Busted! Mitt Romney’s Secret Twitter Account Discovered – Named “Pierre Delecto”

"RINO" huh.

You do know Senators work for their constituents, not a political party ---- right?

In this case Romney represents the citizens of Utah. Not the "Republicans" of Utah, or anywhere else.

You remember Utah? Where Rump couldn't scrape together a majority of the state vote even with an R after his name?

So he's got a Twit account. So what? Does everybody's twit have to submit for your approval before it can be twitted, ya god damned fascist asshole? What are you, some kind of Bowdler? Who the fuck died and appointed you master censor?
Hilarious how you Leftards always need to operate in the shadows.

Doesn't answer any of the points in any way whatsoever, does it.
All kinds of congress critters us social media to make public statements, if they're saying different things on different accounts, accounts they're hiding, people have a right to know.

If something is "hidden" ----------- then it's not public, IS IT.

Once AGAIN, how many House or Senate votes are taken via Tweeter? ZERO.

Also once AGAIN --- who the fuck is the OP to decide who can have a personal Tweeter account?

What do congressional votes have to do with the topic at hand?

The better way to put that question is what do Tweeter accounts have to do with Congressional votes?

Have any idea what a Congresscritter's job is?

If you said 'representing his/her constituents', good for you. And they do that by casting votes on behalf of those constituents.
NOT, to reiterate the first counterpoint here, on behalf of political parties.

Now, have any idea what a Congresscritter's job is not?

Among other things, it's not Twitting. Nor is it taking a shit in the men's room. Both of those acts are private and unrelated to their job.

Final question:

Have any idea why the OP ran away?

If you said "shame, embarrassment and complete mortification over his thread being exposed as a complete fraud" then you're right again. Of course his Jim Fucking Hoft link should have already clued him in to that.

Sooooooooo why are you still here white-knighting for him?

Funneh thing about Jim Fucking Hoft and his contrived bullshit site. They have a comment section. If I even so much as put my cursor in the field to comment, before I even type anything I'm banned from doing it.

Wonder why huh.

You're the only one I see trying to tie votes to twitter. And why are you so invested in this thread. All that bullshit typing for things I have no interest in. Pierre Delecto, I wonder if he's related to Carlos Danger? LMAO Oh, and while we're getting all off topic, I can't believe the people of Utah allowed Romney to carpet bag them.

I've never lived in Utah so I have no comment, nor is it any of my business, though I suppose you could ask the same of the people of Massachusetts.

This thread is entirely ABOUT Twitter. It's right up there in the title. My question on that from the beginning was "so what?". Never did get a rational answer.

From what I've seen, ole mittens is using that account as a shill to support some of his more controversial statements. That's about as dishonest as a politician can get.

If something is "hidden" ----------- then it's not public, IS IT.

Once AGAIN, how many House or Senate votes are taken via Tweeter? ZERO.

Also once AGAIN --- who the fuck is the OP to decide who can have a personal Tweeter account?

What do congressional votes have to do with the topic at hand?

The better way to put that question is what do Tweeter accounts have to do with Congressional votes?

Have any idea what a Congresscritter's job is?

If you said 'representing his/her constituents', good for you. And they do that by casting votes on behalf of those constituents.
NOT, to reiterate the first counterpoint here, on behalf of political parties.

Now, have any idea what a Congresscritter's job is not?

Among other things, it's not Twitting. Nor is it taking a shit in the men's room. Both of those acts are private and unrelated to their job.

Final question:

Have any idea why the OP ran away?

If you said "shame, embarrassment and complete mortification over his thread being exposed as a complete fraud" then you're right again. Of course his Jim Fucking Hoft link should have already clued him in to that.

Sooooooooo why are you still here white-knighting for him?

Funneh thing about Jim Fucking Hoft and his contrived bullshit site. They have a comment section. If I even so much as put my cursor in the field to comment, before I even type anything I'm banned from doing it.

Wonder why huh.

You're the only one I see trying to tie votes to twitter. And why are you so invested in this thread. All that bullshit typing for things I have no interest in. Pierre Delecto, I wonder if he's related to Carlos Danger? LMAO Oh, and while we're getting all off topic, I can't believe the people of Utah allowed Romney to carpet bag them.

I've never lived in Utah so I have no comment, nor is it any of my business, though I suppose you could ask the same of the people of Massachusetts.

