Buttigieg Says He and Same-Sex Husband Hope to Start a Family and May Have Children in White House

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Now isn't that the most adorable thing you have heard all day from a guy??? that is clearly in second place behind a 79 year old wrinkled white jew that loves communism and what the communists did to HIS PEOPLE!.....Just have yo love the insanity of the left....wonder how historians will write up this event 50 or so years from today....if we are still here!


“We’re hoping to have a little one soon,” Buttigieg said at an event in Brooklyn, New York on April 15 of last year, where he shared the stage with his husband, Chasten....
HUSBAND?...Does this make him the first woman to become president....in her dreams?

“I imagine it would make me a better president,” he said on CNN the next day.

On June 16, when he appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union," host Jake Tapper asked him: “Do you think, if you are elected president, hypothetically, that you will plan to start a family in the White House?”

“I don’t see why not,” Buttigieg said. “I think it wouldn’t be the first time that children have arrived to a first couple.”

(Excerpt) Read more at cnsnews.com ...
Mayor Pete and his husband have been trying to make a baby for a long time now and that don't understand why it's not working.
Just when we thought that we have heard the stupidest thing possible, along come you
There ARE a hell of a lot of screwed-up kids out there. What the fuck country are YOU in?

How could a kid not grow up screwed with same sex homosexual "parents"? Talk about being confused and out of touch with reality.

Not the only "non-traditional family" setup screwing up kids, but . . .

True. there are many pitfalls that results in kids being screwed. However, living in a homosexual family with two moms or two dads has to be a very confusing environment for a kid.

A child needs the love and nurturing of a mom and the firm loving direction of a dad.
Please post your degrees in child psychology . I'm sure that you have several advanced degrees from prestigious institutions of higher learning

I just heard, "I accept what my leaders tell me, because I'm too dumb to think for myself."
I don't have leaders. You do. I get my information from scientific sources and evaluate it carefully. You get lead by the nose by the bigots, fearmongers, and theocrats
I only rated your comment as a "winner" because there is no higher rating. If a heterosexual male is a "real man," he will be in the delivery room, then he will be diapering, bathing, feeding, and cuddling his infant, and caring for the woman who gave birth to his child while she recuperates. Nothing will separate him from his family.

Heterosexual men may become parents by chance, through their failure to use birth control, or the failure of the birth-control method used. Gay men become parents by choosing to take on the burdens of parenthood willingly.

Lets hear it for real fathers:


That's real woke of you. Aren't you just too precious.

Does it feel good to mock the idea of family? Are you someone who has refused, or will refuse to care for your own children? Walk out on them to go out and play?

Pretty sure he's mocking the idea of YOU handing down sanctimonious judgements.

What "sanctimonious judgements [sic]"? Either a person is there for his/her spouse and his/her infant children or not. The more wealth a father has, the less likely it is that he has to go out the door each day to earn a living for his family, and the more likely it is that he can afford to spend time personally caring for his wife and children.


Oh, and lest I forget your overweening self-flattery in attempting to correct ME on spelling:

Definition of JUDGEMENTS


judg·ment | \ ˈjəj-mənt \
variants: or judgement

Fuck you very much, Grammar Nazi Lite.
Thank for that thoughtful and brilliant commentary on the art and science of parenting and the developmental and social needs of children. You have raised the bar on the level of intellectual and civil discourse to new heights. I'll be looking forward to your next installment which I hope will be on the specific issue of children with same sex parents.

If you have to ask. . . .
You're a childish dumbass without an argument. I can only assume you learned to debate in a preschool.

Sorry you claimed Pete shouldn't be elected because Muslims won't like him. It's a really stupid fucking argument.

No, dumbfuck. I get that you need everything simplified to a grade-school level, but I actually just said that it would make diplomacy in the Middle East exponentially more difficult. As in, intelligent voters (read: not you) should weigh this into their decision-making.

I don't think it makes a difference in the world. But if you want to vote for a candidate because of how they are perceived on the world stage please tell me you didn't vote for the international joke that is Donald Trump.

I could give a damn if other countries like us; in fact, I'd prefer they don't like us too much, because that probably means we're benefiting them at our own expense. But I think there's a possibility that a lot of countries, most notably the Middle East, would be unwilling to meet with a gay President, and might even be offended and insulted by it. We're still the United States, so I don't know if any of them would reject the interaction outright, but I doubt that Pope Pete has the gravitas and foreign relations savvy to overcome that kind of obstacle in an already-touchy diplomatic situation.

How are they on presidents who fuck porn stars or will obviously lie to them because they lie about everything?

My god, lady the right elected somebody that pretty much nobody wants anything to do with, don't trust and most likely will work around him as much as possible and shut out our country from the rest of the world.

