By a show of "hands" how many leftists on here would give up their cars or phones for climate change

Well leftists. These leftists said they would give up their phones or cars and ban all fossil fuels.

Would you?

Btw, if burning fossil fuels is made illegal, and banning all plastics, that means we live in the stone age.

So, are you really willing? Most of you are rather incapable to answering it cause we all know the answer. We know the answer and you know the answer.

But, if you want to make a serious attempt to answer and actually not be a hypocrite, let us know if you are willing.

If so, can we assume this will be the last time we ever read a post from you?

I am reminded of AOC being criticized for driving a car despite her pro-climate stance. Her reply was “yep, I even have air conditioning”.

The fact of the matter is that people need to function in the world in order to live out their lives. Unfortunately everyday life is dependent on fossil fuels and electricity. Us giving up all of
These things would not only make it impossible to function, but it wouldn’t solve the overall problem would it? The key to mitigation of climate change must come through institutional and industrial reform. Until that happens, completely eliminating one’s carbon foot print won’t accomplish anything significant.

Translation: life before oil was rough and short.


Life before oil didn’t depend on oil lol. Duh.

So why don’t you give it up? You are complicit in murdering the planet.

Because 1) Like I goddamn said I need to function in the real world. Also, don’t be stupid, if you believed as I did that fossil fuels were fucking up the planet, it’s not like your selfish ass would give it up either. Don’t tell me otherwise. And 2) Me giving up all that shit wouldn’t accomplish anything of value. This will require broad economic reform for it to be worth the effort.

In other words you’re full of shit, and will continue to destroy the planet instead of living a truly “sustainable” lifestyle.

Well leftists. These leftists said they would give up their phones or cars and ban all fossil fuels.

Would you?

Btw, if burning fossil fuels is made illegal, and banning all plastics, that means we live in the stone age.

So, are you really willing? Most of you are rather incapable to answering it cause we all know the answer. We know the answer and you know the answer.

But, if you want to make a serious attempt to answer and actually not be a hypocrite, let us know if you are willing.

If so, can we assume this will be the last time we ever read a post from you?

I am reminded of AOC being criticized for driving a car despite her pro-climate stance. Her reply was “yep, I even have air conditioning”.

The fact of the matter is that people need to function in the world in order to live out their lives. Unfortunately everyday life is dependent on fossil fuels and electricity. Us giving up all of
These things would not only make it impossible to function, but it wouldn’t solve the overall problem would it? The key to mitigation of climate change must come through institutional and industrial reform. Until that happens, completely eliminating one’s carbon foot print won’t accomplish anything significant.

Translation: life before oil was rough and short.


Life before oil didn’t depend on oil lol. Duh.

So why don’t you give it up? You are complicit in murdering the planet.

Because 1) Like I goddamn said I need to function in the real world. Also, don’t be stupid, if you believed as I did that fossil fuels were fucking up the planet, it’s not like your selfish ass would give it up either. Don’t tell me otherwise. And 2) Me giving up all that shit wouldn’t accomplish anything of value. This will require broad economic reform for it to be worth the effort.

Uhm so you saying the true heros to save the planet here are homeless people in tent cities?

Yet you need your MTV?
I'd be willing to adjust my lifestyle to shrink my carbon footprint, I already have, but expecting people to give up their lifestyle is foolish. Substituting paper straws for plastic ones, making them optional in restaurants, etc., is something we can all do (assuming it is helpful) but doing without straws completely? No.

I'm a construction worker.

I typically have to travel as much as 80 miles to a job site, often in some obscure area not served by public transit, carrying over a hundred pounds of tools.

Should I give up my car to pander to the hopelessly-ignorant, mentally-defective environmentalist cretins?

Should I give up the use of plastic straws, which allow me to safely have a beverage that I can drink from during my trip of up to three or four hours each way; for either a paper straw that will surely disintegrate into a useless pile of mush before I reach my destination, or a beverage in another form that more significantly interferes with my ability to drive safely in order to drink from it?

Environmentalists are a particularly odd mix of insane, ignorant, and unimaginably stupid.
Should you give up your car? Maybe. You obviously need a personal vehicle but does it have to be powered an internal combustion engine? A hybrid may be cheaper and more environmentally friendly of the life of the car or truck. If you were required to buy a hybrid for your next car/truck would that be the end of the world for you?

My point, which you refuse to see, is that we can and should adapt. We shouldn't have to give up everything we need or love, just see if there are better ways of doing things. Doesn't seem like so much to ask to save the planet. Or at least Florida.
In other words you’re full of shit, and will continue to destroy the planet instead of living a truly “sustainable” lifestyle.

