But Massive Obamacare Sales Tax Increase That Is On the Way

A) Masscarecare proves O-care price rises will be much less than the 13%+/year it's been during Bush and often before, will get even better.

Medicaid and preventive dare, low cost clinics, free birth care end up saving money over no insurance ER care/bankruptcy et etc etc care BS Pub system we have now.

Relax, dupes, everything you know is wrong. This too.

:lol: You obviously know nothing about the Massachusett's health care costs.

The state continues to struggle with rising health care costs. State health reform in 2006 purposefully focused on expanding coverage to residents while leaving the thornier task of cost containment for future years. As a result, affordability continues to be an issue. Per capita health spending is 15% higher than the national average and although premium growth has slowed in recent years, Massachusetts has the highest individual market premiums in the country. Legislation focused on comprehensive provider payment reform and endorsed by the Governor is currently pending in the state’s legislature.

So if you consider Massachusetts as evidence of the future costs of ObamaCare, then thanks for proving my point!

ObamaCare does NOTHING to bend the cost of health care down.

Cost rises on Mass are now down to 2%/year, by far the least in the country, but thanks for the very scary Pubrappe.These things will be tinkered with and hopefully improved FOREVER. As opposed to the disastrous Pub scam we have now.

What part of "highest individual premiums in the country" do you not understand? I'm here to help.
The "2% per year" claim is bogus of course.

State regulators Friday approved health insurance rates that will boost premiums for small businesses and individuals an average of 3.6 percent in the first quarter of 2013, continuing an increase in health insurance rates that began over the summer.

Mass. approves hike in health insurance rates

Highest insurance rates in the country.

Well done!
you and the article is implying that everybody will be taxes or at least that's what it implies ... the tax only effects people who don't have health care or business that choose not to have health care for their employees ... so what your are saying here to us is, you would be happy to pay for their health care in higher cost in your health care Plan, cause those who don't want to pay for health care is fine with you ... right ???

OK ....
ObamaCare Income Tax Penalty For Not Having Insurance

Starting in 2014, most people will have to have insurance or pay a "penalty deducted from your taxable income". For individuals, penalty starts at $95 a year, or up to 1% of income, whichever is greater, and rise to $695, or 2.5% of income, by 2016.

For families the tax will be $2,085 or 2.5% percent of household income, whichever is greater. The requirement can be waived for several reasons, including financial hardship or religious beliefs. If the tax would exceed 8% of your income you are exempt, also some religious groups are exempt. That tax cannot exceed the cost of a "bronze plan" bought on the exchange.

While some states, including Alabama, Wyoming and Montana, have passed laws to block the requirement to carry health insurance, those provisions do not override federal law.

seems your article is base on more republican lies ... they lie to you about WMd's and yellow cake uranium and now you think they won't lie to you about health care???
Of course Franky and the lefties don't want to believe the ACA is anything but affordable.

Guess we'll all see when its fully implemented and those of with beni's or buying our own are paying up the ass for it. We will also be subsidizing anyone who can't afford their own insurance.

Get ready folks we are going to get fucked one more time by the Clowns in Congress and the SC.

and of course you have never read the bill where it talks about you being taxed have you ... by your post alone it says Uninformed
Of course Franky and the lefties don't want to believe the ACA is anything but affordable.

No, actually the LEFT mostly thinks ACA is a disaster.

The DEMS think ACA is a good idea.

I know this confuses you right wing cranks, but that's because you keep confusing the DEMS for leftests and the GOP for capitalists.

In both cases you guys are wrong.
The ACA is a disaster and we are going to find out just how much of a disaster it is shortly.

The fucking idiots passed it without reading it. That should tell you all you need to know. They never read the damned thing but allowed themselves to be bullies and coerced into supporting it.

Gutless wonders one and all.

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