Buttigieg: Legalize Heroin and Meth

I am touchy about this, I am touchy about you statist that think you know what is best for everyone. You like to talk about the liberals, you are no better even though you think you are. You and those like you are why we live in a nanny state that is getting worse every year.
What the hell is a "statist"? The boogie man under your bed? People want to stick a needle in their arm, I for one, am not going to pretend that's good or somehow just stand by and enable that. That's on YOU.

Statist : an advocate of a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs. In other words, you.

I am not asking you to pretend a damn thing, I have never said it was good. Smoking is not good, yet it is legal. Overeating is not good, yet it is legal. Drinking to excess is not good, yet it is legal.

Personally, if someone wants to stick a needle in their arm, I do not give a fuck, it is their arm not mine. If they die from it, then we have culled the dead weight.

I agree with much of what you tough-guy hippies say...BUT you bad-asses always seem to forget we have a welfare mandate which forces me to have a stake in how you pieces of shit decide to live your lives....drop the mandate and slam all the dope you can...I'd beg you to do so.

Here's the thing, I agree with you that the welfare mandate is bullshit. We should repeal it. But Republicans never do that. All they do is use it as an excuse for more overbearing government. If you don't like welfare, grow a pair of nuts and get it repealed. But don't use it as an excuse for an ever more intrusive state. Two wrongs don't make a right.

That all sounds like tough-guy mumbo-jumbo shit...I think we both know the welfare mandate is here to stay, it's never going anywhere unfortunately...SO, the question is; why would you want to give the go-ahead to pieces of shits to do more drugs and further fuck themselves up at my expense?

I already explained it to you. Two wrongs don't make a right. You're using your butthurt over welfare as an excuse to fuck over people you don't like. You're just a spiteful dickhead.
Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.

Slippery slope. Then we legalize cannibalism or mass shootings. Its gonna happen if we don't put a stop to this insanity.

Holy fucking cow Batman...you think that decriminalizing drugs will lead to legal cannibalism?

Do you really believe that or is this just some trolling expedition?
Yeah, its a trolling expedition, you got me. In no way would it be possible that endorsing an addictive substance could possibly be bad.

First off, nobody is endorsing an addictive substance, they are wanting to make it so that someone does not go to jail merely for being an addict. Second, you said it was going to lead to legalized cannibalism, that is not just "bad" that is out of the fucking park. There are a lot of counties that have decriminalized hard drugs...how many of them are selling human spleens at the drive through?

But if you did want to talk about someone endorsing an addictive substance, we could talk about the ads for beer, wine and whiskey. Or how about a Coke or Pepsi or Starbucks ad that endorse one of the most addictive substances there, caffeine.
Addiction isn't a problem. The impairment caused by the substance is. No one is impaired by a latte, or snickers bar or even cigarettes.
Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.

Slippery slope. Then we legalize cannibalism or mass shootings. Its gonna happen if we don't put a stop to this insanity.

Holy fucking cow Batman...you think that decriminalizing drugs will lead to legal cannibalism?

Do you really believe that or is this just some trolling expedition?
Yeah, its a trolling expedition, you got me. In no way would it be possible that endorsing an addictive substance could possibly be bad.

First off, nobody is endorsing an addictive substance, they are wanting to make it so that someone does not go to jail merely for being an addict. Second, you said it was going to lead to legalized cannibalism, that is not just "bad" that is out of the fucking park. There are a lot of counties that have decriminalized hard drugs...how many of them are selling human spleens at the drive through?

But if you did want to talk about someone endorsing an addictive substance, we could talk about the ads for beer, wine and whiskey. Or how about a Coke or Pepsi or Starbucks ad that endorse one of the most addictive substances there, caffeine.
Addiction isn't a problem. The impairment caused by the substance is. No one is impaired by a latte, or snickers bar or even cigarettes.

