I'll keep laughing. Deal?
How come you're FOCUSING on Dearborn, when I listed many enclaves ? Why Dearborn ? Are you thinking this is somehow a weak spot, or something ? Checking Dearborn, you'll find some of the most severe examples of Islamization in America. And what about the other enclaves ? You ignore them ? Why ? lol

Dearborn is number 1 on your list.

Show me the "YEARS of DOCUMENTED reports of the US govt (DOJ & DHS)' that say that Dearborn Michigan is a Muslim 'no-go' zone".

Or admit you made that shit up. Its one or the other.
It's all in the links I supplied (which you didn't read) You've ALREADY been shown. Read Baby! Read! :biggrin:
Oh, and I almost forgot. While we're on this 'purge the constitution of rights and freedoms' kick of yours, would Muslims have the right to assembly? Or would that be stripped from them too?
Of course they would not have the right to assembly as Muslims, because Islam is banned by the Constitution, as are any other supremacist ideologies, cults, religions, groups, etc

Actually, the constitution never mentions Islam. Making a constitutional prohibition of it rather difficult. The constitution does however mention religion, and specifically forbids government from making any laaw that impedes the free excercise of it.

Laws like say.....burning all of their religious books. Forbidding them from practicing their religion. Forbidding them from assembling. Seizing all their places of worship. You know, pretty much everything you're demanding we do to Muslims.

Oh, and will there be any due process in this scenario. Or have you wiped your ass with the entire bill of rights?
Here are some suggestions for what could be done with the former Muslim buildings and land in the no go zone enclaves. The enclaves would be destroyed, of course, but there's no need to destroy perfectly good buildings.

Would the Muslims be given any compensation for the buildings we would seize? And of course, would there be any semblance of due process? I mean, prohibitions against laws that impede the free exercise of religion are clearly out, as you're demanding we wipe our asses with the 1st amendment. But surely the 5th is still around?

Or will you purge more of the constitution in your attempt to save the constitution?

The Constitution? You want to bring up the Constitution? Tell me which of these Muslims who didn't perjure themselves when they took the oath to uphold the Constitution of the US. One must take that oath to become naturalized as a citizen of USA. Charge them with perjury and plotting to overthrow our Constitution and deport them.

These people are using our own laws against us. No go zones are not part of America. They must go.
Of course they must. But even without taking oaths of citizenship, Muslims are in violation of the Constitution every time they engage in Muslim activities (by virtue of the Constitution Supremacy Clause and 2 US Codes)
Says the guy that made up a bullshit computer problem as an excuse to avoid why he couldn't back up his bullshit conspiracy theory. Unless of course you can show us the 'YEARS of DOCUMENTED reports of the US govt (DOJ & DHS)' that say that Dearborn Michigan is a Muslim 'no-go' zone?

No? Gee, I wonder what you excuse will be this time.

So your claims are so true....that you don't actually need any evidence to prove them?

Holy shit, dude. You're raising self delusion to an art form.

Is this going to involve that poor, hapless idiot Steve Emerson....you know, the one who was so utterly ignorant and uselessly clueless that he actually had to apologize for the mindless drivel about 'muslim no go zones' he offered.

You know Steve, right? He's your primary source on 'Muslim No go zones'.

Oh, and you never did answer my questions: So if 'their ludicrous ideology shouldn't be allowed in America at all', what would you suggest we do with the millions upon millions of Muslims?

And would your solution involve camps, by any chance?

Why avoid the questions? Chicken?
1. You're the chicken. You won't take the Islamization Quiz to find out how ignorant you are.

Ignorant, huh? Who between us said that "YEARS of DOCUMENTED reports of the US govt (DOJ & DHS)' that say that Dearborn Michigan is a Muslim 'no-go' zone".....but then couldn't sow us a single 'documented report from the US government saying as much?

I'll give you a hint: that wouldn't be me.

But you expect me to accept you as a source on 'Islamization'? You already epicly failed the crediblity test. As you couldn't back your own bullshit.

