Bwahahahahahh!!! Newsweak Heads to the Block...


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2008
"We're All Socialists Now" :lol::lol::lol:

The Washington Post Co. announced Wednesday that it has retained Allen & Company to explore the possible sale of NEWSWEEK magazine. The newsweekly, which has struggled in recent years, was launched in 1933 and purchased by The Washington Post Co. in 1961.

Washington Post Co. Chairman Donald E. Graham came to New York to tell the magazine staff at a 10:30 a.m. ET meeting on Wednesday. "We have reported losses in the tens of millions for the last two years," he said. "Outstanding work by NEWSWEEK's people has significantly narrowed the losses in the last year and particularly in the last few months. But we do not see a path to continuing profitability under our management."


Washington Post Co. to Sell Newsweek -

These idiots made their bed... and sure, print media is suffering in competition with free information on the internet. But I don't think it's any accident that lefty outlets like MSNBC and Air America are either on the bottom or gone. It's because their eggheaded, lefty opinions are unmarketable in a center-right country.
Print media will be for the most part gone in twenty, if not ten years.

Think about where we stood about technology ten years ago. Trying to say Newsweek is dying because it's some lefty outlet is facetious since you're ignoring reality.
Print media will be for the most part gone in twenty, if not ten years.

Think about where we stood about technology ten years ago. Trying to say Newsweek is dying because it's some lefty outlet is facetious since you're ignoring reality.

Print media is in trouble... no doubt about that. So, outlets who want to survive are gonna have to be quick and they're gonna have to be smart. Newsweak was neither.

I think it's telling that other lefty outlets are likewise in trouble, not just in print, but also on radio and TV. So, I think a case can be made that it's a content problem. There are far left outlets available, more purist ones, that have catered to this niche market for a long time.

Outlets who are only going three-quarters of the way there are neither left, right, nor center... and end up alienating everbody.

What amuses me the most about Newsweak's failure... is that they were trying to make like a chameleon and fool people into thinking they were middle-of-the-road. It was a propagandist position, and they richly deserve to face the consequences of it.
Print media is in trouble... no doubt about that. So, outlets who want to survive are gonna have to be quick and they're gonna have to be smart. Newsweak was neither.

I think it's telling that other lefty outlets are likewise in trouble, not just in print, but also on radio and TV. So, I think a case can be made that it's a content problem. There are far left outlets available, more purist ones, that have catered to this niche market for a long time.

Outlets who are only going three-quarters of the way there are neither left, right, nor center... and end up alienating everbody.

What amuses me the most about Newsweak's failure... is that they were trying to make like a chameleon and fool people into thinking they were middle-of-the-road. It was a propagandist position, and they richly deserve to face the consequences of it.

Outlets who are going to survive are going to move to the internet and start charging there.

Honestly, the amount of ignorance you are spewing in the name of partisan hackery is astounding.
Weird how center right news outlets like Fox are kicking ass... in a center right country. :eusa_whistle:
Weird how center right news outlets like Fox are kicking ass... in a center right country. :eusa_whistle:

Fox is kicking ass when it comes to Conservative audiences because it is the primary Conservative news outlet.

Plus, older people (who tend to be Republican) watch television more than Liberals (people like me) who use the internet as the main source of getting news.
the farther left newsweek went, the lower its ignore that, is to ignore claim its just the way of modern tech is simply ignorant

other magazines are doing better than newsweek, then again, that sits uncomfortable for liberals as they have to admit that all the media doing poorly is farther left media than others...

the owners need to wake up and realize people aren't buying liberal propaganda anymore
"We're All Socialists Now" :lol::lol::lol:

The Washington Post Co. announced Wednesday that it has retained Allen & Company to explore the possible sale of NEWSWEEK magazine. The newsweekly, which has struggled in recent years, was launched in 1933 and purchased by The Washington Post Co. in 1961.

Washington Post Co. Chairman Donald E. Graham came to New York to tell the magazine staff at a 10:30 a.m. ET meeting on Wednesday. "We have reported losses in the tens of millions for the last two years," he said. "Outstanding work by NEWSWEEK's people has significantly narrowed the losses in the last year and particularly in the last few months. But we do not see a path to continuing profitability under our management."


Washington Post Co. to Sell Newsweek -

These idiots made their bed... and sure, print media is suffering in competition with free information on the internet. But I don't think it's any accident that lefty outlets like MSNBC and Air America are either on the bottom or gone. It's because their eggheaded, lefty opinions are unmarketable in a center-right country.

Murf, it isn't easy for me to enjoy the collapse of any media outlet (okay, mebbe Palladin Press). What becomes of this country without investigative journalism/reporters? How do communities sustain a sense of "home and shared place" without the local rag to discuss the high school sports team and print the obits?

The Chicago Tribune flirted with bankruptcy last year. No newspaper is really solvent/profitable because folks are stopping their subscriptions and just reading their content on-line for free.