My, aren't YOU the judgmental Puritanical prude all of a sudden. Don't worry, I can hear what you're actually saying: "All topics are about how much I hate Trump!!! I can't talk about my candidates! TTTTRRUUUUUUMMMPPP!!!"

I don't care who he fucks, I enjoy the wingnut hypocrisy.

FYI, "hypocrisy" is still not defined as "practicing beliefs I don't share according to the way I think they should be".

There is nothing in the world to which I look to you for guidance and wisdom, but even less so do I value your approval on moral issues.
Sorry you claimed Pete shouldn't be elected because Muslims won't like him. It's a really stupid fucking argument.

Maybe you should learn something. Most Middle Eastern leaders are Muslim. They would refuse to even talk to Buttplug. Kind of hard to negotiate anything when the other nation’s leader sees an insult to his religion leading the other side. They likely wouldn’t even allow him in the country. Before you spout more idiocy, consider how seriously Muslims take their religion.

I think most world leaders are smarter than that. They have to deal with us and that's the only reason anyone one of them talks to Trump, they don't have a choice in the matter.

But if you want the Middle East to decide who is president then that's your prerogative I guess.

You think? Obviously not. Your pathetic attempt to deflect to Trump is noted. By the way moron, stating the facts does not mean the Middle East picks the President. Try again.

The difference between considering the need to deal with the Middle East and "letting the Middle East pick the President" is clearly too nuanced for anyone dumb enough to be a leftist in the first place.

No, seriously I get it. You want our president to meet the moral approval of middle eastern dictatorships.

No, seriously, all you get is what the voices in your head tell you is said, rather than what's actually said.
Thank for that thoughtful and brilliant commentary on the art and science of parenting and the developmental and social needs of children. You have raised the bar on the level of intellectual and civil discourse to new heights. I'll be looking forward to your next installment which I hope will be on the specific issue of children with same sex parents.

If you have to ask. . . .

Or do you mean: " If you have to, ask. . . " If that's the case,
I just did ask. Bring it on!
I only rated your comment as a "winner" because there is no higher rating. If a heterosexual male is a "real man," he will be in the delivery room, then he will be diapering, bathing, feeding, and cuddling his infant, and caring for the woman who gave birth to his child while she recuperates. Nothing will separate him from his family.

Heterosexual men may become parents by chance, through their failure to use birth control, or the failure of the birth-control method used. Gay men become parents by choosing to take on the burdens of parenthood willingly.

Lets hear it for real fathers:


That's real woke of you. Aren't you just too precious.

Does it feel good to mock the idea of family? Are you someone who has refused, or will refuse to care for your own children? Walk out on them to go out and play?

Pretty sure he's mocking the idea of YOU handing down sanctimonious judgements.
Look who the fuck is talking!

I know who's talking. Someone who has been married to my only husband for 25 years (as of tomorrow, in fact) and had 3 children and 4 going on 5 grandchildren with him, and does not need to hear pronouncements from a leftist, man-hating skank about her view of what men are and should be.

And you should revise your belief in how valued YOUR opinion is, as well.
Maybe you should learn something. Most Middle Eastern leaders are Muslim. They would refuse to even talk to Buttplug. Kind of hard to negotiate anything when the other nation’s leader sees an insult to his religion leading the other side. They likely wouldn’t even allow him in the country. Before you spout more idiocy, consider how seriously Muslims take their religion.

I think most world leaders are smarter than that. They have to deal with us and that's the only reason anyone one of them talks to Trump, they don't have a choice in the matter.

But if you want the Middle East to decide who is president then that's your prerogative I guess.

You think? Obviously not. Your pathetic attempt to deflect to Trump is noted. By the way moron, stating the facts does not mean the Middle East picks the President. Try again.

The difference between considering the need to deal with the Middle East and "letting the Middle East pick the President" is clearly too nuanced for anyone dumb enough to be a leftist in the first place.

No, seriously I get it. You want our president to meet the moral approval of middle eastern dictatorships.

No, seriously, all you get is what the voices in your head tell you is said, rather than what's actually said.
All you have is a lot of hot air and no substance. You're just blowing smoke. You have no facts or substance to back up your position, what ever the fuck that actually.
How could a kid not grow up screwed with same sex homosexual "parents"? Talk about being confused and out of touch with reality.

Not the only "non-traditional family" setup screwing up kids, but . . .

True. there are many pitfalls that results in kids being screwed. However, living in a homosexual family with two moms or two dads has to be a very confusing environment for a kid.