2. All the info you need is in my links and their links.

Then it will be remarkably easy for you to find the "YEARS of DOCUMENTED reports of the US govt (DOJ & DHS)' that say that Dearborn Michigan is a Muslim 'no-go' zone".

Unless you have no idea what your 'links' say, because you have no idea what's on those pages. Then we'll get more excuses for why you can't possibly back up your bullshit.

I mean, for crying out loud you didn't know that Steve Emerson had utterly humiliated himself on national television regarding Muslim 'no go zones' until I told you. And yet in your ignorance, you still expect me to accept you as having the slightest clue what you're talking about?

You've failed the credibility test twice now. Once on Dearborn. Once on Emerson. Either show us the years of documented reports of the US government on Dearborn Michigan.....

.....or admit you made that shit up.

You just pretend they'r enot there, and pretend that I am holding something back. This is absurd. Everyone knows about the no go zones, unless you're a liberal who only gets told liberal-approved info. You don't know how much you don't know. Just take the Islamization Quiz. That will clear it all up. Chicken ?

Laughing.....all you have to do is show me the reports from the US government you claim to be citing saying that Dearborn Michigan is a Muslim no-go zone...and you win. But you can't. All you can do is tell me about them. As long as I don't ask to actually see them. As long as I don't ask you to back any of it up.

Show me.

And you're still running from my cartoon simple questions. So if 'their ludicrous ideology shouldn't be allowed in America at all', what would you suggest we do with the millions upon millions of Muslims?

And would your solution involve camps, by any chance?

You keep running. I'll keep laughing. Deal?
How come you're FOCUSING on Dearborn, when I listed many enclaves ? Why Dearborn ? Are you thinking this is somehow a weak spot, or something ? Checking Dearborn, you'll find some of the most severe examples of Islamization in America. And what about the other enclaves ? You ignore them ? Why ? lol

Dearborn is number 1 on your list.

Show me the "YEARS of DOCUMENTED reports of the US govt (DOJ & DHS)' that say that Dearborn Michigan is a Muslim 'no-go' zone".

Or admit you made that shit up. Its one or the other.
It's all in the links I supplied (which you didn't read) You've ALREADY been shown. Read Baby! Read! :biggrin:

Then it will be remarkably easy for you to show us the "YEARS of DOCUMENTED reports of the US govt (DOJ & DHS)' that say that Dearborn Michigan is a Muslim 'no-go' zone".

You make the claim. You back it up. And so far, every time I've asked you to cite the documents you claim to have showing Dearborn is a 'no go zone', you've produced exactly jack shit. Instead giving us excuse after excuse for why you can't possibly back up your bullshit.

You clearly don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

Can you see why one might be a little um, underwhelmed by your little conspiracy?
Here are some suggestions for what could be done with the former Muslim buildings and land in the no go zone enclaves. The enclaves would be destroyed, of course, but there's no need to destroy perfectly good buildings.

Would the Muslims be given any compensation for the buildings we would seize? And of course, would there be any semblance of due process? I mean, prohibitions against laws that impede the free exercise of religion are clearly out, as you're demanding we wipe our asses with the 1st amendment. But surely the 5th is still around?

Or will you purge more of the constitution in your attempt to save the constitution?

The Constitution? You want to bring up the Constitution? Tell me which of these Muslims who didn't perjure themselves when they took the oath to uphold the Constitution of the US. One must take that oath to become naturalized as a citizen of USA. Charge them with perjury and plotting to overthrow our Constitution and deport them.

These people are using our own laws against us. No go zones are not part of America. They must go.

What no-go zones?
I liked the the British Prime Minister's comment on Emerson, 'This guy’s clearly a complete idiot'.

When you're so fucking ignorant that Fox News has to apologize for your idiocy....you're trail blazing new kinds of useless.

Oh, and speaking of useless, Steve Emerson (yes, that one) is one of Protect's primary sources.
Here are some suggestions for what could be done with the former Muslim buildings and land in the no go zone enclaves. The enclaves would be destroyed, of course, but there's no need to destroy perfectly good buildings.

