...but wait! I thought if I liked my plan I could keep my plan?!

Guess what people..unless if your killed in a accident somehow...Your going to get sick, and old....And your going to die.

You may not need the medical system yet, but it is a promise you will.

Not too many people are healthy their whole life to 120 and die in their sleep.

The funeral homes are dying for you to get screwed over in death expenses as well.


So if government does it, it's free! So cool

I want us to be able to pay our own way, but I want it to be fair unlike how the medical fucks made it before Obamacare.

So many died because they lost their insurance from not being able to work, and then they lost their homes and life savings after a short amount of treatment, and left for dead......Why you ask?

Because the insurance and medical high ups were getting rich off of the backs of the people.

The huge campaign to run down Obamacare is lying just like we see how the big money can lie in politics to keep the corruption going..They want it gone, and the dumb ass corruptions like McConnell are getting paid by the big fucks to make it gone.

Obamacare may have big flaws but it is a start to help those dicked around with preExisting conditions.

It was all hush hush before that , and no one cared..

It is usually hidden, but look at the jackass who bought the life saving drug company and overnight he jacked the prices up over $5000.00 a pill , which were $1.75 a pill...
Why don't we see you complain about that Kaz..?


The system was completely fucked before Obamacare, But it was because of governmnet and their stupid rules.

The best run insurance companies before Obamacare made a 4-5% profit on revenue. That's actually pretty low. Now it's lower. What should they have made? How much more could they have possibly paid for in benefits without jacking up prices like they are going up now?

The Big Pharma and insurance companies are richer than ever... They are the ones behind the lies about Obamacare and people believe it..They need their annual marks ups to pay for their yaughts.

We need a complete overhaul to end the corruption, but that will never happen.

Obamacare may not be perfect , but it is a start to help the people.

Well, there is a wealth in health, the 18 Richest People In Medicine
18 Richest Health Care Billionaires In America: Medical moguls 2014 » CEOWORLD Magazine


They are "richer than ever" by what measure?
Top 10 Reasons People Go Bankrupt

According to that site 72 percent who went bankrupt due to medical cost had some form of healthcare insurance.

Someone needs to post what effect Obamacare had on those statistics.

Believe it or not a 6500 out of pocket expense would be enough to force some folks into bankruptcy. Add a high premium and that would be more than enough.

Here is a thread where I tried to get a discussion about actual costs, not many takers.

Obamacare savings

So Freewill is complaining about a $100.00 price increase.... Call him a Wambullance

My husband has had his own business since he started it in the 1980's, he has a law firm

We have always had a high deductible, and rarely needed to see a doctor until my son became a Type 1 diabetic and I got breast cancer 5 years ago.

This is when your eyes will open ... Because we applied every year for insurance the next , we were going to be denied insurance because of a pre-existing condition..
I had a full years of chemo, surgeries, and doctor visits for that year..without insurance they get you even more, so it would have been $900.000.000 easily.

With Obamacare they cannot deny you because of pre-existing... I am finding out this week if my cancer is back for the 3rd time.

When you pay that extra money every month , consider it like a savings account with protection for all of your life's work... You sound like you may be around my age. your not getting younger and healthier...

I am going to copy paste this into your other thread.

So you are forcing us, to pay higher premiums. How is this fair to the rest of society?

By the way, one of the reasons treatments cost so much, is because government care through Medicare and Medicaid, pays less than the cost of treatment. As a result, the hospital must charge private patients like you, more money, to cover the loss of money on government patients.

Obamacare made that worse, because it both increased the number of patients on government insurance, and reduced the payouts for treatment. Both of which is driving up the cost on private patients like you.

So while you praise Obama Care for allowing you to get insurance to cover overly expensive treatment, it's actually ObamaCare and other regulations, that have made the treatments too expensive for you to afford to begin with.
To say no one was turned down for insurance pre ACA is a lie.

To say insurance is too costly unless you are or rich or poor is a lie.

The arguments used by free will and other is merely grip they can’t get the old catastrophic insurance which privatized their cost while socializing the risk on the rest of us, which made it freebies for libertarians.

Got free will to admit it was a tax and not a fine. Gotcha.

Skull Pilot keeps pretending bankruptcy is not no big deal, which is false, because the 72% who had health insurance (thanks free will) did not have enough because they could not afford it.

Dems passed ACA because for 16 years the Pubs dodged the issue, and we still are. The white noise put out by iamwhatiseem is only noisy nothingness.

And the far rights wonder why the millennials and going to go against the GOP by 80%.

OP massive fail, chumps.
Guess what people..unless if your killed in a accident somehow...Your going to get sick, and old....And your going to die.

You may not need the medical system yet, but it is a promise you will.

Not too many people are healthy their whole life to 120 and die in their sleep.

The funeral homes are dying for you to get screwed over in death expenses as well.


So if government does it, it's free! So cool

I want us to be able to pay our own way, but I want it to be fair unlike how the medical fucks made it before Obamacare.

So many died because they lost their insurance from not being able to work, and then they lost their homes and life savings after a short amount of treatment, and left for dead......Why you ask?

Because the insurance and medical high ups were getting rich off of the backs of the people.

The huge campaign to run down Obamacare is lying just like we see how the big money can lie in politics to keep the corruption going..They want it gone, and the dumb ass corruptions like McConnell are getting paid by the big fucks to make it gone.

Obamacare may have big flaws but it is a start to help those dicked around with preExisting conditions.

It was all hush hush before that , and no one cared..

It is usually hidden, but look at the jackass who bought the life saving drug company and overnight he jacked the prices up over $5000.00 a pill , which were $1.75 a pill...
Why don't we see you complain about that Kaz..?


The system was completely fucked before Obamacare, But it was because of governmnet and their stupid rules.

The best run insurance companies before Obamacare made a 4-5% profit on revenue. That's actually pretty low. Now it's lower. What should they have made? How much more could they have possibly paid for in benefits without jacking up prices like they are going up now?

The Big Pharma and insurance companies are richer than ever... They are the ones behind the lies about Obamacare and people believe it..They need their annual marks ups to pay for their yaughts.

We need a complete overhaul to end the corruption, but that will never happen.

Obamacare may not be perfect , but it is a start to help the people.

Well, there is a wealth in health, the 18 Richest People In Medicine
18 Richest Health Care Billionaires In America: Medical moguls 2014 » CEOWORLD Magazine


They are "richer than ever" by what measure?

Try googling Rich from Big Pharma.Of course they pay a lot of money to keep it quiet and for the crooked congress whom are paid big money to vote in their favor.

one has tried to help the people except for Obama

But the billionaires who saw the greatest increase in wealth were those with “interests and activities” in the pharmaceutical and health care sectors. They’re not the household names their elite cousins in finance are, but with a 47 percent collective wealth increase between 2013 and 2014, and health care at the center of America’s political debate, they’ve had significant clout.

The pharmaceutical and health care sectors spent more on lobbying in 2013 than any other sector in the U.S., dishing out more than $487 million. Their influence has been felt in Europe, too, where these sectors spend an estimated $50 million each year.

Top 1 percent will control over half of world’s wealth by 2016

Guess what people..unless if your killed in a accident somehow...Your going to get sick, and old....And your going to die.

You may not need the medical system yet, but it is a promise you will.

Not too many people are healthy their whole life to 120 and die in their sleep.

The funeral homes are dying for you to get screwed over in death expenses as well.


So if government does it, it's free! So cool

I want us to be able to pay our own way, but I want it to be fair unlike how the medical fucks made it before Obamacare.

So many died because they lost their insurance from not being able to work, and then they lost their homes and life savings after a short amount of treatment, and left for dead......Why you ask?

Because the insurance and medical high ups were getting rich off of the backs of the people.

The huge campaign to run down Obamacare is lying just like we see how the big money can lie in politics to keep the corruption going..They want it gone, and the dumb ass corruptions like McConnell are getting paid by the big fucks to make it gone.

Obamacare may have big flaws but it is a start to help those dicked around with preExisting conditions.

It was all hush hush before that , and no one cared..

It is usually hidden, but look at the jackass who bought the life saving drug company and overnight he jacked the prices up over $5000.00 a pill , which were $1.75 a pill...
Why don't we see you complain about that Kaz..?


The system was completely fucked before Obamacare, But it was because of governmnet and their stupid rules.

The best run insurance companies before Obamacare made a 4-5% profit on revenue. That's actually pretty low. Now it's lower. What should they have made? How much more could they have possibly paid for in benefits without jacking up prices like they are going up now?

The Big Pharma and insurance companies are richer than ever... They are the ones behind the lies about Obamacare and people believe it..They need their annual marks ups to pay for their yaughts.

We need a complete overhaul to end the corruption, but that will never happen.

Obamacare may not be perfect , but it is a start to help the people.

Well, there is a wealth in health, the 18 Richest People In Medicine
18 Richest Health Care Billionaires In America: Medical moguls 2014 » CEOWORLD Magazine

There is no "complete overhaul" that is going to change this outcome.

Regulations inherently, by their very nature, benefit the rich. Doesn't matter what regulations you put in place, the rich will benefit from them.

