Buttigieg Says He and Same-Sex Husband Hope to Start a Family and May Have Children in White House

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"Well, you believe this, because I was told you believe this. You've never said it, but defend it anyway!"

You're a homophobic idiot, I can only assume your afraid of other people too.

You're a childish dumbass without an argument. I can only assume you learned to debate in a preschool.

Sorry you claimed Pete shouldn't be elected because Muslims won't like him. It's a really stupid fucking argument.

No, dumbfuck. I get that you need everything simplified to a grade-school level, but I actually just said that it would make diplomacy in the Middle East exponentially more difficult. As in, intelligent voters (read: not you) should weigh this into their decision-making.

I don't think it makes a difference in the world. But if you want to vote for a candidate because of how they are perceived on the world stage please tell me you didn't vote for the international joke that is Donald Trump.

I could give a damn if other countries like us; in fact, I'd prefer they don't like us too much, because that probably means we're benefiting them at our own expense. But I think there's a possibility that a lot of countries, most notably the Middle East, would be unwilling to meet with a gay President, and might even be offended and insulted by it. We're still the United States, so I don't know if any of them would reject the interaction outright, but I doubt that Pope Pete has the gravitas and foreign relations savvy to overcome that kind of obstacle in an already-touchy diplomatic situation.

How are they on presidents who fuck porn stars or will obviously lie to them because they lie about everything?

My god, lady the right elected somebody that pretty much nobody wants anything to do with, don't trust and most likely will work around him as much as possible and shut out our country from the rest of the world.

My, aren't YOU the judgmental Puritanical prude all of a sudden. Don't worry, I can hear what you're actually saying: "All topics are about how much I hate Trump!!! I can't talk about my candidates! TTTTRRUUUUUUMMMPPP!!!"
so here's a guy who might be considering starting a family. Why not?
Why not a "wrinkled white Jew" who is miles above the present occupant of the Oval Office, who dropped his pants for everything still breathing and spawned children whom I seriously doubt he ever gave a moment's time to or even changed a diaper? If Buttigieg starts a family it will be by his will to become a parent, whereas I don't think that the orange whore ever even bothered to be present at the birth of the children he spawned to comfort and aid his children's mothers in labor and welcome his new progeny on their arrival.

"so here's a guy who might be considering starting a family. Why not?"

Because a man starts a family with a woman not with another man. It's Adam and Eve it wasn't Adam and Steve.

People can start a family by adoption. which is a willful process that requires dedication. Some people start families by fucking around, and then refuse to take their places as members of the families they started. Which, if any, of the three women who had babies by your whore were encouraged and comforted by him while in labor? Was he there to hold them when they pushed, panted, and screamed in pain? A real man, husband, and father is there. Where is the video? See donnie cleaning, diapering, and coddling his little infants and caring for their mothers after their ordeal.

I love how Lice suddenly morphed into the Sex Life Police to avocate marriage-only intercourse. At what point did you become so Puritanical, Lice?

When did I advocate for "marriage-only intercourse"? This is part of the culthead's lineup, but they they don't live it, so I enjoy mocking them. What I wrote above concerns how people embrace their duties as married folks and parents, husbands and wives together, creating the next generation in love. I would think that you would be pleased.

One of the most beautiful videos that I have ever seen was one that filmed a couple having their first child. There was a small pool of water like a kiddie pool. They both undressed. He stepped in first and spread his legs so that she could lean back against him. He held her, comforted her, and encouraged her while she did the pushing and screaming in pain. Finally their infant made its appearance. After the infant's breathing passages were cleared, the three held on together, bonding as a family unit. Fine work by committed heterosexuals.

"I love adultery, except when it's Trump, and I feel like I have the moral standing to tell others how to practice their beliefs, even though no one in the world respects me!"

All I heard.

I tell you what, Lice. When I need an intellectually-deficient, baby-killing hypocrite to tell me how to live up to a standard she explicitly rejects, I'll call you. You'll have to hurry, though, because that'll probably mean I've sustained a life-threatening head injury.
"Well, you believe this, because I was told you believe this. You've never said it, but defend it anyway!"

You're a homophobic idiot, I can only assume your afraid of other people too.

You're a childish dumbass without an argument. I can only assume you learned to debate in a preschool.

Sorry you claimed Pete shouldn't be elected because Muslims won't like him. It's a really stupid fucking argument.

Maybe you should learn something. Most Middle Eastern leaders are Muslim. They would refuse to even talk to Buttplug. Kind of hard to negotiate anything when the other nation’s leader sees an insult to his religion leading the other side. They likely wouldn’t even allow him in the country. Before you spout more idiocy, consider how seriously Muslims take their religion.

