But Massive Obamacare Sales Tax Increase That Is On the Way

Anybody see Obama's speech twenty minutes ago? Line up a bunch of First Responders behind him, then blame, blame, blame... Our Country is being run by a complete narcissistic Douchebag. Has this fraud ever taken responsibility for any of his actions? Of course he hasn't.
I heard Obama also plans to tax oxygen!

He already does. Oxygen is a medical device which is TAXED under Obamacare LOL

Under the Affordable Care Act, the Obama administration's signature health care reform law, medical-device manufacturers will pay a 2.3 percent tax on sales of such products starting in 2013. That tax will affect everything from surgical tools to oxygen tanks to wheelchairs. It is one of several features of the law designed to raise money to cover the uninsured -- it's expected to raise an additional $20 billion by 2019.

Tax Within a Tax: ObamaCare Medical Device Tax a Death Sentence for American Medical Innovation, Jobs - Katie Pavlich
That tax won't apply to everyone purchasing health insurance:

"The ACA imposes a new $100 billion sales tax on health insurance that will add to the cost of coverage for people purchasing coverage on their own, small employers, Medicare Advantage beneficiaries, and Medicaid managed care programs."

America's Health Insurance Plans - Affordability

In other words,

"It doesn't affect me, so who cares."

to their report – which does not include updated scores for the individual mandate, the employer mandate, or certain other revenue effects

Nuff said.

Partisan hackery.

When you crunch ALL the numbers, get back to me.
I heard Obama also plans to tax oxygen!

He already does. Oxygen is a medical device which is TAXED under Obamacare LOL

Under the Affordable Care Act, the Obama administration's signature health care reform law, medical-device manufacturers will pay a 2.3 percent tax on sales of such products starting in 2013. That tax will affect everything from surgical tools to oxygen tanks to wheelchairs. It is one of several features of the law designed to raise money to cover the uninsured -- it's expected to raise an additional $20 billion by 2019.

Tax Within a Tax: ObamaCare Medical Device Tax a Death Sentence for American Medical Innovation, Jobs - Katie Pavlich

WHAT A TYRANT!!! He even redefined something that use to be a gas is now a medical device. The nerve!!!
1. We must do something.

2. This is something.

3. We must do this.

Aside from the above illogic, I don't know what goes on inside the head of a liberal. I really don't. Here we were in the middle of the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, and Barack Obama proposes a MASSIVE new entitlement program.

Gigantic government growth and expansion.

Did they think this was going to cost NOTHING? The government was going to pay for those mythical "45 million uninsured Americans" without spending any money...somehow?

I still laugh every time I think about how willingly they chugged Obama's piss that ObamaCare would add "not one dime" to the debt. Not one dime.

Okay. Let's pretend that is true. Let's suppress the mad giggling such a stupid stipulation engenders and pretend ObamaCare is paid for and does not require any additional borrowing from China to pay for it.

Did the liberals ever stop to think how this miracle was to be achieved?


Revenues would have to be raised. A metric shit ton of them on everyone. Fees, taxes, penalties out the wazoo.

And right off, the government started waiving or delaying those fees, taxes, and penalties for their friends.

And what does that mean, boys and girls?


And now they want to get rid of the insurance taxes which pay for ObamaCare because...HOLY FUCK, THEY ARE A LOT!!!

Welcome back to reality, you fucking, fucking, fucking idiots.

You know what the really hilarious part of all this is?

ObamaCare will not solve the problem of rising healthcare costs. It is a "solution" that was built on flawed premises and therefore is predestined to be an astronomically costly failure.
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That tax won't apply to everyone purchasing health insurance:

"The ACA imposes a new $100 billion sales tax on health insurance that will add to the cost of coverage for people purchasing coverage on their own, small employers, Medicare Advantage beneficiaries, and Medicaid managed care programs."

America's Health Insurance Plans - Affordability

There's new taxes everywhere in this thing and it'll only get worse..

According to their report – which does not include updated scores for the individual mandate, the employer mandate, or certain other revenue effects – the tax increases that remain on the books will cost taxpayers more than $675 billion over the next ten years

In fact, Medicare Advantage beneficiaries will see costs rise from $16 to $20 per member per month in 2014 – increasing to between $32 and $42 by 2023. The costs for Medicare Advantage coverage over the next ten years is expected to reach $3,590. Individuals on Medicaid managed care will see increase costs on an average of $1,530 per enrollee between 2014 and 2023.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) supports Ignagni and Goodman’s warnings, stating that the health insurance sales tax will be “largely passed through to consumers in the form of higher premiums.” Unfortunately, as Goodman predicts, “this is only one example of many middle income taxes buried in ObamaCare.” The time to repeal and replace is narrowing, with just months now separating us from another massive tax hike that Americans cannot afford.