If the administration put in place a regulation that actually harmed the rich, the rich would close down their companies, and leave. If that happened, and millions of people were left without insurance, because all the insurance companies closed, that would both be terrible for everyone, cause havoc in the economy, but it would also destroy the politicians who pushed the regulation.

So they will never do that.

Thus any regulation passed, no matter what that regulation is, or who came up with it, or for what purpose.... it will never harm the super rich. It won't ever happen.

However, they will pass regulations that cost companies tons of money to meet. That action inherently benefits the rich, no matter what the intention is.

Here's how. Me and you, run insurance companies. You have a small started up company, with a few hundred clients, and you pull down $150,000 a year. I have a major insurance company covering a hundred cities, with a million clients, and I make a billion dollars a year.

The government passes a new massive regulation, that will cost us both a million dollars to implement, and get approval.

Which of us is able to spend the money needed to meet those regulations? I can easily. Billion dollars a year, I can implement those regulations no problem. You on the other hand, that may bankrupt your little company. Instead you are likely to show up at my front door, and ask if I'd like to buy you out. Which of course I do. Now even with the expensive regulations, because I have more customers and less competition, I make hundreds of billions more money.

This is the flaw in your thinking, that I've seen hundreds of times.

You, or those like you, push for massive regulations over whatever. Then after those massive regulations are passed, you see that the big wealthy companies are making massive more profits. Thus you assume that since the regulations didn't prevent the profits, that there must be some sort of corruption involved.

In realty, there is rarely corruption, but rather it is simply the normal result of government legislation.

Why do you think McDonald's CEO said he supported a $15/hour minimum wage? Do you really think such a regulation would harm McDonald's that the CEO would support it?

It's because McDonald's executives know that they have the money and capital, to replace workers with Kiosks and automation.


You know who can't replace their employees with kiosks? All of their competition. The small mom&pop shops. The tiny store chains.

So those people will go out of business, and McDonald's will gain an ever increasing share of the market, making hundreds of billions more, than they are now.

Regulations by their very nature...... inherently benefit the rich.
So if government does it, it's free! So cool

I want us to be able to pay our own way, but I want it to be fair unlike how the medical fucks made it before Obamacare.

So many died because they lost their insurance from not being able to work, and then they lost their homes and life savings after a short amount of treatment, and left for dead......Why you ask?

Because the insurance and medical high ups were getting rich off of the backs of the people.

The huge campaign to run down Obamacare is lying just like we see how the big money can lie in politics to keep the corruption going..They want it gone, and the dumb ass corruptions like McConnell are getting paid by the big fucks to make it gone.

Obamacare may have big flaws but it is a start to help those dicked around with preExisting conditions.

It was all hush hush before that , and no one cared..

It is usually hidden, but look at the jackass who bought the life saving drug company and overnight he jacked the prices up over $5000.00 a pill , which were $1.75 a pill...
Why don't we see you complain about that Kaz..?


The system was completely fucked before Obamacare, But it was because of governmnet and their stupid rules.

The best run insurance companies before Obamacare made a 4-5% profit on revenue. That's actually pretty low. Now it's lower. What should they have made? How much more could they have possibly paid for in benefits without jacking up prices like they are going up now?

The Big Pharma and insurance companies are richer than ever... They are the ones behind the lies about Obamacare and people believe it..They need their annual marks ups to pay for their yaughts.

We need a complete overhaul to end the corruption, but that will never happen.

Obamacare may not be perfect , but it is a start to help the people.

Well, there is a wealth in health, the 18 Richest People In Medicine
18 Richest Health Care Billionaires In America: Medical moguls 2014 » CEOWORLD Magazine


They are "richer than ever" by what measure?

Try googling Rich from Big Pharma.Of course they pay a lot of money to keep it quiet and for the crooked congress whom are paid big money to vote in their favor.

one has tried to help the people except for Obama

But the billionaires who saw the greatest increase in wealth were those with “interests and activities” in the pharmaceutical and health care sectors. They’re not the household names their elite cousins in finance are, but with a 47 percent collective wealth increase between 2013 and 2014, and health care at the center of America’s political debate, they’ve had significant clout.

The pharmaceutical and health care sectors spent more on lobbying in 2013 than any other sector in the U.S., dishing out more than $487 million. Their influence has been felt in Europe, too, where these sectors spend an estimated $50 million each year.

Top 1 percent will control over half of world’s wealth by 2016


OK, so ignoring the wealth envy, and let's assume if you stop paying people they will work anyway. So, mathematically, how much more healthcare do you think taking their earnings is going to give you across the customer base?
Guess what people..unless if your killed in a accident somehow...Your going to get sick, and old....And your going to die.

You may not need the medical system yet, but it is a promise you will.

Not too many people are healthy their whole life to 120 and die in their sleep.

The funeral homes are dying for you to get screwed over in death expenses as well.


So if government does it, it's free! So cool

I want us to be able to pay our own way, but I want it to be fair unlike how the medical fucks made it before Obamacare.

So many died because they lost their insurance from not being able to work, and then they lost their homes and life savings after a short amount of treatment, and left for dead......Why you ask?

Because the insurance and medical high ups were getting rich off of the backs of the people.

The huge campaign to run down Obamacare is lying just like we see how the big money can lie in politics to keep the corruption going..They want it gone, and the dumb ass corruptions like McConnell are getting paid by the big fucks to make it gone.

Obamacare may have big flaws but it is a start to help those dicked around with preExisting conditions.

It was all hush hush before that , and no one cared..

It is usually hidden, but look at the jackass who bought the life saving drug company and overnight he jacked the prices up over $5000.00 a pill , which were $1.75 a pill...
Why don't we see you complain about that Kaz..?


The system was completely fucked before Obamacare, But it was because of governmnet and their stupid rules.

The best run insurance companies before Obamacare made a 4-5% profit on revenue. That's actually pretty low. Now it's lower. What should they have made? How much more could they have possibly paid for in benefits without jacking up prices like they are going up now?

The Big Pharma and insurance companies are richer than ever... They are the ones behind the lies about Obamacare and people believe it..They need their annual marks ups to pay for their yaughts.

We need a complete overhaul to end the corruption, but that will never happen.

Obamacare may not be perfect , but it is a start to help the people.

Well, there is a wealth in health, the 18 Richest People In Medicine
18 Richest Health Care Billionaires In America: Medical moguls 2014 » CEOWORLD Magazine

There is no "complete overhaul" that is going to change this outcome.

Regulations inherently, by their very nature, benefit the rich. Doesn't matter what regulations you put in place, the rich will benefit from them.

If the administration put in place a regulation that actually harmed the rich, the rich would close down their companies, and leave. If that happened, and millions of people were left without insurance, because all the insurance companies closed, that would both be terrible for everyone, cause havoc in the economy, but it would also destroy the politicians who pushed the regulation.

So they will never do that.

Thus any regulation passed, no matter what that regulation is, or who came up with it, or for what purpose.... it will never harm the super rich. It won't ever happen.

However, they will pass regulations that cost companies tons of money to meet. That action inherently benefits the rich, no matter what the intention is.

Here's how. Me and you, run insurance companies. You have a small started up company, with a few hundred clients, and you pull down $150,000 a year. I have a major insurance company covering a hundred cities, with a million clients, and I make a billion dollars a year.

The government passes a new massive regulation, that will cost us both a million dollars to implement, and get approval.

Which of us is able to spend the money needed to meet those regulations? I can easily. Billion dollars a year, I can implement those regulations no problem. You on the other hand, that may bankrupt your little company. Instead you are likely to show up at my front door, and ask if I'd like to buy you out. Which of course I do. Now even with the expensive regulations, because I have more customers and less competition, I make hundreds of billions more money.

This is the flaw in your thinking, that I've seen hundreds of times.

You, or those like you, push for massive regulations over whatever. Then after those massive regulations are passed, you see that the big wealthy companies are making massive more profits. Thus you assume that since the regulations didn't prevent the profits, that there must be some sort of corruption involved.

In realty, there is rarely corruption, but rather it is simply the normal result of government legislation.

Why do you think McDonald's CEO said he supported a $15/hour minimum wage? Do you really think such a regulation would harm McDonald's that the CEO would support it?

It's because McDonald's executives know that they have the money and capital, to replace workers with Kiosks and automation.


You know who can't replace their employees with kiosks? All of their competition. The small mom&pop shops. The tiny store chains.

So those people will go out of business, and McDonald's will gain an ever increasing share of the market, making hundreds of billions more, than they are now.

Regulations by their very nature...... inherently benefit the rich.

I worked in Europe most of the last year. The Netherlands. Kiosks are already widespread in McDonalds and similar places. It's clearly coming here. They are widely used. They usually still have one or two people taking orders, they have 4 or so kiosks. Most people use the kiosks. You order, pay and just go over and pick up your order. That's where we're headed, and the left is moving us there faster
So if government does it, it's free! So cool

I want us to be able to pay our own way, but I want it to be fair unlike how the medical fucks made it before Obamacare.

So many died because they lost their insurance from not being able to work, and then they lost their homes and life savings after a short amount of treatment, and left for dead......Why you ask?