And someone being impaired in their living room after smoking a joint or drinking a six pack is not a problem to anyone either.
What the hell is a "statist"? The boogie man under your bed? People want to stick a needle in their arm, I for one, am not going to pretend that's good or somehow just stand by and enable that. That's on YOU.

Statist : an advocate of a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs. In other words, you.

I am not asking you to pretend a damn thing, I have never said it was good. Smoking is not good, yet it is legal. Overeating is not good, yet it is legal. Drinking to excess is not good, yet it is legal.

Personally, if someone wants to stick a needle in their arm, I do not give a fuck, it is their arm not mine. If they die from it, then we have culled the dead weight.

I agree with much of what you tough-guy hippies say...BUT you bad-asses always seem to forget we have a welfare mandate which forces me to have a stake in how you pieces of shit decide to live your lives....drop the mandate and slam all the dope you can...I'd beg you to do so.

Here's the thing, I agree with you that the welfare mandate is bullshit. We should repeal it. But Republicans never do that. All they do is use it as an excuse for more overbearing government. If you don't like welfare, grow a pair of nuts and get it repealed. But don't use it as an excuse for an ever more intrusive state. Two wrongs don't make a right.

That all sounds like tough-guy mumbo-jumbo shit...I think we both know the welfare mandate is here to stay, it's never going anywhere unfortunately...SO, the question is; why would you want to give the go-ahead to pieces of shits to do more drugs and further fuck themselves up at my expense?

I already explained it to you. Two wrongs don't make a right. You're using your butthurt over welfare as an excuse to fuck over people you don't like. You're just a spiteful dickhead.

There is nothing BL wants more in life than to control everyone around him so they are just like him.
I am touchy about this, I am touchy about you statist that think you know what is best for everyone. You like to talk about the liberals, you are no better even though you think you are. You and those like you are why we live in a nanny state that is getting worse every year.
What the hell is a "statist"? The boogie man under your bed? People want to stick a needle in their arm, I for one, am not going to pretend that's good or somehow just stand by and enable that. That's on YOU.

Statist : an advocate of a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs. In other words, you.

I am not asking you to pretend a damn thing, I have never said it was good. Smoking is not good, yet it is legal. Overeating is not good, yet it is legal. Drinking to excess is not good, yet it is legal.

Personally, if someone wants to stick a needle in their arm, I do not give a fuck, it is their arm not mine. If they die from it, then we have culled the dead weight.

I agree with much of what you tough-guy hippies say...BUT you bad-asses always seem to forget we have a welfare mandate which forces me to have a stake in how you pieces of shit decide to live your lives....drop the mandate and slam all the dope you can...I'd beg you to do so.

Sorry chuckles, I do not do drugs, outside of my Advair that is. But the difference between you and I is that I do not try to force people to act like me.

Also, what the fuck is a "welfare mandate"?

Its super confusing...try to connect the dots.
[ man-deyt ]
a command or authorization to act in a particular way on a public issue given by the electorate to its representative:The president had a clear mandate to end the war.
a command from a superior court or official to a lower one:The appellate court resolved the appeal and issued a mandate to the district judge.
an authoritative order or command:a royal mandate.
(in the League of Nations) a commission given to a nation to administer the government and affairs of a former Turkish territory or German colony.

And there is no such thing as a "welfare mandate"...but if if makes you happy, have at it.

Time to hit the sack, anniversary trip to Florida tomorrow...sun, fun, golf and time with the daughter as well.

And unlike you, I will not be logging on to post on this forum while I am at the beach.
I'm amazed the number of people in this thread still arguing when it hasn't been addressed that there is a HUGE difference between decriminalization and legalization.

People caught with a user's amount of the drugs would get treatment and not incarceration. It would still be illegal to sell them.

Jesus this board amazes me in its ignorance sometimes.

I think that's because it's an irrelevant distinction to most of us. On a political message board, we're here to argue about principles and ideas. From that perspective, either people have a right to ingest what they want, or they don't. In principle, there's no middle ground.

