Buttigieg: Legalize Heroin and Meth

The money is misspent. It's spent on rehab, free needles, methadone clinics and other exercises shown not to work. It's like trying to win a war by buying the enemy bullets.

So, how should the money be spent? We already have the largest prison population in the world,

Lock them up until they get clean.
First of all, Tipsy is wrong. Those things have worked on multitudes of people.
Second, Yeah Tory, because locking them up has worked so far <rolls eyes>..
In other words you don’t like The Magna Carta, Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Ok free will, but he also gave the instructions on how to utilize that free will to his liking. Using our free will in a sinful way isn't Christian like or it isn't biblically promoted in those ways.

you know what else is not biblically promoted? laws forcing people to act like Christians.
Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.


I know you're not the brightest bulb in the socket Weatherman, but he doesn't want either of those drugs legalised.

Great, so what does decriminalize mean to you? Slap them on the wrist?
BTW, in this country it's brightest bulb in the box Einstein.
Buttigieg's only saving grace is he's gay and 2/3rd of us don/t know or even care. Johnny Carson had that schick about a diseased yak....Buttigieg is that diseased yak .
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They say you can judge a society by how it treats their criminals. I think its the other way round. You can judge society by the kind of criminals it produces.
Yes we do have Free Will, Which if you make the wrong choice means you get a Free Trip To Hell. Your Free Will extends in to eternity, and you spend eternity where you choose to, and there are no do overs.

So why do you Hate Gays and & Addicts? Do you not care if they burn in Hell along with Liars, Murderers, Harlots, Thieves, & Slanderers?

If you love such people you must rebuke their wickedness and correct it not accept it, or facilitate it.

Just like I do with you and your friends.

So I guess Fake Christian Butt Gig also skipped right past the part were God calls Drug Abuse a sin.

Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.


And fake Christian Original Tree skipped right past the part where God gave everyone free will

So what Tree is saying is there is no forgiveness, no confession of sins, no redemption for our sins, and that Christianity is a lie.l A man asked Jesus "How many times do I forgive a man who has wronged me, Lord? 7 times?". Jesus replied "70 times 7".

Jesus taught us that all sinners can be forgiven and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. But if a sinner refuses to acknowledge his/her sins or to seek forgiveness of those he has wronged, then he will be condemned to hell.

The ones who claim to be righteous, while harming others, won't be getting a pass for their lies or their corruption, unless they repent it, and I don't see you doing that Tree.
Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.

Gerbils everywhere are nervous that Buttigieg is leading the pack.
Ok free will, but he also gave the instructions on how to utilize that free will to his liking. Using our free will in a sinful way isn't Christian like or it isn't biblically promoted in those ways.

you know what else is not biblically promoted? laws forcing people to act like Christians.
Give me a law that forces you to act like a Christian ? You aren't forced into anything so this ought to be interesting to see.
Yes we do have Free Will, Which if you make the wrong choice means you get a Free Trip To Hell. Your Free Will extends in to eternity, and you spend eternity where you choose to, and there are no do overs.

So why do you Hate Gays and & Addicts? Do you not care if they burn in Hell along with Liars, Murderers, Harlots, Thieves, & Slanderers?

If you love such people you must rebuke their wickedness and correct it not accept it, or facilitate it.

Just like I do with you and your friends.

So I guess Fake Christian Butt Gig also skipped right past the part were God calls Drug Abuse a sin.

Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.


And fake Christian Original Tree skipped right past the part where God gave everyone free will

So what Tree is saying is there is no forgiveness, no confession of sins, no redemption for our sins, and that Christianity is a lie.l A man asked Jesus "How many times do I forgive a man who has wronged me, Lord? 7 times?". Jesus replied "70 times 7".

Jesus taught us that all sinners can be forgiven and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. But if a sinner refuses to acknowledge his/her sins or to seek forgiveness of those he has wronged, then he will be condemned to hell.

The ones who claim to be righteous, while harming others, won't be getting a pass for their lies or their corruption, unless they repent it, and I don't see you doing that Tree.
You can only forgive those that are seeking forgiveness, and then in their change, they move on to not repeat those things in which they had sought to be truly forgiven for.

If a murderer seeks no forgiveness for his crimes, and therefore is determined to continue on in sin, then you had best understand that or you will find yourself letting a murderer back out onto the streets to kill again. Especially if ignore the facts or behavioral evidence in which says otherwise about the person in question (i.e. places one head in the sand).
The question is why do you want to continue using failed policies which only benefit the private prison industry?
because the penal incarceration industry wants it to.....so does the MH industry....

So I guess Fake Christian Butt Gig also skipped right past the part were God calls Drug Abuse a sin.
despite religion being the world's leading intoxicant....