Because the insurance and medical high ups were getting rich off of the backs of the people.

The huge campaign to run down Obamacare is lying just like we see how the big money can lie in politics to keep the corruption going..They want it gone, and the dumb ass corruptions like McConnell are getting paid by the big fucks to make it gone.

Obamacare may have big flaws but it is a start to help those dicked around with preExisting conditions.

It was all hush hush before that , and no one cared..

It is usually hidden, but look at the jackass who bought the life saving drug company and overnight he jacked the prices up over $5000.00 a pill , which were $1.75 a pill...
Why don't we see you complain about that Kaz..?


The system was completely fucked before Obamacare, But it was because of governmnet and their stupid rules.

The best run insurance companies before Obamacare made a 4-5% profit on revenue. That's actually pretty low. Now it's lower. What should they have made? How much more could they have possibly paid for in benefits without jacking up prices like they are going up now?

The Big Pharma and insurance companies are richer than ever... They are the ones behind the lies about Obamacare and people believe it..They need their annual marks ups to pay for their yaughts.

We need a complete overhaul to end the corruption, but that will never happen.

Obamacare may not be perfect , but it is a start to help the people.

Well, there is a wealth in health, the 18 Richest People In Medicine
18 Richest Health Care Billionaires In America: Medical moguls 2014 » CEOWORLD Magazine

There is no "complete overhaul" that is going to change this outcome.

Regulations inherently, by their very nature, benefit the rich. Doesn't matter what regulations you put in place, the rich will benefit from them.

If the administration put in place a regulation that actually harmed the rich, the rich would close down their companies, and leave. If that happened, and millions of people were left without insurance, because all the insurance companies closed, that would both be terrible for everyone, cause havoc in the economy, but it would also destroy the politicians who pushed the regulation.

So they will never do that.

Thus any regulation passed, no matter what that regulation is, or who came up with it, or for what purpose.... it will never harm the super rich. It won't ever happen.

However, they will pass regulations that cost companies tons of money to meet. That action inherently benefits the rich, no matter what the intention is.

Here's how. Me and you, run insurance companies. You have a small started up company, with a few hundred clients, and you pull down $150,000 a year. I have a major insurance company covering a hundred cities, with a million clients, and I make a billion dollars a year.

The government passes a new massive regulation, that will cost us both a million dollars to implement, and get approval.

Which of us is able to spend the money needed to meet those regulations? I can easily. Billion dollars a year, I can implement those regulations no problem. You on the other hand, that may bankrupt your little company. Instead you are likely to show up at my front door, and ask if I'd like to buy you out. Which of course I do. Now even with the expensive regulations, because I have more customers and less competition, I make hundreds of billions more money.

This is the flaw in your thinking, that I've seen hundreds of times.

You, or those like you, push for massive regulations over whatever. Then after those massive regulations are passed, you see that the big wealthy companies are making massive more profits. Thus you assume that since the regulations didn't prevent the profits, that there must be some sort of corruption involved.

In realty, there is rarely corruption, but rather it is simply the normal result of government legislation.

Why do you think McDonald's CEO said he supported a $15/hour minimum wage? Do you really think such a regulation would harm McDonald's that the CEO would support it?

It's because McDonald's executives know that they have the money and capital, to replace workers with Kiosks and automation.


You know who can't replace their employees with kiosks? All of their competition. The small mom&pop shops. The tiny store chains.

So those people will go out of business, and McDonald's will gain an ever increasing share of the market, making hundreds of billions more, than they are now.

Regulations by their very nature...... inherently benefit the rich.

I worked in Europe most of the last year. The Netherlands. Kiosks are already widespread in McDonalds and similar places. It's clearly coming here. They are widely used. They usually still have one or two people taking orders, they have 4 or so kiosks. Most people use the kiosks. You order, pay and just go over and pick up your order. That's where we're headed, and the left is moving us there faster

Oh yeah. It's all over the place. It's moving slowly, but as the minimum wage goes up, the pace will go faster. My last job was for a company that made kiosks and printers specifically designed for kiosks.

One of the kiosk buyers was for the Indiana state fair. They decided to replace all their ticket sellers, with kiosks. Saves money to not have to pay some high schooler an hourly wage.

Then we look at France, with their 10.5% unemployment rate, and youth unemployment rate of 25% for nearly 5 years straight. Gee, wonder why?
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Guess what people..unless if your killed in a accident somehow...Your going to get sick, and old....And your going to die.

You may not need the medical system yet, but it is a promise you will.

Not too many people are healthy their whole life to 120 and die in their sleep.

The funeral homes are dying for you to get screwed over in death expenses as well.


So if government does it, it's free! So cool

I want us to be able to pay our own way, but I want it to be fair unlike how the medical fucks made it before Obamacare.

So many died because they lost their insurance from not being able to work, and then they lost their homes and life savings after a short amount of treatment, and left for dead......Why you ask?

Because the insurance and medical high ups were getting rich off of the backs of the people.

The huge campaign to run down Obamacare is lying just like we see how the big money can lie in politics to keep the corruption going..They want it gone, and the dumb ass corruptions like McConnell are getting paid by the big fucks to make it gone.

Obamacare may have big flaws but it is a start to help those dicked around with preExisting conditions.

It was all hush hush before that , and no one cared..

It is usually hidden, but look at the jackass who bought the life saving drug company and overnight he jacked the prices up over $5000.00 a pill , which were $1.75 a pill...
Why don't we see you complain about that Kaz..?


The system was completely fucked before Obamacare, But it was because of governmnet and their stupid rules.

The best run insurance companies before Obamacare made a 4-5% profit on revenue. That's actually pretty low. Now it's lower. What should they have made? How much more could they have possibly paid for in benefits without jacking up prices like they are going up now?

The Big Pharma and insurance companies are richer than ever... They are the ones behind the lies about Obamacare and people believe it..They need their annual marks ups to pay for their yaughts.

We need a complete overhaul to end the corruption, but that will never happen.

Obamacare may not be perfect , but it is a start to help the people.

Well, there is a wealth in health, the 18 Richest People In Medicine
18 Richest Health Care Billionaires In America: Medical moguls 2014 » CEOWORLD Magazine

There is no "complete overhaul" that is going to change this outcome.

Regulations inherently, by their very nature, benefit the rich. Doesn't matter what regulations you put in place, the rich will benefit from them.

If the administration put in place a regulation that actually harmed the rich, the rich would close down their companies, and leave. If that happened, and millions of people were left without insurance, because all the insurance companies closed, that would both be terrible for everyone, cause havoc in the economy, but it would also destroy the politicians who pushed the regulation.

So they will never do that.

Thus any regulation passed, no matter what that regulation is, or who came up with it, or for what purpose.... it will never harm the super rich. It won't ever happen.

However, they will pass regulations that cost companies tons of money to meet. That action inherently benefits the rich, no matter what the intention is.

Here's how. Me and you, run insurance companies. You have a small started up company, with a few hundred clients, and you pull down $150,000 a year. I have a major insurance company covering a hundred cities, with a million clients, and I make a billion dollars a year.

The government passes a new massive regulation, that will cost us both a million dollars to implement, and get approval.

Which of us is able to spend the money needed to meet those regulations? I can easily. Billion dollars a year, I can implement those regulations no problem. You on the other hand, that may bankrupt your little company. Instead you are likely to show up at my front door, and ask if I'd like to buy you out. Which of course I do. Now even with the expensive regulations, because I have more customers and less competition, I make hundreds of billions more money.

This is the flaw in your thinking, that I've seen hundreds of times.

You, or those like you, push for massive regulations over whatever. Then after those massive regulations are passed, you see that the big wealthy companies are making massive more profits. Thus you assume that since the regulations didn't prevent the profits, that there must be some sort of corruption involved.

In realty, there is rarely corruption, but rather it is simply the normal result of government legislation.

Why do you think McDonald's CEO said he supported a $15/hour minimum wage? Do you really think such a regulation would harm McDonald's that the CEO would support it?

It's because McDonald's executives know that they have the money and capital, to replace workers with Kiosks and automation.


You know who can't replace their employees with kiosks? All of their competition. The small mom&pop shops. The tiny store chains.

So those people will go out of business, and McDonald's will gain an ever increasing share of the market, making hundreds of billions more, than they are now.

Regulations by their very nature...... inherently benefit the rich.

Doctors are bound by and signed a law and ethics agreement to only go by what the FDA approves.

The FDA is Fucking us.

Buying from other countries is illegal...and that is fucked up too. Why do you think this is ok?

We need regulations that will help the people not the BIG Pharma and FDA. of coarse Congress is helping them for $$$$.

-- Gleevec (a cancer treatment): $6,214 (per month/per customer) in the United States, compared to $1,141 in Canada and $2,697 in England.
-- Humira (for rheumatoid arthritis): $2,246 in the United States, compared to $881 in Switzerland and $1,102 in England.
-- Cymbalta (for depression): $194 in the United States, compared to $46 in England and $52 in the Netherlands. In fact, there is also a generic version of Cymbalta so these prices reflect having a cheaper alternative.

