By a show of "hands" how many leftists on here would give up their cars or phones for climate change

I don't get TV Bear

I do have the 'devil box' , where i can read folks like you

You see ,entertainment is a bit of a premium in the sticks


Redneck bars .....

Talking to my goats .....

Seeing what the dogs will eat ....

and reading sorts like you!


You do know even the food you eat comes wrapped in plastic right?

Plastic is everywhere in the paint of your igloos

The OP made an honest thread, so put up or shut up.
Yeap, they have nothing. Point their fingers, yell about how bad icky oil is and use it as much or more than anyone.

I really have no clue how the left cannot be disturbed by their own blatant hypocrisy.

Here they are, banging away on their computers, using that same energy and fossil fuel that they claim they want banned. Does not even bother them. Water off a duck's ass.

They don't give up driving in cars that they claim are destroying the planet. They are not moving away in droves from the coasts, even though they yell that sea levels are rising at such a rate.

Are they this stupid or are they just possessed? I really cannot tell. They are United too with their crap.

They think hating white republicans well enough and being a good enough socialist is enough. To hell with doing anything. Just live in their blatant hypocrisy, stand and accuse and they sleep well at night.

It's scary really. Isn't it?

And liberal females are the worse with their makeup / clown faces/ nylon stockings and their high heels all made from oil
in 20 years, cars will be electric, no longer spewing C02. So no need to give up the car. Just change it to be more environmentally friendly. Which is being done.
Why would I have to give up my phone? (I don't have one, but if I did?)
Electricity, how will you produce it?

Well leftists. These leftists said they would give up their phones or cars and ban all fossil fuels.

Would you?

Btw, if burning fossil fuels is made illegal, and banning all plastics, that means we live in the stone age.

So, are you really willing? Most of you are rather incapable to answering it cause we all know the answer. We know the answer and you know the answer.

But, if you want to make a serious attempt to answer and actually not be a hypocrite, let us know if you are willing.

If so, can we assume this will be the last time we ever read a post from you?

I am reminded of AOC being criticized for driving a car despite her pro-climate stance. Her reply was “yep, I even have air conditioning”.

The fact of the matter is that people need to function in the world in order to live out their lives. Unfortunately everyday life is dependent on fossil fuels and electricity. Us giving up all of
These things would not only make it impossible to function, but it wouldn’t solve the overall problem would it? The key to mitigation of climate change must come through institutional and industrial reform. Until that happens, completely eliminating one’s carbon foot print won’t accomplish anything significant.

Translation: life before oil was rough and short.


Life before oil didn’t depend on oil lol. Duh.
I'd be willing to adjust my lifestyle to shrink my carbon footprint, I already have, but expecting people to give up their lifestyle is foolish. Substituting paper straws for plastic ones, making them optional in restaurants, etc., is something we can all do (assuming it is helpful) but doing without straws completely? No.

I'm a construction worker.

I typically have to travel as much as 80 miles to a job site, often in some obscure area not served by public transit, carrying over a hundred pounds of tools.

Should I give up my car to pander to the hopelessly-ignorant, mentally-defective environmentalist cretins?

Should I give up the use of plastic straws, which allow me to safely have a beverage that I can drink from during my trip of up to three or four hours each way; for either a paper straw that will surely disintegrate into a useless pile of mush before I reach my destination, or a beverage in another form that more significantly interferes with my ability to drive safely in order to drink from it?

Environmentalists are a particularly odd mix of insane, ignorant, and unimaginably stupid.
Environmentalists are not asking you to give up cars and cell phones.

This entire topic is built on a totally false premise. And posts like yours are the result of such illogic.
Tree huggers like yourself need to mind their own fucking business… Go pound sand

Well leftists. These leftists said they would give up their phones or cars and ban all fossil fuels.

Would you?

Btw, if burning fossil fuels is made illegal, and banning all plastics, that means we live in the stone age.

So, are you really willing? Most of you are rather incapable to answering it cause we all know the answer. We know the answer and you know the answer.

