By 2050 Over Half of America's Population Will Be Hispanic

Do you realize how stupid your first question was? How is seeing recent shots of the streets of Berlin from the Internet any different from experiencing it first-hand and telling you about it after the fact?

If I went to Germany right now I would be arrested for attempted to kill Merkel, various German and EU media personalities and the Antifa retards I would undoubtedly bump into along the way .....

No you wouldn't, big mouth. Stop blustering, it's pathetic.
You don't know anything about me, dumbass.

I barely even hold back in my daily life anymore, and I used to be a very passive person offline because that was my true personality.

Seeing the destruction of Europe first-hand would absolutely cause me to attack all of those that I know are directly causing it.

God help any Antifa prick that ever crosses path with me, especially if I see them in Europe.

So what would you do if you did?
I would punch the little shit out cold, strangle the rest of the life out of him, and then proceed to paint the concrete with his DNA.

I would buy a gun to mow down an entire swath of them, but I have always received more personal satisfaction when I am crushing my enemies with my bare hands.

It is all but certain that you have never touched another human being in anger or aggression in your life, precious, so you can take off the cosplay gear and go calm down.
Not everyone grew up to be the wimp that you obviously are.

Before I became much more intelligent and mature than my peers once I went to middle school, there wasn't a day when I wasn't literally fighting mobs of kids by myself and at least holding my own.

I could easily just revert back to that childish mindset to kill some Antifa thugs.
No you wouldn't, big mouth. Stop blustering, it's pathetic.
You don't know anything about me, dumbass.

I barely even hold back in my daily life anymore, and I used to be a very passive person offline because that was my true personality.

Seeing the destruction of Europe first-hand would absolutely cause me to attack all of those that I know are directly causing it.

God help any Antifa prick that ever crosses path with me, especially if I see them in Europe.

So what would you do if you did?
I would punch the little shit out cold, strangle the rest of the life out of him, and then proceed to paint the concrete with his DNA.

I would buy a gun to mow down an entire swath of them, but I have always received more personal satisfaction when I am crushing my enemies with my bare hands.

It is all but certain that you have never touched another human being in anger or aggression in your life, precious, so you can take off the cosplay gear and go calm down.
Not everyone grew up to be the wimp that you obviously are.

Before I became much more intelligent and mature than my peers once I went to middle school, there wasn't a day when I wasn't literally fighting mobs of kids by myself and at least holding my own.

I could easily just revert back to that childish mindset to kill some Antifa thugs.


Oh, you badass you! I'm sure you were quite the little terror, precious.

You don't know anything about me, dumbass.

I barely even hold back in my daily life anymore, and I used to be a very passive person offline because that was my true personality.

Seeing the destruction of Europe first-hand would absolutely cause me to attack all of those that I know are directly causing it.

God help any Antifa prick that ever crosses path with me, especially if I see them in Europe.

So what would you do if you did?
I would punch the little shit out cold, strangle the rest of the life out of him, and then proceed to paint the concrete with his DNA.

I would buy a gun to mow down an entire swath of them, but I have always received more personal satisfaction when I am crushing my enemies with my bare hands.

It is all but certain that you have never touched another human being in anger or aggression in your life, precious, so you can take off the cosplay gear and go calm down.
Not everyone grew up to be the wimp that you obviously are.

Before I became much more intelligent and mature than my peers once I went to middle school, there wasn't a day when I wasn't literally fighting mobs of kids by myself and at least holding my own.

I could easily just revert back to that childish mindset to kill some Antifa thugs.


Oh, you badass you! I'm sure you were quite the little terror, precious.

You are the one who claimed I "never touched another human being" "in anger or aggression".

You are now moving the goalposts because you realize how stupid your initial statement was.
So what would you do if you did?
I would punch the little shit out cold, strangle the rest of the life out of him, and then proceed to paint the concrete with his DNA.

I would buy a gun to mow down an entire swath of them, but I have always received more personal satisfaction when I am crushing my enemies with my bare hands.

It is all but certain that you have never touched another human being in anger or aggression in your life, precious, so you can take off the cosplay gear and go calm down.
Not everyone grew up to be the wimp that you obviously are.

Before I became much more intelligent and mature than my peers once I went to middle school, there wasn't a day when I wasn't literally fighting mobs of kids by myself and at least holding my own.

I could easily just revert back to that childish mindset to kill some Antifa thugs.


Oh, you badass you! I'm sure you were quite the little terror, precious.

You are the one who claimed I "never touched another human being" "in anger or aggression".


That is almost certainly the case. No one buys your bullshit, champ.
I would punch the little shit out cold, strangle the rest of the life out of him, and then proceed to paint the concrete with his DNA.

I would buy a gun to mow down an entire swath of them, but I have always received more personal satisfaction when I am crushing my enemies with my bare hands.

It is all but certain that you have never touched another human being in anger or aggression in your life, precious, so you can take off the cosplay gear and go calm down.
Not everyone grew up to be the wimp that you obviously are.

Before I became much more intelligent and mature than my peers once I went to middle school, there wasn't a day when I wasn't literally fighting mobs of kids by myself and at least holding my own.

I could easily just revert back to that childish mindset to kill some Antifa thugs.


Oh, you badass you! I'm sure you were quite the little terror, precious.

You are the one who claimed I "never touched another human being" "in anger or aggression".


That is almost certainly the case. No one buys your bullshit, champ.
You just literally acknowledged that it most certainly wasn't the case.

Why do you wimps pretend that you did anything other than hide from jackasses during recess and the like?

