Buttigieg: Legalize Heroin and Meth

Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.

Why should we allow government to decide what we ingest?

I actually agree with Buttplug on this issue.

Now, if he only had the same resolve on all other issues, I would consider giving him my vote.

Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.

He’s been bought by the cartels.
2 days ago Pete had 1.2 million Twitter followers
now it's 1.6 followers...Bernie has 10.5 million followers
Trump has 72.3 million and Hillary has 26.6 million

People who worked for Hillary during the 2016 elections
are working for Pete and former tech staff working for Clinton
during the 2016 elections were responsible for the Iowa app

When Pete first announced an exploratory committee
at the end of Jan. In 2019, he collected $600,000 in contributions
By April, 7 million, Second quarter 2019 24.8 million, 2nd to Bernie

He has over $76 million as of now

Do the math
Pete will win the nomination and Hillary his VP
Golfing Gator what do you find funny?
Obama Was A Cocaine-Using Gay Hustler, Says Woman Who Claims To Have Been Hawaiian Classmate | HuffPost

“He always portrayed himself as a foreign student,” Pope said. “Girls were never anything that he ever was interested in ... He would get with these older white gay men, and this is how we just pretty much had the impression that that’s how he was procuring his cocaine.”

She then notes, “In other words, he was having sex with these older white guys and that’s how he was getting this cocaine to be able to freebase.”

Then she lied about letting state legal pot users escape Fed prosecution....

Dickinson: Obama's War on Pot

hypocrisy is not a strong enough word for it.....
Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.

What else should we expect from a guy that believes his anus is a sex organ?
And you somehow know what sort of sex he engages in?

Mythbusting: What Gay Men Really Do In Bed

How much anal sex are gay men really having (and in what position)?

The problem with you fucking people is that while you claim to love America and believe in the democratic process , you really are full of shit. You are afraid to let the people decide on a candidate based on the merits of his ideas and policies.

No! You have to use pejorative stereotypes, lies, and misinformation such as what is being promoted here regarding what he said about drugs.

You are shameful , belligerent, opprobrious ….and I would guess, not very bright
Ok free will, but he also gave the instructions on how to utilize that free will to his liking. Using our free will in a sinful way isn't Christian like or it isn't biblically promoted in those ways.

you know what else is not biblically promoted? laws forcing people to act like Christians.
Give me a law that forces you to act like a Christian ? You aren't forced into anything so this ought to be interesting to see.

Despite the fact my point flew over your head by about 10 yards, any law that restricts the purchase of alcohol on Sunday's....or any day for that matter.
Alcohol restrictions have nothing to do with Christian's, but it's more about a consensus between all walks of life where as a lull is needed in order to allow a break in the activity where alcoholism stats are found to be higher in certain areas as opposed to other places. Yes, Christian's do have a say in the voting or consensus found on issues, just like any other has. If you think that it is just a Christian thing, then you are big time wrong. Wonder how many towns are using the Christians as escape goats, because they are afraid to challenge the secularist whom figure in some cases that they are the only say in a town, and even if they are wrong ?
Ok free will, but he also gave the instructions on how to utilize that free will to his liking. Using our free will in a sinful way isn't Christian like or it isn't biblically promoted in those ways.

you know what else is not biblically promoted? laws forcing people to act like Christians.
Give me a law that forces you to act like a Christian ? You aren't forced into anything so this ought to be interesting to see.

Despite the fact my point flew over your head by about 10 yards, any law that restricts the purchase of alcohol on Sunday's....or any day for that matter.
Alcohol restrictions have nothing to do with Christian's, but it's more about a consensus between all walks of life where as a lull is needed in order to allow a break in the activity where alcoholism stats are found to be higher in certain areas as opposed to other places. Yes, Christian's do have a say in the voting or consensus found on issues, just like any other has. If you think that it is just a Christian thing, then you are big time wrong. Wonder how many towns are using the Christians as escape goats, because they are afraid to challenge the secularist whom figure in some cases that they are the only say in a town, and even if they are wrong ?
I don't remember the last time I came upon a town where you could not buy alcohol on Sunday. However, there is a beach town in NJ - A Christion dominated, former revival camp of some kind, where you are not allowed on the beach before noon on Sunday, least you be tempted to skip church
Ok free will, but he also gave the instructions on how to utilize that free will to his liking. Using our free will in a sinful way isn't Christian like or it isn't biblically promoted in those ways.

you know what else is not biblically promoted? laws forcing people to act like Christians.
Give me a law that forces you to act like a Christian ? You aren't forced into anything so this ought to be interesting to see.

Despite the fact my point flew over your head by about 10 yards, any law that restricts the purchase of alcohol on Sunday's....or any day for that matter.
Alcohol restrictions have nothing to do with Christian's, but it's more about a consensus between all walks of life where as a lull is needed in order to allow a break in the activity where alcoholism stats are found to be higher in certain areas as opposed to other places. Yes, Christian's do have a say in the voting or consensus found on issues, just like any other has. If you think that it is just a Christian thing, then you are big time wrong. Wonder how many towns are using the Christians as escape goats, because they are afraid to challenge the secularist whom figure in some cases that they are the only say in a town, and even if they are wrong ?

Of course it is a Christian thing, who do you think you are fooling? You think it is just a coincidence that most of the restrictions happen to be on the Christian day of worship?

There is no consensus between all walks of life, that is why most of these archaic laws have been done away with. I do not need you telling me what day I can buy some wine on, that is not your place nor the place of the government.
Nothing crazy about the Left at all. Much easier to control the masses when they are drug addicts with rotting flesh on their bodies.

