By 2050 Over Half of America's Population Will Be Hispanic

Start them young is right. Mandarin is actually the most widely spoken language in the world. My grandchildren are currently learning that language.
Actually English is far and away the most spoken language, and that is with China having almost 2 billion citizens in its borders alone.

English is a much easier language to learn, and that is why it will always dominate.

Top 10 Most Spoken Languages In The World 2016

Your head is so far up your ass, you can probably see the inside of your own stomach.

Mandarin is by far the most widely spoken language in the world.
It has more native speakers, but a lot of those Mandarin speakers also speak English.

Have you ever been to China? I have been to Beijing twice and while many store owners and business people may speak SOME english, far more Chinese citizens there only speak their native language.
And why do they speak any English at all?

Why would a nation of almost 2 billion people speak a word of a language that was devised by a tiny island?

English is easy to pick up. Mandarin is not.

Completely ignorant nonsense.
Do you realize how stupid your first question was? How is seeing recent shots of the streets of Berlin from the Internet any different from experiencing it first-hand and telling you about it after the fact?

If I went to Germany right now I would be arrested for attempted to kill Merkel, various German and EU media personalities and the Antifa retards I would undoubtedly bump into along the way .....

No you wouldn't, big mouth. Stop blustering, it's pathetic.
You don't know anything about me, dumbass.

I barely even hold back in my daily life anymore, and I used to be a very passive person offline because that was my true personality.

Seeing the destruction of Europe first-hand would absolutely cause me to attack all of those that I know are directly causing it.

God help any Antifa prick that ever crosses path with me, especially if I see them in Europe.

So what would you do if you did?
I would punch the little shit out cold, strangle the rest of the life out of him, and then proceed to paint the concrete with his DNA.

I would buy a gun to mow down an entire swath of them, but I have always received more personal satisfaction when I am crushing my enemies with my bare hands.

Oooh, supa badass! :lmao:

You would do exactly NOTHING, big mouth, and you know it. You're making a fool of yourself.

You're the biggest bigmouth on this forum, all you do is refuse to debate, and then insult people.
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This only destroys white guilt and white self-hatred more and more.

Soon accusing a white person of having "white privilege" will be like calling a black person a "******".
white self hatred is just a made up term for racists to justify to themselves why some humans are blind to skin color.
White self hatred is what white people who agree with Guno have.

You are rapidly becoming extinct.

America is not the same country that your great grandparents knew. It's called "change".

It is the same, because change is America's constant.
Stupidity and ignorance is your constant.

America is no different than Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Europe in the retarded "change" it embraces.

Poland is still very promising, as are some of it's neighbors.

Not for anyone, retard.

Useless pieces of shit like you are running out of time.
why do you hate America?

Question is, why do you celebrate USA becoming a nation with whites in the minority.
Because it means the decrease of racial tension.

That is illogical.
It's illogical to think If were all the same color there will be a decrease in racism?

Unk you are constantly all over the board. Sometimes you're on point and sometimes I think your keyboard needs an exorcism. The inconsistency does keep me on my toes though, is that the goal?

Unkotare as usual is an idiot.

Groups can be Balkanized together for thousands of years, even.

In my beloved Poland, Jews, Germans, and Ukrainians lived together for a thousand years..... . All that happened was massive hate, war, genocide, mass murder events between Poles, and these groups.
A very good idea for the schools to make teaching Spanish mandatory , A bi lingual country , just like Canada's English and French , here it will be Spanish/ English

being bilingual is extremely important. Start them young, kids should be learning spanish in preK and kindergarten. My children are bilingual. I am a polyglot -English, Italian, Spanish, French.

Start them young is right. Mandarin is actually the most widely spoken language in the world. My grandchildren are currently learning that language.

Actually English is far and away the most spoken language, and that is with China having almost 2 billion citizens in its borders alone.

English is a much easier language to learn, and that is why it will always dominate.

English is one of the hardest languages to learn....

Try to learn Hungarian, or Finnish..
By 2050 America will no longer exist.
not for your kind
Not for anyone, retard.

Useless pieces of shit like you are running out of time.
why do you hate America?

Question is, why do you celebrate USA becoming a nation with whites in the minority.
Because it means the decrease of racial tension.

