Butler University tones down anti-Trump course description


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Hopefully someone taking such a course isn't on a scholarship or some form of student loan program. What an awful, biased and thoroughly useless course to take. How does such a course prepare someone for a career?

The alt-left is going off the rails. It's so prevalent that none of this even surprises me anymore. A decade ago I wouldn't have believed this type of thing could exist.

Butler University tones down anti-Trump course description

Indiana’s Butler University is toning down the rhetoric surrounding an anti-Donald Trump course being offered to students this fall.

Students now have the option to sign up for a “Special Topics” class titled “Trumpism & U.S. Democracy.” An initial course description charged the president with “perpetuating sexism, white supremacy, xenophobia, nationalism, nativism, and imperialism.”

“This course explores why and how this happened, how Trump’s rhetoric is contrary to the foundation of the U.S. democracy, and what his win means for the future,” read the first description on Butler’s website. The course also promised to “discuss, and potentially engage in, strategies for resistance.”

But by Friday the description of the class, slated to run from August until December, had been moderated significantly.

“The course will provide context and depth for student citizens as we look to historical and current texts by renowned authors as well as read excerpts from Trump's own ‘The Art of the Deal,’ ” the new description read. “Students will potentially attend, as participant observers, campus and community events to witness ongoing responses to Trump's presidency and campaign.

The response to the course from conservatives on campus has been one of concern.

“You know, when I first found out, they initially used the terms ‘strategies of resistance.’ I didn’t know initially what they were trying to mean by that,” Jacob Lenfestey‏, the President of Butler University’s College Republicans told Fox & Friends on Friday.

“What I do know is just days after the election Butler President James Danko had sent out a student-wide e-mail, and in that he had made a point to say that we should all accept President Trump as the winner of the election and move forward after months of negative political discourse. And I feel like, you know, the initial terms that they had used just don’t line up with President Danko’s goals,” he said.
Sounds to me like a course chiefly designed for Butler's basketball players as means to maintain their academic eligibility. I would design it so that students get an "A" for submitting one post a week to USMessageBoards bashing Trump and then tell the coach, "No worries." .

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