Pharmaceuticals cheaper abroad because of regulation - CNN.com

Mom and Pop stores have been going down for years... It is the giants of health insurance who have been kicking them to the side many years before Obamacare.

BTW: I live in the most expensive place in America to live. $15.00 an hour is chicken feed, minimum wage people are leaving and the mega-rich are taking over the whole bay area.. They are finding there is no one to teach their children, clean their toilets, make their hamburgers..

OK, so ignoring the wealth envy, and let's assume if you stop paying people they will work anyway. So, mathematically, how much more healthcare do you think taking their earnings is going to give you across the customer base?

Kaz~ Shut the fuck up about my enviousness of rich people... I am rich asshole

Some wealthy people see the corruption too.

I want us to be able to pay our own way, but I want it to be fair unlike how the medical fucks made it before Obamacare.

So many died because they lost their insurance from not being able to work, and then they lost their homes and life savings after a short amount of treatment, and left for dead......Why you ask?

Because the insurance and medical high ups were getting rich off of the backs of the people.

The huge campaign to run down Obamacare is lying just like we see how the big money can lie in politics to keep the corruption going..They want it gone, and the dumb ass corruptions like McConnell are getting paid by the big fucks to make it gone.

Obamacare may have big flaws but it is a start to help those dicked around with preExisting conditions.

It was all hush hush before that , and no one cared..

It is usually hidden, but look at the jackass who bought the life saving drug company and overnight he jacked the prices up over $5000.00 a pill , which were $1.75 a pill...
Why don't we see you complain about that Kaz..?


The system was completely fucked before Obamacare, But it was because of governmnet and their stupid rules.

The best run insurance companies before Obamacare made a 4-5% profit on revenue. That's actually pretty low. Now it's lower. What should they have made? How much more could they have possibly paid for in benefits without jacking up prices like they are going up now?

The Big Pharma and insurance companies are richer than ever... They are the ones behind the lies about Obamacare and people believe it..They need their annual marks ups to pay for their yaughts.

We need a complete overhaul to end the corruption, but that will never happen.

Obamacare may not be perfect , but it is a start to help the people.

Well, there is a wealth in health, the 18 Richest People In Medicine
18 Richest Health Care Billionaires In America: Medical moguls 2014 » CEOWORLD Magazine

There is no "complete overhaul" that is going to change this outcome.

Regulations inherently, by their very nature, benefit the rich. Doesn't matter what regulations you put in place, the rich will benefit from them.

If the administration put in place a regulation that actually harmed the rich, the rich would close down their companies, and leave. If that happened, and millions of people were left without insurance, because all the insurance companies closed, that would both be terrible for everyone, cause havoc in the economy, but it would also destroy the politicians who pushed the regulation.

So they will never do that.

Thus any regulation passed, no matter what that regulation is, or who came up with it, or for what purpose.... it will never harm the super rich. It won't ever happen.

However, they will pass regulations that cost companies tons of money to meet. That action inherently benefits the rich, no matter what the intention is.

Here's how. Me and you, run insurance companies. You have a small started up company, with a few hundred clients, and you pull down $150,000 a year. I have a major insurance company covering a hundred cities, with a million clients, and I make a billion dollars a year.

The government passes a new massive regulation, that will cost us both a million dollars to implement, and get approval.

Which of us is able to spend the money needed to meet those regulations? I can easily. Billion dollars a year, I can implement those regulations no problem. You on the other hand, that may bankrupt your little company. Instead you are likely to show up at my front door, and ask if I'd like to buy you out. Which of course I do. Now even with the expensive regulations, because I have more customers and less competition, I make hundreds of billions more money.

This is the flaw in your thinking, that I've seen hundreds of times.

You, or those like you, push for massive regulations over whatever. Then after those massive regulations are passed, you see that the big wealthy companies are making massive more profits. Thus you assume that since the regulations didn't prevent the profits, that there must be some sort of corruption involved.

In realty, there is rarely corruption, but rather it is simply the normal result of government legislation.

Why do you think McDonald's CEO said he supported a $15/hour minimum wage? Do you really think such a regulation would harm McDonald's that the CEO would support it?

It's because McDonald's executives know that they have the money and capital, to replace workers with Kiosks and automation.


You know who can't replace their employees with kiosks? All of their competition. The small mom&pop shops. The tiny store chains.

So those people will go out of business, and McDonald's will gain an ever increasing share of the market, making hundreds of billions more, than they are now.

Regulations by their very nature...... inherently benefit the rich.

I worked in Europe most of the last year. The Netherlands. Kiosks are already widespread in McDonalds and similar places. It's clearly coming here. They are widely used. They usually still have one or two people taking orders, they have 4 or so kiosks. Most people use the kiosks. You order, pay and just go over and pick up your order. That's where we're headed, and the left is moving us there faster

Oh yeah. It's all over the place. It's moving slowly, but as the minimum wage goes up, the pace will go faster. My last job was for a company that made kiosks and printers specifically designed for kiosks.

One of the kiosk buyers was for the Indiana state fair. They decided to replace all their ticket sellers, with kiosks. Saves money to not have to pay some high schooler an hourly wage.

Then we look at France, with their 10.5% unemployment rate, and youth unemployment rate of 25% for nearly 5 years straight. Gee, wonder why?

Yep, and as people keep getting more and more used to them, more and more companies will turn to them. As I pointed out in Europe, you can cut back to 1-2 order takers. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Huge savings though. I used to own a restaurant, staff is so expensive and low end workers generally suck and have to be managed which increases management costs too
So if government does it, it's free! So cool

I want us to be able to pay our own way, but I want it to be fair unlike how the medical fucks made it before Obamacare.

So many died because they lost their insurance from not being able to work, and then they lost their homes and life savings after a short amount of treatment, and left for dead......Why you ask?

Because the insurance and medical high ups were getting rich off of the backs of the people.

The huge campaign to run down Obamacare is lying just like we see how the big money can lie in politics to keep the corruption going..They want it gone, and the dumb ass corruptions like McConnell are getting paid by the big fucks to make it gone.

Obamacare may have big flaws but it is a start to help those dicked around with preExisting conditions.

It was all hush hush before that , and no one cared..

It is usually hidden, but look at the jackass who bought the life saving drug company and overnight he jacked the prices up over $5000.00 a pill , which were $1.75 a pill...
Why don't we see you complain about that Kaz..?


The system was completely fucked before Obamacare, But it was because of governmnet and their stupid rules.

The best run insurance companies before Obamacare made a 4-5% profit on revenue. That's actually pretty low. Now it's lower. What should they have made? How much more could they have possibly paid for in benefits without jacking up prices like they are going up now?

The Big Pharma and insurance companies are richer than ever... They are the ones behind the lies about Obamacare and people believe it..They need their annual marks ups to pay for their yaughts.

We need a complete overhaul to end the corruption, but that will never happen.

Obamacare may not be perfect , but it is a start to help the people.

Well, there is a wealth in health, the 18 Richest People In Medicine
18 Richest Health Care Billionaires In America: Medical moguls 2014 » CEOWORLD Magazine

There is no "complete overhaul" that is going to change this outcome.

Regulations inherently, by their very nature, benefit the rich. Doesn't matter what regulations you put in place, the rich will benefit from them.

If the administration put in place a regulation that actually harmed the rich, the rich would close down their companies, and leave. If that happened, and millions of people were left without insurance, because all the insurance companies closed, that would both be terrible for everyone, cause havoc in the economy, but it would also destroy the politicians who pushed the regulation.

So they will never do that.

Thus any regulation passed, no matter what that regulation is, or who came up with it, or for what purpose.... it will never harm the super rich. It won't ever happen.

However, they will pass regulations that cost companies tons of money to meet. That action inherently benefits the rich, no matter what the intention is.

Here's how. Me and you, run insurance companies. You have a small started up company, with a few hundred clients, and you pull down $150,000 a year. I have a major insurance company covering a hundred cities, with a million clients, and I make a billion dollars a year.

The government passes a new massive regulation, that will cost us both a million dollars to implement, and get approval.

Which of us is able to spend the money needed to meet those regulations? I can easily. Billion dollars a year, I can implement those regulations no problem. You on the other hand, that may bankrupt your little company. Instead you are likely to show up at my front door, and ask if I'd like to buy you out. Which of course I do. Now even with the expensive regulations, because I have more customers and less competition, I make hundreds of billions more money.

This is the flaw in your thinking, that I've seen hundreds of times.

You, or those like you, push for massive regulations over whatever. Then after those massive regulations are passed, you see that the big wealthy companies are making massive more profits. Thus you assume that since the regulations didn't prevent the profits, that there must be some sort of corruption involved.

In realty, there is rarely corruption, but rather it is simply the normal result of government legislation.

Why do you think McDonald's CEO said he supported a $15/hour minimum wage? Do you really think such a regulation would harm McDonald's that the CEO would support it?

It's because McDonald's executives know that they have the money and capital, to replace workers with Kiosks and automation.


You know who can't replace their employees with kiosks? All of their competition. The small mom&pop shops. The tiny store chains.