I think most world leaders are smarter than that. They have to deal with us and that's the only reason anyone one of them talks to Trump, they don't have a choice in the matter.

But if you want the Middle East to decide who is president then that's your prerogative I guess.

Maybe most world leaders are smarter. It's debatable. What's NOT debatable is that the world leaders who might react this way to Pope Pete are not among the smartest and most rational world leaders out there.

Hey, if you want to pretend that foreign diplomacy isn't important in a President and pretend to be obtuse and think prioritizing it is "letting the Middle East decide who's President", it won't exactly change the level of contempt with which you're already viewed.
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"Well, you believe this, because I was told you believe this. You've never said it, but defend it anyway!"

You're a homophobic idiot, I can only assume your afraid of other people too.

You're a childish dumbass without an argument. I can only assume you learned to debate in a preschool.

Sorry you claimed Pete shouldn't be elected because Muslims won't like him. It's a really stupid fucking argument.

Maybe you should learn something. Most Middle Eastern leaders are Muslim. They would refuse to even talk to Buttplug. Kind of hard to negotiate anything when the other nation’s leader sees an insult to his religion leading the other side. They likely wouldn’t even allow him in the country. Before you spout more idiocy, consider how seriously Muslims take their religion.
You mean like the way they ignore and shun Merkle because she is a woman?

Except none of them do. The idle fear that other nations would ignore or shun our leadership because of their sexual activities is asinine - it has never actually played out that way.

Yes, a female leader is exactly the same as a homosexual leader. :rolleyes:
Now isn't that the most adorable thing you have heard all day from a guy??? that is clearly in second place behind a 79 year old wrinkled white jew that loves communism and what the communists did to HIS PEOPLE!.....Just have yo love the insanity of the left....wonder how historians will write up this event 50 or so years from today....if we are still here!


“We’re hoping to have a little one soon,” Buttigieg said at an event in Brooklyn, New York on April 15 of last year, where he shared the stage with his husband, Chasten....
HUSBAND?...Does this make him the first woman to become president....in her dreams?

“I imagine it would make me a better president,” he said on CNN the next day.

On June 16, when he appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union," host Jake Tapper asked him: “Do you think, if you are elected president, hypothetically, that you will plan to start a family in the White House?”

“I don’t see why not,” Buttigieg said. “I think it wouldn’t be the first time that children have arrived to a first couple.”

(Excerpt) Read more at cnsnews.com ...
Good for him... unfortunately I think there are too many homophobes in the country to get him in the whitehouse... but his strong run gets us closer... I predict he will be the first gay president... just don’t think it will be this cycle.

I thought the same thing about Obama. I didn't think that America would elect an African American man but we did.

I have not decided on who to support yet so I don't really care who gets the nomination.

This year I will do what I did in 2004 and 2008, anyone but the republican.
Which one is going to get pregnant? Has anybody every told them that can't get knocked up by being screwed in the ass?

Of course Moon Bats don't know anymore about Biology as they know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.
I am going to assume that you are just going out of you're way to be obnoxious wih this tripe, because no one can be that fucking stupid.

Same sex couples bring children into their homes and lives by a variety of means, just like many heterosexual couples do when they can't conceive on their own. More importantly, they are parents to those children

You're a degenerate.
Of course they do. There are a lot of deluded leftist women who buddy around with gay men. You can believe anything you want, but I can tell you that people who are shelling out big bucks for IVF to have a kid are pretty particular about the genes involved.

You are implying the woman would supply half the genetic stuff. I was assuming they'd do that combo thing homosexuals have started up, where they combine it all and use some poor woman as the gestation device. Genetics don't matter if she's just the Brave New World bottle.

However they might do it, including adoption, that's unnatural and shouldn't be allowed to anyone, much less a prez. The Dems have become so perverted and sick --- I am aghast.

Okay, quick Bio 101 lesson: you can't make a baby without an ovum. The woman who carries and births the baby doesn't necessarily have to also provide the ovum, but SOME woman SOMEWHERE has to contribute an ovum, or no baby.

So yeah, genetics continue to matter.

Yes, they might decide to adopt, but I'm guessing that would be a last resort if they can't get a kid through surrogacy. Dunno. He's not exactly been specific on this.
so here's a guy who might be considering starting a family. Why not?
Why not a "wrinkled white Jew" who is miles above the present occupant of the Oval Office, who dropped his pants for everything still breathing and spawned children whom I seriously doubt he ever gave a moment's time to or even changed a diaper? If Buttigieg starts a family it will be by his will to become a parent, whereas I don't think that the orange whore ever even bothered to be present at the birth of the children he spawned to comfort and aid his children's mothers in labor and welcome his new progeny on their arrival.

