Buttigieg: Legalize Heroin and Meth

Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies. Twitter
Why must you ALWAYS lie? He said "decriminalize", NOT "legalize". I realize the distinction may go over the head of the average Trumpkin.
Herion and meth are very addictive, dangerous, and powerful drugs. No way.
It’s all about drugging up the masses for easy control with the left.

It's much better to control their access to drugs. Then you've really got them by the balls.
That’s why they’re legalizing drugs. Then the government controls the supply to manipulate them.

If they're actually legalized, government doesn't control the supply.

Sorry, Weatherman - I'm just sick to death of phony conservatives pretending they oppose the nanny state. They're more than happy to use the government to tell people how to live. They just have a different prescription. Phony phucks every one.
I'm okay with decriminalizing all drugs, with a few caveats:

1. No taxpayer funds will be spent on helping you with the consequences of your choice. You want rehab, pay for it yourself. Dumbass.

2. If you harm someone while under the influence of your drug, in 60 days, you're executed. You chose to use, and you chose to put yourself in a position to hurt someone while you were using. "But I didn't mean to!" Tough shit. Your choices led directly to hurting or killing someone.

So their kids go on welfare. That's going to be costly.
Foster care. The foster families can raise them to not be piece of shit druggies like their parents.

Why does the left hate the idea of actions having consequences?

Foster care is also expensive - very expensive. The biggest problem with drug addicts is the crimes they commit to get the drugs. Give them their drug of choice on prescription lowers crime rates.

Being a drug addict isn't a choice. The USA is the only first world country to declare a ''War on Drugs" and as a result, you have more drug addicts per capita than the rest of the first world. It's the only country where you have to pay for rehab yourself.
I repeat: Why does the left hate the idea of actions having consequences?
The money is misspent. It's spent on rehab, free needles, methadone clinics and other exercises shown not to work. It's like trying to win a war by buying the enemy bullets.

So, how should the money be spent? We already have the largest prison population in the world,

Lock them up until they get clean.

They are clean as soon as you lock them up since they have no access to the drugs.
Oh, so if they're released after a week, they won't start using again?

You should invite some to live in your house with you.
Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.

Slippery slope. Then we legalize cannibalism or mass shootings. Its gonna happen if we don't put a stop to this insanity.

Holy fucking cow Batman...you think that decriminalizing drugs will lead to legal cannibalism?

Do you really believe that or is this just some trolling expedition?
Yeah, its a trolling expedition, you got me. In no way would it be possible that endorsing an addictive substance could possibly be bad.
Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.

Slippery slope. Then we legalize cannibalism or mass shootings. Its gonna happen if we don't put a stop to this insanity.

Holy fucking cow Batman...you think that decriminalizing drugs will lead to legal cannibalism?

Do you really believe that or is this just some trolling expedition?
Yeah, its a trolling expedition, you got me. In no way would it be possible that endorsing an addictive substance could possibly be bad.

You really think that if something is legal that it's "endorsed"??? Tell me you're not that fucking stupid. Do you really look to government for endorsements?
Ok free will, but he also gave the instructions on how to utilize that free will to his liking. Using our free will in a sinful way isn't Christian like or it isn't biblically promoted in those ways.

you know what else is not biblically promoted? laws forcing people to act like Christians.
Give me a law that forces you to act like a Christian ? You aren't forced into anything so this ought to be interesting to see.

Despite the fact my point flew over your head by about 10 yards, any law that restricts the purchase of alcohol on Sunday's....or any day for that matter.
Let's say purchasing alcohol on Sunday was the only sin God put in the Bible.

Do you think He'd be convinced to allow into Heaven anyone who didn't sin simply because it was illegal, even though he wanted to?

Our desires are just as sinful as our actions. God isn't fooled by man's laws.
Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.

Slippery slope. Then we legalize cannibalism or mass shootings. Its gonna happen if we don't put a stop to this insanity.

Holy fucking cow Batman...you think that decriminalizing drugs will lead to legal cannibalism?

Do you really believe that or is this just some trolling expedition?
Yeah, its a trolling expedition, you got me. In no way would it be possible that endorsing an addictive substance could possibly be bad.