So those people will go out of business, and McDonald's will gain an ever increasing share of the market, making hundreds of billions more, than they are now.

Regulations by their very nature...... inherently benefit the rich.

Doctors are bound by and signed a law and ethics agreement to only go by what the FDA approves.

The FDA is Fucking us.

Buying from other countries is illegal...and that is fucked up too. Why do you think this is ok?

We need regulations that will help the people not the BIG Pharma and FDA. of coarse Congress is helping them for $$$$.

-- Gleevec (a cancer treatment): $6,214 (per month/per customer) in the United States, compared to $1,141 in Canada and $2,697 in England.
-- Humira (for rheumatoid arthritis): $2,246 in the United States, compared to $881 in Switzerland and $1,102 in England.
-- Cymbalta (for depression): $194 in the United States, compared to $46 in England and $52 in the Netherlands. In fact, there is also a generic version of Cymbalta so these prices reflect having a cheaper alternative.

Pharmaceuticals cheaper abroad because of regulation - CNN.com

Mom and Pop stores have been going down for years... It is the giants of health insurance who have been kicking them to the side many years before Obamacare.

BTW: I live in the most expensive place in America to live. $15.00 an hour is chicken feed, minimum wage people are leaving and the mega-rich are taking over the whole bay area.. They are finding there is no one to teach their children, clean their toilets, make their hamburgers..

OK, so ignoring the wealth envy, and let's assume if you stop paying people they will work anyway. So, mathematically, how much more healthcare do you think taking their earnings is going to give you across the customer base?

Kaz~ Shut the fuck up about my enviousness of rich people... I am rich asshole

Some wealthy people see the corruption too.


It's hard to see it that way when you're complaining that people make money in the medical industry. They do in every industry. And you ignored my point that the best run companies even before the Obamacare disaster made 4-5% margin.

So again, even if you squeeze both the company and the people who run them, and assuming that doesn't decrease the quality of how those companies are run, how much across the subscriber pool more can they spend? How much difference would that make even if it worked?
So if government does it, it's free! So cool

I want us to be able to pay our own way, but I want it to be fair unlike how the medical fucks made it before Obamacare.

So many died because they lost their insurance from not being able to work, and then they lost their homes and life savings after a short amount of treatment, and left for dead......Why you ask?

Because the insurance and medical high ups were getting rich off of the backs of the people.

The huge campaign to run down Obamacare is lying just like we see how the big money can lie in politics to keep the corruption going..They want it gone, and the dumb ass corruptions like McConnell are getting paid by the big fucks to make it gone.

Obamacare may have big flaws but it is a start to help those dicked around with preExisting conditions.

It was all hush hush before that , and no one cared..

It is usually hidden, but look at the jackass who bought the life saving drug company and overnight he jacked the prices up over $5000.00 a pill , which were $1.75 a pill...
Why don't we see you complain about that Kaz..?


The system was completely fucked before Obamacare, But it was because of governmnet and their stupid rules.

The best run insurance companies before Obamacare made a 4-5% profit on revenue. That's actually pretty low. Now it's lower. What should they have made? How much more could they have possibly paid for in benefits without jacking up prices like they are going up now?

The Big Pharma and insurance companies are richer than ever... They are the ones behind the lies about Obamacare and people believe it..They need their annual marks ups to pay for their yaughts.

We need a complete overhaul to end the corruption, but that will never happen.

Obamacare may not be perfect , but it is a start to help the people.

Well, there is a wealth in health, the 18 Richest People In Medicine
18 Richest Health Care Billionaires In America: Medical moguls 2014 » CEOWORLD Magazine

There is no "complete overhaul" that is going to change this outcome.

Regulations inherently, by their very nature, benefit the rich. Doesn't matter what regulations you put in place, the rich will benefit from them.

If the administration put in place a regulation that actually harmed the rich, the rich would close down their companies, and leave. If that happened, and millions of people were left without insurance, because all the insurance companies closed, that would both be terrible for everyone, cause havoc in the economy, but it would also destroy the politicians who pushed the regulation.

So they will never do that.

Thus any regulation passed, no matter what that regulation is, or who came up with it, or for what purpose.... it will never harm the super rich. It won't ever happen.

However, they will pass regulations that cost companies tons of money to meet. That action inherently benefits the rich, no matter what the intention is.

Here's how. Me and you, run insurance companies. You have a small started up company, with a few hundred clients, and you pull down $150,000 a year. I have a major insurance company covering a hundred cities, with a million clients, and I make a billion dollars a year.

The government passes a new massive regulation, that will cost us both a million dollars to implement, and get approval.

Which of us is able to spend the money needed to meet those regulations? I can easily. Billion dollars a year, I can implement those regulations no problem. You on the other hand, that may bankrupt your little company. Instead you are likely to show up at my front door, and ask if I'd like to buy you out. Which of course I do. Now even with the expensive regulations, because I have more customers and less competition, I make hundreds of billions more money.

This is the flaw in your thinking, that I've seen hundreds of times.

You, or those like you, push for massive regulations over whatever. Then after those massive regulations are passed, you see that the big wealthy companies are making massive more profits. Thus you assume that since the regulations didn't prevent the profits, that there must be some sort of corruption involved.

In realty, there is rarely corruption, but rather it is simply the normal result of government legislation.

Why do you think McDonald's CEO said he supported a $15/hour minimum wage? Do you really think such a regulation would harm McDonald's that the CEO would support it?

It's because McDonald's executives know that they have the money and capital, to replace workers with Kiosks and automation.


You know who can't replace their employees with kiosks? All of their competition. The small mom&pop shops. The tiny store chains.

So those people will go out of business, and McDonald's will gain an ever increasing share of the market, making hundreds of billions more, than they are now.

Regulations by their very nature...... inherently benefit the rich.

Doctors are bound by and signed a law and ethics agreement to only go by what the FDA approves.

The FDA is Fucking us.

Buying from other countries is illegal...and that is fucked up too. Why do you think this is ok?

We need regulations that will help the people not the BIG Pharma and FDA. of coarse Congress is helping them for $$$$.

-- Gleevec (a cancer treatment): $6,214 (per month/per customer) in the United States, compared to $1,141 in Canada and $2,697 in England.
-- Humira (for rheumatoid arthritis): $2,246 in the United States, compared to $881 in Switzerland and $1,102 in England.
-- Cymbalta (for depression): $194 in the United States, compared to $46 in England and $52 in the Netherlands. In fact, there is also a generic version of Cymbalta so these prices reflect having a cheaper alternative.

Pharmaceuticals cheaper abroad because of regulation - CNN.com

Mom and Pop stores have been going down for years... It is the giants of health insurance who have been kicking them to the side many years before Obamacare.

BTW: I live in the most expensive place in America to live. $15.00 an hour is chicken feed, minimum wage people are leaving and the mega-rich are taking over the whole bay area.. They are finding there is no one to teach their children, clean their toilets, make their hamburgers..

OK, so ignoring the wealth envy, and let's assume if you stop paying people they will work anyway. So, mathematically, how much more healthcare do you think taking their earnings is going to give you across the customer base?

Kaz~ Shut the fuck up about my enviousness of rich people... I am rich asshole

Some wealthy people see the corruption too.


Now that was funny. Do you not see how funny what you just said was?

"Doctors are bound by and signed a law and ethics agreement to only go by what the FDA approves.
The FDA is Fucking us."

Regulations causing problems.

"Buying from other countries is illegal...and that is fucked up too. Why do you think this is ok?"

Regulations causing problems.

"We need regulations that will help the people not the BIG Pharma and FDA. of coarse Congress is helping them for $$$$."​

Did you not read your own post? You just pointed to two examples of regulations that caused problems, and then immediately said "We need regulations!"

The regulations are the causes of the problems you just mentioned. We don't need regulations. We need less regulations.

And again, you didn't grasp the entire point of my post. You can't make regulations that "help the people, not big Pharma and the FDA". Regulations INHERENTLY will benefit big pharma and the wealth. Inherently. By it's very nature, it will help the big companies.

Mom and Pop stores have been going down for years... It is the giants of health insurance who have been kicking them to the side many years before Obamacare.

How many of those years have the regulations been going down? How many of them have the regulations been going up?

That's my point.

Yeah, the closing of small shops in favor of the major companies didn't start with ObamaCare. Because regulations and ever expanding controls over business, didn't start with ObamaCare either. It's just the latest example.
The system was completely fucked before Obamacare, But it was because of governmnet and their stupid rules.

The best run insurance companies before Obamacare made a 4-5% profit on revenue. That's actually pretty low. Now it's lower. What should they have made? How much more could they have possibly paid for in benefits without jacking up prices like they are going up now?

The Big Pharma and insurance companies are richer than ever... They are the ones behind the lies about Obamacare and people believe it..They need their annual marks ups to pay for their yaughts.

We need a complete overhaul to end the corruption, but that will never happen.

Obamacare may not be perfect , but it is a start to help the people.

Well, there is a wealth in health, the 18 Richest People In Medicine
18 Richest Health Care Billionaires In America: Medical moguls 2014 » CEOWORLD Magazine

There is no "complete overhaul" that is going to change this outcome.