Many wars have been fought over Balkanization multiculturalism.... Some modern examples of Balkanized wars, and genocides include Rwanda, Bosnia, Kosovo, Darfur, Donbass etc.

Go tell people in these regions that Balkanization will lead to less conflict... Almost all of them will think you're a retard.

I chose to drop out of college....

Oh, of course! :lmao:
I am definitely more intelligent than anyone who has ever graduated from the university I attended.

:lmao: priceless :lmao:
What is priceless is the fact that you think your diploma increased your pathetic IQ.


College does not increase anyone's IQ. IQ is the persons Intelligence Quotient. Namely their ability to learn, such as cognitive abilities like memory and the ability to concentrate.

Foremost, person goes to college to gain knowledge. Much of which you could gain with a library card and internet access, but also from experts who share their knowledge and experience.

But a college degree does not mean just acquired knowledge. It also means that person has the ability to stay the course and complete a goal. This is why many companies and institutions prefer a degree over a high IQ. Being intelligent, in and of itself, does not mean much. The ability to use the intelligence you have, combined with the knowledge you have gained and the ability to stick with a goal and accomplish are far more valuable.

But high intelligence, when isolated from other intelligent people, stagnates. That you think the entire western world is on the brink of extinction shows your disconnect from reality.

Have you ever heard the old saying "If you are the most intelligent person in the room, you're in the wrong room"?

Or perhaps you are just another internet intellect? If I had a nickel for every time someone online claimed to be a genius, I would be living on my own private island.

You believe in IQ, so why the disparity between races in IQ?

No, IQ tests problem solving ability, not memory.
Not for anyone, retard.

Useless pieces of shit like you are running out of time.
why do you hate America?

Question is, why do you celebrate USA becoming a nation with whites in the minority.
Because it means the decrease of racial tension.

That is illogical.
It's illogical to think If were all the same color there will be a decrease in racism?

Unk you are constantly all over the board. Sometimes you're on point and sometimes I think your keyboard needs an exorcism. The inconsistency does keep me on my toes though, is that the goal?

Many Hispanics are the same skin color, and don't like each other.

My Mexican co-worker called Guatemalans as the tumor of society.

The Guatemalan janitor at my old gym said "He hates Ecuadorians, he'll kill those f*ckers"

My other Mexican co-worker said he hates Brewster, New York (Which has the 2nd highest Guatemalan % in the U.S.A) he said when he went to a Mexican restaurant there.... A Guatemaalan came up to him, and said "I hate Mexicans, I'm Guatemalan, I'm better than you"

I talked to a Colombian girl online, who said Mexicans are rude, and arrogant.

I've seen quite a few Mexicans online bashing Guatemalans as peasants.
Estoy deseando que llegue


The 2 on the right could pass as Italian.
Question is, why do you celebrate USA becoming a nation with whites in the minority.
Because it means the decrease of racial tension.
The only people who actually believe that are racists.
I don't think they're racists, just brainwashed. Allan Bloom wrote about the closing of the American mind thirty years ago. These folks are who he was talking about. Tolerance and diversity even if it destroys the country. Of course, they will say 'no, no, you're the racists'. Around and around we go.
They are not preaching tolerance or diversity.

These people are simply anti-white racist assholes who have been empowered by the system to do and say whatever the hell they want.
we have been trying to preach tolerance and diversity for a century. Hasn't gotten through your neanderthal skulls yet.

You don't support diversity, you are actually anti-diversity.

American Native Americans, and American Jews are far more vulnerable than Whites.

More than half of Native Americans, and American Jews marry outside their own.

You know what that means? They're endangered of going extinct.... Not from imperial genocide... But from Liberal integration.

Wow, you Liberals are truly sick to put Native Americans, and Jews on the brink of extinction.

Truly evil, sickos you, and your ilk are.
Question is, why do you celebrate USA becoming a nation with whites in the minority.
Because it means the decrease of racial tension.
The only people who actually believe that are racists.
I don't think they're racists, just brainwashed. Allan Bloom wrote about the closing of the American mind thirty years ago. These folks are who he was talking about. Tolerance and diversity even if it destroys the country. Of course, they will say 'no, no, you're the racists'. Around and around we go.
They are not preaching tolerance or diversity.