Would the Muslims be given any compensation for the buildings we would seize? And of course, would there be any semblance of due process? I mean, prohibitions against laws that impede the free exercise of religion are clearly out, as you're demanding we wipe our asses with the 1st amendment. But surely the 5th is still around?

Or will you purge more of the constitution in your attempt to save the constitution?

The Constitution? You want to bring up the Constitution? Tell me which of these Muslims who didn't perjure themselves when they took the oath to uphold the Constitution of the US. One must take that oath to become naturalized as a citizen of USA. Charge them with perjury and plotting to overthrow our Constitution and deport them.

These people are using our own laws against us. No go zones are not part of America. They must go.

What no-go zones?

Open your eyes, Skylar. You are guaranteed to remain in eternal ignorance on matters where you refuse to examine the evidence. The HLF trials produced many names, Muslim groups - they were listed as un-indicted co - conspirators and Holder still has done nothing. There is a problem when the DOJ refuses to do their job. A huge problem. There are 35 known Jihadist training camps here in the USA. There is a book published about these camps and documented evidence that when people requested to enter these Muslim jihadist camps they were told no. Guess what that is called, Skylar? A no go zone. Do I really have to spell it out for you? Wake up, Doll. This is serious and ignorance is not bliss!............ it's deadly.

Watch and learn:

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Oh, and I almost forgot. While we're on this 'purge the constitution of rights and freedoms' kick of yours, would Muslims have the right to assembly? Or would that be stripped from them too?
Of course they would not have the right to assembly as Muslims, because Islam is banned by the Constitution, as are any other supremacist ideologies, cults, religions, groups, etc

Actually, the constitution never mentions Islam. Making a constitutional prohibition of it rather difficult. The constitution does however mention religion, and specifically forbids government from making any laaw that impedes the free excercise of it.

Laws like say.....burning all of their religious books. Forbidding them from practicing their religion. Forbidding them from assembling. Seizing all their places of worship. You know, pretty much everything you're demanding we do to Muslims.

Oh, and will there be any due process in this scenario. Or have you wiped your ass with the entire bill of rights?
The Constitution DOESN'T HAVE TO mention the supremacisms by name that it bans. It only has to mention the act of being supremacist (which of course Islam is just that). And a prohibition DOESN'T NEED TO be made. It's already there (Article 6, Section 2, the Supremacy clause) + 2 US Codes (you have a reading comprehension problem ?)

As for religion, Islam is not a religion. The founders of Islam only called it that to protect themselves from severe criticism. And it carried on over the centuries, masquerading as a religion, and only got adopted by people because of marauding Muslims, who traveled the continents, killing people, and forcing them to become Muslims. That doesn't a valid religion make.

And even if it was a religion, religions aren't allowed to be supreme over the Constitution either. Nothing is.

So what's the matter ? You don't support the Constitution ? (Article 6, Section 2) :biggrin:
Here are some suggestions for what could be done with the former Muslim buildings and land in the no go zone enclaves. The enclaves would be destroyed, of course, but there's no need to destroy perfectly good buildings.

Would the Muslims be given any compensation for the buildings we would seize? And of course, would there be any semblance of due process? I mean, prohibitions against laws that impede the free exercise of religion are clearly out, as you're demanding we wipe our asses with the 1st amendment. But surely the 5th is still around?

Or will you purge more of the constitution in your attempt to save the constitution?

The Constitution? You want to bring up the Constitution? Tell me which of these Muslims who didn't perjure themselves when they took the oath to uphold the Constitution of the US. One must take that oath to become naturalized as a citizen of USA. Charge them with perjury and plotting to overthrow our Constitution and deport them.

These people are using our own laws against us. No go zones are not part of America. They must go.

What no-go zones?

Open your eyes, Skylar. You are guaranteed to remain in eternal ignorance on matters where you refuse to examine the evidence. The HLF trials produced many names, Muslim groups - they were listed as un-indicted co - conspirators and Holder still has done nothing. There is a problem when the DOJ refuses to do their job. A huge problem. There are 35 known Jihadist training camps here in the USA. There is a book published about these camps and documented evidence that when people requested to enter these Muslim jihadist camps they were told no. Guess what that is called, Skylar? A no go zone. Do I really have to spell it out for you? Wake up, Doll. This is serious.

