Buttigieg: Legalize Heroin and Meth

You can't walk down the street in L.A. or San Francisco without being accosted by the living dead heroin and meth addicts and democrats think the way to fix it is to make it legal?

Doesn't sound like "illegal" is working so well.
LOL - I hear you. It's different when you do it.

Hypocrisy party. Everybody dance!!!
Do what ???

Employ the nanny state to tell people how to live.
You already live in a nanny state that the Democrats long ago created, so don't act all surprised or anything. You support the cratzies or you wouldn't be on here battling Republicans or Trump like you do.

I'm just tired of phony-assed conservatives who pretend to oppose the nanny state when really they love it.
Join the conservative party on the issues, and quit fighting them on the issues like you do here.

Why would I do that? I'm not a conservative.
You can't walk down the street in L.A. or San Francisco without being accosted by the living dead heroin and meth addicts and democrats think the way to fix it is to make it legal?

Doesn't sound like "illegal" is working so well.
Doubt very seriously it's Mexicans who are using, but more like lost American's that were systematically replaced by the Mexican's.
You can't walk down the street in L.A. or San Francisco without being accosted by the living dead heroin and meth addicts and democrats think the way to fix it is to make it legal?

Doesn't sound like "illegal" is working so well.
Doubt very seriously it's Mexicans who are using, but more like lost American's that were systematically replaced by the Mexican's.

Nice to see you link up the asshattery, though. From one inane Trumpster meme to another! What about chemtrails?
You can't walk down the street in L.A. or San Francisco without being accosted by the living dead heroin and meth addicts and democrats think the way to fix it is to make it legal?

Doesn't sound like "illegal" is working so well.
Doubt very seriously it's Mexicans who are using, but more like lost American's that were systematically replaced by the Mexican's.

Nice to see you link up the asshattery, though. From one inane Trumpster meme to another! What about chemtrails?
What about'em ?
You can't walk down the street in L.A. or San Francisco without being accosted by the living dead heroin and meth addicts and democrats think the way to fix it is to make it legal?

Doesn't sound like "illegal" is working so well.
Doubt very seriously it's Mexicans who are using, but more like lost American's that were systematically replaced by the Mexican's.

Nice to see you link up the asshattery, though. From one inane Trumpster meme to another! What about chemtrails?
What about'em ?
Lock her up!
You can't walk down the street in L.A. or San Francisco without being accosted by the living dead heroin and meth addicts and democrats think the way to fix it is to make it legal?

Doesn't sound like "illegal" is working so well.

Just the opposite, as you well know.

L.A., San Francisco, and other cities in the formerly great state of California have legalized recreational marijuana, have free needle exchanges which have led to the streets being littered with used biohazard waste. California has also reduced penalties for theft in order to keep people out of jail. They have made it legal to camp out and live in cars virtually anywhere.

So it is quasi-legal and things have gotten worse in California.
You can't walk down the street in L.A. or San Francisco without being accosted by the living dead heroin and meth addicts and democrats think the way to fix it is to make it legal?

Doesn't sound like "illegal" is working so well.

Just the opposite, as you well know.

L.A., San Francisco, and other cities in the formerly great state of California have legalized recreational marijuana, have free needle exchanges which have led to the streets being littered with used biohazard waste. California has also reduced penalties for theft in order to keep people out of jail. They have made it legal to camp out and live in cars virtually anywhere.

So it is quasi-legal and things have gotten worse in California.
Ah, you misread. Whitehall was complaining about heroin and meth. Those are still illegal. That's why those addicts end up on the street.
You can't walk down the street in L.A. or San Francisco without being accosted by the living dead heroin and meth addicts and democrats think the way to fix it is to make it legal?

Doesn't sound like "illegal" is working so well.

Just the opposite, as you well know.

L.A., San Francisco, and other cities in the formerly great state of California have legalized recreational marijuana, have free needle exchanges which have led to the streets being littered with used biohazard waste. California has also reduced penalties for theft in order to keep people out of jail. They have made it legal to camp out and live in cars virtually anywhere.

So it is quasi-legal and things have gotten worse in California.
Ah, you misread. Whitehall was complaining about heroin and meth. Those are still illegal. That's why those addicts end up on the street.

Nope, I did not misread.

California has reduced the penalties on the possession of heroin and meth along with all other drugs. As I said, other crimes have had their penalties reduced such that it encourages criminal behavior.
You can't walk down the street in L.A. or San Francisco without being accosted by the living dead heroin and meth addicts and democrats think the way to fix it is to make it legal?

Doesn't sound like "illegal" is working so well.

Just the opposite, as you well know.

L.A., San Francisco, and other cities in the formerly great state of California have legalized recreational marijuana, have free needle exchanges which have led to the streets being littered with used biohazard waste. California has also reduced penalties for theft in order to keep people out of jail. They have made it legal to camp out and live in cars virtually anywhere.