Earth is toast, blaming that on folks who own a cell phone won't help

If you were required to buy a hybrid for your next car/truck would that be the end of the world for you?
Required? By whom? Liberty is the foundation of this Country. Liberty is the key to innovation. Liberty is not being required to adhere to demands of another. Would the "requirement" be the end of the world? I suppose that depends on the definition of the world ending. Will it be the end of the world if your demands aren't met? Answer: No. The world has been and will continue to adapt. If it doesn't you won't be around to know it anyway. Man too will adapt, or go extinct and he adapted long before a godvernment regulation was invented to restrict Liberty so some self serving idiot could feel good about himself at someone else's expense. As this Country is founded on Liberty, you are at Liberty to worship who or what you want- what you don't have is the right to tell others how or what to worship. This nonsense is no more than finding a place where one's self worth can find value and demanding a godvernment enFORCE your religion on others.
Believe me, when this too falls by the way side the next religion will not be something you demand others adhere to- then they will come for you.
But, feel free to ignore the warning and ignore the Big Picture, which is not the world ending, but Liberty being so restricted farting in public will be illegal.
in 20 years, cars will be electric, no longer spewing C02. So no need to give up the car. Just change it to be more environmentally friendly. Which is being done.
Why would I have to give up my phone? (I don't have one, but if I did?)

Where do you think electricity comes from dummy. :290968001256257790-final:


They're defiling the deserts in California. That should be a hanging offense.
in 20 years, cars will be electric, no longer spewing C02. So no need to give up the car. Just change it to be more environmentally friendly. Which is being done.
Why would I have to give up my phone? (I don't have one, but if I did?)

Where do you think electricity comes from dummy. :290968001256257790-final:



Here are some birds enjoying an oil spill:


Did you know that crude is as natural as whale shit? More propaganda and crap hyped up to create hysterics in gullible feeble simple soy boy minds like yours.

I know that the icky oil is all icky.

Did you profess in this thread any sacrifices you are willing to make? Since that oil is so icky and since you insist that is destroying the world and since you believe the earth will be destroyed in 11 years, have you decided that you will no longer use any products that rely on the icky oil that you love to hate?

Please let us know, and if you for one time in your soy boy little life that you do not want to be a hypocrite, can I make some suggestions on where you may start to make sacrifices? You know, since you would not want to be such a blatant double talking hypocrite that you are. You can start by getting rid of your cell phone. You should no longer ever use it, since it is contributing to destroying the planet according to soy boy ultra left wing hillary voters like you. You can get rid of your other devices like your laptop computer or Ipad, or whatever else generates power that your parents bought you. Get rid of all of them. You know, for the planet. As for the icky oil stuff (btw all of those products have plastics and so also rely on that icky oil too) you really ought to walk everywhere and for long distance journeys you can get a bike. If you want to be really radical, you can buy a horse. You can even buy a donkey. You can even ride a bull, but then a again a soy boy with your narrow little shoulders and soft hands, may not be able to handle....a bull.


Here is Mongo on a bull. Since you are nothing like Mongo, you may have trouble, but it is possible.

Here are some bicycles. The problem with bicycles are however is they have a lot of steel or iron and other metals in them. You will need to get rid of all products that use them cause that is of course created by burning coal and other fossil fuels, and we sure as hell know how you feel about the burning of fossil fuels. Anyway, if you just want to be a small hypocrite rather than the ginormous one you are now, try a bicycle instead of a car.

You know what? I was being rude. I may have jumped the gun. Do you know how to drive or do your parents drive you to where you want to go? Like to the skate board park or the movies with your other pothead loser trust fund baby friends?

Let me know what other things I may suggest. However, since if you do not want to be such a pathetic hypocrite that you currently are, and always have been, this ought to be the very last time I ever see a post from you again.

Good luck in your stone age lifestyle.
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Well leftists. These leftists said they would give up their phones or cars and ban all fossil fuels.

Would you?

Btw, if burning fossil fuels is made illegal, and banning all plastics, that means we live in the stone age.

So, are you really willing? Most of you are rather incapable to answering it cause we all know the answer. We know the answer and you know the answer.

But, if you want to make a serious attempt to answer and actually not be a hypocrite, let us know if you are willing.

If so, can we assume this will be the last time we ever read a post from you?

I am reminded of AOC being criticized for driving a car despite her pro-climate stance. Her reply was “yep, I even have air conditioning”.

The fact of the matter is that people need to function in the world in order to live out their lives. Unfortunately everyday life is dependent on fossil fuels and electricity. Us giving up all of
These things would not only make it impossible to function, but it wouldn’t solve the overall problem would it? The key to mitigation of climate change must come through institutional and industrial reform. Until that happens, completely eliminating one’s carbon foot print won’t accomplish anything significant.

Translation: life before oil was rough and short.


Life before oil didn’t depend on oil lol. Duh.

So why don’t you give it up? You are complicit in murdering the planet.