They say you can judge a society by how it treats their criminals. I think its the other way round. You can judge society by the kind of criminals it produces.

and we can all be criminals with a few more laws.....

Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.

He’s been bought by the cartels.
2 days ago Pete had 1.2 million Twitter followers
now it's 1.6 followers...Bernie has 10.5 million followers
Trump has 72.3 million and Hillary has 26.6 million

People who worked for Hillary during the 2016 elections
are working for Pete and former tech staff working for Clinton
during the 2016 elections were responsible for the Iowa app

When Pete first announced an exploratory committee
at the end of Jan. In 2019, he collected $600,000 in contributions
By April, 7 million, Second quarter 2019 24.8 million, 2nd to Bernie

He has over $76 million as of now

Do the math
Pete will win the nomination and Hillary his VP
Ok free will, but he also gave the instructions on how to utilize that free will to his liking. Using our free will in a sinful way isn't Christian like or it isn't biblically promoted in those ways.

you know what else is not biblically promoted? laws forcing people to act like Christians.
Give me a law that forces you to act like a Christian ? You aren't forced into anything so this ought to be interesting to see.

Despite the fact my point flew over your head by about 10 yards, any law that restricts the purchase of alcohol on Sunday's....or any day for that matter.
Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies. Twitter
Why must you ALWAYS lie? He said "decriminalize", NOT "legalize". I realize the distinction may go over the head of the average Trumpkin.
Sure, to decriminalize it is how democrats are treating illegal aliens as they pay for sanctuary cities and refuse to put behind bars any of them, even if they have extensive criminal records.

Maybe they can start sanctuary drug cities as well.
Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies. Twitter
Why must you ALWAYS lie? He said "decriminalize", NOT "legalize". I realize the distinction may go over the head of the average Trumpkin.
Sure, to decriminalize it is how democrats are treating illegal aliens as they pay for sanctuary cities and refuse to put behind bars any of them, even if they have extensive criminal records. Maybe they can start sanctuary drug cities as well.
Maybe you can stick to one topic at a time? Nice try at deflection, but as usual with Trumpkins, we've got your number.
Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.


Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.


Well on that issue I'll agree with the faggot because prohibition not only does not work, it always exacerbates the problem. The one and only way to kill any black market is to flood it and remove the profit incentive. Besides let the junkies off themselves and the cost.

We forget the law of unintended consequences, that is where the Left hides the tremendous downside.

Why is one of our stellar cities Frisco, full of needles and feces?

Because they took away the criminal component of shooting up. They can sit right on the street and do it, and the police can do nothing. It is the equivalency of allowing the inmates to run the asylum! What the left is doing is trying to allow negative behavior for society, and give you no remedy for that behavior.

Think how ridiculous this whole debate is-------------------->you can be arrested for over consumption of a LEGAL product known as beer, but you can't be arrested for the use of an illegal substance as long as you are introducing it into your body with a needle!

The fact that this thread even exists and have its supporters tells you that the Left is dictating the parameters of the discussion, and WE are allowing them to do it!
The question is why do you want to continue using failed policies which only benefit the private prison industry?
because the penal incarceration industry wants it to.....so does the MH industry....

So I guess Fake Christian Butt Gig also skipped right past the part were God calls Drug Abuse a sin.
despite religion being the world's leading intoxicant....

They say you can judge a society by how it treats their criminals. I think its the other way round. You can judge society by the kind of criminals it produces.

and we can all be criminals with a few more laws.....

Stalin says, you just kill everyone religious...problem solved....right?
60 Million Dead Christians Later....and The Soviet Union NEVER solved any of their problems.

Democrats after Murdering 60 Million Babies, have made things worse not better.

And now you want to Elect a SODOMITE who wants to take everyone's guns, and give Everyone Drugs.

Are you on DRUGS?
Things that are more real than Pete Buttigieg:

  • Milli Vanilli
  • aspartame
  • astroturf
  • boobs in LA
  • smiles at a Martha’s Vineyard cocktail party
  • the Gulf of Tonkin incident
  • Bryan Williams’ helicopter crash
  • Joy Reid’s time travelling hackers
  • Epstein’s suicide
  • Hillary Clinton under sniper fire in Bosnia
  • You get to keep your health plan under ACA
  • Trump/Russia pee tape
  • the Steele dossier
  • Jared Kushner’s security clearance
  • OPCW final report on Douma chemical attack
  • Final results of IA Democratic caucus
Thinking about The Democrat Party makes me think about a joke.

So a Commie Sodomite, an Old Commie Socialist, and a FemNazi Fake Indian Socialist walk in to a Bar, and ask for a Drink.

The Bartender asks, what shall it be?

The Three Socialists, pull out a gun and point it at The Bartender, and say "Whatever Is Free".

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