Buttigieg: America's Founders didn't know slavery was bad

If you read about the debates in the Constitution Congress, it is clear that many of those present were adamantly opposed to slavery on moral grounds but recognized that the economies of the southern states was heavily dependent on it so they compromised their principles because without that compromise the southern states would never have joined the Union. Even some slave owners like Washington, who freed his slaves upon his death, understood how evil the institution was but were unwilling to pay the price to do what they knew was right.

The creation of the United States remains one of the great events of modern history, but with respect to slavery, it was based on a deal with the devil, and a few generations later Americans would have to pay the devil his due in the pain and death and devastation of the Civil War.

In his interview, Buttigieg says the founders did not understand civil rights, but clearly they did because they provided the basis for all our civil rights legislation in the Bill of Rights.

One thing that is for sure, their words did not match their actions. How much of they believed what they were saying is up for debate I suppose. I have always held the view that when someone's words and actions do not match...always go with their actions.
Even on this very forum we have people that argue the slaves were better off as slaves in America than as free people in Africa.

Well, sure they are! And how can you tell that for certain? They refuse to go back. Ask! I often have, on forums: if you hate America so much and resent our bringing your ancestors here, why don't you go back to Africa and live there?? They never do, though. I have even pointed out that a WHOLE lot of Americans would be willing to contribute to a fund to transport and start them off in Africa --- can you imagine? DNA cataloged so they couldn't return, nor could any offspring. This is an old idea, and Lincoln himself wanted to do it, but was assassinated too soon.

Of course the Founding Fathers thought slavery was a good thing, duh. For them, anyway. People don't do things unless they think they'll profit from it in some way.

We can work with the black community.

Send the Democrats instead.
Those known as "America's Founders" were a rarefied and isolated group that would never have listened to the opinions of anyone else, slaves included, as well as women, and certainly would not and did not provide a forum in which they would listen to these people speaking plainly of their opinions. They only listened to each other, if at all. Their notion of morality was created only by their discussions with each other while isolating themselves from all others. Buttigieg is not wrong. Closed groups still do this today and then claim to speak for all persons.

You people constantly make the academic mistake of applying 21st Century mores to 18th Century thinking. That is why your arguments make no sense.
That is why it took a non-Democrat to see the light that slavery was wrong. Today, Liberals and Democrats are committed to ripping down statues of me who owned slaves or renaming anything with Jefferson Davis or Robert Lee in it. They say this is necessary to clean up an ugly legacy. Based on that premise, shouldn’t we abolish the Democrat Party or at least force the Party to be renamed? Just look at the ugly legacy tied to Democrats.... Slavery, Jim Crowe, resisting civil rights, etc.
One by one, the Democrat candidates reveal their undeniable stupidity.

Buttigieg: America's Founders didn't know slavery was bad - WND

Is he really that wrong?

While there might have been some that viewed it as bad, clearly the majority had no issues with it.

Nobody was forced to be a slave owner, they did it by choice.

Did the citizens of the southern states think it was bad when they went to war to protect the right to own slaves?

Even on this very forum we have people that argue the slaves were better off as slaves in America than as free people in Africa.
It is ridiculous to argue that the slaves were better off being here than living as free people in Africa, but it can be argued their descendants are better off because they live here.

And it can also be argued that Africa is far worse off today as a result of having 20 million or so people removed from its lands. Imagine how differently America would look if it had been our people being removed and sent to other countries. Or for that matter imagine how differently America looks without the slaves at the beginning.

One by one, the Democrat candidates reveal their undeniable stupidity.

Buttigieg: America's Founders didn't know slavery was bad - WND

Is he really that wrong?

While there might have been some that viewed it as bad, clearly the majority had no issues with it.

Nobody was forced to be a slave owner, they did it by choice.

Did the citizens of the southern states think it was bad when they went to war to protect the right to own slaves?

Even on this very forum we have people that argue the slaves were better off as slaves in America than as free people in Africa.
It is ridiculous to argue that the slaves were better off being here than living as free people in Africa, but it can be argued their descendants are better off because they live here.

And it can also be argued that Africa is far worse off today as a result of having 20 million or so people removed from its lands. Imagine how differently America would look if it had been our people being removed and sent to other countries. Or for that matter imagine how differently America looks without the slaves at the beginning.
Without question, slavery was a great evil, and I find it just as incomprehensible that apparently civilized people could engage in this great evil as that the apparently civilized people of Europe could have committed the Holocaust, but thee are cautionary tales that tell us no matter how safe and self satisfied we may feel, we remain also capable of great evil at short notice.
Without question, slavery was a great evil, and I find it just as incomprehensible that apparently civilized people could engage in this great evil as that the apparently civilized people of Europe could have committed the Holocaust, but thee are cautionary tales that tell us no matter how safe and self satisfied we may feel, we remain also capable of great evil at short notice.

