Busting Up The Democratic Party

well, Billy, I think your thread is interesting topic, but the article is a man bites dog story. Rather, we have a latina quasi socialist beating an incumbent establishment, potential house speaker ... who albeit failed to show up for four debates and was hammered by media for that.

And the five candidates pushed by Bernie losing primaries.

Can the coalition that nominated Hillary reconcile with the quasi-socialists?

Hey ben how are you these days?
good. you?
well, Billy, I think your thread is interesting topic, but the article is a man bites dog story. Rather, we have a latina quasi socialist beating an incumbent establishment, potential house speaker ... who albeit failed to show up for four debates and was hammered by media for that.

And the five candidates pushed by Bernie losing primaries.

Can the coalition that nominated Hillary reconcile with the quasi-socialists?

Hey ben how are you these days?
good. you?

Just fine, we have had some heavy rain up here in PHilly area, minor flooding but okay other than that.
Not Hillary, apparently.
Hillary was elected to office multiple times. Are you stupid? :cuckoo:

So now you've backtracked from MULTIPLE TIMES to TWICE, and the fool cannot even name the SECOND time. Watch as the lying jackass now runs away trying to avoid and change the topic. NAME THE OTHER TIME HILLARY WAS E-LEC-TED TO OFFICE or STFU you little pathetic twit.
”Twice” IS “multiple times.” You must be the dumbest motherfucker I’ve ever spoken to.
TWICE IS TWO, imbecile. TWICE IS A COUPLE. Multiple times is many. 3 or more, fuckhead! Go back and finish 2nd grade.
Sooooooo stupid. Are you serious? Do I have to treat you like a child?

Definition of MULTIPLE
: consisting of, including, or involving more than one

I can probably never take you seriously after this one, you dumbass Trump sheep.

Now the drooling jerk has to resort to an MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS to sidestep the issue. Hillary was elected to ONE office. She was reelected ONCE. In the ordinary parlance of standard speech, at best, that is a COUPLE of times. When people say they've done something MULTIPLE TIMES, the implication is MANY, not twice. For twice, we already have words for that: TWICE. A couple of times. Not many or multiple times. Multiple suggests over and over and over. Try that linguistic trickery on a judge and he'd throw the book at you.

Truth is that Hillary got elected ONCE to one office, and she only got elected by the fools of New York City. I guarantee you those upstate did NOT vote for her and went kicking and screaming into having to put up with that POS as their "senator."
Hillary was elected to office multiple times. Are you stupid? :cuckoo:

So now you've backtracked from MULTIPLE TIMES to TWICE, and the fool cannot even name the SECOND time. Watch as the lying jackass now runs away trying to avoid and change the topic. NAME THE OTHER TIME HILLARY WAS E-LEC-TED TO OFFICE or STFU you little pathetic twit.
”Twice” IS “multiple times.” You must be the dumbest motherfucker I’ve ever spoken to.
TWICE IS TWO, imbecile. TWICE IS A COUPLE. Multiple times is many. 3 or more, fuckhead! Go back and finish 2nd grade.
Sooooooo stupid. Are you serious? Do I have to treat you like a child?

Definition of MULTIPLE
: consisting of, including, or involving more than one

I can probably never take you seriously after this one, you dumbass Trump sheep.

Now the drooling jerk has to resort to an MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS to sidestep the issue. Hillary was elected to ONE office. She was reelected ONCE. In the ordinary parlance of standard speech, at best, that is a COUPLE of times. When people say they've done something MULTIPLE TIMES, the implication is MANY, not twice. For twice, we already have words for that: TWICE. A couple of times. Not many or multiple times. Multiple suggests over and over and over. Try that linguistic trickery on a judge and he'd throw the book at you.

Truth is that Hillary got elected ONCE to one office, and she only got elected by the fools of New York City. I guarantee you those upstate did NOT vote for her and went kicking and screaming into having to put up with that POS as their "senator."

Well so far it is only America's conservative parties that have bit the dust. The Democratic party still traces itself back to Jefferson.

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