The Unsung, But Massive Obamacare Sales Tax Increase That Is On the Way - Forbes

Apparantly the leftie loons who support the ACA don't want to say that the CBO is full of shit. Hence no come back on what they are saying.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) supports Ignagni and Goodman’s warnings, stating that the health insurance sales tax will be “largely passed through to consumers in the form of higher premiums.” Unfortunately, as Goodman predicts, “this is only one example of many middle income taxes buried in ObamaCare.” The time to repeal and replace is narrowing, with just months now separating us from another massive tax hike that Americans cannot afford.[/quote]

Oh yeah. The ACA is going to be anything but affordable to those of who buy our own insurance or pay our part of the beni's. Our costs will go throught the roof. The only winners will be those without HC because we taxpayers will be "subsidizing" their hc costs.

The Democtic party has once again fucked us over big time.
One third of the involuntarily uninsured are high school dropouts.

You have to pay for their fuckup. You have to reward their irresponsibility by paying higher taxes.

That's the liberal Utopian dream. That's their idea of a fucking solution.
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1. We must do something.

2. This is something.

3. We must do this.

Aside from the above illogic, I don't know what goes on inside the head of a liberal. I really don't. Here we were in the middle of the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, and Barack Obama proposes a MASSIVE new entitlement program.

Gigantic government growth and expansion.

Did they think this was going to cost NOTHING? The government was going to pay for those mythical "45 million uninsured Americans" without spending any money...somehow?

I still laugh every time I think about how willingly they chugged Obama's piss that ObamaCare would add "not one dime" to the debt. Not one dime.

Okay. Let's pretend that is true. Let's suppress the mad giggling such a stupid stipulation engenders and pretend ObamaCare is paid for and does not require any additional borrowing from China to pay for it.

Did the liberals ever stop to think how this miracle was to be achieved?


Revenues would have to be raised. A metric shit ton of them on everyone. Fees, taxes, penalties out the wazoo.

And right off, the government started waiving or delaying those fees, taxes, and penalties for their friends.

And what does that mean, boys and girls?


And now they want to get rid of the insurance taxes which pay for ObamaCare because...HOLY FUCK, THEY ARE A LOT!!!

Welcome back to reality, you fucking, fucking, fucking idiots.

You know what the really hilarious part of all this is?

ObamaCare will not solve the problem of rising healthcare costs. It is a "solution" that was built on flawed premises and therefore is predestined to be an astronomically costly failure.

From your link:

In fact, Medicare Advantage beneficiaries will see costs rise from $16 to $20 per member per month in 2014 – increasing to between $32 and $42 by 2023.

Wow, this'll probably break you... :doubt:

With healthcare rising as it is, we need reform on this.
1. We must do something.

2. This is something.

3. We must do this.

Aside from the above illogic, I don't know what goes on inside the head of a liberal. I really don't. Here we were in the middle of the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, and Barack Obama proposes a MASSIVE new entitlement program.

Gigantic government growth and expansion.

Did they think this was going to cost NOTHING? The government was going to pay for those mythical "45 million uninsured Americans" without spending any money...somehow?

I still laugh every time I think about how willingly they chugged Obama's piss that ObamaCare would add "not one dime" to the debt. Not one dime.

Okay. Let's pretend that is true. Let's suppress the mad giggling such a stupid stipulation engenders and pretend ObamaCare is paid for and does not require any additional borrowing from China to pay for it.

Did the liberals ever stop to think how this miracle was to be achieved?


Revenues would have to be raised. A metric shit ton of them on everyone. Fees, taxes, penalties out the wazoo.

And right off, the government started waiving or delaying those fees, taxes, and penalties for their friends.

And what does that mean, boys and girls?


And now they want to get rid of the insurance taxes which pay for ObamaCare because...HOLY FUCK, THEY ARE A LOT!!!

Welcome back to reality, you fucking, fucking, fucking idiots.

You know what the really hilarious part of all this is?

ObamaCare will not solve the problem of rising healthcare costs. It is a "solution" that was built on flawed premises and therefore is predestined to be an astronomically costly failure.

Super Post G man and right on the money. There is no cost reform in the ACA and anyone with half a brain knows who is going to be paying the cost.

Anyone who thinks the ACA is going to be affordable is a fucking idiot. Wait till these lefty idiiots start paying up the ass for their HC to cover all those without. Jesus. Talk about useless fucking drones.