A child needs the love and nurturing of a mom and the firm loving direction of a dad.
Please post your degrees in child psychology . I'm sure that you have several advanced degrees from prestigious institutions of higher learning

I just heard, "I accept what my leaders tell me, because I'm too dumb to think for myself."
I don't have leaders. You do. I get my information from scientific sources and evaluate it carefully. You get lead by the nose by the bigots, fearmongers, and theocrats

Oh, you're "scientific" and "evaluate carefully", do you? Please cite me the studies you personally have read both supporting and opposing your viewpoint, and explain why the ones supporting are superior to the ones opposing.

I'll wait while you cobble together a completely inane and inadequate response.
I only rated your comment as a "winner" because there is no higher rating. If a heterosexual male is a "real man," he will be in the delivery room, then he will be diapering, bathing, feeding, and cuddling his infant, and caring for the woman who gave birth to his child while she recuperates. Nothing will separate him from his family.

Heterosexual men may become parents by chance, through their failure to use birth control, or the failure of the birth-control method used. Gay men become parents by choosing to take on the burdens of parenthood willingly.

Lets hear it for real fathers:


That's real woke of you. Aren't you just too precious.

Does it feel good to mock the idea of family? Are you someone who has refused, or will refuse to care for your own children? Walk out on them to go out and play?

Pretty sure he's mocking the idea of YOU handing down sanctimonious judgements.
Look who the fuck is talking!

I know who's talking. Someone who has been married to my only husband for 25 years (as of tomorrow, in fact) and had 3 children and 4 going on 5 grandchildren with him, and does not need to hear pronouncements from a leftist, man-hating skank about her view of what men are and should be.

And you should revise your belief in how valued YOUR opinion is, as well.
More horseshit and hot air. Tooting your own horn about your life is meaningless in the context of trying to justify your bigotry, And what evidence do you have that "Lysistrata, is a man hating skank" The hate is coming all from you.
so here's a guy who might be considering starting a family. Why not?
Why not a "wrinkled white Jew" who is miles above the present occupant of the Oval Office, who dropped his pants for everything still breathing and spawned children whom I seriously doubt he ever gave a moment's time to or even changed a diaper? If Buttigieg starts a family it will be by his will to become a parent, whereas I don't think that the orange whore ever even bothered to be present at the birth of the children he spawned to comfort and aid his children's mothers in labor and welcome his new progeny on their arrival.
Whereas, 'I don't think' means you don't know
So, if you don't know, then shut the fuck up

I've got First Amendment rights. Don't you know that, right-wing imbecile?
Guess what...so do I bitch
And, don't you forget it
And don't you forget that I have First Amendment rights, too. You are the one who told me to "shut the fuck up" in response to a post that I wrote that had nothing whatsoever to do with you personally. Did you have parents? Any kind of an upbringing at all? Were you ever taught the basics of civilized behavior?
ROFLMFAO...well, isn't that special

You question whether I have parents, my upbringing
and whether I was taught basic, civilized behavior....

and you're the one assuming Trump wasn't present
when his children were born to comfort and aid
his children's mothers in labor and welcome them into the world...

yet, you advocate a woman has the 'right' to kill their unborn child
and men have no say whatsoever, even though it's his child too,

You are referring to his children as his spawn
and referring to him as the orange whore

And, you have the nerve to ponder
my parents and my upbringing

Shut the fuck up
I think most world leaders are smarter than that. They have to deal with us and that's the only reason anyone one of them talks to Trump, they don't have a choice in the matter.

But if you want the Middle East to decide who is president then that's your prerogative I guess.

You think? Obviously not. Your pathetic attempt to deflect to Trump is noted. By the way moron, stating the facts does not mean the Middle East picks the President. Try again.

The difference between considering the need to deal with the Middle East and "letting the Middle East pick the President" is clearly too nuanced for anyone dumb enough to be a leftist in the first place.

No, seriously I get it. You want our president to meet the moral approval of middle eastern dictatorships.

No, seriously, all you get is what the voices in your head tell you is said, rather than what's actually said.
All you have is a lot of hot air and no substance. You're just blowing smoke. You have no facts or substance to back up your position, what ever the fuck that actually.

That is apparently a boilerplate you just cut and paste as your standard answer to everything.
That's real woke of you. Aren't you just too precious.

Does it feel good to mock the idea of family? Are you someone who has refused, or will refuse to care for your own children? Walk out on them to go out and play?

Pretty sure he's mocking the idea of YOU handing down sanctimonious judgements.
Look who the fuck is talking!

I know who's talking. Someone who has been married to my only husband for 25 years (as of tomorrow, in fact) and had 3 children and 4 going on 5 grandchildren with him, and does not need to hear pronouncements from a leftist, man-hating skank about her view of what men are and should be.

