Busted: Saudi Arabia Foreign Ministry Confirms Joe Biden Attempted to Coerce Kingdom to Cut Oil Prices Until After Midterm Election

The US is increasing production. It takes time. Remember we were importing 7-9 million barrels per day in 2019.

This is an economic decision by Saudi Aramco.
we were importing 8.5 million barrels in 2021
the rest of the world. where it’s from doesn’t change the point of your post. Did you have a point from where it was from?

Mexico, Russia and Canada? We import very little from OPEC.
Mexico, Russia and Canada? We import very little from OPEC.
where those the countries you were talking about? i don’t know you just gave numbers, i highlighted those numbers for 2021
Highest week ave. in 2019 was 10.358 mbd. lowest was 7.998

Besides, our legendary Energy Independence comes from our exports over imports.

US is about break even on imports and exports...

But that whole argument is BS... US doesn't oil extracted and refined in US... A multinational oil company does and they will sell to who they like...

The US has not nationalised its oil industry like Venezuela or other OPEC countries... GOP takes huge donations from Oil Companies so don't expect them to side with the Oil Consumer..

Oil companies have lobbies in government and a big command over the right wing media to say what they like and they do it... They push this line that anything bad to them is going to push up global oil prices and US has to do everything possible to allow them to drill anywhere...
Other countries take no such crap from these same companies... They know that global oil prices are just that Global... Letting an Oil company do what they like will have little to no effect on the Global price...

Oil is not a regional product... It can be shipped any major port in the world for 1c a gallon...

So drilling rights as a means of controlling prices is just a con job... Anyone thinking there is any way close to hard link is just foolish..
Experts say Biden's stupidity is driving the middle east into the arms of China and Russia. You have to hand it to Biden, he's a disaster at everything. :clap:
All you Dem hacks posting so called statistics cannot deny that Biden vowed to "end fossil fuels" and his policies since reflect that goal. FACT!
What Biden did is a Quid Pro Quo. It's impeachable.

You actually think it's impeachable for US President to push Saudis to not cut production in the middle of an energy crisis? This, after we've been millitarilly proping them up for decades in an unspoken agreement that they maintain reliable oil production?

You MAGA fools don't know up from down.
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Biden should be impeached.

Trump illegally held up millitary aid to Ukraine to extort bullshit investigation of his political opponent. Biden is pushing for cheaper gas prices for Americans.

Do you seriously not uderstand the fundamental difference?
Experts say Biden's stupidity is driving the middle east into the arms of China and Russia.
Horseshit, Saudi prince did that when he descided it's a good idea to go murder some people that didn't say nice things baout him in other countries.

Americans will not sell all our principles for oil. Notorious human right abusers like Russians and Chinese don't give a shit about any of that, so thats the company he is chosing to keep and sooner or later those snakes will come to bite them.
Trump illegally held up millitary aid to Ukraine to extort bullshit investigation of his political opponent. Biden is pushing for cheaper gas prices for Americans.

Do you seriously not uderstand the fundamental difference?
Imagine that, with the same fucked up results as everything Bidung get involved in.
US is about break even on imports and exports...

But that whole argument is BS... US doesn't oil extracted and refined in US... A multinational oil company does and they will sell to who they like...

The US has not nationalised its oil industry like Venezuela or other OPEC countries... GOP takes huge donations from Oil Companies so don't expect them to side with the Oil Consumer..

Oil companies have lobbies in government and a big command over the right wing media to say what they like and they do it... They push this line that anything bad to them is going to push up global oil prices and US has to do everything possible to allow them to drill anywhere...
Other countries take no such crap from these same companies... They know that global oil prices are just that Global... Letting an Oil company do what they like will have little to no effect on the Global price...

Oil is not a regional product... It can be shipped any major port in the world for 1c a gallon...

So drilling rights as a means of controlling prices is just a con job... Anyone thinking there is any way close to hard link is just foolish..

After the Arab Oil embargoes in the 70's we outlawed the exporting of most oil produced in the US. That changed under Obama and production of oil in the US has more than doubled since then. NG is the petroleum product that put us over the legendary "Energy Independence" (on Paper) marker. That gap is slowing increasing too. I say that of course knowing it is a meaningless statistic in regards to the price of gas in the US. We just don't drive many NG cars! But it's amusing to watch the Neo-GOP heads explode when the facts show that we are more "energy independent" under Biden than under Trump.
Imagine that, with the same fucked up results as everything Bidung get involved in.
Oh shut the hell up, America doesn't always get it's way, but it's our president's damn job to push people who claim to be our allies to live up to their end of the bargain.

Sauidi prince wants to take them down this road? Ok we'll see where they end up.
Oh shut the hell up, America doesn't always get it's way, but it's our president's damn job to push people who claim to be our allies to live up to their end of bargain.

Sauidi prince wants to take them down this road? Ok we'll see where they end up.
Yep, and he did such a fine job...dumbass.

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