Zone1 But Blacks Owned Slaves Too!


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Mar 11, 2015

How an Enslaved Blacksmith Had to Enslave His Own Family to Win Their Freedom​

In my book, The “Colored Hero” of Harper’s Ferry: John Anthony Copeland and the War against Slavery, I wrote about Allen and Temperance Jones, a married couple, both born into enslavement by a North Carolina plantation owner named Jeffrys in the late eighteenth century. Trained as a blacksmith, Allen had been able to work for wages on Sundays, the slaves’ only day of rest, eventually saving the $685 required to buy his freedom.

Jeffrys, however, was a swindler as well as a slaver. He took Allen’s money, falsely claiming that it was never rightfully his. “You are my n----r yet,” Jeffrys said, “and I have the money, too.”

Undeterred, Allen redoubled his labor. He eventually raised enough money to buy his freedom, which Jeffrys could not refuse a second time. Now able to work full time and keep his earnings, Allen saved the $3000—a small fortune in those days—necessary to free Temperance and their three children.

This time, Allen took no chances. North Carolina law required manumitted slaves to leave the state unless they had been freed under narrow circumstances. He could not trust the perfidious Jeffrys to release Temperance and the children, and certainly not to provide the certificate of “meritorious service” that would allow them to remain in North Carolina. Rather than risk simply handing over the cash, Allen was compelled to purchase his own wife and children, enslaving them to himself.

It's easy to make comments like blacks owned slaves too, but when comments are made they should contain the proper context. Most blacks purchased family members and of thextended relatives, which essentially freed them. Thus making the claim of blacks owning slaves as if they participated in the slave industry in the same manner as whites is disingenuous.
Truth is that it CAN be logically argued that the Black man INVENTED slavery since by stratigraphic evidence, he was around BEFORE the white man!
What can't logically be argued is that Africans forced whites to buy Africans and that blacks made slavery legal in America.
What can't logically be argued is that Africans forced whites to buy Africans and that blacks made slavery legal in America.

Blacks sold other black prisoners they had captured from warring tribes into slavery for money to the Portuguese and Spanish traders and thought it was a great idea until the Europeans started just taking anyone, including the people who had been doing the selling and profiteering.

Sucks to be on the losing end of a bargain--- the fate of the inferior and weaker everywhere.

Had Africans been technologically more advanced and met up with neolithic stone age white men in Europe, they would have done the exact same thing. In fact, they already were before they ever met a white person.

Fate of the inferior. Old as man himself is. Nature Politics. Even the insects practice it, so stop wasting your breath how evil white people are.

Be glad that stuff is long behind us getting better every day and more people are treated more equally than ever before in the 5 million year history of homo sapiens and move on instead of letting it consume and waste your life. Society EVOLVES. Change takes time.

Continually drudging up the soiled, dirty past only gets you more soil and dirt.
The history of slavery was worldwide, even Vikings had slaves, captured from England and other coastal European areas. The Chinese had slaves. No race was excluded from either enslaving or being enslaved. The people that had been really aggressive at enslaving and purchasing slaves, were the Muslims and they castrated the male slaves. Their excuse, it was allowed in the Quran. Muslim nations were the last to end slavery, in the twentieth century.
As the history of slavery was a worldwide phenomenon, it needs to be taught in the schools, but as the worldwide problem it was, not some single area only. Once taught and learned in schools, it needs to be relegated to the past and all should focus on what matters, working together to build a unified nation, with respect for all law-abiding citizens.

How an Enslaved Blacksmith Had to Enslave His Own Family to Win Their Freedom​

In my book, The “Colored Hero” of Harper’s Ferry: John Anthony Copeland and the War against Slavery, I wrote about Allen and Temperance Jones, a married couple, both born into enslavement by a North Carolina plantation owner named Jeffrys in the late eighteenth century. Trained as a blacksmith, Allen had been able to work for wages on Sundays, the slaves’ only day of rest, eventually saving the $685 required to buy his freedom.

Jeffrys, however, was a swindler as well as a slaver. He took Allen’s money, falsely claiming that it was never rightfully his. “You are my n----r yet,” Jeffrys said, “and I have the money, too.”

Undeterred, Allen redoubled his labor. He eventually raised enough money to buy his freedom, which Jeffrys could not refuse a second time. Now able to work full time and keep his earnings, Allen saved the $3000—a small fortune in those days—necessary to free Temperance and their three children.

This time, Allen took no chances. North Carolina law required manumitted slaves to leave the state unless they had been freed under narrow circumstances. He could not trust the perfidious Jeffrys to release Temperance and the children, and certainly not to provide the certificate of “meritorious service” that would allow them to remain in North Carolina. Rather than risk simply handing over the cash, Allen was compelled to purchase his own wife and children, enslaving them to himself.