This thread is entirely ABOUT Twitter. It's right up there in the title. My question on that from the beginning was "so what?". Never did get a rational answer.

From what I've seen, ole mittens is using that account as a shill to support some of his more controversial statements. That's about as dishonest as a politician can get.

I can't tell if that's "dishonest" or not. If such comments represent his opinions, then it isn't.

That's all beside the point though. Is having a Tweeter account somehow illegal? Does it have anything to do with his job? In both cases, no, we already established that. Therefore there is nothing to be "busted" over. And you might wanna check the definition of "shill".

As well, there can be no dispute that an elected Congressional Rep or Senator's job is to represent constituents, not to represent a political party.

That's why the OP ran away. He can't defend his wackadoo thread so he did the courageous thing and ran away, bravely ran away. When rational posters called him out, he very bravely chickened out, brave brave brave brave White MAGA...
What do congressional votes have to do with the topic at hand?

The better way to put that question is what do Tweeter accounts have to do with Congressional votes?

Have any idea what a Congresscritter's job is?

If you said 'representing his/her constituents', good for you. And they do that by casting votes on behalf of those constituents.
NOT, to reiterate the first counterpoint here, on behalf of political parties.

Now, have any idea what a Congresscritter's job is not?

Among other things, it's not Twitting. Nor is it taking a shit in the men's room. Both of those acts are private and unrelated to their job.

Final question:

Have any idea why the OP ran away?

If you said "shame, embarrassment and complete mortification over his thread being exposed as a complete fraud" then you're right again. Of course his Jim Fucking Hoft link should have already clued him in to that.

Sooooooooo why are you still here white-knighting for him?

Funneh thing about Jim Fucking Hoft and his contrived bullshit site. They have a comment section. If I even so much as put my cursor in the field to comment, before I even type anything I'm banned from doing it.

Wonder why huh.

You're the only one I see trying to tie votes to twitter. And why are you so invested in this thread. All that bullshit typing for things I have no interest in. Pierre Delecto, I wonder if he's related to Carlos Danger? LMAO Oh, and while we're getting all off topic, I can't believe the people of Utah allowed Romney to carpet bag them.

I've never lived in Utah so I have no comment, nor is it any of my business, though I suppose you could ask the same of the people of Massachusetts.

This thread is entirely ABOUT Twitter. It's right up there in the title. My question on that from the beginning was "so what?". Never did get a rational answer.

From what I've seen, ole mittens is using that account as a shill to support some of his more controversial statements. That's about as dishonest as a politician can get.

I can't tell if that's "dishonest" or not. If such comments represent his opinions, then it isn't.

That's all beside the point though. Is having a Tweeter account somehow illegal? Does it have anything to do with his job? In both cases, no, we already established that. Therefore there is nothing to be "busted" over. And you might wanna check the definition of "shill".

As well, there can be no dispute that an elected Congressional Rep or Senator's job is to represent constituents, not to represent a political party.

That's why the OP ran away. He can't defend his wackadoo thread so he did the courageous thing and ran away, bravely ran away. When rational posters called him out, he very bravely chickened out, brave brave brave brave White MAGA...

So you don't think the folks in Utah have a right to know mittens is creating ghost accounts to pretend he has support, when he may not. We know about this one, are there more, has his staff created similar accounts. It just raises a lot of questions in my mind.

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The better way to put that question is what do Tweeter accounts have to do with Congressional votes?

Have any idea what a Congresscritter's job is?

If you said 'representing his/her constituents', good for you. And they do that by casting votes on behalf of those constituents.
NOT, to reiterate the first counterpoint here, on behalf of political parties.

Now, have any idea what a Congresscritter's job is not?

Among other things, it's not Twitting. Nor is it taking a shit in the men's room. Both of those acts are private and unrelated to their job.

Final question:

Have any idea why the OP ran away?

If you said "shame, embarrassment and complete mortification over his thread being exposed as a complete fraud" then you're right again. Of course his Jim Fucking Hoft link should have already clued him in to that.

Sooooooooo why are you still here white-knighting for him?

Funneh thing about Jim Fucking Hoft and his contrived bullshit site. They have a comment section. If I even so much as put my cursor in the field to comment, before I even type anything I'm banned from doing it.

Wonder why huh.

You're the only one I see trying to tie votes to twitter. And why are you so invested in this thread. All that bullshit typing for things I have no interest in. Pierre Delecto, I wonder if he's related to Carlos Danger? LMAO Oh, and while we're getting all off topic, I can't believe the people of Utah allowed Romney to carpet bag them.