"so here's a guy who might be considering starting a family. Why not?"

Because a man starts a family with a woman not with another man. It's Adam and Eve it wasn't Adam and Steve.

People can start a family by adoption. which is a willful process that requires dedication. Some people start families by fucking around, and then refuse to take their places as members of the families they started. Which, if any, of the three women who had babies by your whore were encouraged and comforted by him while in labor? Was he there to hold them when they pushed, panted, and screamed in pain? A real man, husband, and father is there. Where is the video? See donnie cleaning, diapering, and coddling his little infants and caring for their mothers after their ordeal.

No he didn't. With at least one of those three wives we know that while his wife was home with that newborn child, he was out having sex with a porn film star. Then had to pay her off before the election so people wouldn't know about it.

I find it extremely disgusting that the same people who claim to be "pro life" are now attacking a man who wants to be a father and will take the steps to adopt a child.

Adoption is one of the anti abortion people's solution to abortion. Now the same people are attacking a man for wanting to do what the anti abortion people scream people should be doing.

These people are so far past disgusting I just don't have the adjectives to describe it.
You're a homophobic idiot, I can only assume your afraid of other people too.

You're a childish dumbass without an argument. I can only assume you learned to debate in a preschool.

Sorry you claimed Pete shouldn't be elected because Muslims won't like him. It's a really stupid fucking argument.

Maybe you should learn something. Most Middle Eastern leaders are Muslim. They would refuse to even talk to Buttplug. Kind of hard to negotiate anything when the other nation’s leader sees an insult to his religion leading the other side. They likely wouldn’t even allow him in the country. Before you spout more idiocy, consider how seriously Muslims take their religion.

I think most world leaders are smarter than that. They have to deal with us and that's the only reason anyone one of them talks to Trump, they don't have a choice in the matter.

But if you want the Middle East to decide who is president then that's your prerogative I guess.

You think? Obviously not. Your pathetic attempt to deflect to Trump is noted. By the way moron, stating the facts does not mean the Middle East picks the President. Try again.

The difference between considering the need to deal with the Middle East and "letting the Middle East pick the President" is clearly too nuanced for anyone dumb enough to be a leftist in the first place.


this is the guy Republican say is soft.


And this is Donald Trump who rush referred to as Mr. man. Notice the dual purpose little white gloves? They’re so dainty. On one hand you can touch things to see if they’re clean and the other hand they make your hands look a tiny bit bigger.

How DARE you disrespect our CinC? He got a Medal for Neatness! :laugh2:


Are you implying that 5’6” tall 130lb ex military ass pounders are badasses?

Yes, Pete (who ENLISTED) is a TOTAL badass when compared to Captain Bone Spurs who got FIVE draft deferments thanks to Daddy's tenant writing a bogus letter about a foot boo boo.

Btw - Is this another short joke? Michael Savage says ya'd better watch your step! :D

Short People Are Pissed at Trump for His Bloomberg Height Attacks

As a person who is 5ft 3/4inch tall, I can relate to that article.

It's more acceptable for me to be that size because I'm female. I can just imagine the trouble males who aren't tall have.

When people make comments on my size I just say, "good things come in small packages. So does dynamite."
Surrogates are well compensated. I should know. I was one, twice.

Highly unlikely.

I have no idea where you acquired your "expertise" on the subject of surrogate motherhood, but my niece-in-law is currently carrying a baby for a friend of hers, whose wife is unable to carry a baby to term. Yes, you do take on an obligation to behave responsibly toward the unborn child during that time. One would hope a person would do that, anyway. But unless someone is tying women down and forcibly inseminating them, then holding them in some sort of prison hospital ward during the pregnancy to enforce compliance, there is no "enslavement" about it.
Which one is going to get pregnant? Has anybody every told them that can't get knocked up by being screwed in the ass?

Of course Moon Bats don't know anymore about Biology as they know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.
I am going to assume that you are just going out of you're way to be obnoxious wih this tripe, because no one can be that fucking stupid.

Same sex couples bring children into their homes and lives by a variety of means, just like many heterosexual couples do when they can't conceive on their own. More importantly, they are parents to those children

I am assuming that you are one of these Moon Bat assholes that has absolutely NO understanding of Biology. Nobody is that much of an idiot.

A kid would be real fucked up to be raised in a queer family. You not understanding that speaks volumes of your "progressive" stupidity.

A child needs a mother and a father. I shit you not. Go look it up.
Really?? It that were true there would be a hell of a lot of screwed up kids out that.

Another appeal to ignorance logical fallacy. YOU need to look it up!

There ARE a hell of a lot of screwed-up kids out there. What the fuck country are YOU in?
Which one is going to get pregnant? Has anybody every told them that can't get knocked up by being screwed in the ass?