Regulations inherently, by their very nature, benefit the rich. Doesn't matter what regulations you put in place, the rich will benefit from them.

If the administration put in place a regulation that actually harmed the rich, the rich would close down their companies, and leave. If that happened, and millions of people were left without insurance, because all the insurance companies closed, that would both be terrible for everyone, cause havoc in the economy, but it would also destroy the politicians who pushed the regulation.

So they will never do that.

Thus any regulation passed, no matter what that regulation is, or who came up with it, or for what purpose.... it will never harm the super rich. It won't ever happen.

However, they will pass regulations that cost companies tons of money to meet. That action inherently benefits the rich, no matter what the intention is.

Here's how. Me and you, run insurance companies. You have a small started up company, with a few hundred clients, and you pull down $150,000 a year. I have a major insurance company covering a hundred cities, with a million clients, and I make a billion dollars a year.

The government passes a new massive regulation, that will cost us both a million dollars to implement, and get approval.

Which of us is able to spend the money needed to meet those regulations? I can easily. Billion dollars a year, I can implement those regulations no problem. You on the other hand, that may bankrupt your little company. Instead you are likely to show up at my front door, and ask if I'd like to buy you out. Which of course I do. Now even with the expensive regulations, because I have more customers and less competition, I make hundreds of billions more money.

This is the flaw in your thinking, that I've seen hundreds of times.

You, or those like you, push for massive regulations over whatever. Then after those massive regulations are passed, you see that the big wealthy companies are making massive more profits. Thus you assume that since the regulations didn't prevent the profits, that there must be some sort of corruption involved.

In realty, there is rarely corruption, but rather it is simply the normal result of government legislation.

Why do you think McDonald's CEO said he supported a $15/hour minimum wage? Do you really think such a regulation would harm McDonald's that the CEO would support it?

It's because McDonald's executives know that they have the money and capital, to replace workers with Kiosks and automation.


You know who can't replace their employees with kiosks? All of their competition. The small mom&pop shops. The tiny store chains.

So those people will go out of business, and McDonald's will gain an ever increasing share of the market, making hundreds of billions more, than they are now.

Regulations by their very nature...... inherently benefit the rich.

I worked in Europe most of the last year. The Netherlands. Kiosks are already widespread in McDonalds and similar places. It's clearly coming here. They are widely used. They usually still have one or two people taking orders, they have 4 or so kiosks. Most people use the kiosks. You order, pay and just go over and pick up your order. That's where we're headed, and the left is moving us there faster

Oh yeah. It's all over the place. It's moving slowly, but as the minimum wage goes up, the pace will go faster. My last job was for a company that made kiosks and printers specifically designed for kiosks.

One of the kiosk buyers was for the Indiana state fair. They decided to replace all their ticket sellers, with kiosks. Saves money to not have to pay some high schooler an hourly wage.

Then we look at France, with their 10.5% unemployment rate, and youth unemployment rate of 25% for nearly 5 years straight. Gee, wonder why?

Yep, and as people keep getting more and more used to them, more and more companies will turn to them. As I pointed out in Europe, you can cut back to 1-2 order takers. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Huge savings though. I used to own a restaurant, staff is so expensive and low end workers generally suck and have to be managed which increases management costs too

All true. I remember last year they completely remodeled the "Get-N-Go" station around where I worked. There was a small grill inside the store. They fired half the staff, and replaced them with Kiosks. You had to punch in your order, and 2 minutes later they would dump a bag on the counter with a number on it. If you wait long enough, someone would yell out "43 up". That was as much interaction as you got with the 2 remaining people that operated the grill.

Not much for social interaction, but it was cheaper for the owners I'm sure. Not so much better for the two employees now without a job... but the left-wing cares for the minimum wage employees. That's all that matter. Not whether they have a job.
The Big Pharma and insurance companies are richer than ever... They are the ones behind the lies about Obamacare and people believe it..They need their annual marks ups to pay for their yaughts.

We need a complete overhaul to end the corruption, but that will never happen.

Obamacare may not be perfect , but it is a start to help the people.

Well, there is a wealth in health, the 18 Richest People In Medicine
18 Richest Health Care Billionaires In America: Medical moguls 2014 » CEOWORLD Magazine

There is no "complete overhaul" that is going to change this outcome.

Regulations inherently, by their very nature, benefit the rich. Doesn't matter what regulations you put in place, the rich will benefit from them.

If the administration put in place a regulation that actually harmed the rich, the rich would close down their companies, and leave. If that happened, and millions of people were left without insurance, because all the insurance companies closed, that would both be terrible for everyone, cause havoc in the economy, but it would also destroy the politicians who pushed the regulation.

So they will never do that.

Thus any regulation passed, no matter what that regulation is, or who came up with it, or for what purpose.... it will never harm the super rich. It won't ever happen.

However, they will pass regulations that cost companies tons of money to meet. That action inherently benefits the rich, no matter what the intention is.

Here's how. Me and you, run insurance companies. You have a small started up company, with a few hundred clients, and you pull down $150,000 a year. I have a major insurance company covering a hundred cities, with a million clients, and I make a billion dollars a year.

The government passes a new massive regulation, that will cost us both a million dollars to implement, and get approval.

Which of us is able to spend the money needed to meet those regulations? I can easily. Billion dollars a year, I can implement those regulations no problem. You on the other hand, that may bankrupt your little company. Instead you are likely to show up at my front door, and ask if I'd like to buy you out. Which of course I do. Now even with the expensive regulations, because I have more customers and less competition, I make hundreds of billions more money.

This is the flaw in your thinking, that I've seen hundreds of times.

You, or those like you, push for massive regulations over whatever. Then after those massive regulations are passed, you see that the big wealthy companies are making massive more profits. Thus you assume that since the regulations didn't prevent the profits, that there must be some sort of corruption involved.

In realty, there is rarely corruption, but rather it is simply the normal result of government legislation.

Why do you think McDonald's CEO said he supported a $15/hour minimum wage? Do you really think such a regulation would harm McDonald's that the CEO would support it?

It's because McDonald's executives know that they have the money and capital, to replace workers with Kiosks and automation.


You know who can't replace their employees with kiosks? All of their competition. The small mom&pop shops. The tiny store chains.

So those people will go out of business, and McDonald's will gain an ever increasing share of the market, making hundreds of billions more, than they are now.

Regulations by their very nature...... inherently benefit the rich.

I worked in Europe most of the last year. The Netherlands. Kiosks are already widespread in McDonalds and similar places. It's clearly coming here. They are widely used. They usually still have one or two people taking orders, they have 4 or so kiosks. Most people use the kiosks. You order, pay and just go over and pick up your order. That's where we're headed, and the left is moving us there faster

Oh yeah. It's all over the place. It's moving slowly, but as the minimum wage goes up, the pace will go faster. My last job was for a company that made kiosks and printers specifically designed for kiosks.

One of the kiosk buyers was for the Indiana state fair. They decided to replace all their ticket sellers, with kiosks. Saves money to not have to pay some high schooler an hourly wage.

Then we look at France, with their 10.5% unemployment rate, and youth unemployment rate of 25% for nearly 5 years straight. Gee, wonder why?

Yep, and as people keep getting more and more used to them, more and more companies will turn to them. As I pointed out in Europe, you can cut back to 1-2 order takers. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Huge savings though. I used to own a restaurant, staff is so expensive and low end workers generally suck and have to be managed which increases management costs too

All true. I remember last year they completely remodeled the "Get-N-Go" station around where I worked. There was a small grill inside the store. They fired half the staff, and replaced them with Kiosks. You had to punch in your order, and 2 minutes later they would dump a bag on the counter with a number on it. If you wait long enough, someone would yell out "43 up". That was as much interaction as you got with the 2 remaining people that operated the grill.

Not much for social interaction, but it was cheaper for the owners I'm sure. Not so much better for the two employees now without a job... but the left-wing cares for the minimum wage employees. That's all that matter. Not whether they have a job.

The hardest part about staffing a restaurant is that you're only busy for a few hours a day. But no one wants to work 4 hours a day. So you have to pay staff to work when it's slow. It's also not practical to keep opening and closing and customers have to know you're reliably open. That's the by far biggest savings. Not paying people when they're not even working. I think it's going to make the whole restaurant gig a lot more viable.

I sold my restaurant because it was tired operating on such tiny margins in a business that has to be micromanaged because the staff are such low skill and the margins are way too small to pay to hire higher skilled workers because everyone else does it the same. The restaurant I owned was across the street from UNC, a great place for customers. But severe competition and constant price pressure
Guess what people..unless if your killed in a accident somehow...Your going to get sick, and old....And your going to die.

You may not need the medical system yet, but it is a promise you will.

Not too many people are healthy their whole life to 120 and die in their sleep.

The funeral homes are dying for you to get screwed over in death expenses as well.


So if government does it, it's free! So cool

I want us to be able to pay our own way, but I want it to be fair unlike how the medical fucks made it before Obamacare.

So many died because they lost their insurance from not being able to work, and then they lost their homes and life savings after a short amount of treatment, and left for dead......Why you ask?

