Buttigieg Draws On Bible, Suggests Unborn Babies Can Be Aborted Up Until Their First Breath

And now you know why I call them the Party of INFANTICIDE..... No joke, wonder when Petey will expand his desire to kill until the baby is one year old.... One of his opponents after hearing this will RAISE the age limit until voting age!!!

Daily Caller ^ | SEPT. 6, 2019

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg suggested Friday that unborn babies can be aborted up until they draw their first breath, saying parts of the Bible mention “how life begins with breath.”

The South Bend, Indiana, mayor spoke with “The Breakfast Club” on Friday morning about his comprehensive Douglass Plan, his thoughts on whether America is ready for a gay president, and whether black voters should vote for him.

Buttigieg discussed how the Bible talks about life beginning with breath, and suggested this would be one way to determine when life began in relation to abortion debates.

WATCH: **video on link**

Hey Petey, how about a BUTT SEX video to promote your lifestyle and a preview of what will going on in the Oval office?
Mayor Peter Puffer knows nothing about conception of human life. When sperm enters him they start swimming to fertilize an egg and all they get is a trip up the shit canal or across his tonsils.
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I want the Democrats to go with that. It should be engraved in their platform "LIFE BEGINS WITH BREATH". Wow yeah let's see how that plays with normal thinking people.

That's what it says in the Bible:

Genesis 2:7 New International Version (NIV)
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

There are many references in the Bible to life beginning at the first drawn breath.

The Bible Tells Us When A Fetus Becomes A Living Being
There are many references in the Bible to murder as well. That is what abortion is.
I don’t understand why Republicans believe they have the Highground when they fight so hard to arm school shooters. It just doesn’t make sense.
We want people to be armed so they can stop school shooters you narcissistic baby murderer.
Jeremiah 1:5, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." God is omnipotent. He has known all of us since before creation. This scripture is irrelevant as it pertains to when a fetus becomes a living being. The same reasoning applies to Psalm 139:13-14.
Again, the "Religious" Right prove they don't want to understand God's word even when they acknowledge the actual meaning of the verse, which has absolutely NOTHING to do with when LIFE begins, and everything to do God's OMNIPOTENCE.
By your moronic misinterpretation of that verse, life begins BEFORE conception!!! :cuckoo:
And now you know why I call them the Party of INFANTICIDE..... No joke, wonder when Petey will expand his desire to kill until the baby is one year old.... One of his opponents after hearing this will RAISE the age limit until voting age!!!

Daily Caller ^ | SEPT. 6, 2019

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg suggested Friday that unborn babies can be aborted up until they draw their first breath, saying parts of the Bible mention “how life begins with breath.”

The South Bend, Indiana, mayor spoke with “The Breakfast Club” on Friday morning about his comprehensive Douglass Plan, his thoughts on whether America is ready for a gay president, and whether black voters should vote for him.

Buttigieg discussed how the Bible talks about life beginning with breath, and suggested this would be one way to determine when life began in relation to abortion debates.

WATCH: **video on link**

Hey Petey, how about a BUTT SEX video to promote your lifestyle and a preview of what will going on in the Oval office?

Mayor Buttplug is "antichrist" and that is no exaggeration. "Antichrist" means being the opposite of Christ. Jesus said to repent of your sins. Buttplug says to EMBRACE sin, whether its murdering babies or sodomy. He will go to hell for sure, unless he repents.
Progressives have zero moral credibility...

And now you know why I call them the Party of INFANTICIDE..... No joke, wonder when Petey will expand his desire to kill until the baby is one year old.... One of his opponents after hearing this will RAISE the age limit until voting age!!!

Daily Caller ^ | SEPT. 6, 2019

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg suggested Friday that unborn babies can be aborted up until they draw their first breath, saying parts of the Bible mention “how life begins with breath.”

The South Bend, Indiana, mayor spoke with “The Breakfast Club” on Friday morning about his comprehensive Douglass Plan, his thoughts on whether America is ready for a gay president, and whether black voters should vote for him.

Buttigieg discussed how the Bible talks about life beginning with breath, and suggested this would be one way to determine when life began in relation to abortion debates.

WATCH: **video on link**

Hey Petey, how about a BUTT SEX video to promote your lifestyle and a preview of what will going on in the Oval office?

Pete Buttigieg is wrong. There is no reference in the Bible which suggests that life begins when a child takes its first breath. Buttigieg was apparently referring to the following verse which he interpreted erroneously, most likely intentionally:

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” ( Genesis 2:7, KJV).

The quoted verse has no application to children. It refers only to the creation of first man which was formed of non-living dust and given life by the breath of God. Children are not formed out of dust and they are living beings from conception.

Buttigieg's misuse of the Bible proves he is a phony.
Note that when God breathed the breath of life into man, man became a living soul. Did God breathe this breath of life into animals? Are animals living souls, too?

The breath of life is not blood. It's spirit. God endowed man with a capacity to fellowship with Him. He made man a spiritual being. The life of the spirit is the breath of life.

The life of the flesh is the blood (Lev. 17:11). The heart begins to beat about 18 days after conception.

If that gay mayor wants to quote scripture, maybe he should know it first. To him, Christianity is just a means of exploiting evangelical favor.
And now you know why I call them the Party of INFANTICIDE..... No joke, wonder when Petey will expand his desire to kill until the baby is one year old.... One of his opponents after hearing this will RAISE the age limit until voting age!!!