He is awake, Jeremiah. He is just deep in denial. In addition to being too chicken to meet the 2 challenges I posed to him.
I liked the the British Prime Minister's comment on Emerson, 'This guy’s clearly a complete idiot'.

When you're so fucking ignorant that Fox News has to apologize for your idiocy....you're trail blazing new kinds of useless.

Oh, and speaking of useless, Steve Emerson (yes, that one) is one of Protect's primary sources.
You've ALREADY been corrected on both of those things. So which is it ? Deep DENIAL ? or a reading comprehension problem ?

Pssst! He's run out of things to say. :biggrin:
Oh, and I almost forgot. While we're on this 'purge the constitution of rights and freedoms' kick of yours, would Muslims have the right to assembly? Or would that be stripped from them too?
Of course they would not have the right to assembly as Muslims, because Islam is banned by the Constitution, as are any other supremacist ideologies, cults, religions, groups, etc

Actually, the constitution never mentions Islam. Making a constitutional prohibition of it rather difficult. The constitution does however mention religion, and specifically forbids government from making any laaw that impedes the free excercise of it.

Laws like say.....burning all of their religious books. Forbidding them from practicing their religion. Forbidding them from assembling. Seizing all their places of worship. You know, pretty much everything you're demanding we do to Muslims.

Oh, and will there be any due process in this scenario. Or have you wiped your ass with the entire bill of rights?
The Constitution DOESN'T HAVE TO mention the supremacisms by name that it bans. It only has to mention the act of being supremacist (which of course Islam is just that). And a prohibition DOESN'T NEED TO be made. It's already there (Article 6, Section 2, the Supremacy clause) + 2 US Codes (you have a reading comprehension problem ?)

Says who?

Wait......Fox reject Steve Emerson, right?

As for religion, Islam is not a religion.

Says who? And who decides what is a religion and what isn't? You're offering us your personal opinion...and based on that alone, insisting that we violate at least a half dozen rights of Millioins of Muslims.

Stripping them of free speech, free excercise of religion, freedom of assembly, protection from unreasonable searches and seizures, right to redress, due process and just compensation of their property.

Oh, can Muslims be armed? If they wanted to stock up on AKs and ARs, they have second amendment rights, yes? Or are those too stripped from them in your draconian little fantasy? And can we arbitrarily strip anyone of their rights simply with your opinion?

Or is that only Muslims?

And even if it was a religion, religions aren't allowed to be supreme over the constitution either. Nothing is.

And Islam isn't supreme over our constitution. Remember, all your 'muslim no go' nonsense is useless conspiracy drivel. As you demonstrated for us so elegantly with your rather humiliating failure regarding the 'years and years of government docs saying that Dearborn is a muslim no-go zone'.
I liked the the British Prime Minister's comment on Emerson, 'This guy’s clearly a complete idiot'.

When you're so fucking ignorant that Fox News has to apologize for your idiocy....you're trail blazing new kinds of useless.

Oh, and speaking of useless, Steve Emerson (yes, that one) is one of Protect's primary sources.
You've ALREADY been corrected on both of those things. So which is it ? Deep DENIAL ? or a reading comprehension problem ?

Oh, your problem is that I can read too well. I can read this for example:

I have clearly made a terrible error for which I am deeply sorry. My comments about Birmingham were totally in error. And I am issuing this apology and correction for having made this comment about the beautiful city of Birmingham. I do not intend to justify or mitigate my mistake by stating that I had relied on other sources because I should have been much more careful. There was no excuse for making this mistake and I owe an apology to every resident of Birmingham. I am not going to make any excuses. I made an inexcusable error. And I am obligated to openly acknowledge that mistake. I wish to apologize for all residents of that great city of Birmingham.

Steve Emerson

PS. I made a donations of £500 to the Birmingham Children's Hospital, £150 to Birmingham St Marys Hospice and £150 to Acorns Childrens Hospice.