And you should revise your belief in how valued YOUR opinion is, as well.
More horseshit and hot air. Tooting your own horn about your life is meaningless in the context of trying to justify your bigotry, And what evidence do you have that "Lysistrata, is a man hating skank" The hate is coming all from you.

Typical leftist. "You disagree with me? BIGOT!!!" However, that only works on people who are pathetic enough to want your good opinion, and I wouldn't take it on a silver platter.

The evidence i have that Lice is a man-hating skank would be years of reading her posts, and being able to understand English. I get that these are qualifications beyond your scope to understand.
You think? Obviously not. Your pathetic attempt to deflect to Trump is noted. By the way moron, stating the facts does not mean the Middle East picks the President. Try again.

The difference between considering the need to deal with the Middle East and "letting the Middle East pick the President" is clearly too nuanced for anyone dumb enough to be a leftist in the first place.

No, seriously I get it. You want our president to meet the moral approval of middle eastern dictatorships.

No, seriously, all you get is what the voices in your head tell you is said, rather than what's actually said.
All you have is a lot of hot air and no substance. You're just blowing smoke. You have no facts or substance to back up your position, what ever the fuck that actually.

That is apparently a boilerplate you just cut and paste as your standard answer to everything.
You know, I really could give less than a rats hind parts what you think of me or what I say. Present and argument and back it up with facts and logic. Show that you can support a conclusion with an appropriate premise that is not a logical fallacy and maybe then I will have a modicum of respect for you.
The difference between considering the need to deal with the Middle East and "letting the Middle East pick the President" is clearly too nuanced for anyone dumb enough to be a leftist in the first place.

No, seriously I get it. You want our president to meet the moral approval of middle eastern dictatorships.

No, seriously, all you get is what the voices in your head tell you is said, rather than what's actually said.
All you have is a lot of hot air and no substance. You're just blowing smoke. You have no facts or substance to back up your position, what ever the fuck that actually.

That is apparently a boilerplate you just cut and paste as your standard answer to everything.
You know, I really could give less than a rats hind parts what you think of me or what I say. Present and argument and back it up with facts and logic. Show that you can support a conclusion with an appropriate premise that is not a logical fallacy and maybe then I will have a modicum of respect for you.

You continue to flatter yourself that your putrid respect is something I would allow you to give me.
Or do you mean: " If you have to, ask. . . " If that's the case,
I just did ask. Bring it on!

The man is a sexual degenerate, a phoney-ass, virtue-signaling doofus of an infanticidal monster who claims to be a Christian with a straight face while trashing those who actually live the teachings of Christ. To talk about this delusional fraud in terms of family and children. . . . Seriously?

Leftists are morally clueless.
Does it feel good to mock the idea of family? Are you someone who has refused, or will refuse to care for your own children? Walk out on them to go out and play?

Pretty sure he's mocking the idea of YOU handing down sanctimonious judgements.
Look who the fuck is talking!

I know who's talking. Someone who has been married to my only husband for 25 years (as of tomorrow, in fact) and had 3 children and 4 going on 5 grandchildren with him, and does not need to hear pronouncements from a leftist, man-hating skank about her view of what men are and should be.

And you should revise your belief in how valued YOUR opinion is, as well.
More horseshit and hot air. Tooting your own horn about your life is meaningless in the context of trying to justify your bigotry, And what evidence do you have that "Lysistrata, is a man hating skank" The hate is coming all from you.

Typical leftist. "You disagree with me? BIGOT!!!" However, that only works on people who are pathetic enough to want your good opinion, and I wouldn't take it on a silver platter.

The evidence i have that Lice is a man-hating skank would be years of reading her posts, and being able to understand English. I get that these are qualifications beyond your scope to understand.
If I called you a bigot, it's because you are a bigot. You claim to not be a bigot? OK, do you believe that gay people should have equal rights and be allowed to marry? Do you believe tat same sex couples should be adopting and raising children? . If not, in either case why? Base your answers of facts and not on your personal values. Unless you can show that bestowing these rights on gay folks is somehow harmful to society, YOU ARE A FUCKING BIGOT
Or do you mean: " If you have to, ask. . . " If that's the case,
I just did ask. Bring it on!

The man is a sexual degenerate, a phoney-ass, virtue-signaling doofus of an infanticidal monster who claims to be a Christian with a straight face while trashing those who actually live the teachings of Christ. To talk about this delusional fraud in terms of family and children. . . . Seriously?

Leftists are morally clueless.
You are truly deranged! Nothing except value judgements. Your mentality is the same as those who spewed such hate to justify slavery and segregation. Haters have got to hate. You just can't get away with racism so easily any more so gays are your target of choice. You are a coward!
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