bwhahah 67 year old beats the **** out of young punk


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2009

what are the odds the old dude is ex-military? I am glad that dude got beat up what a jackass.
I was thinking of posting this last night. Once again clear evidence that a certain group of people is the most violent in society
I was thinking of posting this last night. Once again clear evidence that a certain group of people is the most violent in society

keep the racist crap out, and this is anecdotal evidence, not clear
I was thinking of posting this last night. Once again clear evidence that a certain group of people is the most violent in society


Don't mess with big old white men with beards!

Just don't do it!
Here's the scene outside of the bus...

It is how I picture RGS.

[ame=""]YouTube - AC TRANSIT BUS FIGHT (the clip you didnt see)[/ame]
did I hear him right? he wants a ambaaaalance for a bloody nose? real tough! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Rewatch the video, even after getting his ass handed to him, the Brother has the balls to steal the white guys bag, and then the girl filming wants to go through it. Such class
I was thinking of posting this last night. Once again clear evidence that a certain group of people is the most violent in society

keep the racist crap out, and this is anecdotal evidence, not clear

Hard to overlook the racial component. Listen to the two negro women egging the young negro punk on.

I wasn't able to understand them as I am not fluent in the negro dialect.

Later, I will ask xsited1 to translate for me.
I was thinking of posting this last night. Once again clear evidence that a certain group of people is the most violent in society

keep the racist crap out, and this is anecdotal evidence, not clear

Hard to overlook the racial component. Listen to the two negro women egging the young negro punk on.
Please don't insult Negros that way. George Foreman is a Negro.Montel Williams is a Negro. Colin Powell is a Negro. Stevie Wonder is a Negro. Eddie Murphy is a Negro.
Those critters are FUCKING *******.
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God, I'd pay so much money to have been there. The fact that the old guy was wearing a fanny pack and high socks just adds insult to injury. :lol:
Guy hits more like a dockworker or other laborer than former military. Swings were too wide. Just sayin.

Quit talking like you know the first thing about fighting. Military guys arent trained in boxing and they fight just like any other normal person in the world. Have you ever been in the military to make a statement like that? I have, so i know you have no idea what youre talking about.
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keep the racist crap out, and this is anecdotal evidence, not clear

Hard to overlook the racial component. Listen to the two negro women egging the young negro punk on.
Please don't insult Negros that way. George Foreman is a Negro.Montel Williams is a Negro. Colin Powell is a Negro. Stevie Wonder is a Negro. Eddie Murphy is a Negro.
Those critters are FUCKING *******.

[ame=""]Chris Rock - Black People vs. *******[/ame]
I was thinking of posting this last night. Once again clear evidence that a certain group of people is the most violent in society

keep the racist crap out, and this is anecdotal evidence, not clear

Anecdotal? The black guy clearly made it racial from the start, and then the two black girls were screaming for him to "beat his white ass". Can you imagine if the situation was reversed and white passengers were screaming for someone to "beat his black ass"? Jesse Jackson and his buttfuck buddy Sharpton would be screaming about racial injustice to every network on television. You wont hear a peep out of anyone when black people do it to white people though.
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To the old guys credit he held up on the kid, he could have continued to rain down on him, but didn't

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