In practical reality, "decriminalization" would mitigate some of the damage done by the "war on drugs", and be a step in the right direction. But where's the fun in discussing practical reality? ;)
It is worth pointing out though that the constitution does give the government the power to regulate commerce and the sale of certain substances would clearly fall under that. Personal use, OTOH, clearly does not no matter what bullshit the SCOTUS has tried to pull with that in the past.

It makes a huge difference. Obama told the AG NOT to crack down on businesses that followed their state laws in how they operated as a marijuana dispensary... but then Trump came into office and at first said he would allow states that had laws that were in violation of federal laws not be compromised despite the Supremacy Clause. Then AG at the time Sessions said he was going to start enforcing federal marijuana laws and some dispensaries in California started getting raided. You haven't really heard much about it lately though.
What the hell is a "statist"? The boogie man under your bed? People want to stick a needle in their arm, I for one, am not going to pretend that's good or somehow just stand by and enable that. That's on YOU.

Statist : an advocate of a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs. In other words, you.

I am not asking you to pretend a damn thing, I have never said it was good. Smoking is not good, yet it is legal. Overeating is not good, yet it is legal. Drinking to excess is not good, yet it is legal.

Personally, if someone wants to stick a needle in their arm, I do not give a fuck, it is their arm not mine. If they die from it, then we have culled the dead weight.

I agree with much of what you tough-guy hippies say...BUT you bad-asses always seem to forget we have a welfare mandate which forces me to have a stake in how you pieces of shit decide to live your lives....drop the mandate and slam all the dope you can...I'd beg you to do so.

Sorry chuckles, I do not do drugs, outside of my Advair that is. But the difference between you and I is that I do not try to force people to act like me.

Also, what the fuck is a "welfare mandate"?

Its super confusing...try to connect the dots.
[ man-deyt ]
a command or authorization to act in a particular way on a public issue given by the electorate to its representative:The president had a clear mandate to end the war.
a command from a superior court or official to a lower one:The appellate court resolved the appeal and issued a mandate to the district judge.
an authoritative order or command:a royal mandate.
(in the League of Nations) a commission given to a nation to administer the government and affairs of a former Turkish territory or German colony.

And there is no such thing as a "welfare mandate"...but if if makes you happy, have at it.

Time to hit the sack, anniversary trip to Florida tomorrow...sun, fun, golf and time with the daughter as well.

And unlike you, I will not be logging on to post on this forum while I am at the beach.

Hope you have a great time with the family you twisted fuck.
I'm amazed the number of people in this thread still arguing when it hasn't been addressed that there is a HUGE difference between decriminalization and legalization.

People caught with a user's amount of the drugs would get treatment and not incarceration. It would still be illegal to sell them.

Jesus this board amazes me in its ignorance sometimes.

I think that's because it's an irrelevant distinction to most of us. On a political message board, we're here to argue about principles and ideas. From that perspective, either people have a right to ingest what they want, or they don't. In principle, there's no middle ground.

In practical reality, "decriminalization" would mitigate some of the damage done by the "war on drugs", and be a step in the right direction. But where's the fun in discussing practical reality? ;)
It is worth pointing out though that the constitution does give the government the power to regulate commerce and the sale of certain substances would clearly fall under that. Personal use, OTOH, clearly does not no matter what bullshit the SCOTUS has tried to pull with that in the past.

It makes a huge difference. Obama told the AG NOT to crack down on businesses that followed their state laws in how they operated as a marijuana dispensary... but then Trump came into office and at first said he would allow states that had laws that were in violation of federal laws not be compromised despite the Supremacy Clause. Then AG at the time Sessions said he was going to start enforcing federal marijuana laws and some dispensaries in California started getting raided. You haven't really heard much about it lately though.
Meh, I agree but my comment had nothing to do with the idiotic position we find ourselves in with federal law contradicting state law and no actual action on resolving it. The day after the first state legalized it there should have been an immediate response to resolve the problem.