Because 1) Like I goddamn said I need to function in the real world. Also, don’t be stupid, if you believed as I did that fossil fuels were fucking up the planet, it’s not like your selfish ass would give it up either. Don’t tell me otherwise. And 2) Me giving up all that shit wouldn’t accomplish anything of value. This will require broad economic reform for it to be worth the effort.

You do realize it seeps naturally each and every day, right?
Natural Petroleum Seeps Release Equivalent Of Up To 80 Exxon Valdez Oil Spills
Oil Seeps at Carpinteria, California
La Brea Tar Pits - Wikipedia
If you were required to buy a hybrid for your next car/truck would that be the end of the world for you?
Required? By whom? Liberty is the foundation of this Country. Liberty is the key to innovation. Liberty is not being required to adhere to demands of another. Would the "requirement" be the end of the world? I suppose that depends on the definition of the world ending. Will it be the end of the world if your demands aren't met? Answer: No. The world has been and will continue to adapt. If it doesn't you won't be around to know it anyway. Man too will adapt, or go extinct and he adapted long before a godvernment regulation was invented to restrict Liberty so some self serving idiot could feel good about himself at someone else's expense. As this Country is founded on Liberty, you are at Liberty to worship who or what you want- what you don't have is the right to tell others how or what to worship. This nonsense is no more than finding a place where one's self worth can find value and demanding a godvernment enFORCE your religion on others.
Believe me, when this too falls by the way side the next religion will not be something you demand others adhere to- then they will come for you.
But, feel free to ignore the warning and ignore the Big Picture, which is not the world ending, but Liberty being so restricted farting in public will be illegal.
Does your ability to innovate get adversely impacted when there is a speed limit on a road? Do you prefer anarchy?
If you were required to buy a hybrid for your next car/truck would that be the end of the world for you?
Required? By whom? Liberty is the foundation of this Country. Liberty is the key to innovation. Liberty is not being required to adhere to demands of another. Would the "requirement" be the end of the world? I suppose that depends on the definition of the world ending. Will it be the end of the world if your demands aren't met? Answer: No. The world has been and will continue to adapt. If it doesn't you won't be around to know it anyway. Man too will adapt, or go extinct and he adapted long before a godvernment regulation was invented to restrict Liberty so some self serving idiot could feel good about himself at someone else's expense. As this Country is founded on Liberty, you are at Liberty to worship who or what you want- what you don't have is the right to tell others how or what to worship. This nonsense is no more than finding a place where one's self worth can find value and demanding a godvernment enFORCE your religion on others.
Believe me, when this too falls by the way side the next religion will not be something you demand others adhere to- then they will come for you.
But, feel free to ignore the warning and ignore the Big Picture, which is not the world ending, but Liberty being so restricted farting in public will be illegal.
Does your ability to innovate get adversely impacted when there is a speed limit on a road? Do you prefer anarchy?
That's immaterial and superfluous and another shallow, straw man argument.
False binary choices are fun...…

Should we go back to using lead in gas too??

What do you corporate dick suckers have against innovation??

Well leftists. These leftists said they would give up their phones or cars and ban all fossil fuels.

Would you?

Btw, if burning fossil fuels is made illegal, and banning all plastics, that means we live in the stone age.

So, are you really willing? Most of you are rather incapable to answering it cause we all know the answer. We know the answer and you know the answer.

But, if you want to make a serious attempt to answer and actually not be a hypocrite, let us know if you are willing.

If so, can we assume this will be the last time we ever read a post from you?

There is No WAY in HELL, that any Americans should allow THE UN to dictate to THE UNITED STATES how we live.

This is where ALL Democrat Policy comes from...whether you are talking about The Green New a Borderless Global a One World Currency....To Population Relocation.....and Population Control....and the abolishment of Hydrocarbon Fuels.

Agenda 2030 is a scam and so is it's offspring, The Green New Scam. There is a reason Democrats lie to us and tell us we only have 11 years to save The Planet. That is 2030. Before that, it was 2021, but then Trump got elected and smashed Agenda 21 to bits. The UN repackaged Agenda 21 as Agenda 2030 and are taking another run at Global Governance which they want in place by 2030.

UN Officials Highlight Hidden Aspects of 2030 Agenda | News | SDG Knowledge Hub | IISD
I am reminded of AOC being criticized for driving a car despite her pro-climate stance. Her reply was “yep, I even have air conditioning”.

The fact of the matter is that people need to function in the world in order to live out their lives. Unfortunately everyday life is dependent on fossil fuels and electricity. Us giving up all of
These things would not only make it impossible to function, but it wouldn’t solve the overall problem would it? The key to mitigation of climate change must come through institutional and industrial reform. Until that happens, completely eliminating one’s carbon foot print won’t accomplish anything significant.