Wait till they get a load of all those unintended consequences that the Dems have foisted on us once again. Idiots.
One third of the involuntarily uninsured are high school dropouts.

You have to pay for their fuckup. You have to reward their irresponsibility by paying higher taxes.

That's the liberal Utopian dream. That's their idea of a fucking solution.

So what about the other 2/3? Do we say tough shit? That 1/3 who are moochers means you all have to suffer now?

Believe me I hate moochers as much if not more than all of the faux-conservatives on this site, but I don't believe we can lump so many people together on this issue and just say tough luck. Healthcare is too important of an issue to just leave truly needy people out in the cold.
One third of the involuntarily uninsured are high school dropouts.

You have to pay for their fuckup. You have to reward their irresponsibility by paying higher taxes.

That's the liberal Utopian dream. That's their idea of a fucking solution.

So what about the other 2/3? Do we say tough shit? That 1/3 who are moochers means you all have to suffer now?

Believe me I hate moochers as much if not more than all of the faux-conservatives on this site, but I don't believe we can lump so many people together on this issue and just say tough luck. Healthcare is too important of an issue to just leave truly needy people out in the cold.

You're right. Healthcare is a tremendously important issue.

Which is exactly why you should be fuming about this debacle of a bill they called the ACA.
One third of the involuntarily uninsured are high school dropouts.

You have to pay for their fuckup. You have to reward their irresponsibility by paying higher taxes.

That's the liberal Utopian dream. That's their idea of a fucking solution.

So what about the other 2/3? Do we say tough shit? That 1/3 who are moochers means you all have to suffer now?

Believe me I hate moochers as much if not more than all of the faux-conservatives on this site, but I don't believe we can lump so many people together on this issue and just say tough luck. Healthcare is too important of an issue to just leave truly needy people out in the cold.

You're right. Healthcare is a tremendously important issue.

Which is exactly why you should be fuming about this debacle of a bill they called the ACA.

I would be more if someone had presented a better option. It's sad that THIS is better than what we had before.
One third of the involuntarily uninsured are high school dropouts.

You have to pay for their fuckup. You have to reward their irresponsibility by paying higher taxes.

That's the liberal Utopian dream. That's their idea of a fucking solution.

So what about the other 2/3? Do we say tough shit? That 1/3 who are moochers means you all have to suffer now?

Believe me I hate moochers as much if not more than all of the faux-conservatives on this site, but I don't believe we can lump so many people together on this issue and just say tough luck. Healthcare is too important of an issue to just leave truly needy people out in the cold.

You want some real solutions? Easy peasy.

First, you should be buying your health insurance the same way your buy your auto, home, and life insurance. You ever wonder why you aren't?

Because employer-sponsored health insurance is a gigantic labor union boondoggle that bends the cost curve of health care up. In fact, Obama and the Democrats made sure labor unions were the first in line to receive a waiver on the Cadillac health insurance tax. And the employer mandate actually ENTRENCHES this boondoogle more deeply into our healthcare crisis. Fricking incredible!

You see, the average family spends about $12,000 a year on health insurance. And that is a big tax write-off. You don't get taxed for the health insurance benefit you get from your employer.

Well, we like to tax the rich, amiright? So let's put a ceiling on how much OF an insurance benefit we get untaxed. It's been a while since I last checked, but the original plan was to tax any benefit over $17,000. Obama bumped that up to something like $27,000. Then he and the Democrats even waived it for their union friends. My numbers may be off, but the tax waiver is a fact.

So this puts the lie to Obama wanting the rich to pay "a little bit more". He only wants the rich people who aren't his friends to pay more. His rich friends actually pay less. This provides us some insight into the actual motives behind ObamaCare, and it isn't about solving our problems.

So that was the first gigantic dime that was added to the debt right out of the gate. The taxes that were supposed to pay for ObamaCare are not being paid.

Nice huh?

Anwaaaaaaayyyy... you want solutions.

Get rid of employer-sponsored health insurance. Currently, when you lose your job, you lose your health insurance. You don't lose your auto, home, or life insurance, though, right? Because you don't get those from your employer. And when you stay with the same auto, home, or life insurance company for a long time, you start to get discounts.

You don't get those discounts with your employer-sponsored health insurance.

When you buy your auto, home, and life insurance, YOU get to choose what OPTIONS you want or DO NOT want. YOU get to decide what price you will pay, and YOU get to choose which insurance company to buy it from. And you get to choose from a universe of companies from around the country who are all competing for your business.

