Busted: Saudi Arabia Foreign Ministry Confirms Joe Biden Attempted to Coerce Kingdom to Cut Oil Prices Until After Midterm Election

and then xiden got elected and unleashed his war on the entertainment sector and prices have skyrocketed
OPEC+ did not increase production to match rising demand because they wanted high priced oil. The Neo-GOP must ignore that to blame Biden.
OPEC+ did not increase production to match rising demand because they wanted high priced oil. The Neo-GOP must ignore that to blame Biden.
we shouldn’t be in position to have to beg them…plus we shouldn’t want to help them…putin is part of opec plus
we shouldn’t be in position to have to beg them…plus we shouldn’t want to help them…putin is part of opec plus
But since we've been oil dependent since before 1960 we have been. To pretend that Biden is the only president to put pressure on the Royals to help stablise the market, up or down is to ignore reality. For example:

But since we've been oil dependent since before 1960 we have been. To pretend that Biden is the only president to put pressure on the Royals to help stablise the market, up or down is to ignore reality. For example:

we were energy independent under trump.

trump had a good relations with our allie the SA, and yes they lowered production when he asked

SA has no respect for xiden and the demafasict regime hence why they told him to fuck off
we were energy independent under trump.

trump had a good relations with our allie the SA, and yes they lowered production when he asked

SA has no respect for xiden and the demafasict regime hence why they told him to fuck off

We are more energy independent than at any time under Trump. The USA has been very good to SA in a bipartisan manner for years. They've falling all over themselves that this was purely an economic decision but the timing of their announcement shows their intend to influence Americans by hurting them in the pocket book.

We are more energy independent than at any time under Trump. The USA has been very good to SA in a bipartisan manner for years. They've falling all over themselves that this was purely an economic decision but the timing of their announcement shows their intend to influence Americans by hurting them in the pocket book.

haha no we aren’t…if we were we wouldn’t be begging SA and OPEC to make more
haha no we aren’t…if we were we wouldn’t be begging SA and OPEC to make more
Sure we are. Subtract the imports from the exports and if you have a positive number........

We exported more petroleum that we imported starting at the end of 2019. 2020 and 2021 were both years where our exports exceeded imports. 2022 will most likely continue that trend.

Also, in case you were wondering, it (energy independence) means exactly what it meant under the Trumpybear, next to nothing. We are, were and will be oil dependent for the foreseeable future. Till we start driving NG cars. That will happen in like, never.
Sure we are. Subtract the imports from the exports and if you have a positive number........

We exported more petroleum that we imported starting at the end of 2019. 2020 and 2021 were both years where our exports exceeded imports. 2022 will most likely continue that trend.

Also, in case you were wondering, it (energy independence) means exactly what it meant under the Trumpybear, next to nothing. We are, were and will be oil dependent for the foreseeable future. Till we start driving NG cars. That will happen in like, never.
yes in 2019 when trump was in office
yes in 2019 when trump was in office
It had nothing to do with him. More to do with the fact that we were exporting tons of Natural Gas. Obama was the president who signed the bill allowing exports again. But, that bill was a compromise bill with the former Republicans who wanted that provision. Compromise is good.
It had nothing to do with him. More to do with the fact that we were exporting tons of Natural Gas. Obama was the president who signed the bill allowing exports again. But, that bill was a compromise bill with the former Republicans who wanted that provision. Compromise is good.
Obama and Xiden were not in office in 2019.
This is an economic decision. Read Nasser Amin's speech at the Schlumberger meeting in Switzerland last week.

He wanted the delay for a month. Yeah, an economic decision alright! No Biden wants to be sure the U.S. economy is as good as possible right up to the election.

Why does Biden want more oil anyway.. when you people pull this shit?

Got it! we can make Saudi and other foreign oil companies rich... but when it comes to American ones... who hire American workers.. we have to be sure they operate with a financial handicap... then democrats turn around and complain they are not using all their leases..
Biden left Saudi Arabia declaring he and the butcher of Khashoggi had a deal for them to pump more oil...

....only to have the butcher of Khashoggi declare Saudi was CUTTING their oil output.

So it is funny to see Biden apologists attempt to brow-beat others over their believing the Saudis over President Biden.

Let's retrace the failed steps:

1. Halting US energy / oil production

2. Declaring a forced Democrat Agenda-driven 'transition' to end Americans' dependence on fossil fuels, THE primary energy source on which our economy is based...without having an already existing energy source to take its place

3. Going to Saudi / the butcher of Khashoggi to beg for temporary increased oil production long enough to save Democrats in the mid-term election ... despite the US having more oil than Saudi...after having sold the ChiComs oil from our Strategic Reserves
-- If WE need oil so badly WHY was Joe selling part of OUR STRATEGIC RESERVES to China?

4. Lying ... AGAIN ... to the American people by claiming to have a deal for the Saudis to pump more oil to reduce gas prices when no such deal existed

President Joe 'The Buck Stops Here' Biden has only one place to point his 'blame' finger this time (again) & that's at HIMSELF!
Biden made no such claim liar
He wanted the delay for a month. Yeah, an economic decision alright! No Biden wants to be sure the U.S. economy is as good as possible right up to the election.

Why does Biden want more oil anyway.. when you people pull this shit?

Got it! we can make Saudi and other foreign oil companies rich... but when it comes to American ones... who hire American workers.. we have to be sure they operate with a financial handicap... then democrats turn around and complain they are not using all their leases..

The US is increasing production. It takes time. Remember we were importing 7-9 million barrels per day in 2019.

This is an economic decision by Saudi Aramco.

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