Translation: life before oil was rough and short.

Life before oil didn’t depend on oil lol. Duh.

So why don’t you give it up? You are complicit in murdering the planet.
Because 1) Like I goddamn said I need to function in the real world. Also, don’t be stupid, if you believed as I did that fossil fuels were fucking up the planet, it’s not like your selfish ass would give it up either. Don’t tell me otherwise. And 2) Me giving up all that shit wouldn’t accomplish anything of value. This will require broad economic reform for it to be worth the effort.
You do realize it seeps naturally each and every day, right?
Natural Petroleum Seeps Release Equivalent Of Up To 80 Exxon Valdez Oil Spills
Oil Seeps at Carpinteria, California
La Brea Tar Pits - Wikipedia
What point are you even trying to make?
I am reminded of AOC being criticized for driving a car despite her pro-climate stance. Her reply was “yep, I even have air conditioning”.

The fact of the matter is that people need to function in the world in order to live out their lives. Unfortunately everyday life is dependent on fossil fuels and electricity. Us giving up all of
These things would not only make it impossible to function, but it wouldn’t solve the overall problem would it? The key to mitigation of climate change must come through institutional and industrial reform. Until that happens, completely eliminating one’s carbon foot print won’t accomplish anything significant.

Translation: life before oil was rough and short.

Life before oil didn’t depend on oil lol. Duh.

So why don’t you give it up? You are complicit in murdering the planet.
Because 1) Like I goddamn said I need to function in the real world. Also, don’t be stupid, if you believed as I did that fossil fuels were fucking up the planet, it’s not like your selfish ass would give it up either. Don’t tell me otherwise. And 2) Me giving up all that shit wouldn’t accomplish anything of value. This will require broad economic reform for it to be worth the effort.

In other words you’re full of shit, and will continue to destroy the planet instead of living a truly “sustainable” lifestyle.
Nah, you know my logic is sound. You just won’t admit it.
Environmentalists are a particularly odd mix of insane, ignorant, and unimaginably stupid.

Quod erat demonstrandum.
Should you give up your car? Maybe. You obviously need a personal vehicle but does it have to be powered an internal combustion engine? A hybrid may be cheaper and more environmentally friendly of the life of the car or truck. If you were required to buy a hybrid for your next car/truck would that be the end of the world for you?

My point, which you refuse to see, is that we can and should adapt. We shouldn't have to give up everything we need or love, just see if there are better ways of doing things. Doesn't seem like so much to ask to save the planet. Or at least Florida.
A partial list of items requiring fossil fuels in their construction-

Solvents Diesel fuel Motor Oil Bearing Grease
Ink Floor Wax Ballpoint Pens Football Cleats
Upholstery Sweaters Boats Insecticides
Bicycle Tires Sports Car Bodies Nail Polish Fishing lures
Dresses Tires Golf Bags Perfumes
Cassettes Dishwasher parts Tool Boxes Shoe Polish
Motorcycle Helmet Caulking Petroleum Jelly Transparent Tape
CD Player Faucet Washers Antiseptics Clothesline
Curtains Food Preservatives Basketballs Soap
Vitamin Capsules Antihistamines Purses Shoes
Dashboards Cortisone Deodorant Shoelace Aglets
Putty Dyes Panty Hose Refrigerant
Percolators Life Jackets Rubbing Alcohol Linings
Skis TV Cabinets Shag Rugs Electrician’s Tape
Tool Racks Car Battery Cases Epoxy Paint
Mops Slacks Insect Repellent Oil Filters
Umbrellas Yarn Fertilizers Hair Coloring
Roofing Toilet Seats Fishing Rods Lipstick
Denture Adhesive Linoleum Ice Cube Trays Synthetic Rubber
Speakers Plastic Wood Electric Blankets Glycerin
Tennis Rackets Rubber Cement Fishing Boots Dice
Nylon Rope Candles Trash Bags House Paint
Water Pipes Hand Lotion Roller Skates Surf Boards
Shampoo Wheels Paint Rollers Shower Curtains
Guitar Strings Luggage Aspirin Safety Glasses
Antifreeze Football Helmets Awnings Eyeglasses
Clothes Toothbrushes Ice Chests Footballs
Combs CD’s & DVD’s Paint Brushes Detergents
Vaporizers Balloons Sun Glasses Tents
Heart Valves Crayons Parachutes Telephones
Enamel Pillows Dishes Cameras
Anesthetics Artificial Turf Artificial limbs Bandages
Dentures Model Cars Folding Doors Hair Curlers
Cold cream Movie film Soft Contact lenses Drinking Cups
Fan Belts Car Enamel Shaving Cream Ammonia
Refrigerators Golf Balls Toothpaste Gasoline

LOL I wonder why they didn't address this and I love too how it is a partial list.

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