Fox News apologizes for terror expert s totally Muslim claim - Yahoo News

And this hapless idiot, blundering so publicly on Muslim 'no go zones' that even Fox News denounced him.......this is your primary source on Muslim no go zones?

I just want to be sure we're talking about the same guy. This is your source, yes?

Did you see where the Muslim refuses entry to the Islamic Jihadist camp he is guarding? He threatens them with violence and says Go! Go! He is telling them they cannot enter there and as the car is driving away he is beating it with a bat. It is what is known as a no - go zone for those who are unaware of no go zones in America.

You want to know why this is going on? Because our government refuses to do anything about it when the FBI and law enforcement report on it. They would rather bury the evidence than deal with it. That's why. If Americans ever permit themselves to be stripped of 2nd Amendment rights - it will be an open slaughter. It's what they are waiting for. Rent the movie Rwanda and realize that is what happens to unarmed citizens in a Muslim take over - In Rwanda the Hutu Muslims slaughtering Tutsi Christians had machetes - in America? They have AK - 47's. Time to wake up.
I liked the the British Prime Minister's comment on Emerson, 'This guy’s clearly a complete idiot'.

When you're so fucking ignorant that Fox News has to apologize for your idiocy....you're trail blazing new kinds of useless.

Oh, and speaking of useless, Steve Emerson (yes, that one) is one of Protect's primary sources.
You've ALREADY been corrected on both of those things. So which is it ? Deep DENIAL ? or a reading comprehension problem ?

Oh, your problem is that I can read too well. I can read this for example:

I have clearly made a terrible error for which I am deeply sorry. My comments about Birmingham were totally in error. And I am issuing this apology and correction for having made this comment about the beautiful city of Birmingham. I do not intend to justify or mitigate my mistake by stating that I had relied on other sources because I should have been much more careful. There was no excuse for making this mistake and I owe an apology to every resident of Birmingham. I am not going to make any excuses. I made an inexcusable error. And I am obligated to openly acknowledge that mistake. I wish to apologize for all residents of that great city of Birmingham.

Steve Emerson

PS. I made a donations of £500 to the Birmingham Children's Hospital, £150 to Birmingham St Marys Hospice and £150 to Acorns Childrens Hospice.

Fox News apologizes for terror expert s totally Muslim claim - Yahoo News

And this hapless idiot, blundering so publicly on Muslim 'no go zones' that even Fox News denounced him.......this is your primary source on Muslim no go zones?

I just want to be sure we're talking about the same guy. This is your source, yes?

Watch the video and examine the evidence, Skylar. You are ignoring the evidence you asked for once again.
Here are some suggestions for what could be done with the former Muslim buildings and land in the no go zone enclaves. The enclaves would be destroyed, of course, but there's no need to destroy perfectly good buildings.

Would the Muslims be given any compensation for the buildings we would seize? And of course, would there be any semblance of due process? I mean, prohibitions against laws that impede the free exercise of religion are clearly out, as you're demanding we wipe our asses with the 1st amendment. But surely the 5th is still around?

Or will you purge more of the constitution in your attempt to save the constitution?

The Constitution? You want to bring up the Constitution? Tell me which of these Muslims who didn't perjure themselves when they took the oath to uphold the Constitution of the US. One must take that oath to become naturalized as a citizen of USA. Charge them with perjury and plotting to overthrow our Constitution and deport them.

These people are using our own laws against us. No go zones are not part of America. They must go.

What no-go zones?

Open your eyes, Skylar. You are guaranteed to remain in eternal ignorance on matters where you refuse to examine the evidence. The HLF trials produced many names, Muslim groups - they were listed as un-indicted co - conspirators and Holder still has done nothing. There is a problem when the DOJ refuses to do their job. A huge problem.

Watch and learn:

Then show us the Muslim no-go zones. If they're so completely obvious with the 'years and years of government documents ' showing that say, Dearborn Michigan is a Muslim no go zone, then surely you can show us.