I've never lived in Utah so I have no comment, nor is it any of my business, though I suppose you could ask the same of the people of Massachusetts.

This thread is entirely ABOUT Twitter. It's right up there in the title. My question on that from the beginning was "so what?". Never did get a rational answer.

From what I've seen, ole mittens is using that account as a shill to support some of his more controversial statements. That's about as dishonest as a politician can get.

I can't tell if that's "dishonest" or not. If such comments represent his opinions, then it isn't.

That's all beside the point though. Is having a Tweeter account somehow illegal? Does it have anything to do with his job? In both cases, no, we already established that. Therefore there is nothing to be "busted" over. And you might wanna check the definition of "shill".

As well, there can be no dispute that an elected Congressional Rep or Senator's job is to represent constituents, not to represent a political party.

That's why the OP ran away. He can't defend his wackadoo thread so he did the courageous thing and ran away, bravely ran away. When rational posters called him out, he very bravely chickened out, brave brave brave brave White MAGA...

So you don't think the folks in Utah have a right to know mittens is creating ghost accounts to pretend he has support, when he may not. We know about this one, are there more, has his staff created similar accounts. It just raises a lot of questions in my mind.

Where in the *FUCK* did I say anybody anywhere "didn't have a right to know" anything at all??

The OP seems to be saying people not on his approved list can't have Tweeter accounts. That's HIS hangup, not mine.

If piddling about worrying about whether somebody a thousand miles away created a Tweeter account is what raises quesitons in your mind, you have my pity.
You're the only one I see trying to tie votes to twitter. And why are you so invested in this thread. All that bullshit typing for things I have no interest in. Pierre Delecto, I wonder if he's related to Carlos Danger? LMAO Oh, and while we're getting all off topic, I can't believe the people of Utah allowed Romney to carpet bag them.

I've never lived in Utah so I have no comment, nor is it any of my business, though I suppose you could ask the same of the people of Massachusetts.

This thread is entirely ABOUT Twitter. It's right up there in the title. My question on that from the beginning was "so what?". Never did get a rational answer.

From what I've seen, ole mittens is using that account as a shill to support some of his more controversial statements. That's about as dishonest as a politician can get.

I can't tell if that's "dishonest" or not. If such comments represent his opinions, then it isn't.

That's all beside the point though. Is having a Tweeter account somehow illegal? Does it have anything to do with his job? In both cases, no, we already established that. Therefore there is nothing to be "busted" over. And you might wanna check the definition of "shill".

As well, there can be no dispute that an elected Congressional Rep or Senator's job is to represent constituents, not to represent a political party.

That's why the OP ran away. He can't defend his wackadoo thread so he did the courageous thing and ran away, bravely ran away. When rational posters called him out, he very bravely chickened out, brave brave brave brave White MAGA...

So you don't think the folks in Utah have a right to know mittens is creating ghost accounts to pretend he has support, when he may not. We know about this one, are there more, has his staff created similar accounts. It just raises a lot of questions in my mind.

Where in the *FUCK* did I say anybody anywhere "didn't have a right to know" anything at all??

The OP seems to be saying people not on his approved list can't have Tweeter accounts. That's HIS hangup, not mine.

If piddling about worrying about whether somebody a thousand miles away created a Tweeter account is what raises quesitons in your mind, you have my pity.

The Leftists have deified Mitt Romney is the point. If Trump had set up a phony Twitter account so he could praise himself, the libs would have had a conniption.

But of course, President Trump would never do that. He's comfortable praising himself under his own name.
You're the only one I see trying to tie votes to twitter. And why are you so invested in this thread. All that bullshit typing for things I have no interest in. Pierre Delecto, I wonder if he's related to Carlos Danger? LMAO Oh, and while we're getting all off topic, I can't believe the people of Utah allowed Romney to carpet bag them.

I've never lived in Utah so I have no comment, nor is it any of my business, though I suppose you could ask the same of the people of Massachusetts.

This thread is entirely ABOUT Twitter. It's right up there in the title. My question on that from the beginning was "so what?". Never did get a rational answer.

From what I've seen, ole mittens is using that account as a shill to support some of his more controversial statements. That's about as dishonest as a politician can get.

I can't tell if that's "dishonest" or not. If such comments represent his opinions, then it isn't.