Daily Caller ^ | SEPT. 6, 2019

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg suggested Friday that unborn babies can be aborted up until they draw their first breath, saying parts of the Bible mention “how life begins with breath.”

The South Bend, Indiana, mayor spoke with “The Breakfast Club” on Friday morning about his comprehensive Douglass Plan, his thoughts on whether America is ready for a gay president, and whether black voters should vote for him.

Buttigieg discussed how the Bible talks about life beginning with breath, and suggested this would be one way to determine when life began in relation to abortion debates.

WATCH: **video on link**

Hey Petey, how about a BUTT SEX video to promote your lifestyle and a preview of what will going on in the Oval office?

How many copies would you buy?
And now you know why I call them the Party of INFANTICIDE..... No joke, wonder when Petey will expand his desire to kill until the baby is one year old.... One of his opponents after hearing this will RAISE the age limit until voting age!!!

Daily Caller ^ | SEPT. 6, 2019

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg suggested Friday that unborn babies can be aborted up until they draw their first breath, saying parts of the Bible mention “how life begins with breath.”

The South Bend, Indiana, mayor spoke with “The Breakfast Club” on Friday morning about his comprehensive Douglass Plan, his thoughts on whether America is ready for a gay president, and whether black voters should vote for him.

Buttigieg discussed how the Bible talks about life beginning with breath, and suggested this would be one way to determine when life began in relation to abortion debates.

WATCH: **video on link**

Hey Petey, how about a BUTT SEX video to promote your lifestyle and a preview of what will going on in the Oval office?

Pete Buttigieg is wrong. There is no reference in the Bible which suggests that life begins when a child takes its first breath. Buttigieg was apparently referring to the following verse which he interpreted erroneously, most likely intentionally:

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” ( Genesis 2:7, KJV).

The quoted verse has no application to children. It refers only to the creation of first man which was formed of non-living dust and given life by the breath of God. Children are not formed out of dust and they are living beings from conception.

Buttigieg's misuse of the Bible proves he is a phony.
Note that when God breathed the breath of life into man, man became a living soul. Did God breathe this breath of life into animals? Are animals living souls, too?

The breath of life is not blood. It's spirit. God endowed man with a capacity to fellowship with Him. He made man a spiritual being. The life of the spirit is the breath of life.

The life of the flesh is the blood (Lev. 17:11). The heart begins to beat about 18 days after conception.

If that gay mayor wants to quote scripture, maybe he should know it first. To him, Christianity is just a means of exploiting evangelical favor .

We sure wouldn't want a president doing that would we?
Now to address what he said.

“I think, no matter what you think about the kind of cosmic question of how life begins, most Americans can get on board with the idea of, alright, I might draw the line here, you might draw the line there, but the most important thing is the person who should be drawing the line is the woman making the decision,” the South Bend mayor continued.

That is not what the ruling in RvW said. My next question to him would be whether or not he is saying it should be overturned?
And now you know why I call them the Party of INFANTICIDE..... No joke, wonder when Petey will expand his desire to kill until the baby is one year old.... One of his opponents after hearing this will RAISE the age limit until voting age!!!

Daily Caller ^ | SEPT. 6, 2019

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg suggested Friday that unborn babies can be aborted up until they draw their first breath, saying parts of the Bible mention “how life begins with breath.”

The South Bend, Indiana, mayor spoke with “The Breakfast Club” on Friday morning about his comprehensive Douglass Plan, his thoughts on whether America is ready for a gay president, and whether black voters should vote for him.

Buttigieg discussed how the Bible talks about life beginning with breath, and suggested this would be one way to determine when life began in relation to abortion debates.

WATCH: **video on link**

Hey Petey, how about a BUTT SEX video to promote your lifestyle and a preview of what will going on in the Oval office?

How many copies would you buy?
What's the matter you dont have any money to buy them?
Did God breathe this breath of life into animals? Are animals living souls, too?
Really? Animals are spiritual beings, too? Does the Bible say that? Is that why animals sacrificed humans to God?
The fact that animals do NOT make human sacrifices to God proves they are MORE spiritual than Mankind!
Liberal Christians and comedy . . .

Keep your day job.
What about the part where democrats voted to deny medical assistance to babies who were accidentally born and breathing after botched abortions? Aren't they guilty of engaging in a conspiracy to murder human beings?
Did God breathe this breath of life into animals? Are animals living souls, too?
Really? Animals are spiritual beings, too? Does the Bible say that? Is that why animals sacrificed humans to God?
The fact that animals do NOT make human sacrifices to God proves they are MORE spiritual than Mankind!
Liberal Christians and comedy . . .

Keep your day job.
There is nothing spiritual about human or animal sacrifices.
What about the part where democrats voted to deny medical assistance to babies who were accidentally born and breathing after botched abortions? Aren't they guilty of engaging in a conspiracy to murder human beings?
That never happened, and you know it, it is a fabrication of the anti-choice crowd. Medical assistance is already available, the anti-choice liars added language to their medical assistance bills that would have banned abortions to get honest people to vote against it, and then pretend it wasn't there when they feed their SUCKERS their half-truths.
Normal people don't support murdering babies

End of discussion
Americans don't support it, either. The Constitution protects citizens from the government. Citizenship applies to persons born or naturalized in the United states.

Just another example of how our Constitution is anathema to the left.

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