It's easy to make comments like blacks owned slaves too, but when comments are made they should contain the proper context. Most blacks purchased family members and of thextended relatives, which essentially freed them. Thus making the claim of blacks owning slaves as if they participated in the slave industry in the same manner as whites is disingenuous.

Bullshit. Blacks STILL enslave blacks today in Africa.
Blacks sold other black prisoners they had captured from warring tribes into slavery for money to the Portuguese and Spanish traders and thought it was a great idea until the Europeans started just taking anyone, including the people who had been doing the selling and profiteering.

Sucks to be on the losing end of a bargain--- the fate of the inferior and weaker everywhere.

Had Africans been technologically more advanced and met up with neolithic stone age white men in Europe, they would have done the exact same thing. In fact, they already were before they ever met a white person.

Fate of the inferior. Old as man himself is. Nature Politics. Even the insects practice it, so stop wasting your breath how evil white people are.

Be glad that stuff is long behind us getting better every day and more people are treated more equally than ever before in the 5 million year history of homo sapiens and move on instead of letting it consume and waste your life. Society EVOLVES. Change takes time.

Continually drudging up the soiled, dirty past only gets you more soil and dirt.
That's not exactly the way it happened. It must suck to have to lie to yourself.
The history of slavery was worldwide, even Vikings had slaves, captured from England and other coastal European areas. The Chinese had slaves. No race was excluded from either enslaving or being enslaved. The people that had been really aggressive at enslaving and purchasing slaves, were the Muslims and they castrated the male slaves. Their excuse, it was allowed in the Quran. Muslim nations were the last to end slavery, in the twentieth century.
As the history of slavery was a worldwide phenomenon, it needs to be taught in the schools, but as the worldwide problem it was, not some single area only. Once taught and learned in schools, it needs to be relegated to the past and all should focus on what matters, working together to build a unified nation, with respect for all law-abiding citizens.
More white excusemaking. You brag about how America was founded of god given freedom of everyone and it wasn't. Talking about Ancient societies is very weak. Each of those slaveholding societies were destroyed.
Be glad that stuff is long behind us getting better every day and more people are treated more equally than ever before in the 5 million year history of homo sapiens and move on instead of letting it consume and waste your life. Society EVOLVES. Change takes time.

Every society has had crime and terrorism. But whites don't make excuses for that. We aren't moving anywhere, so stop telling people to move on when you guys are still arguing about how America can't become a monarchy.
More white excusemaking. You brag about how America was founded of god given freedom of everyone and it wasn't. Talking about Ancient societies is very weak. Each of those slaveholding societies were destroyed.
Muslims still have slaves, and the Founding Fathers of the US wanted to do away with slavery from the get-go.
What can't logically be argued is that Africans forced whites to buy Africans and that blacks made slavery legal in America.
No…Africans just freely sold their own into slavery to anyone what wanted to buy them. No one forced them to. And blacks in Africa sure as hell didn’t outlaw slavery.
What can't logically be argued is that Africans forced whites to buy Africans and that blacks made slavery legal in America.
Africans didn't force Muslims to buy slaves, but they did.

Africans didn't force Britons or French to buy slaves, but they did.

Africans did provide and sell slaves worldwide. What you can't logically argue is that it was worse in America for slaves than anywhere else.

Well, Idk what the Indians did..
What can't logically be argued is that Africans forced whites to buy Africans and that blacks made slavery legal in America.
Over 600,000 White people died ending the institution in America. The Barbary Pirates enslaved 1.5 million White people. The Romans enslaved every race they conquered skin color didn't mean shit to them.

You are ignorant of history if you think Black people are the only race worth mentioning when it comes to slavery. By the way slavery is still practiced in Africa.
More white excusemaking. You brag about how America was founded of god given freedom of everyone and it wasn't. Talking about Ancient societies is very weak. Each of those slaveholding societies were destroyed.
America was founded as a colony for England. White Anglo Americans had to fight for their own freedom. Why would they hand this freedom to a bunch of uneducated Africans? Even most white people still couldn’t vote in elections when America was new.

It’s funny how you expect a bunch of white English speaking people to build a nation for Africans first, instead of for themselves. Tell me, when have Africans built a nation for other people? When have any people done such a thing? Besides, why can’t Africans just build their own nations for themselves? Do they need the white man to hold their hands and show them how? I mean, whites actually did do that and made Liberia just for the freed slaves. And yet you remain? Why is that? Because you prefer the White Privilege of living in a White country and society. You like speaking a white man’s language and being in a white culture as opposed to African. That’s why you stay, because you are a White Supremacist.
America was founded as a colony for England. Americans had to fight for their own freedom. Why would they hand this freedom to a bunch of uneducated Africans? Even most white people still couldn’t vote in elections when America was new.