But, if you want to make a serious attempt to answer and actually not be a hypocrite, let us know if you are willing.

If so, can we assume this will be the last time we ever read a post from you?

I am reminded of AOC being criticized for driving a car despite her pro-climate stance. Her reply was “yep, I even have air conditioning”.

The fact of the matter is that people need to function in the world in order to live out their lives. Unfortunately everyday life is dependent on fossil fuels and electricity. Us giving up all of
These things would not only make it impossible to function, but it wouldn’t solve the overall problem would it? The key to mitigation of climate change must come through institutional and industrial reform. Until that happens, completely eliminating one’s carbon foot print won’t accomplish anything significant.

Translation: life before oil was rough and short.


Life before oil didn’t depend on oil lol. Duh.

No kidding nothing but a bunch of primitive plants and animals around for 100's of millions of live

To die

To give us oil ..

To let us argue instantly around the world.

Btw, if burning fossil fuels is made illegal, and banning all plastics, that means we live in the stone age.
False dichotomy.

How so?

If we are not to take advantages of the technologies that have allowed us to live a better-than-stone-age lifestyle, then what alternative is there than to live a stone-age lifestyle?

And personally giving up the use of any technology, but benefiting from others' use of it, doesn't count. You can give up your car, and thus not be able to go shopping. But you still need to buy goods in order to live. Those goods were produced using fossil-fuel-burning technology, that were transported using fossil-fuel-burning technology,and if you have them delivered to you, then they will be delivered using fossil-fuel-burning technology. That you did not directly, personally use any fossil-fuel-burning technology does not leave your hands clean of any onus of having benefited therefrom.

Well leftists. These leftists said they would give up their phones or cars and ban all fossil fuels.

Would you?

Btw, if burning fossil fuels is made illegal, and banning all plastics, that means we live in the stone age.

So, are you really willing? Most of you are rather incapable to answering it cause we all know the answer. We know the answer and you know the answer.

But, if you want to make a serious attempt to answer and actually not be a hypocrite, let us know if you are willing.

If so, can we assume this will be the last time we ever read a post from you?

I am reminded of AOC being criticized for driving a car despite her pro-climate stance. Her reply was “yep, I even have air conditioning”.

The fact of the matter is that people need to function in the world in order to live out their lives. Unfortunately everyday life is dependent on fossil fuels and electricity. Us giving up all of
These things would not only make it impossible to function, but it wouldn’t solve the overall problem would it? The key to mitigation of climate change must come through institutional and industrial reform. Until that happens, completely eliminating one’s carbon foot print won’t accomplish anything significant.

Translation: life before oil was rough and short.


Life before oil didn’t depend on oil lol. Duh.

No kidding nothing but a bunch of primitive plants and animals around for 100's of millions of live

To die

To give us oil ..

To let us argue instantly around the world.


Right I’m sure you would fair just fine if you gave up all of these things lol
I'd be willing to adjust my lifestyle to shrink my carbon footprint, I already have, but expecting people to give up their lifestyle is foolish.

It's not about carbon footprint, but clean air and water. That is the observable, falsifiable, and experimental drawback from fossil fuels. You ain't got shit.
I have no idea what you're trying to say. Do you?

Suffice it to say carbon footprint is stupid liberal bullshit. What is more important is to have clean air and water.

Thus, if you shrank using your car and walked or bicycled, then that helps to have cleaner air from smog. We also want to cut down the use of our fireplaces in the colder months, especially if it is spare the air day. You don't want to use a lot of plastics and be careful about it as waste as it ends up in our rivers and oceans. Using low flow toilets helps with the water pollution. You don't want to litter and leave your trash when you go outside. Take it with you and dump into an appropriate receptacle. We really need to do better with our trash as it ends up in the rivers and oceans.

Well leftists. These leftists said they would give up their phones or cars and ban all fossil fuels.

Would you?

Btw, if burning fossil fuels is made illegal, and banning all plastics, that means we live in the stone age.

So, are you really willing? Most of you are rather incapable to answering it cause we all know the answer. We know the answer and you know the answer.