Because the insurance and medical high ups were getting rich off of the backs of the people.

The huge campaign to run down Obamacare is lying just like we see how the big money can lie in politics to keep the corruption going..They want it gone, and the dumb ass corruptions like McConnell are getting paid by the big fucks to make it gone.

Obamacare may have big flaws but it is a start to help those dicked around with preExisting conditions.

It was all hush hush before that , and no one cared..

It is usually hidden, but look at the jackass who bought the life saving drug company and overnight he jacked the prices up over $5000.00 a pill , which were $1.75 a pill...
Why don't we see you complain about that Kaz..?


The system was completely fucked before Obamacare, But it was because of governmnet and their stupid rules.

The best run insurance companies before Obamacare made a 4-5% profit on revenue. That's actually pretty low. Now it's lower. What should they have made? How much more could they have possibly paid for in benefits without jacking up prices like they are going up now?

The Big Pharma and insurance companies are richer than ever... They are the ones behind the lies about Obamacare and people believe it..They need their annual marks ups to pay for their yaughts.

We need a complete overhaul to end the corruption, but that will never happen.

Obamacare may not be perfect , but it is a start to help the people.

Well, there is a wealth in health, the 18 Richest People In Medicine
18 Richest Health Care Billionaires In America: Medical moguls 2014 » CEOWORLD Magazine

There is no "complete overhaul" that is going to change this outcome.

Regulations inherently, by their very nature, benefit the rich. Doesn't matter what regulations you put in place, the rich will benefit from them.

If the administration put in place a regulation that actually harmed the rich, the rich would close down their companies, and leave. If that happened, and millions of people were left without insurance, because all the insurance companies closed, that would both be terrible for everyone, cause havoc in the economy, but it would also destroy the politicians who pushed the regulation.

So they will never do that.

Thus any regulation passed, no matter what that regulation is, or who came up with it, or for what purpose.... it will never harm the super rich. It won't ever happen.

However, they will pass regulations that cost companies tons of money to meet. That action inherently benefits the rich, no matter what the intention is.

Here's how. Me and you, run insurance companies. You have a small started up company, with a few hundred clients, and you pull down $150,000 a year. I have a major insurance company covering a hundred cities, with a million clients, and I make a billion dollars a year.

The government passes a new massive regulation, that will cost us both a million dollars to implement, and get approval.

Which of us is able to spend the money needed to meet those regulations? I can easily. Billion dollars a year, I can implement those regulations no problem. You on the other hand, that may bankrupt your little company. Instead you are likely to show up at my front door, and ask if I'd like to buy you out. Which of course I do. Now even with the expensive regulations, because I have more customers and less competition, I make hundreds of billions more money.

This is the flaw in your thinking, that I've seen hundreds of times.

You, or those like you, push for massive regulations over whatever. Then after those massive regulations are passed, you see that the big wealthy companies are making massive more profits. Thus you assume that since the regulations didn't prevent the profits, that there must be some sort of corruption involved.

In realty, there is rarely corruption, but rather it is simply the normal result of government legislation.

Why do you think McDonald's CEO said he supported a $15/hour minimum wage? Do you really think such a regulation would harm McDonald's that the CEO would support it?

It's because McDonald's executives know that they have the money and capital, to replace workers with Kiosks and automation.


You know who can't replace their employees with kiosks? All of their competition. The small mom&pop shops. The tiny store chains.

So those people will go out of business, and McDonald's will gain an ever increasing share of the market, making hundreds of billions more, than they are now.

Regulations by their very nature...... inherently benefit the rich.

Funny thing is, that is not their replacements. It is kinda like letting the customers run the cash register. They will now have the customers working for NOTHING. Maybe lower prices but that is doubtful.
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So if government does it, it's free! So cool

I want us to be able to pay our own way, but I want it to be fair unlike how the medical fucks made it before Obamacare.

So many died because they lost their insurance from not being able to work, and then they lost their homes and life savings after a short amount of treatment, and left for dead......Why you ask?

Because the insurance and medical high ups were getting rich off of the backs of the people.

The huge campaign to run down Obamacare is lying just like we see how the big money can lie in politics to keep the corruption going..They want it gone, and the dumb ass corruptions like McConnell are getting paid by the big fucks to make it gone.

Obamacare may have big flaws but it is a start to help those dicked around with preExisting conditions.

It was all hush hush before that , and no one cared..

It is usually hidden, but look at the jackass who bought the life saving drug company and overnight he jacked the prices up over $5000.00 a pill , which were $1.75 a pill...
Why don't we see you complain about that Kaz..?


The system was completely fucked before Obamacare, But it was because of governmnet and their stupid rules.

The best run insurance companies before Obamacare made a 4-5% profit on revenue. That's actually pretty low. Now it's lower. What should they have made? How much more could they have possibly paid for in benefits without jacking up prices like they are going up now?

The Big Pharma and insurance companies are richer than ever... They are the ones behind the lies about Obamacare and people believe it..They need their annual marks ups to pay for their yaughts.

We need a complete overhaul to end the corruption, but that will never happen.

Obamacare may not be perfect , but it is a start to help the people.

Well, there is a wealth in health, the 18 Richest People In Medicine
18 Richest Health Care Billionaires In America: Medical moguls 2014 » CEOWORLD Magazine

There is no "complete overhaul" that is going to change this outcome.

Regulations inherently, by their very nature, benefit the rich. Doesn't matter what regulations you put in place, the rich will benefit from them.

If the administration put in place a regulation that actually harmed the rich, the rich would close down their companies, and leave. If that happened, and millions of people were left without insurance, because all the insurance companies closed, that would both be terrible for everyone, cause havoc in the economy, but it would also destroy the politicians who pushed the regulation.

So they will never do that.

Thus any regulation passed, no matter what that regulation is, or who came up with it, or for what purpose.... it will never harm the super rich. It won't ever happen.

However, they will pass regulations that cost companies tons of money to meet. That action inherently benefits the rich, no matter what the intention is.

Here's how. Me and you, run insurance companies. You have a small started up company, with a few hundred clients, and you pull down $150,000 a year. I have a major insurance company covering a hundred cities, with a million clients, and I make a billion dollars a year.

The government passes a new massive regulation, that will cost us both a million dollars to implement, and get approval.

Which of us is able to spend the money needed to meet those regulations? I can easily. Billion dollars a year, I can implement those regulations no problem. You on the other hand, that may bankrupt your little company. Instead you are likely to show up at my front door, and ask if I'd like to buy you out. Which of course I do. Now even with the expensive regulations, because I have more customers and less competition, I make hundreds of billions more money.

This is the flaw in your thinking, that I've seen hundreds of times.

You, or those like you, push for massive regulations over whatever. Then after those massive regulations are passed, you see that the big wealthy companies are making massive more profits. Thus you assume that since the regulations didn't prevent the profits, that there must be some sort of corruption involved.

In realty, there is rarely corruption, but rather it is simply the normal result of government legislation.

Why do you think McDonald's CEO said he supported a $15/hour minimum wage? Do you really think such a regulation would harm McDonald's that the CEO would support it?

It's because McDonald's executives know that they have the money and capital, to replace workers with Kiosks and automation.


You know who can't replace their employees with kiosks? All of their competition. The small mom&pop shops. The tiny store chains.

So those people will go out of business, and McDonald's will gain an ever increasing share of the market, making hundreds of billions more, than they are now.

Regulations by their very nature...... inherently benefit the rich.

Funny thing is, that is not their replacements. It is kinda like letting the customers run the cash register. They will now have the customers working for NOTHING. Maybe lower prices but that is doubtful.

The restaurant business is hyper competitive (again I owned a restaurant). Yeah it will lower prices
I want us to be able to pay our own way, but I want it to be fair unlike how the medical fucks made it before Obamacare.

So many died because they lost their insurance from not being able to work, and then they lost their homes and life savings after a short amount of treatment, and left for dead......Why you ask?

Because the insurance and medical high ups were getting rich off of the backs of the people.

The huge campaign to run down Obamacare is lying just like we see how the big money can lie in politics to keep the corruption going..They want it gone, and the dumb ass corruptions like McConnell are getting paid by the big fucks to make it gone.

Obamacare may have big flaws but it is a start to help those dicked around with preExisting conditions.

It was all hush hush before that , and no one cared..

It is usually hidden, but look at the jackass who bought the life saving drug company and overnight he jacked the prices up over $5000.00 a pill , which were $1.75 a pill...
Why don't we see you complain about that Kaz..?


The system was completely fucked before Obamacare, But it was because of governmnet and their stupid rules.

The best run insurance companies before Obamacare made a 4-5% profit on revenue. That's actually pretty low. Now it's lower. What should they have made? How much more could they have possibly paid for in benefits without jacking up prices like they are going up now?

The Big Pharma and insurance companies are richer than ever... They are the ones behind the lies about Obamacare and people believe it..They need their annual marks ups to pay for their yaughts.

We need a complete overhaul to end the corruption, but that will never happen.

Obamacare may not be perfect , but it is a start to help the people.