Unfortunately, dropping MJ off schedule 1 seems to be unpopular in Washington for reasons that I simply do not understand considering the widespread support across the states. Even worse, I don't think there is a snowballs chance in hell that the courts would resolve this correctly either.
Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.

What else should we expect from a guy that believes his anus is a sex organ?
And you somehow know what sort of sex he engages in?

Mythbusting: What Gay Men Really Do In Bed

How much anal sex are gay men really having (and in what position)?

The problem with you fucking people is that while you claim to love America and believe in the democratic process , you really are full of shit. You are afraid to let the people decide on a candidate based on the merits of his ideas and policies.

No! You have to use pejorative stereotypes, lies, and misinformation such as what is being promoted here regarding what he said about drugs.

You are shameful , belligerent, opprobrious ….and I would guess, not very bright
So, did you object when the Dem Party ignored the wishes of the Party rank-and-file and kicked Bernie to the curb and told you you had to vote for Hillary, or did you just shut up and vote for Hillary?

If you objected, you were in the distinct minority. Most of you just rolled over.
Seriously!?? Is that the best that you can do in response to my calling you people out on the stupidity and dishonesty of the thread? You're just deflecting and trying to change the subject. That is trolling

Yes, maybe we should have stood up for sanders. Your implication that we are hypocrites changes nothing about what is going on now. You are desparatly resorting to a logical fallacy. Actually, my favorite one:

tu quoque (To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."
Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies. Twitter
Why must you ALWAYS lie? He said "decriminalize", NOT "legalize". I realize the distinction may go over the head of the average Trumpkin.
Herion and meth are very addictive, dangerous, and powerful drugs. No way.

Because it's important for government to tell us what we can eat/drink/smoke etc... Otherwise we'll just do it all wrong. Nanny state über alles!
No it's not... You know good and well that most laws and rules created are a result of stats running way to high where injury and short term or long term death occurs as a result of. I really believe that the government could care less about making added rules or laws except when Democrats control it. Then it's on. Keep the Democrats out of office, and things will be alot better in these areas.

LOL - I hear you. It's different when you do it.

Hypocrisy party. Everybody dance!!!
Do what ??? LOL We are defending laws already on the books, and not creating new additional duplicate laws that still won't be enforced. Corruption keeps enforcement non-existent on many things.

And if that begins to work in reverse, then the Democrats just try to legalize everything in order to eliminate laws being enforced altogether. They (the Democrats) make a mockery of the laws daily in this country, and the people are fed up with it all.

It is why Trump will be president once again in this country.
Ok Mitt Romney, is that you ??? LOL

Mitt Romney is a big government statist just like you.

Uh you can't stock up on Saturday if it means that much to you ? It isn't about that though is it ? It's about your hate for Christian's or anyone else that might go along with them on some things. Poor little golfer, everbody picking on you. LOL

As is normal with you statist, the point went flying over your fucking head.

It is about what is the function of the government, and that function is not to be our nanny and keep us safe from ourselves. People like you make me want to puke, you cannot function without the government there telling you what to do and what not to do.

Here, try something novel...think for yourself for once. Quit relying on the government to keep you safe and warm.
Well if the stats weren't so high on traffic deaths caused by drunk drivers, I might give on some things, but you are being selfish in your rants. Look many laws are up for review, and if they are droconian, and the people by consensus want them eliminated, then so be it, but you are just targeting Christian's is what I believe.

So, punish the drunk drivers instead of giving them a slap on the wrist. Quit punishing the innocent.
As I recall, you support Red Flag laws.


lying piece of shit.
Am I? Do you support Red Flag laws?
Mitt Romney is a big government statist just like you.

As is normal with you statist, the point went flying over your fucking head.

It is about what is the function of the government, and that function is not to be our nanny and keep us safe from ourselves. People like you make me want to puke, you cannot function without the government there telling you what to do and what not to do.