There are 35 known Jihadist training camps here in the USA. There is a book published about these camps and documented evidence that when people requested to enter these Muslim jihadist camps they were told no. Guess what that is called, Skylar? A no go zone. Do I really have to spell it out for you? Wake up, Doll. This is serious and ignorance is not bliss!............ it's deadly.

A book written by who? Would that be fox reject Steven 'my mistakes are inexcuable' Emerson perhaps? I know you don't give a shit where these accusations come from as long as they say what you want to believe. But for someone who hasn't guzzled your Koolaid, its extremely important.

Remember, a no-go zone is an area where US law doesn't apply. You as a book author simply going up to someone's home, demanding entry and being refused isn't a 'no go zone'.

That's plain old private property. So what Muslim 'no go zones' are you referring to. We've already marked Protect's #1 on his list Dearborn Michigan. What else have you got?

Did you see where the Muslim refuses entry to the Islamic Jihadist camp he is guarding?

At what point in your video....its half an hour long. Give me a time stamp.

Who says its a 'Jihadist camp'? And refuses entry to WHO? Law enforcement? Or just some random asshole who demands to be let in?

You seem to be confusing plain old private property with a 'Muslim No Go zone'? A muslim no go zone is one where US law doesn't apply. Not anywhere where private property laws do.

He threatens them with violence and says Go! Go! He is telling them they cannot enter there and as the car is driving away he is beating it with a bat. It is what is known as a no - go zone for those who are unaware of no go zones in America.

You mean private property? So lets say, hypothetically...that I show up at your home and demand to be let in, to look around, and I have a video camera.

If you say no, is that now a ' Christian no-go zone'? Or is that just plain old private property?

You want to know why this is going on? Because our government refuses to do anything about it when the FBI and law enforcement report on it.

Says who? There's nothing in that video that's independently verifiable. For example, was the man with the camera *trespassing*? Who says it was a 'terrorist camp'? Did he turn over the video to the police and demand anyone be charged with assault? What was response from the police, verified by what?

You're giving us this elaborate story backed by nothing but the word of a guy on a youtube video. And nothing else.

And when I ask for the promised 'years of government documents' that show that #1 on the OP's list Dearborn Michigan is a muslim 'no go zone', it comes up goose eggs.

Rent the movie Rwanda and realize that is what happens to unarmed citizens in a Muslim take over - In Rwanda the Hutu Muslims slaughtering Tutsi Christians had machetes - in America? They have AK - 47's. Time to wake up.

A handful of guys that you arbitrarily label 'terrorists' (but of course, can't back with jack shit) have a handful of guns....and you're worried about Muslim uprising against the US from Muslims?

Oh, and I almost forgot. While we're on this 'purge the constitution of rights and freedoms' kick of yours, would Muslims have the right to assembly? Or would that be stripped from them too?
Of course they would not have the right to assembly as Muslims, because Islam is banned by the Constitution, as are any other supremacist ideologies, cults, religions, groups, etc

Actually, the constitution never mentions Islam. Making a constitutional prohibition of it rather difficult. The constitution does however mention religion, and specifically forbids government from making any laaw that impedes the free excercise of it.

Laws like say.....burning all of their religious books. Forbidding them from practicing their religion. Forbidding them from assembling. Seizing all their places of worship. You know, pretty much everything you're demanding we do to Muslims.

Oh, and will there be any due process in this scenario. Or have you wiped your ass with the entire bill of rights?
The Constitution DOESN'T HAVE TO mention the supremacisms by name that it bans. It only has to mention the act of being supremacist (which of course Islam is just that). And a prohibition DOESN'T NEED TO be made. It's already there (Article 6, Section 2, the Supremacy clause) + 2 US Codes (you have a reading comprehension problem ?)

Says who?

Wait......Fox reject Steve Emerson, right?

As for religion, Islam is not a religion.

Says who? And who decides what is a religion and what isn't? You're offering us your personal opinion...and based on that alone, insisting that we violate at least a half dozen rights of Millioins of Muslims.

Stripping them of free speech, free excercise of religion, freedom of assembly, protection from unreasonable searches and seizures, right to redress, due process and just compensation of their property.