Of course Moon Bats don't know anymore about Biology as they know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.
I am going to assume that you are just going out of you're way to be obnoxious wih this tripe, because no one can be that fucking stupid.

Same sex couples bring children into their homes and lives by a variety of means, just like many heterosexual couples do when they can't conceive on their own. More importantly, they are parents to those children

I am assuming that you are one of these Moon Bat assholes that has absolutely NO understanding of Biology. Nobody is that much of an idiot.

A kid would be real fucked up to be raised in a queer family. You not understanding that speaks volumes of your "progressive" stupidity.

A child needs a mother and a father. I shit you not. Go look it up.
Really?? It that were true there would be a hell of a lot of screwed up kids out that.

Another appeal to ignorance logical fallacy. YOU need to look it up!

There ARE a hell of a lot of screwed-up kids out there. What the fuck country are YOU in?

How could a kid not grow up screwed with same sex homosexual "parents"? Talk about being confused and out of touch with reality.
Which one is going to get pregnant? Has anybody every told them that can't get knocked up by being screwed in the ass?

Of course Moon Bats don't know anymore about Biology as they know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.
I am going to assume that you are just going out of you're way to be obnoxious wih this tripe, because no one can be that fucking stupid.

Same sex couples bring children into their homes and lives by a variety of means, just like many heterosexual couples do when they can't conceive on their own. More importantly, they are parents to those children

I am assuming that you are one of these Moon Bat assholes that has absolutely NO understanding of Biology. Nobody is that much of an idiot.

A kid would be real fucked up to be raised in a queer family. You not understanding that speaks volumes of your "progressive" stupidity.

A child needs a mother and a father. I shit you not. Go look it up.
Really?? It that were true there would be a hell of a lot of screwed up kids out that.

Another appeal to ignorance logical fallacy. YOU need to look it up!

There ARE a hell of a lot of screwed-up kids out there. What the fuck country are YOU in?

How could a kid not grow up screwed with same sex homosexual "parents"? Talk about being confused and out of touch with reality.

Not the only "non-traditional family" setup screwing up kids, but . . .
so here's a guy who might be considering starting a family. Why not?
Why not a "wrinkled white Jew" who is miles above the present occupant of the Oval Office, who dropped his pants for everything still breathing and spawned children whom I seriously doubt he ever gave a moment's time to or even changed a diaper? If Buttigieg starts a family it will be by his will to become a parent, whereas I don't think that the orange whore ever even bothered to be present at the birth of the children he spawned to comfort and aid his children's mothers in labor and welcome his new progeny on their arrival.

"so here's a guy who might be considering starting a family. Why not?"

Because a man starts a family with a woman not with another man. It's Adam and Eve it wasn't Adam and Steve.

People can start a family by adoption. which is a willful process that requires dedication. Some people start families by fucking around, and then refuse to take their places as members of the families they started. Which, if any, of the three women who had babies by your whore were encouraged and comforted by him while in labor? Was he there to hold them when they pushed, panted, and screamed in pain? A real man, husband, and father is there. Where is the video? See donnie cleaning, diapering, and coddling his little infants and caring for their mothers after their ordeal.

No he didn't. With at least one of those three wives we know that while his wife was home with that newborn child, he was out having sex with a porn film star. Then had to pay her off before the election so people wouldn't know about it.

I find it extremely disgusting that the same people who claim to be "pro life" are now attacking a man who wants to be a father and will take the steps to adopt a child.

Adoption is one of the anti abortion people's solution to abortion. Now the same people are attacking a man for wanting to do what the anti abortion people scream people should be doing.

These people are so far past disgusting I just don't have the adjectives to describe it.

I only rated your comment as a "winner" because there is no higher rating. If a heterosexual male is a "real man," he will be in the delivery room, then he will be diapering, bathing, feeding, and cuddling his infant, and caring for the woman who gave birth to his child while she recuperates. Nothing will separate him from his family.

Heterosexual men may become parents by chance, through their failure to use birth control, or the failure of the birth-control method used. Gay men become parents by choosing to take on the burdens of parenthood willingly.

Lets hear it for real fathers:

I only rated your comment as a "winner" because there is no higher rating. If a heterosexual male is a "real man," he will be in the delivery room, then he will be diapering, bathing, feeding, and cuddling his infant, and caring for the woman who gave birth to his child while she recuperates. Nothing will separate him from his family.

Heterosexual men may become parents by chance, through their failure to use birth control, or the failure of the birth-control method used. Gay men become parents by choosing to take on the burdens of parenthood willingly.

Lets hear it for real fathers:


That's real woke of you. Aren't you just too precious.
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