Here, try something novel...think for yourself for once. Quit relying on the government to keep you safe and warm.
Well if the stats weren't so high on traffic deaths caused by drunk drivers, I might give on some things, but you are being selfish in your rants. Look many laws are up for review, and if they are droconian, and the people by consensus want them eliminated, then so be it, but you are just targeting Christian's is what I believe.

So, punish the drunk drivers instead of giving them a slap on the wrist. Quit punishing the innocent.
As I recall, you support Red Flag laws.


lying piece of shit.
Am I? Do you support Red Flag laws?

No. Just me.
I would think all the heartless Trump supporters would like the decriminalization of hard drugs in hopes that the poor people that use them and are such a drain on the government just die off, in Darwin moment. I mean that would mean less democratic voters right?

Or maybe you guys are showing you have hearts after all, and don't hate poor and democrats as much as you say, and aren't as bad of people as Trump is.
Why must you ALWAYS lie? He said "decriminalize", NOT "legalize". I realize the distinction may go over the head of the average Trumpkin.
Herion and meth are very addictive, dangerous, and powerful drugs. No way.

Because it's important for government to tell us what we can eat/drink/smoke etc... Otherwise we'll just do it all wrong. Nanny state über alles!
No it's not... You know good and well that most laws and rules created are a result of stats running way to high where injury and short term or long term death occurs as a result of. I really believe that the government could care less about making added rules or laws except when Democrats control it. Then it's on. Keep the Democrats out of office, and things will be alot better in these areas.

LOL - I hear you. It's different when you do it.

Hypocrisy party. Everybody dance!!!
Do what ???

Employ the nanny state to tell people how to live.
Herion and meth are very addictive, dangerous, and powerful drugs. No way.

Because it's important for government to tell us what we can eat/drink/smoke etc... Otherwise we'll just do it all wrong. Nanny state über alles!
No it's not... You know good and well that most laws and rules created are a result of stats running way to high where injury and short term or long term death occurs as a result of. I really believe that the government could care less about making added rules or laws except when Democrats control it. Then it's on. Keep the Democrats out of office, and things will be alot better in these areas.

LOL - I hear you. It's different when you do it.

Hypocrisy party. Everybody dance!!!
Do what ???

Employ the nanny state to tell people how to live.
You already live in a nanny state that the Democrats long ago created, so don't act all surprised or anything. You support the cratzies or you wouldn't be on here battling Republicans or Trump like you do.
Because it's important for government to tell us what we can eat/drink/smoke etc... Otherwise we'll just do it all wrong. Nanny state über alles!
No it's not... You know good and well that most laws and rules created are a result of stats running way to high where injury and short term or long term death occurs as a result of. I really believe that the government could care less about making added rules or laws except when Democrats control it. Then it's on. Keep the Democrats out of office, and things will be alot better in these areas.

LOL - I hear you. It's different when you do it.

Hypocrisy party. Everybody dance!!!
Do what ???

Employ the nanny state to tell people how to live.
You already live in a nanny state that the Democrats long ago created, so don't act all surprised or anything. You support the cratzies or you wouldn't be on here battling Republicans or Trump like you do.

I'm just tired of phony-assed conservatives who pretend to oppose the nanny state when really they love it.
No it's not... You know good and well that most laws and rules created are a result of stats running way to high where injury and short term or long term death occurs as a result of. I really believe that the government could care less about making added rules or laws except when Democrats control it. Then it's on. Keep the Democrats out of office, and things will be alot better in these areas.

LOL - I hear you. It's different when you do it.

Hypocrisy party. Everybody dance!!!
Do what ???

Employ the nanny state to tell people how to live.
You already live in a nanny state that the Democrats long ago created, so don't act all surprised or anything. You support the cratzies or you wouldn't be on here battling Republicans or Trump like you do.

I'm just tired of phony-assed conservatives who pretend to oppose the nanny state when really they love it.
Join the conservative party on the issues, and quit fighting them on the issues like you do here.
You can't walk down the street in L.A. or San Francisco without being accosted by the living dead heroin and meth addicts and democrats think the way to fix it is to make it legal?

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