Oh, can Muslims be armed? If they wanted to stock up on AKs and ARs, they have second amendment rights, yes? Or are those too stripped from them in your draconian little fantasy? And can we arbitrarily strip anyone of their rights simply with your opinion?

Or is that only Muslims?

And even if it was a religion, religions aren't allowed to be supreme over the constitution either. Nothing is.

And Islam isn't supreme over our constitution. Remember, all your 'muslim no go' nonsense is useless conspiracy drivel. As you demonstrated for us so elegantly with your rather humiliating failure regarding the 'years and years of government docs saying that Dearborn is a muslim no-go zone'.
You are a liberal typically very ignorant on Islamization matters, and because of that I am having to slowly (and painstakingly) try to bring you up to speed. But you need to learn what I've already taught you. You have MANY more things to learn here.

Now, "who" says Islam is not a religion ? Most people around the world, that's who. And this even includes some entire nations (ex. Italy) which do not grant religious tax status to Islam, as they do to real religions. and as I said before, it wouldn't matter if Islam was a religion. Religions are not entitled to be supreme over the Constitution any more than anything else is . Nothing is. And violating rights ? Not hardly. Nobody and nothing has the right to be supreme over the Constitution (including Islam)

As for all the rights you mention, Muslims are entitled to every right that American citizens are entitled to, and just like non-Muslim Americans, they are not entitled to violate the Constitution's most powerful clause (the Supremacy clause) You may also note that, unlike the 1st amendment that you like to quote, which is riddled with exceptions, the Supremacy clause has NO EXCEPTIONS (and hasn't had any for 226 years) :biggrin:

Now, "religion" ? This opens up a big can of worms. Get ready for a sizable response here, including MANY links.

It's obvious how Islam came to be purported as a "religion". When the founders of it were espousing imperialist genocidal mass murder, extreme misogyny, rape, pedophilia, kidnapping/slavery, torture/mutilation, racial and sexist discrimination, animal cruelty/killing, and other vile things, and were looking for troops to join them in their conquests throughout Asia Minor, they needed something very powerful and extreme to offset and shield them from the severe condemnation they were sure to get.
The answer was religion. By pretending that the Koran, and all of its hatred and immorality was the word of God, they forced the people to accept it. After all, nobody wants to go against God do they ? As this grandiose con job spread, over time, it became deeper and deeper entrenched as a religion, and more and more difficult to abolish or reform.
And it spread only because the murderous Muslim marauders who spread it, killed 270 million people around the world to do that. Many, if not most, Muslims living today, trace their ancestry back to people who were non-Muslims and were forced to become Muslims. Hell of a way for someone to call himself a Muslim.

Islam is an ideology, masquerading as a religion.


Islam Watch - About Us

Islam Is Not A Religion, It Is Foreign Law

Islam and the Definition of Religion

Why Islam is Not a Religion > Rebecca Bynum

Former Muslim, Wafa Sultan, says, "Islam is NOT a religion" | BARE NAKED ISLAM

?Allah is Dead ? Why Islam is Not a Religion? | Logan's Warning

Islam Is Not A Religion, But A Dangerous Ideology | International

Islam: not a religion? « The Immanent Frame

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system. « Avid Editor's Insights

Half Sigma: Islam not a religion?

Islam in Italy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Comments from Former Muslims - WikiIslam

The Patriot Factor: Islam is NOT a Religion

Why Islam Should NOT Be Protected Under the US Constitution! | CatchKevin.com

Islam: Politics In Religious Garb

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion -- Denied Religious Tax Status - Atlas Shrugs

Info on Islam: Islam is not a religion

Islam Is Not A Religion It Is A Cult

Islam is NOT a Religion

Islam Does Not Qualify Under US Constitution ?Freedom of Religion? Rights « Northeast Intelligence NetworkNortheast Intelligence Network

Asia Times - Asia's most trusted news source

Islam is a political system ? NOT a religion | Creeping Sharia

Islam is not a religion, but a death cult of misogynistic pedophiles
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