It’s funny how you expect a bunch of white English speaking people to build a nation for Africans first, instead of for themselves. Tell me, when have Africans built a nation for other people? When have any people done such a thing? Besides, why can’t Africans just build their own nations for themselves? Do they need the white man to hold their hands and show them how? I mean, whites actually did do that and made Liberia just for the freed slaves. And yet you remain? Why is that? Because you prefer the White Privilege of living in a White country and society. You like speaking a white man’s language and being in a white culture as opposed to African. That’s why you stay, because you are a White Supremacist.
Blacks fought for the freedom of America from England. That's a fact. Free blacks and slaves. And most were glad to do so.

Don't you know the American Revolution started because a black man was shot? Do you know his name? I certainly do.

Who's been here since the beginning? Mostly whites and blacks. That's how it is, and Indians.
Blacks fought for the freedom of America from England. That's a fact. Free blacks and slaves. And most were glad to do so.

Don't you know the American Revolution started because a black man was shot? Do you know his name? I certainly do.

Who's been here since the beginning? Mostly whites and blacks. That's how it is, and Indians.
Yes there were a few token blacks. Let’s not pretend that the Revolution would not had happened if there no blacks or if blacks sat it out.
Yes there were a few token blacks. Let’s not pretend that the Revolution would not had happened if there no blacks or if blacks sat it out.
Oh no, we're going to disagree on that one there. It would not have happened

without black people.

It damn sure didn't. I'm not getting into hypothetical "what ifs", but it damn sure did


No sir, there were black scouts and everything and they were integral in the war

against Britian.

Apparently you and IM2 need to learn some history.

"Washington reversed this decision, and despite many attempts to block Blacks from serving their country, hundreds of Blacks enlisted nonetheless. Many Blacks who fought and were enslaved fought for their freedom and independence as a person of color. After the war, many Blacks gave their pensions and enlistment bounties to their former masters as a payment for their freedom. Cuffee Wells is just one example. Wells was a surgeon in the Continental Army and after his service in the Revolution, he paid his enlistment bounty to his former master and lived the rest of his life as a free man in Lebanon, Connecticut. The integrated army in the Revolution was the last integrated American army until the Korean War nearly 175 years later in 1950. Standing shoulder to shoulder, an ethnically diverse soldiery formed. From free and enslaved Blacks, to Native Americans, native born colonists, to foreign recruits, Washington's integrated army was a diverse and unique fighting force for a long and grueling eight-year war."

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America was founded as a colony for England. White Anglo Americans had to fight for their own freedom. Why would they hand this freedom to a bunch of uneducated Africans? Even most white people still couldn’t vote in elections when America was new.

It’s funny how you expect a bunch of white English speaking people to build a nation for Africans first, instead of for themselves. Tell me, when have Africans built a nation for other people? When have any people done such a thing? Besides, why can’t Africans just build their own nations for themselves? Do they need the white man to hold their hands and show them how? I mean, whites actually did do that and made Liberia just for the freed slaves. And yet you remain? Why is that? Because you prefer the White Privilege of living in a White country and society. You like speaking a white man’s language and being in a white culture as opposed to African. That’s why you stay, because you are a White Supremacist.
America was stolen from the indigenous nations that were already here. White bout Africans over here. So your post id a bunch of claptrap malarkey full of excuses, which is par for the course for you.

Whites did not build much.

Of course you will say that 57 minutes is too long while you spend hours looking for videos and stories about bad stuff blacks do. But we built this country. The wealth that has compunded started with us. So spare me your malarkey descendant of freeloaders, you guys owe us money.
America was stolen from the indigenous nations that were already here. White bout Africans over here. So your post id a bunch of claptrap malarkey full of excuses, which is par for the course for you.

Whites did not build much.

Of course you will say that 57 minutes is too long while you spend hours looking for videos and stories about bad stuff blacks do. But we built this country. The wealth that has compunded started with us. So spare me your malarkey descendant of freeloaders, you guys owe us money.

Oh no, we're going to disagree on that one there. It would not have happened

without black people.

It damn sure didn't. I'm not getting into hypothetical "what ifs", but it damn sure did


No sir, there were black scouts and everything and they were integral in the war

against Britian.

Apparently you and IM2 need to learn some history.


About 5,000 blacks fought during the Revolutionary War. This happened because Washington had no other choice. The state militias could not provide the number of white troops needed and the Brits were letting slaves fight with them promising freedom if the British won. Had the British won, Washington would have been executed. So he had to allow blacks to fight.

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