Buy low, sell high.


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
This is one example of how to make money in the stock market.

I won't mention the stock, but I bought it at around $1.50 a share (can't remember exact price) back in January, I bought 13K shares and invested $20K.

Last week the stock jumped to $4.15 at opening, and I unloaded 7K shares, which returned me just under $30K. I still have 6K shares, and the current stock price is $2.70.

The intent of the thread is to show how to make money playing the stock market. Everyone has their own strategy, but I like buying stocks priced under $5.00, preferably those who were not over $10 a share. If those stocks were once over $10, then I buy and hold and usually sell as soon as I see an opportunity to double my money.

The best option is to buy a stock that has never exceeded $5.00 in value, usually in the $1.00 to $2.00 range, and wait for it to double in value. If you feel there is growth in its future past 2X your investment, you can sell half and hold the rest, or you can just hold and wait until you see an increase that you like.
Those stocks are a hit and miss. I'm too old to be gambling at that level.
I buy Blue Chip stocks that carry a fair dividend, buy and hold.
I sleep comfortably nights.
First off, I would never day trade. Secondly, I understand your reluctance to "gamble", the strategy for me is to buy low cost stocks, usually those with a background in the emerging market of "green energy", which is like the internet stocks of the late 90's.

The opportunity to double your investment in a few weeks or months is very real when investing this way. It can also backfire.

2 years ago I invested close to $20K in a new lithium battery manufacturer, all of my my shares were purchased around 0.25 to 0.30 a share. It is now .06 a share. I do expect this stock to ultimately take off, but there have been multiple setbacks to their production timeline. So when this happens, all is not lost, you just have to be patient.
This is one example of how to make money in the stock market.

I won't mention the stock, but I bought it at around $1.50 a share (can't remember exact price) back in January, I bought 13K shares and invested $20K.

Last week the stock jumped to $4.15 at opening, and I unloaded 7K shares, which returned me just under $30K. I still have 6K shares, and the current stock price is $2.70.

The intent of the thread is to show how to make money playing the stock market. Everyone has their own strategy, but I like buying stocks priced under $5.00, preferably those who were not over $10 a share. If those stocks were once over $10, then I buy and hold and usually sell as soon as I see an opportunity to double my money.

The best option is to buy a stock that has never exceeded $5.00 in value, usually in the $1.00 to $2.00 range, and wait for it to double in value. If you feel there is growth in its future past 2X your investment, you can sell half and hold the rest, or you can just hold and wait until you see an increase that you like.
What is your exit strategy when the stock drops in price?
A lot of people lost their shirts with the tech bubble. Those stocks were selling for 200 dollars or more and negative earnings.
When it burst, I'm sure it was a gut punch for them. I remember one guy bragging every day how much his stocks went up
and what his net worth was.....on paper. After the collapse, I asked him how his stocks were doing, he never talked to me again.
This is one example of how to make money in the stock market.

I won't mention the stock, but I bought it at around $1.50 a share (can't remember exact price) back in January, I bought 13K shares and invested $20K.

Last week the stock jumped to $4.15 at opening, and I unloaded 7K shares, which returned me just under $30K. I still have 6K shares, and the current stock price is $2.70.

The intent of the thread is to show how to make money playing the stock market. Everyone has their own strategy, but I like buying stocks priced under $5.00, preferably those who were not over $10 a share. If those stocks were once over $10, then I buy and hold and usually sell as soon as I see an opportunity to double my money.

The best option is to buy a stock that has never exceeded $5.00 in value, usually in the $1.00 to $2.00 range, and wait for it to double in value. If you feel there is growth in its future past 2X your investment, you can sell half and hold the rest, or you can just hold and wait until you see an increase that you like.
/----/ " how to make money playing the stock market"
Agreed. I invest in growth stocks, and ETFs, have dividends automatically reinvested, and then trade options for extra income. When I sell a covered call or cash secured put, I know exactly how much money I'll make and the exact date it will happen. Yours is no less valid, but mine is a stronger strategy.
But please, please, stop using the phrase "playing the stock market." I know it's a cliche, but that makes it sound like buying lottery tickets or betting on the horses. You are INVESTING in the market, not playing, dabbling, or gambling.
A lot of people lost their shirts with the tech bubble. Those stocks were selling for 200 dollars or more and negative earnings.
When it burst, I'm sure it was a gut punch for them. I remember one guy bragging every day how much his stocks went up
and what his net worth was.....on paper. After the collapse, I asked him how his stocks were doing, he never talked to me again.
Yea, that's true, but the green energy bubble is only partially inflated, and far from bursting. In fact, some stocks barely have air, and now is the time to find them and buy in.
Lots of investment potential in green energy. I almost quit my job for a door to door solar panel sales opportunity. You wouldn't believe how much money these dudes are making.
Lots of investment potential in green energy. I almost quit my job for a door to door solar panel sales opportunity. You wouldn't believe how much money these dudes are making.
I had a (former) coworker do just that. He is an installer, not in sales. Another (former) coworker in the same dept. spent $60K on a complete solar set up that sees him selling excess energy back to the utility. With government rebates he ended up spending about $42k on his setup, I think he said it would take 10 or 11 years to pay for itself.
This is one example of how to make money in the stock market.

I won't mention the stock, but I bought it at around $1.50 a share (can't remember exact price) back in January, I bought 13K shares and invested $20K.

Last week the stock jumped to $4.15 at opening, and I unloaded 7K shares, which returned me just under $30K. I still have 6K shares, and the current stock price is $2.70.

The intent of the thread is to show how to make money playing the stock market. Everyone has their own strategy, but I like buying stocks priced under $5.00, preferably those who were not over $10 a share. If those stocks were once over $10, then I buy and hold and usually sell as soon as I see an opportunity to double my money.

The best option is to buy a stock that has never exceeded $5.00 in value, usually in the $1.00 to $2.00 range, and wait for it to double in value. If you feel there is growth in its future past 2X your investment, you can sell half and hold the rest, or you can just hold and wait until you see an increase that you like.
You should mention the stock. The more people who buy it, the higher the price will go up.
This is one example of how to make money in the stock market.

I won't mention the stock, but I bought it at around $1.50 a share (can't remember exact price) back in January, I bought 13K shares and invested $20K.

Last week the stock jumped to $4.15 at opening, and I unloaded 7K shares, which returned me just under $30K. I still have 6K shares, and the current stock price is $2.70.

The intent of the thread is to show how to make money playing the stock market. Everyone has their own strategy, but I like buying stocks priced under $5.00, preferably those who were not over $10 a share. If those stocks were once over $10, then I buy and hold and usually sell as soon as I see an opportunity to double my money.

The best option is to buy a stock that has never exceeded $5.00 in value, usually in the $1.00 to $2.00 range, and wait for it to double in value. If you feel there is growth in its future past 2X your investment, you can sell half and hold the rest, or you can just hold and wait until you see an increase that you like.

This reminds me of a buddy of mine that used to always brag about his winnings in Vegas, all he ever talked about was the occasional win, he did not ever talk about the 20 losses it took to get to that one win.

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