These people are simply anti-white racist assholes who have been empowered by the system to do and say whatever the hell they want.
we have been trying to preach tolerance and diversity for a century. Hasn't gotten through your neanderthal skulls yet.

Tolerance and diversity weren't being preached till after the '60s. What's comical is that the least tolerant are the far lefties who tolerate no one else's opinion but their own. Notice the recent fires and rock throwing at Berkeley last month. All lefties.
why do you hate America?

Question is, why do you celebrate USA becoming a nation with whites in the minority.
Because it means the decrease of racial tension.

That is illogical.
It's illogical to think If were all the same color there will be a decrease in racism?

Unk you are constantly all over the board. Sometimes you're on point and sometimes I think your keyboard needs an exorcism. The inconsistency does keep me on my toes though, is that the goal?

Many Hispanics are the same skin color, and don't like each other.

My Mexican co-worker called Guatemalans as the tumor of society.

The Guatemalan janitor at my old gym said "He hates Ecuadorians, he'll kill those f*ckers"

My other Mexican co-worker said he hates Brewster, New York (Which has the 2nd highest Guatemalan % in the U.S.A) he said when he went to a Mexican restaurant there.... A Guatemaalan came up to him, and said "I hate Mexicans, I'm Guatemalan, I'm better than you"

I talked to a Colombian girl online, who said Mexicans are rude, and arrogant.

I've seen quite a few Mexicans online bashing Guatemalans as peasants.

This is typical of all races. My Peruvian ex used to complain about the crazy things Mexicans or Guatemalans did that Peruanos didn't do. Another side of the family the Croatians complained about what idiots the Slovanians were. Again, on and on. Typical, but people sorta work it out, usually.
Wishful thinking from self-hating liberals

Non-Hispanic whites make up 200 mil Americans. So in the liberal mind by 2050 the US population will jump to 400 mil and that the white population won't go over 200 mil in 32 yrs. Who you crappin?

A majority of English-speaking Hispanics in the U.S. are bilingual

Second, over 3/4 of 3rd generation Hispanics speak only English! My nephew see this first hand 65% of his Highschool is Hispanic. Most of 2nd and 3rd generation and the vast vast majority speak only English. The Hispanics that speak only Spanish are illegals.

Sent from my iPhone using
Question is, why do you celebrate USA becoming a nation with whites in the minority.
Because it means the decrease of racial tension.

That is illogical.
It's illogical to think If were all the same color there will be a decrease in racism?

Unk you are constantly all over the board. Sometimes you're on point and sometimes I think your keyboard needs an exorcism. The inconsistency does keep me on my toes though, is that the goal?

Many Hispanics are the same skin color, and don't like each other.

My Mexican co-worker called Guatemalans as the tumor of society.

The Guatemalan janitor at my old gym said "He hates Ecuadorians, he'll kill those f*ckers"

My other Mexican co-worker said he hates Brewster, New York (Which has the 2nd highest Guatemalan % in the U.S.A) he said when he went to a Mexican restaurant there.... A Guatemaalan came up to him, and said "I hate Mexicans, I'm Guatemalan, I'm better than you"

I talked to a Colombian girl online, who said Mexicans are rude, and arrogant.

I've seen quite a few Mexicans online bashing Guatemalans as peasants.

This is typical of all races. My Peruvian ex used to complain about the crazy things Mexicans or Guatemalans did that Peruanos didn't do. Another side of the family the Croatians complained about what idiots the Slovanians were. Again, on and on. Typical, but people sorta work it out, usually.
I said decrease not eradicate.
No you wouldn't, big mouth. Stop blustering, it's pathetic.
You don't know anything about me, dumbass.

I barely even hold back in my daily life anymore, and I used to be a very passive person offline because that was my true personality.

Seeing the destruction of Europe first-hand would absolutely cause me to attack all of those that I know are directly causing it.

God help any Antifa prick that ever crosses path with me, especially if I see them in Europe.

So what would you do if you did?
I would punch the little shit out cold, strangle the rest of the life out of him, and then proceed to paint the concrete with his DNA.