That's all beside the point though. Is having a Tweeter account somehow illegal? Does it have anything to do with his job? In both cases, no, we already established that. Therefore there is nothing to be "busted" over. And you might wanna check the definition of "shill".

As well, there can be no dispute that an elected Congressional Rep or Senator's job is to represent constituents, not to represent a political party.

That's why the OP ran away. He can't defend his wackadoo thread so he did the courageous thing and ran away, bravely ran away. When rational posters called him out, he very bravely chickened out, brave brave brave brave White MAGA...

So you don't think the folks in Utah have a right to know mittens is creating ghost accounts to pretend he has support, when he may not. We know about this one, are there more, has his staff created similar accounts. It just raises a lot of questions in my mind.

Where in the *FUCK* did I say anybody anywhere "didn't have a right to know" anything at all??

The OP seems to be saying people not on his approved list can't have Tweeter accounts. That's HIS hangup, not mine.

If piddling about worrying about whether somebody a thousand miles away created a Tweeter account is what raises quesitons in your mind, you have my pity.
I'm not sure why this is even a story. Romney may have a list of people he communicates with that he doesn't want under "mitt romney." So what. I don't use my real name here. I don't tweet, but then, my email list is pretty short. LOL

So long as he isn't raising money by selling access (like Hillary or Trump) or forwarding secret attachments (Hillary), who cares?
I've never lived in Utah so I have no comment, nor is it any of my business, though I suppose you could ask the same of the people of Massachusetts.

This thread is entirely ABOUT Twitter. It's right up there in the title. My question on that from the beginning was "so what?". Never did get a rational answer.

From what I've seen, ole mittens is using that account as a shill to support some of his more controversial statements. That's about as dishonest as a politician can get.

I can't tell if that's "dishonest" or not. If such comments represent his opinions, then it isn't.

That's all beside the point though. Is having a Tweeter account somehow illegal? Does it have anything to do with his job? In both cases, no, we already established that. Therefore there is nothing to be "busted" over. And you might wanna check the definition of "shill".

As well, there can be no dispute that an elected Congressional Rep or Senator's job is to represent constituents, not to represent a political party.

That's why the OP ran away. He can't defend his wackadoo thread so he did the courageous thing and ran away, bravely ran away. When rational posters called him out, he very bravely chickened out, brave brave brave brave White MAGA...

So you don't think the folks in Utah have a right to know mittens is creating ghost accounts to pretend he has support, when he may not. We know about this one, are there more, has his staff created similar accounts. It just raises a lot of questions in my mind.

Where in the *FUCK* did I say anybody anywhere "didn't have a right to know" anything at all??

The OP seems to be saying people not on his approved list can't have Tweeter accounts. That's HIS hangup, not mine.

If piddling about worrying about whether somebody a thousand miles away created a Tweeter account is what raises quesitons in your mind, you have my pity.

The Leftists have deified Mitt Romney is the point. If Trump had set up a phony Twitter account so he could praise himself, the libs would have had a conniption.

But of course, President Trump would never do that. He's comfortable praising himself under his own name.
Actually, you might want to look into Trump's use of fake ids.
The Leftists have deified Mitt Romney is the point. If Trump had set up a phony Twitter account so he could praise himself, the libs would have had a conniption.

But of course, President Trump would never do that. He's comfortable praising himself under his own name.
John Miller, John Barron, and David Dennison beg to differ.
If the worst dirt anyone can find on Mitt Romney is a second Twitter account, it just doesn't get more squeaky clean than that!
Donald Trump sent Rudy the Hand Grenade on a shadow foreign policy mission to chase a hoax fed to him by two crooks, and he sidelined anyone in the diplomatic corps who objected to this insanity. And he help up foreign aid unless Zelensky went along with it.

Yeahbut Mitt has a second Twitter account! OUTRAGEOUS!
What do congressional votes have to do with the topic at hand?

The better way to put that question is what do Tweeter accounts have to do with Congressional votes?

Have any idea what a Congresscritter's job is?

If you said 'representing his/her constituents', good for you. And they do that by casting votes on behalf of those constituents.
NOT, to reiterate the first counterpoint here, on behalf of political parties.

Now, have any idea what a Congresscritter's job is not?

Among other things, it's not Twitting. Nor is it taking a shit in the men's room. Both of those acts are private and unrelated to their job.

Final question:

Have any idea why the OP ran away?

