Buttigieg: America's Founders didn't know slavery was bad

Even on this very forum we have people that argue the slaves were better off as slaves in America than as free people in Africa.

That would be me...It’s scary as fuck for nutless pussies to entertain but I’m certain that slavery was the best thing that ever happened to Africans and their descendants.
Fuck, you LefTarded bastards tell us we need wetback slaves today...you sick fucks beg to be owned by father government through some weird form of commie-lite shit to this day...you hate freedom, and notice, no Black of today is fighting to get back to Africa to live that life they were so deprived of.
Grab your sack and face the facts...time to stop being such a sackless pussy.
That would be me...It’s scary as fuck for nutless pussies to entertain but I’m certain that slavery was the best thing that ever happened to Africans and their descendants.

Not scary at all that you are certain of it. You are a fucking racist moron. That you are certain of it means that it wrong, because you are always wrong.
That would be me...It’s scary as fuck for nutless pussies to entertain but I’m certain that slavery was the best thing that ever happened to Africans and their descendants.

Not scary at all that you are certain of it. You are a fucking racist moron. That you are certain of it means that it wrong, because you are always wrong.

Yep, my theory isn’t nearly as plausible as yours....Fuck, why would some black dude in Africa surrounded by violence, disease, murder, death and starvation want to take a chance and board a boat destined for a life trading their labor for food, a bed, a roof over their head and a chance at survival...Makes no fucking sense does it? Scary shit huh?
What would you LefTarded bitches do if the slave theory you’ve been programmed to believe was completely debunked...you’d shit your little pink panties wouldn’t you?
One by one, the Democrat candidates reveal their undeniable stupidity.

Buttigieg: America's Founders didn't know slavery was bad - WND
What a stupid thing to say. Slavery was one of the most controversial issue at the Constitutional Convention, and the compromises reached in the Constitution - counting slaves as three fifths of a white person and banning the importation of slaves while allowing the domestic market for slaves to continue unabated - clearly shows many of the founders understood how evil slavery was. That the principles of civil rights were laid out in the Bill of Rights, passed right after the Constitution was signed, but were not applied to black people is further proof Buttigieg is just an ignorant bullshitter.
The Stalinist democrats eliminated Civics from the curriculum a generation ago, so history is whatever stupid fucking story they want to tell
One by one, the Democrat candidates reveal their undeniable stupidity.

Buttigieg: America's Founders didn't know slavery was bad - WND
What a stupid thing to say. Slavery was one of the most controversial issue at the Constitutional Convention, and the compromises reached in the Constitution - counting slaves as three fifths of a white person and banning the importation of slaves while allowing the domestic market for slaves to continue unabated - clearly shows many of the founders understood how evil slavery was. That the principles of civil rights were laid out in the Bill of Rights, passed right after the Constitution was signed, but were not applied to black people is further proof Buttigieg is just an ignorant bullshitter.
The Stalinist democrats eliminated Civics from the curriculum a generation ago, so history is whatever stupid fucking story they want to tell

Florida will require high school seniors to pass a civics test for graduation - CNN
Yep, my theory isn’t nearly as plausible as yours....Fuck, why would some black dude in Africa surrounded by violence, disease, murder, death and starvation want to take a chance and board a boat destined for a life trading their labor for food, a bed, a roof over their head and a chance at survival...Makes no fucking sense does it? Scary shit huh?

First off, you have no clue what Africa was like back then.

And second, I pity you in that you would happily trade your freedom for security. Shows how little you it means to you, which is probably because you have never done a damn thing to earn it.
One by one, the Democrat candidates reveal their undeniable stupidity.

Buttigieg: America's Founders didn't know slavery was bad - WND
What a stupid thing to say. Slavery was one of the most controversial issue at the Constitutional Convention, and the compromises reached in the Constitution - counting slaves as three fifths of a white person and banning the importation of slaves while allowing the domestic market for slaves to continue unabated - clearly shows many of the founders understood how evil slavery was. That the principles of civil rights were laid out in the Bill of Rights, passed right after the Constitution was signed, but were not applied to black people is further proof Buttigieg is just an ignorant bullshitter.
The Stalinist democrats eliminated Civics from the curriculum a generation ago, so history is whatever stupid fucking story they want to tell

It is still a requirement here in our school district, along with a US Constitution class.
One by one, the Democrat candidates reveal their undeniable stupidity.

