Busted! Mitt Romney’s Secret Twitter Account Discovered – Named “Pierre Delecto”

The second account is one thing, but why allude to it?

Something strange might be going on. Will second accounts of other politicians be exposed and he is setting all of this up?


He probably wanted to use "Carlos Danger" but some wiener already used that name.
The second account is one thing, but why allude to it?

Something strange might be going on. Will second accounts of other politicians be exposed and he is setting all of this up?

The name is what happens when sexually repressed nut-jobs think they can get away with something.
The Democrat Party has millions of bots all over social media. Why is no one surprised by this?

“The Clinton SuperPAC Correct the Record, which is affiliated with her campaign, acknowledged in an April press release that it was spending $1 million on project “Breaking Barriers” to pay people to respond to negative information about Clinton on social media sites like Facebook, Reddit, Instagram and Twitter. That amount has since increased to over $6 million....Brian Donahue, chief executive of the consulting firm Craft Media/Digital, explained the troll operation to The Los Angeles Times, “It is meant to appear to be coming organically from people and their social media networks in a groundswell of activism, when in fact it is highly paid and highly tactical...a campaign that appears to be populist but is a smokescreen that is paid and brought to you by lifetime political operatives and high-level consultants.”
"RINO" huh.

You do know Senators work for their constituents, not a political party ---- right?

In this case Romney represents the citizens of Utah. Not the "Republicans" of Utah, or anywhere else.

You remember Utah? Where Rump couldn't scrape together a majority of the state vote even with an R after his name?

So he's got a Twit account. So what? Does everybody's twit have to submit for your approval before it can be twitted, ya god damned fascist asshole? What are you, some kind of Bowdler? Who the fuck died and appointed you master censor?
Hilarious how you Leftards always need to operate in the shadows.
Remind us again how the job of a Senator, or anybody in Congress, is done over fucking Tweeter in any way whatsoever.

After that be sure to tell us, since the OP ran away, who the fuck died and appointed him moderator of somebody else's Tweeter accounts.

Oh and as far as what his job actually is (or again, any Congressperson) ---- it's all on the public record.

All kinds of congress critters us social media to make public statements, if they're saying different things on different accounts, accounts they're hiding, people have a right to know.

If something is "hidden" ----------- then it's not public, IS IT.

Once AGAIN, how many House or Senate votes are taken via Tweeter? ZERO.

Also once AGAIN --- who the fuck is the OP to decide who can have a personal Tweeter account?

What do congressional votes have to do with the topic at hand?

The better way to put that question is what do Tweeter accounts have to do with Congressional votes?

Have any idea what a Congresscritter's job is?

If you said 'representing his/her constituents', good for you. And they do that by casting votes on behalf of those constituents.
NOT, to reiterate the first counterpoint here, on behalf of political parties.

Now, have any idea what a Congresscritter's job is not?

Among other things, it's not Twitting. Nor is it taking a shit in the men's room. Both of those acts are private and unrelated to their job.

Final question:

Have any idea why the OP ran away?

If you said "shame, embarrassment and complete mortification over his thread being exposed as a complete fraud" then you're right again. Of course his Jim Fucking Hoft link should have already clued him in to that.

Sooooooooo why are you still here white-knighting for him?

Funneh thing about Jim Fucking Hoft and his contrived bullshit site. They have a comment section. If I even so much as put my cursor in the field to comment, before I even type anything I'm banned from doing it.

Wonder why huh.

You're the only one I see trying to tie votes to twitter. And why are you so invested in this thread. All that bullshit typing for things I have no interest in. Pierre Delecto, I wonder if he's related to Carlos Danger? LMAO Oh, and while we're getting all off topic, I can't believe the people of Utah allowed Romney to carpet bag them.

I've never lived in Utah so I have no comment, nor is it any of my business, though I suppose you could ask the same of the people of Massachusetts.

This thread is entirely ABOUT Twitter. It's right up there in the title. My question on that from the beginning was "so what?". Never did get a rational answer.
I'm saying I wonder if mitt like little girls just like carlos danger did.

I hope they look further into this!
For ---------------- what?

Are you another self-absorbed control freak who wants to dick-tate who can have a Tweeter account?
Romney has absolutely NO CREDIBILTY any longer. What an utter FRAUD. I hope Trump calls him out on his LIES.

Mittens has become a sad little clown.

If Utahans have any sense, they'll send someone who actually lives in the state to the Senate next time around.

Once AGAIN --- that's for Utahans to decide, not you or you. That's who HIRED him.

This is the ground they stake out. A mediocre Senator would be lost in the rabble and ranting in the Democrat side of the ruling elite. But he becomes much more valuable to them as a fifth columnist on the Republican side.
Trump has already beaten the GOP elite though. That was even before he went on to shellac Hillary. Trump knows what kind of sinister characters he is dealing with in DC.

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