Well, there is a wealth in health, the 18 Richest People In Medicine
18 Richest Health Care Billionaires In America: Medical moguls 2014 » CEOWORLD Magazine

There is no "complete overhaul" that is going to change this outcome.

Regulations inherently, by their very nature, benefit the rich. Doesn't matter what regulations you put in place, the rich will benefit from them.

If the administration put in place a regulation that actually harmed the rich, the rich would close down their companies, and leave. If that happened, and millions of people were left without insurance, because all the insurance companies closed, that would both be terrible for everyone, cause havoc in the economy, but it would also destroy the politicians who pushed the regulation.

So they will never do that.

Thus any regulation passed, no matter what that regulation is, or who came up with it, or for what purpose.... it will never harm the super rich. It won't ever happen.

However, they will pass regulations that cost companies tons of money to meet. That action inherently benefits the rich, no matter what the intention is.

Here's how. Me and you, run insurance companies. You have a small started up company, with a few hundred clients, and you pull down $150,000 a year. I have a major insurance company covering a hundred cities, with a million clients, and I make a billion dollars a year.

The government passes a new massive regulation, that will cost us both a million dollars to implement, and get approval.

Which of us is able to spend the money needed to meet those regulations? I can easily. Billion dollars a year, I can implement those regulations no problem. You on the other hand, that may bankrupt your little company. Instead you are likely to show up at my front door, and ask if I'd like to buy you out. Which of course I do. Now even with the expensive regulations, because I have more customers and less competition, I make hundreds of billions more money.

This is the flaw in your thinking, that I've seen hundreds of times.

You, or those like you, push for massive regulations over whatever. Then after those massive regulations are passed, you see that the big wealthy companies are making massive more profits. Thus you assume that since the regulations didn't prevent the profits, that there must be some sort of corruption involved.

In realty, there is rarely corruption, but rather it is simply the normal result of government legislation.

Why do you think McDonald's CEO said he supported a $15/hour minimum wage? Do you really think such a regulation would harm McDonald's that the CEO would support it?

It's because McDonald's executives know that they have the money and capital, to replace workers with Kiosks and automation.


You know who can't replace their employees with kiosks? All of their competition. The small mom&pop shops. The tiny store chains.

So those people will go out of business, and McDonald's will gain an ever increasing share of the market, making hundreds of billions more, than they are now.

Regulations by their very nature...... inherently benefit the rich.

Funny thing is, that is not their replacements. It is kinda like letting the customers run the cash register. They will now have the customers working for NOTHING. Maybe lower prices but that is doubtful.

The restaurant business is hyper competitive (again I owned a restaurant). Yeah it will lower prices

Are you sure? Because by what I read in your one post the margin is pretty low. Are you sure this won't just increase their margin? I suppose that competion might force a lowering of prices, as it always does.
To say no one was turned down for insurance pre ACA is a lie.

To say insurance is too costly unless you are or rich or poor is a lie.

The arguments used by free will and other is merely grip they can’t get the old catastrophic insurance which privatized their cost while socializing the risk on the rest of us, which made it freebies for libertarians.

Got free will to admit it was a tax and not a fine. Gotcha.

Skull Pilot keeps pretending bankruptcy is not no big deal, which is false, because the 72% who had health insurance (thanks free will) did not have enough because they could not afford it.

Dems passed ACA because for 16 years the Pubs dodged the issue, and we still are. The white noise put out by iamwhatiseem is only noisy nothingness.

And the far rights wonder why the millennials and going to go against the GOP by 80%.

OP massive fail, chumps.

Jake, you need to either get out in the world or get your colon cleansed. I realize that just coming to this board is the same thing to you but you're stinking up the joint.
There is no "complete overhaul" that is going to change this outcome.

Regulations inherently, by their very nature, benefit the rich. Doesn't matter what regulations you put in place, the rich will benefit from them.

If the administration put in place a regulation that actually harmed the rich, the rich would close down their companies, and leave. If that happened, and millions of people were left without insurance, because all the insurance companies closed, that would both be terrible for everyone, cause havoc in the economy, but it would also destroy the politicians who pushed the regulation.

So they will never do that.

Thus any regulation passed, no matter what that regulation is, or who came up with it, or for what purpose.... it will never harm the super rich. It won't ever happen.

However, they will pass regulations that cost companies tons of money to meet. That action inherently benefits the rich, no matter what the intention is.

Here's how. Me and you, run insurance companies. You have a small started up company, with a few hundred clients, and you pull down $150,000 a year. I have a major insurance company covering a hundred cities, with a million clients, and I make a billion dollars a year.

The government passes a new massive regulation, that will cost us both a million dollars to implement, and get approval.

Which of us is able to spend the money needed to meet those regulations? I can easily. Billion dollars a year, I can implement those regulations no problem. You on the other hand, that may bankrupt your little company. Instead you are likely to show up at my front door, and ask if I'd like to buy you out. Which of course I do. Now even with the expensive regulations, because I have more customers and less competition, I make hundreds of billions more money.

This is the flaw in your thinking, that I've seen hundreds of times.

You, or those like you, push for massive regulations over whatever. Then after those massive regulations are passed, you see that the big wealthy companies are making massive more profits. Thus you assume that since the regulations didn't prevent the profits, that there must be some sort of corruption involved.

In realty, there is rarely corruption, but rather it is simply the normal result of government legislation.

Why do you think McDonald's CEO said he supported a $15/hour minimum wage? Do you really think such a regulation would harm McDonald's that the CEO would support it?

It's because McDonald's executives know that they have the money and capital, to replace workers with Kiosks and automation.


You know who can't replace their employees with kiosks? All of their competition. The small mom&pop shops. The tiny store chains.

So those people will go out of business, and McDonald's will gain an ever increasing share of the market, making hundreds of billions more, than they are now.

Regulations by their very nature...... inherently benefit the rich.

I worked in Europe most of the last year. The Netherlands. Kiosks are already widespread in McDonalds and similar places. It's clearly coming here. They are widely used. They usually still have one or two people taking orders, they have 4 or so kiosks. Most people use the kiosks. You order, pay and just go over and pick up your order. That's where we're headed, and the left is moving us there faster

Oh yeah. It's all over the place. It's moving slowly, but as the minimum wage goes up, the pace will go faster. My last job was for a company that made kiosks and printers specifically designed for kiosks.

One of the kiosk buyers was for the Indiana state fair. They decided to replace all their ticket sellers, with kiosks. Saves money to not have to pay some high schooler an hourly wage.

Then we look at France, with their 10.5% unemployment rate, and youth unemployment rate of 25% for nearly 5 years straight. Gee, wonder why?

Yep, and as people keep getting more and more used to them, more and more companies will turn to them. As I pointed out in Europe, you can cut back to 1-2 order takers. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Huge savings though. I used to own a restaurant, staff is so expensive and low end workers generally suck and have to be managed which increases management costs too

All true. I remember last year they completely remodeled the "Get-N-Go" station around where I worked. There was a small grill inside the store. They fired half the staff, and replaced them with Kiosks. You had to punch in your order, and 2 minutes later they would dump a bag on the counter with a number on it. If you wait long enough, someone would yell out "43 up". That was as much interaction as you got with the 2 remaining people that operated the grill.

Not much for social interaction, but it was cheaper for the owners I'm sure. Not so much better for the two employees now without a job... but the left-wing cares for the minimum wage employees. That's all that matter. Not whether they have a job.

The hardest part about staffing a restaurant is that you're only busy for a few hours a day. But no one wants to work 4 hours a day. So you have to pay staff to work when it's slow. It's also not practical to keep opening and closing and customers have to know you're reliably open. That's the by far biggest savings. Not paying people when they're not even working. I think it's going to make the whole restaurant gig a lot more viable.

I sold my restaurant because it was tired operating on such tiny margins in a business that has to be micromanaged because the staff are such low skill and the margins are way too small to pay to hire higher skilled workers because everyone else does it the same. The restaurant I owned was across the street from UNC, a great place for customers. But severe competition and constant price pressure

Yeah that's what sucks for me, is that I'm no good at anything that makes money, so I end up in low-skilled jobs. The irony is, compared to the people around me, I'm like a super-star employee.

I had several managers, ask me, nearly beg me to move up to management. But management at that levels sucks so terribly bad. When an employee doesn't show up for work, or walks in drunk, or worse high as a kite, then guess who gets to swing the shift in their place? I'm sure you've had to deal with that.

I have never done an illegal drug. I don't drink alcohol, and I don't smoke. I show up on time, and work the entire shift. And on top of that, I never complain about how much I make. I resigned myself to poverty a long time ago. If anyone is to blame, it's me for sucking so bad.

So the managers think I'm an angel or something, and try and promote me. But if I was management, I'd have to do all that crap you talk about. Who wants that? Who wants to deal with late employees, who barely do any work, and you have to hold their hand through doing the most menial of tasks, and then constantly complain about not being paid enough. On top of that, out pure ignorance, they assume you make millions of dollars, and sleep on gold coins at night, and think "well you could just pay me more if you wanted to!"... yeah. If I could I wouldn't, but I can't anyway.

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