You really think that if something is legal that it's "endorsed"??? Tell me you're not that fucking stupid. Do you really look to government for endorsements?
On a human level we know what is addictive and we want what is best. Not some nefarious plot to subjugate the masses...
Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.

Slippery slope. Then we legalize cannibalism or mass shootings. Its gonna happen if we don't put a stop to this insanity.

Holy fucking cow Batman...you think that decriminalizing drugs will lead to legal cannibalism?

Do you really believe that or is this just some trolling expedition?
Yeah, its a trolling expedition, you got me. In no way would it be possible that endorsing an addictive substance could possibly be bad.

You really think that if something is legal that it's "endorsed"??? Tell me you're not that fucking stupid. Do you really look to government for endorsements?
On a human level we know what is addictive and we want what is best. Not some nefarious plot to subjugate the masses...
Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.

What else should we expect from a guy that believes his anus is a sex organ?
And you somehow know what sort of sex he engages in?

Mythbusting: What Gay Men Really Do In Bed

How much anal sex are gay men really having (and in what position)?

The problem with you fucking people is that while you claim to love America and believe in the democratic process , you really are full of shit. You are afraid to let the people decide on a candidate based on the merits of his ideas and policies.

No! You have to use pejorative stereotypes, lies, and misinformation such as what is being promoted here regarding what he said about drugs.

You are shameful , belligerent, opprobrious ….and I would guess, not very bright
So, did you object when the Dem Party ignored the wishes of the Party rank-and-file and kicked Bernie to the curb and told you you had to vote for Hillary, or did you just shut up and vote for Hillary?

If you objected, you were in the distinct minority. Most of you just rolled over.
How about we keep them illegal so kids know that they are bad and have very scary penalties.
That tends to have the opposite effect.

I let my kids say whatever the fuck they want in my house. There are no swear words. They are free to express themselves in anyway they feel necessary or appropriate.

As a result, they don't swear very much. It's not a big deal to them. But, make something against the rules and guess what happens.

Ok Mitt Romney, is that you ??? LOL

Mitt Romney is a big government statist just like you.

Uh you can't stock up on Saturday if it means that much to you ? It isn't about that though is it ? It's about your hate for Christian's or anyone else that might go along with them on some things. Poor little golfer, everbody picking on you. LOL

As is normal with you statist, the point went flying over your fucking head.

It is about what is the function of the government, and that function is not to be our nanny and keep us safe from ourselves. People like you make me want to puke, you cannot function without the government there telling you what to do and what not to do.

Here, try something novel...think for yourself for once. Quit relying on the government to keep you safe and warm.
Well if the stats weren't so high on traffic deaths caused by drunk drivers, I might give on some things, but you are being selfish in your rants. Look many laws are up for review, and if they are droconian, and the people by consensus want them eliminated, then so be it, but you are just targeting Christian's is what I believe.

So, punish the drunk drivers instead of giving them a slap on the wrist. Quit punishing the innocent.
As I recall, you support Red Flag laws.

The money is misspent. It's spent on rehab, free needles, methadone clinics and other exercises shown not to work. It's like trying to win a war by buying the enemy bullets.

Rehab is a waste?

If anything, every other bit of spending should be canceled and rehab should be the only action in the so-called "war on drugs."
Ok Mitt Romney, is that you ??? LOL

Mitt Romney is a big government statist just like you.

Uh you can't stock up on Saturday if it means that much to you ? It isn't about that though is it ? It's about your hate for Christian's or anyone else that might go along with them on some things. Poor little golfer, everbody picking on you. LOL

As is normal with you statist, the point went flying over your fucking head.

It is about what is the function of the government, and that function is not to be our nanny and keep us safe from ourselves. People like you make me want to puke, you cannot function without the government there telling you what to do and what not to do.

Here, try something novel...think for yourself for once. Quit relying on the government to keep you safe and warm.
Well if the stats weren't so high on traffic deaths caused by drunk drivers, I might give on some things, but you are being selfish in your rants. Look many laws are up for review, and if they are droconian, and the people by consensus want them eliminated, then so be it, but you are just targeting Christian's is what I believe.