Why do you pretend that you actually know what real rage is?
It is all but certain that you have never touched another human being in anger or aggression in your life, precious, so you can take off the cosplay gear and go calm down.
Not everyone grew up to be the wimp that you obviously are.

Before I became much more intelligent and mature than my peers once I went to middle school, there wasn't a day when I wasn't literally fighting mobs of kids by myself and at least holding my own.

I could easily just revert back to that childish mindset to kill some Antifa thugs.


Oh, you badass you! I'm sure you were quite the little terror, precious.

You are the one who claimed I "never touched another human being" "in anger or aggression".


That is almost certainly the case. No one buys your bullshit, champ.
You just literally acknowledged that it most certainly wasn't the case.......

If English is so easy, you should learn it, dummy.

Bottom line: your attempts at playing tough guy are hilariously pathetic. Now, calm down and address a real point if you can.
Not everyone grew up to be the wimp that you obviously are.

Before I became much more intelligent and mature than my peers once I went to middle school, there wasn't a day when I wasn't literally fighting mobs of kids by myself and at least holding my own.

I could easily just revert back to that childish mindset to kill some Antifa thugs.


Oh, you badass you! I'm sure you were quite the little terror, precious.

You are the one who claimed I "never touched another human being" "in anger or aggression".


That is almost certainly the case. No one buys your bullshit, champ.
You just literally acknowledged that it most certainly wasn't the case.......

If English is so easy, you should learn it, dummy.

Bottom line: your attempts at playing tough guy are hilariously pathetic. Now, calm down and address a real point if you can.
It is not about being a "tough guy", dummy. It is about not being a weakling and genuinely being enraged at how truly fucked up the world is.

Pieces of shit like Antifa are the reason that Muslims feel so empowered as to bomb a kids concert in the heart of England. Muslims and other invaders count on idiots like you to weaken revolutionaries like me.

Killing Antifa retards would create more peace in the world, and therefore I am in favor it.

Oh, you badass you! I'm sure you were quite the little terror, precious.

You are the one who claimed I "never touched another human being" "in anger or aggression".


That is almost certainly the case. No one buys your bullshit, champ.
You just literally acknowledged that it most certainly wasn't the case.......

If English is so easy, you should learn it, dummy.

Bottom line: your attempts at playing tough guy are hilariously pathetic. Now, calm down and address a real point if you can.
It is not about being a "tough guy", dummy. .....

Yes it is, wannabe, and the harder you try to sell your childish fantasy the more asinine you sound.
You are the one who claimed I "never touched another human being" "in anger or aggression".


That is almost certainly the case. No one buys your bullshit, champ.
You just literally acknowledged that it most certainly wasn't the case.......

If English is so easy, you should learn it, dummy.

Bottom line: your attempts at playing tough guy are hilariously pathetic. Now, calm down and address a real point if you can.
It is not about being a "tough guy", dummy. .....

Yes it is, wannabe, and the harder you try to sell your childish fantasy the more asinine you sound.
You are astonishingly stupid.
That is almost certainly the case. No one buys your bullshit, champ.
You just literally acknowledged that it most certainly wasn't the case.......

If English is so easy, you should learn it, dummy.

Bottom line: your attempts at playing tough guy are hilariously pathetic. Now, calm down and address a real point if you can.
It is not about being a "tough guy", dummy. .....

Yes it is, wannabe, and the harder you try to sell your childish fantasy the more asinine you sound.
You are astonishingly stupid.

Your little fantasies would be more appropriate on another forum.
You should at least start a new thread for your laughable ideas about language acquisition.
..... to weaken revolutionaries like me......

You're not a revolutionary, and you never will be. You're just some clown on the internet overcompensating badly.
I have always been a revolutionary, regardless of how underrated I am for it.

Every argument I have put forth over, every ideology I have attacked(I was one of the very first to publicly threaten a member of Antifa back in 2008, for instance), every emotion I have felt etc, it always becomes relevant in a major way down the road. You can literally read all the posts I made throughout the web starting in 2006 and you will see an eerie foreshadowing all the way through to the present.
..... to weaken revolutionaries like me......

You're not a revolutionary, and you never will be. You're just some clown on the internet overcompensating badly.
I have always been a revolutionary, regardless of how underrated I am for it......

You laugh now, but if you had the ability to read all of my posts on topix, YouTube, Facebook and any number of smaller sites over the years, you would be genuinely afraid of my ability to understand reality as a whole. You are truly nothing compared to me, and I suspect you know that.

Even my username, "proud to be white" was created before public displays of pro-whiteness existed outside of stormfront; and I didn't even discover stormfront until years after that when I attempted to go to college.

Oh, you badass you! I'm sure you were quite the little terror, precious.

You are the one who claimed I "never touched another human being" "in anger or aggression".


That is almost certainly the case. No one buys your bullshit, champ.
You just literally acknowledged that it most certainly wasn't the case.......

If English is so easy, you should learn it, dummy.

Bottom line: your attempts at playing tough guy are hilariously pathetic. Now, calm down and address a real point if you can.
It is not about being a "tough guy", dummy. It is about not being a weakling and genuinely being enraged at how truly fucked up the world is.

Pieces of shit like Antifa are the reason that Muslims feel so empowered as to bomb a kids concert in the heart of England. Muslims and other invaders count on idiots like you to weaken revolutionaries like me.

Killing Antifa retards would create more peace in the world, and therefore I am in favor it.
revolutionaries like me

blackmen laughing.gif

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