He’s been bought by the cartels.
2 days ago Pete had 1.2 million Twitter followers
now it's 1.6 followers...Bernie has 10.5 million followers
Trump has 72.3 million and Hillary has 26.6 million

People who worked for Hillary during the 2016 elections
are working for Pete and former tech staff working for Clinton
during the 2016 elections were responsible for the Iowa app

When Pete first announced an exploratory committee
at the end of Jan. In 2019, he collected $600,000 in contributions
By April, 7 million, Second quarter 2019 24.8 million, 2nd to Bernie

He has over $76 million as of now

Do the math
Pete will win the nomination and Hillary his VP
Golfing Gator what do you find funny?

Mostly Hillary as the VP, but the conspiracy theory as a whole as well.
Ok free will, but he also gave the instructions on how to utilize that free will to his liking. Using our free will in a sinful way isn't Christian like or it isn't biblically promoted in those ways.

you know what else is not biblically promoted? laws forcing people to act like Christians.
Give me a law that forces you to act like a Christian ? You aren't forced into anything so this ought to be interesting to see.

Despite the fact my point flew over your head by about 10 yards, any law that restricts the purchase of alcohol on Sunday's....or any day for that matter.
Alcohol restrictions have nothing to do with Christian's, but it's more about a consensus between all walks of life where as a lull is needed in order to allow a break in the activity where alcoholism stats are found to be higher in certain areas as opposed to other places. Yes, Christian's do have a say in the voting or consensus found on issues, just like any other has. If you think that it is just a Christian thing, then you are big time wrong. Wonder how many towns are using the Christians as escape goats, because they are afraid to challenge the secularist whom figure in some cases that they are the only say in a town, and even if they are wrong ?

Of course it is a Christian thing, who do you think you are fooling? You think it is just a coincidence that most of the restrictions happen to be on the Christian day of worship?

There is no consensus between all walks of life, that is why most of these archaic laws have been done away with. I do not need you telling me what day I can buy some wine on, that is not your place nor the place of the government.
Don't stop there, just eliminate all laws that hinder your lifestyle, along with hindering your greedy self serving needs. To hell with the elderly, the children and their ideals and thoughts on life eh ? That's right no one needs to tell you anything, just run them stop signs, unbuckle that seat belt, see what that v-8 has under the hood, just do it. Support all the things that civilized society detest if you want... But if you find yourself in a minority, oh well.

It's not just Christian's wanting to add their input on the things that help keep America civilized, but it's other citizen's in America just as well.

Trying to cherry pick the issues in order to attack Christian's is a deplorable thing, but it happens alot more these days. Christian's ain't alone, and the Democrats are gonna find out once again (come election time) that they aren't.
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How else will Sheldon Buttplug get America to vote for him if they aren't hopped up on heroin?
Drugs aren't mentioned in the Constitution. so technically it's a State issue. I say go for it, I know for a fact they will never be legal in my State. The liberal states can become drug infested shitholes as long as they never get funding to help with the inevitable crisis it will cause.
Don't stop there, just eliminate all laws that hinder your lifestyle, along with hindering your greedy self serving needs. To hell with the elderly, the children and their ideals and thoughts on life eh ? That's right no one needs to tell you anything, just run them stop signs, unbuckle that seat belt, see what that v-8 has under the hood, just do it. Support all the things that civilized society detest if you want... But if you find yourself in a minority, oh well.

What a great little statist you turned out to be, champion of the nanny state. You listed a great many things and lumped them in there all together, but they are not all the same. Running a stop sign hurts someone else, so that should not be allowed, me not wearing my seat belt only hurts me, thus the government should not be telling me to do so. A society is not civilized if their actions are forced by the threat of the government, they are just tamed.

It hurts nobody if I buy a six pack on Sunday to have for the week, but you fucking statist want to tell me i cannot for some god forsaken reason.

Trying to cherry pick the issues in order to attack Christian's is a deplorable thing, but it happens alot more these days. Christian's ain't alone, and the Democrats are gonna find out once again (come election time) that they aren't.

Poor little Christians are so mistreated. I do not give a fuck what the Democrats find, I am not a Democrat, you are 12 miles to the left of me and you think I am the fucking Democrat.

What a joke.
Perhaps you might want to learn the difference between decriminalize and legalize so that you quit making these fake news threads.
If there are no repercussions for doing drugs then its as good as legalized. Your playing some sketchy semantics.

Are there repercussions for going 75 in a 55? Yes there are, but they are not criminal.
Perhaps you might want to learn the difference between decriminalize and legalize so that you quit making these fake news threads.
If there are no repercussions for doing drugs then its as good as legalized. Your playing some sketchy semantics.
Yep, and then comes the fallout and negative outcomes next. It happened in the sixties, and it had to be rolled back, where as the nation began experimenting in all sorts of things. Quickly the outcomes were realized, and yet the damage was already done to a few or more generations. Coke had cocaine in it once, but that had to end because it was being used to alledgedly create coca-cola addicts or something to that affect. The business of making money sees no boundaries for some, and if it weren't for the laws in this country, we couldn't take our kids or grand kids to the parks safely. There is no such thing as a anything goes society. Never will be.
Perhaps you might want to learn the difference between decriminalize and legalize so that you quit making these fake news threads.
If there are no repercussions for doing drugs then its as good as legalized. Your playing some sketchy semantics.

Are there repercussions for going 75 in a 55? Yes there are, but they are not criminal.
They don't give out speeding tickets where you come from ?

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