Buttigieg: America's Founders didn't know slavery was bad - WND
What a stupid thing to say. Slavery was one of the most controversial issue at the Constitutional Convention, and the compromises reached in the Constitution - counting slaves as three fifths of a white person and banning the importation of slaves while allowing the domestic market for slaves to continue unabated - clearly shows many of the founders understood how evil slavery was. That the principles of civil rights were laid out in the Bill of Rights, passed right after the Constitution was signed, but were not applied to black people is further proof Buttigieg is just an ignorant bullshitter.
The Stalinist democrats eliminated Civics from the curriculum a generation ago, so history is whatever stupid fucking story they want to tell

Florida will require high school seniors to pass a civics test for graduation - CNN
That's new.

Ask any "graduate" from the last 5 years to name 3 Founding Fathers and see what answers you get
Yep, my theory isn’t nearly as plausible as yours....Fuck, why would some black dude in Africa surrounded by violence, disease, murder, death and starvation want to take a chance and board a boat destined for a life trading their labor for food, a bed, a roof over their head and a chance at survival...Makes no fucking sense does it? Scary shit huh?

First off, you have no clue what Africa was like back then.

And second, I pity you in that you would happily trade your freedom for security. Shows how little you it means to you, which is probably because you have never done a damn thing to earn it.

You must have me confused with your LefTarded buddies....your fellow pieces of shit here tell us daily that they want wetback slaves and they want Father Government to guide them through life and control them...WTF, where have you been?
There’s probably a dozen threads here today where degenerates are begging for socialism in trade for freedom...Come on man...use the logical side of your tiny brain...Blacks did themselves a favor by boarding those ships...and they certainly did their descendants a huge justice.
Again, don’t be scared to think logically.
Yep, my theory isn’t nearly as plausible as yours....Fuck, why would some black dude in Africa surrounded by violence, disease, murder, death and starvation want to take a chance and board a boat destined for a life trading their labor for food, a bed, a roof over their head and a chance at survival...Makes no fucking sense does it? Scary shit huh?

First off, you have no clue what Africa was like back then.

Filippo Pigafetta - Wikipedia


Yep, my theory isn’t nearly as plausible as yours....Fuck, why would some black dude in Africa surrounded by violence, disease, murder, death and starvation want to take a chance and board a boat destined for a life trading their labor for food, a bed, a roof over their head and a chance at survival...Makes no fucking sense does it? Scary shit huh?

First off, you have no clue what Africa was like back then.

And second, I pity you in that you would happily trade your freedom for security. Shows how little you it means to you, which is probably because you have never done a damn thing to earn it.

Let me test your balls out and ask you one simple question that you’re sure to avoid… Is my theory plausible?
Let me test your balls out and ask you one simple question that you’re sure to avoid… Is my theory plausible?

Nobody is ever better off as a slave. It is that simple.

You think that trading freedom for security is a good thing, there is nothing I could ever say to change your mind.

Personally I would rather live free in danger than as a slave in safety. Call it the by-product of being a Jarhead.
Let me test your balls out and ask you one simple question that you’re sure to avoid… Is my theory plausible?

Nobody is ever better off as a slave. It is that simple.

You think that trading freedom for security is a good thing, there is nothing I could ever say to change your mind.

Personally I would rather live free in danger than as a slave in safety. Call it the by-product of being a Jarhead.
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
One by one, the Democrat candidates reveal their undeniable stupidity.

Buttigieg: America's Founders didn't know slavery was bad - WND
I think some of the founders knew slavery was bad but the compromise to the southern states was to allow slavery.
The Constitution affirmed African-Americans to be worth only three-fifths of a human being.
Textbooks and history books routinely dismiss the Constitution as racist and pro-slavery.

Your statement shows your lack of knowledge of our founding Fathers.

Another Trump supporter opens their mouth and shows their stupidity.

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