Without a doubt.
Those known as "America's Founders" were a rarefied and isolated group that would never have listened to the opinions of anyone else, slaves included, as well as women, and certainly would not and did not provide a forum in which they would listen to these people speaking plainly of their opinions. They only listened to each other, if at all. Their notion of morality was created only by their discussions with each other while isolating themselves from all others. Buttigieg is not wrong. Closed groups still do this today and then claim to speak for all persons.

You people constantly make the academic mistake of applying 21st Century mores to 18th Century thinking. That is why your arguments make no sense.

I disagree. The concept of freedom has been around since the Magna Carta, at least, and was very much at issue in the 18th century, or else we would have had no Declaration of Independence and no Constitution. The guys who wrote them overthrew their king, despite the fact that even their bible upheld the concept of monarchy. And they deliberately cut women out of their dream of freedom, not to mention people of African descent, although they were warned at the time:

Abigail Adams Quotes (Author of My Dearest Friend)

and in 1848:

“We are assembled to protest against a form of government, existing without the consent of the governed—to declare our right to be free as man is free, to be represented in the government which we are taxed to support, to have such disgraceful laws as give man the power to chastise and imprison his wife, to take the wages which she earns, the property which she inherits, and, in case of separation, the children of her love.”
Elizabeth Cady Stanton


Enslaved African-descended people fought and died for freedom in slave rebellions and as soldiers in the Civil War. Sojourner Truth risked her life repeatedly to lead people to freedom. I could go on. There's a lot of history there.

Applying "21st Century mores to 18th Century thinking" is not an "academic mistake" if you consider what the other people who were excluded from political and social discourse were thinking at the time, those with the means and opportunity to express it, of course. No wonder that oligarchs throughout history and up until the present discourage education. Moreover, the fact that a person is being silenced deliberately is not to be interpreted as consent.

Too much has been left out of the history that we have been taught.
It was a different time with different standards but yes they knew it was bad.
Those known as "America's Founders" were a rarefied and isolated group that would never have listened to the opinions of anyone else, slaves included, as well as women, and certainly would not and did not provide a forum in which they would listen to these people speaking plainly of their opinions. They only listened to each other, if at all. Their notion of morality was created only by their discussions with each other while isolating themselves from all others. Buttigieg is not wrong. Closed groups still do this today and then claim to speak for all persons.

You people constantly make the academic mistake of applying 21st Century mores to 18th Century thinking. That is why your arguments make no sense.

I disagree. The concept of freedom has been around since the Magna Carta, at least

Try the ancient Athenians, at least.

The rest of your post proves my point.
Those known as "America's Founders" were a rarefied and isolated group that would never have listened to the opinions of anyone else, slaves included, as well as women, and certainly would not and did not provide a forum in which they would listen to these people speaking plainly of their opinions. They only listened to each other, if at all. Their notion of morality was created only by their discussions with each other while isolating themselves from all others. Buttigieg is not wrong. Closed groups still do this today and then claim to speak for all persons.

You people constantly make the academic mistake of applying 21st Century mores to 18th Century thinking. That is why your arguments make no sense.

I disagree. The concept of freedom has been around since the Magna Carta, at least

Try the ancient Athenians, at least.

The rest of your post proves my point.

No. It does not. The people at the time knew that they were being denied freedom, spoke out, and took various actions to secure it for themselves. This is why the stories of all the people must be told.
Even on this very forum we have people that argue the slaves were better off as slaves in America than as free people in Africa.

Well, sure they are! And how can you tell that for certain? They refuse to go back. Ask! I often have, on forums: if you hate America so much and resent our bringing your ancestors here, why don't you go back to Africa and live there?? They never do, though. I have even pointed out that a WHOLE lot of Americans would be willing to contribute to a fund to transport and start them off in Africa --- can you imagine? DNA cataloged so they couldn't return, nor could any offspring. This is an old idea, and Lincoln himself wanted to do it, but was assassinated too soon.

Of course the Founding Fathers thought slavery was a good thing, duh. For them, anyway. People don't do things unless they think they'll profit from it in some way.
Why were slave owners so lazy and incompetent? Just do the work yourself. Talk about lazy and pathetic. Wow. And I'm white.

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