What a genius idea THAT turned out to be, huh?
Heck even People and the Enquirer are suffering. And that tells you how bad things are in America.
Murf, it isn't easy for me to enjoy the collapse of any media outlet (okay, mebbe Palladin Press). What becomes of this country without investigative journalism/reporters? How do communities sustain a sense of "home and shared place" without the local rag to discuss the high school sports team and print the obits?

The Chicago Tribune flirted with bankruptcy last year. No newspaper is really solvent/profitable because folks are stopping their subscriptions and just reading their content on-line for free.

What a genius idea THAT turned out to be, huh?

I submit to you Madeline, that if Newsweek had actually been doing any hard-hitting investigative journalism... they wouldn't be looking for buyers now.

While it's true that print media outlets are going to have to be resourceful to stay in business... the basic truths of economics still apply. Supply and demand. You have to offer a product that people will care enough about to buy. When demand is light, you have to increase the appetite for the product by offering something they can't get anywhere else. IOW, these people needed to get off their duffs, stop giving us their propagandized opinions, and actually go "investigate" something. Opinions are like assholes... everybody has one. But facts aren't subjective. And when they're difficult to compile, they're worth the money.

There are markets for partisan opinion. Newsweek wasn't one of them. People actually expected, well.... news.
I have soft spot for newsweek because it was where I got my first taste of Milton Friedman.

They used to make a real effort to balance the commentary. Those days are very ancient history.

This last four years they really went in for kool aid, so I am not surprised they are loosing customers. They seemed to be trying to get to the left of Mother Jones
Weird how center right news outlets like Fox are kicking ass... in a center right country. :eusa_whistle:

they have print media?

My point was about news outlets in general. Only about 20% of Americans self-identify as "liberals". And yet we see all sorts of media outlets catering to them. Then, they wonder why they aren't getting big market shares. Sorta loopy thinking from a business standpoint.

Rupert Murdoch's doing well, because he's targeting the bulk of the market. Despite the demonizing from the left, Fox is a center right outlet. Only Hannity and Beck are really swinging for the fence. Typically, in all their other broadcasts, guests and interviews are booked one from each opposing view.
They seemed to be trying to get to the left of Mother Jones

That's the thing... there was ALREADY a niche market established. In order to beat say, Mother Jones, they'd have had to drop all pretense of "centrism" and go left unabashedly. The half-assed approach leaves the niche market going for a product they're already familiar with and pissing off everyone else.

I don't feel sorry for these people. It's a propaganda outlet at this point, attempting to be part of the story by manipulating public opinion, rather than reporting it.

"Oh what tangled webs we weave when first we practice to deceive". :lol:
I miss the technical electronics magazines. And they were not even political.
Print media will be for the most part gone in twenty, if not ten years.

Think about where we stood about technology ten years ago. Trying to say Newsweek is dying because it's some lefty outlet is facetious since you're ignoring reality.

Have you checked the WSJ lately?
Weird how center right news outlets like Fox are kicking ass... in a center right country. :eusa_whistle:

they have print media?

My understanding is Rupert Murdock owns a majority/controlling share of FOX, as well as some fine print media. Apparently Rupert has a Howard Hughes complex. Such a nice feeling to have propaganda flung at me by the men who aspire to wear kleenex boxes for shoes.

The biggest loss if print media disappears is going to be the loss of local investigations. The world of crime will change as it will only be the government who are responsible for crime investigation. It moves us ironically closer to a police state, as then the police have the power to reveal or hide or just simply neglect any issue they choose. Listening to the NPR interview a few weeks ago brought this home to the audience.

Newsweek was not local per say but they helped. Gawd help us when all we have to rely on are the government and the vigilantes. Good grassroots reporting is essential to a working democracy.

The Fresh Air Interview: Pulitzer Prize-winning reporters Barbara Laker and Wendy Ruderman : NPR

"With city newspapers around the country in jeopardy, we have a story today that illustrates the importance of a daily city paper. My guests, Wendy Ruderman and Barbara Laker of the Philadelphia Daily News, just won a Pulitzer Prize for investigative journalism. They uncovered a story of police corruption so sensational, you'd expect to see it on a TV crime show.

Ruderman and Laker's story started with a drug informant coming to them and telling them about a narcotics officer who was fabricating evidence to get search warrants so he could arrest suspected drug dealers. The reporters discovered that this narcotics officer was part of a squad that raided neighborhood bodegas and smoke shops that sold small Ziploc bags, which police consider drug paraphernalia."

The Pulitzer Prizes | Public Service

Police in Philadelphia staged raids to rob shops | Street Gangs Resource Center – Los Angeles and California | The Gang Experts | Crips | Bloods | Mara Salvatrucha | 18th Street

Terrorizing Immigrants | Philadelphia Independent Media Center

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