I would buy a gun to mow down an entire swath of them, but I have always received more personal satisfaction when I am crushing my enemies with my bare hands.

Oooh, supa badass! :lmao:

You would do exactly NOTHING, big mouth, and you know it. You're making a fool of yourself.

You're the biggest bigmouth on this forum, all you do is refuse to debate, and then insult people.

You repeating stupid shit you read on stormfront over and over and insisting on being taken seriously when there is no reason to do so is NOT "debate," brainless.
I am definitely more intelligent than anyone who has ever graduated from the university I attended.

:lmao: priceless :lmao:
What is priceless is the fact that you think your diploma increased your pathetic IQ.


College does not increase anyone's IQ. IQ is the persons Intelligence Quotient. Namely their ability to learn, such as cognitive abilities like memory and the ability to concentrate.

Foremost, person goes to college to gain knowledge. Much of which you could gain with a library card and internet access, but also from experts who share their knowledge and experience.

But a college degree does not mean just acquired knowledge. It also means that person has the ability to stay the course and complete a goal. This is why many companies and institutions prefer a degree over a high IQ. Being intelligent, in and of itself, does not mean much. The ability to use the intelligence you have, combined with the knowledge you have gained and the ability to stick with a goal and accomplish are far more valuable.

But high intelligence, when isolated from other intelligent people, stagnates. That you think the entire western world is on the brink of extinction shows your disconnect from reality.

Have you ever heard the old saying "If you are the most intelligent person in the room, you're in the wrong room"?

Or perhaps you are just another internet intellect? If I had a nickel for every time someone online claimed to be a genius, I would be living on my own private island.
When have I ever claimed to be a genius again?

If you seriously think the western world isn't on the brink of destruction, you are incredibly ignorant.

Conspiracy forum crap

"Oh no! Brink of destruction!" Knee-knocking, pants-pissing, sackless, meaningless bullshit is just ridiculous.
That is not true. Have you been to any of those countries? Or have you just visited some websites from the confines of Kentucky?
I am not a Democrat, little guy. But just out of curiosity, what is your definition of "properly punished"?
Do you realize how stupid your first question was? How is seeing recent shots of the streets of Berlin from the Internet any different from experiencing it first-hand and telling you about it after the fact?

If I went to Germany right now I would be arrested for attempted to kill Merkel, various German and EU media personalities and the Antifa retards I would undoubtedly bump into along the way .....

No you wouldn't, big mouth. Stop blustering, it's pathetic.
You don't know anything about me, dumbass.

I barely even hold back in my daily life anymore, and I used to be a very passive person offline because that was my true personality.

Seeing the destruction of Europe first-hand would absolutely cause me to attack all of those that I know are directly causing it.

God help any Antifa prick that ever crosses path with me, especially if I see them in Europe.

So what would you do if you did?
I would punch the little shit out cold, strangle the rest of the life out of him, and then proceed to paint the concrete with his DNA.

I would buy a gun to mow down an entire swath of them, but I have always received more personal satisfaction when I am crushing my enemies with my bare hands.

It is all but certain that you have never touched another human being in anger or aggression in your life, precious, so you can take off the cosplay gear and go calm down.
You don't know anything about me, dumbass.

I barely even hold back in my daily life anymore, and I used to be a very passive person offline because that was my true personality.

Seeing the destruction of Europe first-hand would absolutely cause me to attack all of those that I know are directly causing it.

God help any Antifa prick that ever crosses path with me, especially if I see them in Europe.

So what would you do if you did?
I would punch the little shit out cold, strangle the rest of the life out of him, and then proceed to paint the concrete with his DNA.

I would buy a gun to mow down an entire swath of them, but I have always received more personal satisfaction when I am crushing my enemies with my bare hands.

Oooh, supa badass! :lmao:

You would do exactly NOTHING, big mouth, and you know it. You're making a fool of yourself.

You're the biggest bigmouth on this forum, all you do is refuse to debate, and then insult people.

You repeating stupid shit you read on stormfront over and over and insisting on being taken seriously when there is no reason to do so is NOT "debate," brainless.

I never once bought up anything from Stormfront, you're clearly a very dumb, and primitive individual.

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