So it is quasi-legal and things have gotten worse in California.
Ah, you misread. Whitehall was complaining about heroin and meth. Those are still illegal. That's why those addicts end up on the street.

Nope, I did not misread.

California has reduced the penalties on the possession of heroin and meth along with all other drugs. As I said, other crimes have had their penalties reduced such that it encourages criminal behavior.
Yeah. Reducing penalties is pointless. Either it should be illegal, our not. "Not" is the more humane and just alternative. You don't really see stoners on the sidewalk these days, because it's legal. They no longer need to consort with criminals to get their fix.
Yeah. Reducing penalties is pointless. Either it should be illegal, our not. "Not" is the more humane and just alternative. You don't really see stoners on the sidewalk these days, because it's legal. They no longer need to consort with criminals to get their fix.




Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.

My view is that this should be a states' rights issue, beyond that I don't care to comment, or have any Idea why anyone would want to waste their time doing meth even if it was legal.
how can it do that
A Oregon trucker got arrested in Idaho for shipping hemp from Colorado to Oregon
Pete's not much of a moderate. that's why Klobuchar is surging.

Mitt Romney is a big government statist just like you.

As is normal with you statist, the point went flying over your fucking head.

It is about what is the function of the government, and that function is not to be our nanny and keep us safe from ourselves. People like you make me want to puke, you cannot function without the government there telling you what to do and what not to do.

Here, try something novel...think for yourself for once. Quit relying on the government to keep you safe and warm.
Well if the stats weren't so high on traffic deaths caused by drunk drivers, I might give on some things, but you are being selfish in your rants. Look many laws are up for review, and if they are droconian, and the people by consensus want them eliminated, then so be it, but you are just targeting Christian's is what I believe.

So, punish the drunk drivers instead of giving them a slap on the wrist. Quit punishing the innocent.
As I recall, you support Red Flag laws.


lying piece of shit.
Am I? Do you support Red Flag laws?

No, I do not. Not one tiny bit
Well if the stats weren't so high on traffic deaths caused by drunk drivers, I might give on some things, but you are being selfish in your rants. Look many laws are up for review, and if they are droconian, and the people by consensus want them eliminated, then so be it, but you are just targeting Christian's is what I believe.

So, punish the drunk drivers instead of giving them a slap on the wrist. Quit punishing the innocent.
As I recall, you support Red Flag laws.


lying piece of shit.
Am I? Do you support Red Flag laws?

No, I do not. Not one tiny bit
Then I apologize.
Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.

He's a "Moderate"!

WEIRD HOW LEFTISTS HAVE TO HIDE THEIR AGENDA TO SEEM VIABLE: Media Pushes False Narrative That Klobuchar and Buttigieg Are ‘Moderates.’


The Washington Examiner discovered Klobuchar “actually voted with socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders 87 percent of the time over the course of her Senate career.” Klobuchar’s own home state newspaper declared:

“Across the spectrum, Klobuchar holds positions that until recently were considered the definition of liberalism, and even on the left edge of that definition….Klobuchar has never gotten a rating lower than 85 percent from the ADA. In three years, ADA scored her at 100 percent….These are the ADA scores of a very solid liberal, which is what Klobuchar always has been and still is.”​

One review of Buttigieg’s public stances found that

“From health care and abortion to guns and immigration, and from the Supreme Court to the Electoral College, the man is decidedly a radical.”​

On hot-button issues like gun rights, abortion, and Medicare for All, both Klobuchar and Buttigieg are far to the left of the average moderate/centrist politician.


Klobuchar stated during the first Democratic debate last year that mandatory gun buybacks were not actually gun confiscation because gun owners received “offers” from the government to “buy back” their guns. This was well before failed presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke proposed a mandatory gun buyback program just a couple of months later.

Buttigieg is a proponent of so-called “red flag laws” and a nationwide gun licensing system and, like Klobuchar, supports a ban on “assault weapons.”


On abortion, both Klobuchar and Buttigieg support unrestricted access to abortion during any stage of pregnancy, although Klobuchar stated during a Fox News town hall back in May that “there are limits there in the third trimester that are very important.”


Both oppose the Medicare for All plans proposed by Sens. Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, but it’s primarily because they know it would never go anywhere in a Republican-controlled Senate. Klobuchar favors a “public option that expands Medicare or Medicaid” and “improving” Obamacare. Buttigieg has proposed a “Medicare for All Who Want It” plan which is similar to Warren’s and Sanders’ but also gives consumers the option to keep their employer-based or private plans, although in 2018 he was all in on Medicare for All.

While it’s possible the mainstream media is pushing the myth that Klobuchar and Buttigieg are “moderates” simply because they haven’t yet climbed to the tippy top of the socialist flagpole like Sanders and Warren have, that doesn’t mean either of them are ready to break bread and find meaningful compromise with Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

Klobuchar and Buttigieg may sound sane in interviews and during debates in comparison with Sanders and Warren but in reality, they are not moderates. Not at all.

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