So, punish the drunk drivers instead of giving them a slap on the wrist. Quit punishing the innocent.
As I recall, you support Red Flag laws.


lying piece of shit.
Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.

Slippery slope. Then we legalize cannibalism or mass shootings. Its gonna happen if we don't put a stop to this insanity.

Holy fucking cow Batman...you think that decriminalizing drugs will lead to legal cannibalism?

Do you really believe that or is this just some trolling expedition?
Yeah, its a trolling expedition, you got me. In no way would it be possible that endorsing an addictive substance could possibly be bad.

You really think that if something is legal that it's "endorsed"??? Tell me you're not that fucking stupid. Do you really look to government for endorsements?
On a human level we know what is addictive and we want what is best. Not some nefarious plot to subjugate the masses...

Of course not. Statists and authoritarians always have the best of intentions.
Slippery slope. Then we legalize cannibalism or mass shootings. Its gonna happen if we don't put a stop to this insanity.

Holy fucking cow Batman...you think that decriminalizing drugs will lead to legal cannibalism?

Do you really believe that or is this just some trolling expedition?
Yeah, its a trolling expedition, you got me. In no way would it be possible that endorsing an addictive substance could possibly be bad.

You really think that if something is legal that it's "endorsed"??? Tell me you're not that fucking stupid. Do you really look to government for endorsements?
On a human level we know what is addictive and we want what is best. Not some nefarious plot to subjugate the masses...

Of course not. Statists and authoritarians always have the best of intentions.
Of course the liberals won't pander to popular causes either. Because ya know, they are WAY better.
Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.

Slippery slope. Then we legalize cannibalism or mass shootings. Its gonna happen if we don't put a stop to this insanity.

Holy fucking cow Batman...you think that decriminalizing drugs will lead to legal cannibalism?

Do you really believe that or is this just some trolling expedition?
Yeah, its a trolling expedition, you got me. In no way would it be possible that endorsing an addictive substance could possibly be bad.

First off, nobody is endorsing an addictive substance, they are wanting to make it so that someone does not go to jail merely for being an addict. Second, you said it was going to lead to legalized cannibalism, that is not just "bad" that is out of the fucking park. There are a lot of counties that have decriminalized hard drugs...how many of them are selling human spleens at the drive through?

But if you did want to talk about someone endorsing an addictive substance, we could talk about the ads for beer, wine and whiskey. Or how about a Coke or Pepsi or Starbucks ad that endorse one of the most addictive substances there, caffeine.
Now I have no doubts about it, after what he said, Mr Butt is a total cretin.
Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.

Slippery slope. Then we legalize cannibalism or mass shootings. Its gonna happen if we don't put a stop to this insanity.

Holy fucking cow Batman...you think that decriminalizing drugs will lead to legal cannibalism?

Do you really believe that or is this just some trolling expedition?
Yeah, its a trolling expedition, you got me. In no way would it be possible that endorsing an addictive substance could possibly be bad.

First off, nobody is endorsing an addictive substance, they are wanting to make it so that someone does not go to jail merely for being an addict. Second, you said it was going to lead to legalized cannibalism, that is not just "bad" that is out of the fucking park. There are a lot of counties that have decriminalized hard drugs...how many of them are selling human spleens at the drive through?

But if you did want to talk about someone endorsing an addictive substance, we could talk about the ads for beer, wine and whiskey. Or how about a Coke or Pepsi or Starbucks ad that endorse one of the most addictive substances there, caffeine.
You seem rather touchy about this. Liberals don't have realistic boundaries and this is like the proverbial snowball effect. Somewhere in this mess is a rational way to deal with this. And enabling it isn't helping.
You seem rather touchy about this. Liberals don't have realistic boundaries and this is like the proverbial snowball effect. Somewhere in this mess is a rational way to deal with this. And enabling it isn't helping.

I am touchy about this, I am touchy about you statist that think you know what is best for everyone. You like to talk about the liberals, you are no better even though you think you are. You and those like you are why we live in a nanny state that is getting worse every year.

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