By a show of "hands" how many leftists on here would give up their cars or phones for climate change

I'd be willing to adjust my lifestyle to shrink my carbon footprint, I already have, but expecting people to give up their lifestyle is foolish. Substituting paper straws for plastic ones, making them optional in restaurants, etc., is something we can all do (assuming it is helpful) but doing without straws completely? No.

I'm a construction worker.

I typically have to travel as much as 80 miles to a job site, often in some obscure area not served by public transit, carrying over a hundred pounds of tools.

Should I give up my car to pander to the hopelessly-ignorant, mentally-defective environmentalist cretins?

Only an idiot would ask a question like that. If you really think your remark was an accurate representation of what ecologically minded people want, you are not mentally capable of using power tools.
I'm all for turning Arizona and Nevada into a giant solar farm. I'm also pro nuclear power.

Fossil fuels can be made pointless.


Well leftists. These leftists said they would give up their phones or cars and ban all fossil fuels.

Would you?

Btw, if burning fossil fuels is made illegal, and banning all plastics, that means we live in the stone age.

So, are you really willing? Most of you are rather incapable to answering it cause we all know the answer. We know the answer and you know the answer.

But, if you want to make a serious attempt to answer and actually not be a hypocrite, let us know if you are willing.

If so, can we assume this will be the last time we ever read a post from you?

I am reminded of AOC being criticized for driving a car despite her pro-climate stance. Her reply was “yep, I even have air conditioning”.

The fact of the matter is that people need to function in the world in order to live out their lives. Unfortunately everyday life is dependent on fossil fuels and electricity. Us giving up all of
These things would not only make it impossible to function, but it wouldn’t solve the overall problem would it? The key to mitigation of climate change must come through institutional and industrial reform. Until that happens, completely eliminating one’s carbon foot print won’t accomplish anything significant.
in 20 years, cars will be electric, no longer spewing C02. So no need to give up the car. Just change it to be more environmentally friendly. Which is being done.
Why would I have to give up my phone? (I don't have one, but if I did?)

So you going to use whale oil and wood to make your electric car?

That wouldn't work funny girl, and how do you post, by string and a tin can?

Only an idiot would think we would do away with what we have before we have something to replace it. Are you an idiot?

Yeah we know science is not strong with you as you sit there wearing buffalo skin sending smoke signals.

View attachment 289656

I'm not sure what that reference was all about, but it forces me to ask again ---- Are you an idiot?

I guess if your an anti science guy like you..

Well leftists. These leftists said they would give up their phones or cars and ban all fossil fuels.

Would you?

Btw, if burning fossil fuels is made illegal, and banning all plastics, that means we live in the stone age.

So, are you really willing? Most of you are rather incapable to answering it cause we all know the answer. We know the answer and you know the answer.

But, if you want to make a serious attempt to answer and actually not be a hypocrite, let us know if you are willing.

If so, can we assume this will be the last time we ever read a post from you?

I am reminded of AOC being criticized for driving a car despite her pro-climate stance. Her reply was “yep, I even have air conditioning”.

The fact of the matter is that people need to function in the world in order to live out their lives. Unfortunately everyday life is dependent on fossil fuels and electricity. Us giving up all of
These things would not only make it impossible to function, but it wouldn’t solve the overall problem would it? The key to mitigation of climate change must come through institutional and industrial reform. Until that happens, completely eliminating one’s carbon foot print won’t accomplish anything significant.

Translation: life before oil was rough and short.

I'd be willing to adjust my lifestyle to shrink my carbon footprint, I already have, but expecting people to give up their lifestyle is foolish. Substituting paper straws for plastic ones, making them optional in restaurants, etc., is something we can all do (assuming it is helpful) but doing without straws completely? No.

I'm a construction worker.

I typically have to travel as much as 80 miles to a job site, often in some obscure area not served by public transit, carrying over a hundred pounds of tools.

Should I give up my car to pander to the hopelessly-ignorant, mentally-defective environmentalist cretins?

Only an idiot would ask a question like that. If you really think your remark was an accurate representation of what ecologically minded people want, you are not mentally capable of using power tools.

Hell we build the power tools you hate
I bet my cell phone uses less energy than this old thing did:

Only an idiot would ask a question like that. If you really think your remark was an accurate representation of what ecologically minded people want, you are not mentally capable of using power tools.

My employer and my co-workers, any of which are an least an order of magnitude smarter than you have any hope of ever being, would very much disagree with you.

Someone of your obvious dearth of intelligence is really in no position to call anyone else an “idiot”, nor in any way to cast aspersions on anyone else's intelligence.

There's nothing sustainable about the human race

Thank gawd i won't be around to see the population double .....

I'd be willing to adjust my lifestyle to shrink my carbon footprint, I already have, but expecting people to give up their lifestyle is foolish. Substituting paper straws for plastic ones, making them optional in restaurants, etc., is something we can all do (assuming it is helpful) but doing without straws completely? No.

I'm a construction worker.

I typically have to travel as much as 80 miles to a job site, often in some obscure area not served by public transit, carrying over a hundred pounds of tools.

Should I give up my car to pander to the hopelessly-ignorant, mentally-defective environmentalist cretins?

Should I give up the use of plastic straws, which allow me to safely have a beverage that I can drink from during my trip of up to three or four hours each way; for either a paper straw that will surely disintegrate into a useless pile of mush before I reach my destination, or a beverage in another form that more significantly interferes with my ability to drive safely in order to drink from it?

Environmentalists are a particularly odd mix of insane, ignorant, and unimaginably stupid.
Environmentalists are not asking you to give up cars and cell phones.

This entire topic is built on a totally false premise. And posts like yours are the result of such illogic.
in 20 years, cars will be electric, no longer spewing C02. So no need to give up the car. Just change it to be more environmentally friendly. Which is being done.
Why would I have to give up my phone? (I don't have one, but if I did?)

Where do you think electricity comes from dummy. :290968001256257790-final:
Interesting article I just read.

Electric cars are changing the cost of driving

I'm not a fan of electric cars forced by laws- for a few years I was really into Electric Radio Control car racing. Those 1/10 scale suckers were fast. The Stock class I competed in had to run 6 C cell batteries with an electric motor that couldn't be changed internally. The Modified class ran 7 C cell batteries and the motors were "modified" internally. Unbelievable how fast they were.... for 4 minutes :113: our batteries were "trained" to use all they had in just over 4 minutes.

My youngest son has a friend who drives a Tesla. He took me for a ride. I saw 141 on the speedometer- with no noise at all.
I read a couple of articles last week about Chevy and Ford working on Electric vehicles. Chevy built a 1962 pick up all electric- the batteries made the bed useless, but it was pretty quick. Ford is working on a Mustang that actually offers *sound* of a V8-

As long as the market makes the decision I guess I'm ok with it, but, thankfully, at 71, I won't have to own one.
There's really no way out of oil, one way or another it's inherent in just about all our needs. Most of the fixes we do are just feel good , even the off grid homes i've roped up are dependent.

But here's one for ya's , i burn wood to heat , been at it since Carter was in office

Does that gain me an more moral standing in this cacophony of howling hypocrites?


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