But, if you want to make a serious attempt to answer and actually not be a hypocrite, let us know if you are willing.

If so, can we assume this will be the last time we ever read a post from you?

democrats are very comfortable being hypocrites.
in 20 years, cars will be electric, no longer spewing C02. So no need to give up the car. Just change it to be more environmentally friendly. Which is being done.
Why would I have to give up my phone? (I don't have one, but if I did?)
Electricity, how will you produce it?

Still no answer from these kooks. The biggest green energy source is hydropower and it only accounts for 16% of the world’s energy, and the infrastructure to maintain any power grid isn’t green either, all that steel and wood and the manpower to maintain it.

These moronic shitbags don’t even comprehend what really goes into maintaining a power grid.
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Not one of them, are willing to sacrifice a thing. They are truly unbelievable scumbags.

Well leftists. These leftists said they would give up their phones or cars and ban all fossil fuels.

Would you?

Btw, if burning fossil fuels is made illegal, and banning all plastics, that means we live in the stone age.

So, are you really willing? Most of you are rather incapable to answering it cause we all know the answer. We know the answer and you know the answer.

But, if you want to make a serious attempt to answer and actually not be a hypocrite, let us know if you are willing.

If so, can we assume this will be the last time we ever read a post from you?

I am reminded of AOC being criticized for driving a car despite her pro-climate stance. Her reply was “yep, I even have air conditioning”.

The fact of the matter is that people need to function in the world in order to live out their lives. Unfortunately everyday life is dependent on fossil fuels and electricity. Us giving up all of
These things would not only make it impossible to function, but it wouldn’t solve the overall problem would it? The key to mitigation of climate change must come through institutional and industrial reform. Until that happens, completely eliminating one’s carbon foot print won’t accomplish anything significant.

Translation: life before oil was rough and short.


Life before oil didn’t depend on oil lol. Duh.

So why don’t you give it up? You are complicit in murdering the planet.
in 20 years, cars will be electric, no longer spewing C02. So no need to give up the car. Just change it to be more environmentally friendly. Which is being done.
Why would I have to give up my phone? (I don't have one, but if I did?)
Electricity, how will you produce it?

Still no answer from these kooks. The biggest green energy source is hydropower and it only accounts for 16% of the world’s energy, and the infrastructure to maintain any power grid isn’t green either, all that steel and wood and the manpower to maintain it.

These moronic shitbags don’t even comprehend what really goes into maintaining a power grid.

Could you imagine them running copper lines not insulated by plastic but by bamboo?
These are the asholes who cut off the grounding wire in electrical plugs and wonder why they get a shock

Well leftists. These leftists said they would give up their phones or cars and ban all fossil fuels.

Would you?

Btw, if burning fossil fuels is made illegal, and banning all plastics, that means we live in the stone age.

So, are you really willing? Most of you are rather incapable to answering it cause we all know the answer. We know the answer and you know the answer.

But, if you want to make a serious attempt to answer and actually not be a hypocrite, let us know if you are willing.

If so, can we assume this will be the last time we ever read a post from you?

I am reminded of AOC being criticized for driving a car despite her pro-climate stance. Her reply was “yep, I even have air conditioning”.

The fact of the matter is that people need to function in the world in order to live out their lives. Unfortunately everyday life is dependent on fossil fuels and electricity. Us giving up all of
These things would not only make it impossible to function, but it wouldn’t solve the overall problem would it? The key to mitigation of climate change must come through institutional and industrial reform. Until that happens, completely eliminating one’s carbon foot print won’t accomplish anything significant.

Translation: life before oil was rough and short.


Life before oil didn’t depend on oil lol. Duh.

So why don’t you give it up? You are complicit in murdering the planet.

Because 1) Like I goddamn said I need to function in the real world. Also, don’t be stupid, if you believed as I did that fossil fuels were fucking up the planet, it’s not like your selfish ass would give it up either. Don’t tell me otherwise. And 2) Me giving up all that shit wouldn’t accomplish anything of value. This will require broad economic reform for it to be worth the effort.

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