If you said "shame, embarrassment and complete mortification over his thread being exposed as a complete fraud" then you're right again. Of course his Jim Fucking Hoft link should have already clued him in to that.

Sooooooooo why are you still here white-knighting for him?

Funneh thing about Jim Fucking Hoft and his contrived bullshit site. They have a comment section. If I even so much as put my cursor in the field to comment, before I even type anything I'm banned from doing it.

Wonder why huh.

You're the only one I see trying to tie votes to twitter. And why are you so invested in this thread. All that bullshit typing for things I have no interest in. Pierre Delecto, I wonder if he's related to Carlos Danger? LMAO Oh, and while we're getting all off topic, I can't believe the people of Utah allowed Romney to carpet bag them.

I've never lived in Utah so I have no comment, nor is it any of my business, though I suppose you could ask the same of the people of Massachusetts.

This thread is entirely ABOUT Twitter. It's right up there in the title. My question on that from the beginning was "so what?". Never did get a rational answer.

From what I've seen, ole mittens is using that account as a shill to support some of his more controversial statements. That's about as dishonest as a politician can get.

I can't tell if that's "dishonest" or not. If such comments represent his opinions, then it isn't.

That's all beside the point though. Is having a Tweeter account somehow illegal? Does it have anything to do with his job? In both cases, no, we already established that. Therefore there is nothing to be "busted" over. And you might wanna check the definition of "shill".

As well, there can be no dispute that an elected Congressional Rep or Senator's job is to represent constituents, not to represent a political party.

That's why the OP ran away. He can't defend his wackadoo thread so he did the courageous thing and ran away, bravely ran away. When rational posters called him out, he very bravely chickened out, brave brave brave brave White MAGA...
White MAGA Man never ran away, Cuckoo For Pogo Puffs. White MAGA Man just took a break during your triggered meltdown to watch the Cowboys-Eagles game last night.

I've never lived in Utah so I have no comment, nor is it any of my business, though I suppose you could ask the same of the people of Massachusetts.

This thread is entirely ABOUT Twitter. It's right up there in the title. My question on that from the beginning was "so what?". Never did get a rational answer.

From what I've seen, ole mittens is using that account as a shill to support some of his more controversial statements. That's about as dishonest as a politician can get.

I can't tell if that's "dishonest" or not. If such comments represent his opinions, then it isn't.

That's all beside the point though. Is having a Tweeter account somehow illegal? Does it have anything to do with his job? In both cases, no, we already established that. Therefore there is nothing to be "busted" over. And you might wanna check the definition of "shill".

As well, there can be no dispute that an elected Congressional Rep or Senator's job is to represent constituents, not to represent a political party.

That's why the OP ran away. He can't defend his wackadoo thread so he did the courageous thing and ran away, bravely ran away. When rational posters called him out, he very bravely chickened out, brave brave brave brave White MAGA...

So you don't think the folks in Utah have a right to know mittens is creating ghost accounts to pretend he has support, when he may not. We know about this one, are there more, has his staff created similar accounts. It just raises a lot of questions in my mind.

Where in the *FUCK* did I say anybody anywhere "didn't have a right to know" anything at all??

The OP seems to be saying people not on his approved list can't have Tweeter accounts. That's HIS hangup, not mine.

If piddling about worrying about whether somebody a thousand miles away created a Tweeter account is what raises quesitons in your mind, you have my pity.

The Leftists have deified Mitt Romney is the point.

Link to this "deification" then?

Wait, before even that ---- Link to this entity "The Leftists"? Who is that exactly? Give us a membership list.

After that, you might want to go look up what the word "defied" means.

If Trump had set up a phony Twitter account so he could praise himself, the libs would have had a conniption.

Link to this woulda-coulda-shoulda speculation fallacy?
You have some kind of time machine portal into alternate universes?

And same as above --- who are "the libs"? Another membership list.

And how do either of these membership lists relate in any way to a fascist-asshole OP who thinks he can control who gets a Tweeter account? And then imagine that he "busts" people for having them?

But of course, President Trump would never do that. He's comfortable praising himself under his own name.

Sure is. As well as:

"John Miller"....
"John Baron"...
"David Dennison"
"Steve Substantial"...

Once AGAIN --- we did this first post here ---- a Senator (or Rep, or for that matter a POTUS too) is elected to serve his constituents ------ *NOT* to serve a fucking political party.

Prove they're not.

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