You have none of these options with employer-sponsored health insurance. And if someone who is completely unrelated to you at work gets in a major accident or comes down with a catastrophic illness, the insurance premiums of every employee at that company go up. The smaller the company, the more pain is felt when this happens.

And the fact that so many people get their health insurance from their employer means that those people who are involuntarily uninsured today are not the same people who will be involuntarily uninsured next year.

ObamaCare does not address this fact.

ObamaCare also does not address the high school dropout problem. We need to solve our education system's problems. If one third of the uninsured are high school dropouts, then we need to fix the high school dropout problem, clearly. And that's a whole other topic, but one that needs to be addressed which is being ignored.

And there were not "46 million uninsured Americans". That was a lie. A huge lie. About 16 to 18 million uninsured are legal and illegal immigrants.

Another 8 percent or so are voluntarily uninsured. They could buy insurance, but choose not to.

This leaves an undetermined amount of those with "pre-existing conditions" or catastrophic illnesses. Don't you find it telling that a figure was never given for just now many people this is? I sure do.

Obama dragged out a cancer lady in a blatant attempt to manipulate our emotions. Trying to connect the cancer lady to "46 million uninsured Americans". Bogus!

If we get people to take responsibility for themselves (high school dropouts), and get rid of the employer-sponsored boondoggle, then there is plenty of breathing room to take care of those who are in jeopardy through no fault of their own. We can afford to take care of the truly helpless. We CANNOT afford to take care of those who are able to take care of themselves. We CANNOT afford to nurture irresponsible behavior.
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A) Masscarecare proves O-care price rises will be much less than the 13%+/year it's been during Bush and often before, will get even better.

Medicaid and preventive dare, low cost clinics, free birth care end up saving money over no insurance ER care/bankruptcy et etc etc care BS Pub system we have now.

Relax, dupes, everything you know is wrong. This too.
A) Masscarecare proves O-care price rises will be much less than the 13%+/year it's been during Bush and often before, will get even better.

Medicaid and preventive dare, low cost clinics, free birth care end up saving money over no insurance ER care/bankruptcy et etc etc care BS Pub system we have now.

Relax, dupes, everything you know is wrong. This too.

:lol: You obviously know nothing about the Massachusett's health care costs.

The state continues to struggle with rising health care costs. State health reform in 2006 purposefully focused on expanding coverage to residents while leaving the thornier task of cost containment for future years. As a result, affordability continues to be an issue. Per capita health spending is 15% higher than the national average and although premium growth has slowed in recent years, Massachusetts has the highest individual market premiums in the country. Legislation focused on comprehensive provider payment reform and endorsed by the Governor is currently pending in the state’s legislature.

So if you consider Massachusetts as evidence of the future costs of ObamaCare, then thanks for proving my point!

ObamaCare does NOTHING to bend the cost of health care down.
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All those waivers end in 2014 or 2017 at the latest, for the unions. It's about when their contracts are up, dupes. The voluntarily uninsured CAN"T AFFORD insurance without O-care, or are freeloaders who end up costing the system just as much. IRRESONSIBLE FREELOADERS.

Your lack of compassion for those with preexisting conditions and those cut off by insurers is less than charming...

Those immigrants ALSO cost the system money, illegal or not. Thanks to longtime GOP refusal of good Work/SS ID card. Communism!! Tyranny!! Bullshytte!! lol

After 10 years, costs will be down 30%. Fact.
A) Masscarecare proves O-care price rises will be much less than the 13%+/year it's been during Bush and often before, will get even better.

Medicaid and preventive dare, low cost clinics, free birth care end up saving money over no insurance ER care/bankruptcy et etc etc care BS Pub system we have now.

Relax, dupes, everything you know is wrong. This too.

:lol: You obviously know nothing about the Massachusett's health care costs.

The state continues to struggle with rising health care costs. State health reform in 2006 purposefully focused on expanding coverage to residents while leaving the thornier task of cost containment for future years. As a result, affordability continues to be an issue. Per capita health spending is 15% higher than the national average and although premium growth has slowed in recent years, Massachusetts has the highest individual market premiums in the country. Legislation focused on comprehensive provider payment reform and endorsed by the Governor is currently pending in the state’s legislature.

So if you consider Massachusetts as evidence of the future costs of ObamaCare, then thanks for proving my point!

ObamaCare does NOTHING to bend the cost of health care down.

Cost rises on Mass are now down to 2%/year, by far the least in the country, but thanks for the very scary Pubrappe.These things will be tinkered with and hopefully improved FOREVER. As opposed to the disastrous Pub scam we have now.

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